nice to meet you, actor lin

Chapter 184 I Have Little Emotions Again

Chapter 184 I Have Little Emotions Again (Two in One)

She bent her lips and said with a smile: "As expected of Girls' Generation! No wonder our kid wants to cooperate with Yun'er xi' every day, he looks so good-looking."

Lin Yuner got up, and Ermi approached this way. From a distance, she smiled back at Lee Min Ho's manager.

Then he chatted with his manager with a laugh.

After a while, the female agent looked at Jing Hao, shook her head and sighed, "You said that you are so good-looking that you can't enter the entertainment industry, so you have to choose the tiring job of being a doctor."

"Well, it's too late to regret now..."

Jing Hao stood where he was, a little amused by the female manager's persistence.

"Nu Na, you really deserve to be a gold broker."

The female manager squinted at him, and said slowly, "If you can't sign the artist you want, it's not a gold medal."

"By the way..." The female manager glanced at Lin Yuner, who was keeping quiet not far away, asked with her eyes, and asked Jing Hao in a low voice curiously.

"So, were you really boyfriend and girlfriend before?"

Jing Hao's heart skipped a beat, and he didn't know how to respond.

How come everyone knows this.

He couldn't help but cast a sideways glance at Lin Yun'er who was standing beside him, and then replied with a suppressed voice: "Nu Na, you also believe this kind of fake news? Didn't I come forward to clarify it?"

The female agent also laughed when she heard the words: "I didn't believe it at first, but seeing you two standing together, it's a good match."

Jing Hao: "..."

The venue for the press conference has been set up at this time, and all reporters and photographers are in place.

The surrounding light is very bright, and the background board wherever the line of sight can see is the company logo of Innisfree inlaid with bronzing fonts.

When they sat on the stage under the bright lights, the flash of the camera pierced their eyes one after another.

About a minute later, reporters began to ask questions.

[Mr. Lee Min Ho, there are rumors that you and Innisfree Group initiated this cooperation, and want to sign an endorsement contract for the next season. Is it for Ms. Lin Yuner? 】

Jing Hao turned his head and glanced at Lee Min Ho who had already taken off his mask and sunglasses.

He is holding the microphone in his hand, probably out of professionalism, and he seems to be in good condition at the moment.

There was no tiredness on the fair and delicate face, but his eyes were very clear, and he replied in a gentle voice.

"We didn't have much communication before, it's just a personal aspect, and I really appreciate the brand concept of Innisfree Group."

After half a sentence, he deliberately paused and continued: "However, I am indeed a fan of Ms. Lin Yuner."

[Then about this signing, will the two of you work together to endorse it? 】

Lee Min Ho's tone was calm: "This is to be kept secret, after all, I also signed a non-disclosure agreement."

In one sentence, the reporter's next question was refuted.

Afterwards, the topic shifted to Jing Hao who was sitting on the side, and everyone seemed to be more curious about him.

As a result, when asking questions several times, there were reporters, and there was an obvious trend of rushing.

[Mr. Jing Hao, there are rumors that you were in love with Ms. Lin Yuner before, and you participated in this relationship before Miss Lin Yuner and Mr. Li Shengji broke up. What do you think about this statement? 】

After this sharp question was raised, everyone present fell silent, and the atmosphere turned sharply downward.

Jing Hao really didn't expect the reporter to pay so much attention to him, and asked a big question as soon as he came up.

However, he did not panic, stood up, took the microphone, and answered the question very solemnly: "My friend from the reporter, this is indeed the first time I have heard such a rumor, but I can answer you. Ms. Lin Yuner and I are Very good friendship, I personally admire Ms. Lin Yuner very much, but I already have a girlfriend."

"And," Jing Hao said here, he changed the subject: "Ms. Lin Yuner is so outstanding, I believe it is very difficult for anyone not to be tempted in front of her, but my family is too strict, I am afraid there will be no chance .”

[Then why are you here today?Could it be that you are also the spokesperson of Innisfree for the next season? 】

Jing Hao cast a sideways glance at the reporter: "My friend from the reporter, am I that worthless?"

Everyone present laughed. The tense atmosphere caused by the sharp questions just now has eased a little bit here.

"However, you guessed it right. The reason why I can appear here today is indeed because of some business cooperation between me and Innisfree."

When the reporter asked questions, Lin Yuner hid by herself, with her straight and thin back, and her hands clenched into fists hidden by her side.

All the time, they fell into Jing Hao's slightly sideways gaze.

Under the glare of the light, Jing Hao could see the mist in her eyes when she lowered her eyes, and the protruding knuckles on the back of her hand when her fingertips sank deeply into her palm.

He could clearly feel that, regarding the incident at the beginning, even though Lin Yun'er said it was over, it was inevitable that she still felt a little grudge.

At this time, the reporters in the audience turned the topic to Lin Yuner, hoping to find more answers from her.

[Ms. Lin Yuner, I wonder if I can tell you, will you have a cooperative advertisement next year?If so, who will you work with? 】

The reporters came all the way today because Innisfree released the news in advance that Lin Yuner will cooperate with a male spokesperson in the next season.At this time, everyone present could see that there was an unexpected Jing Hao, and all their previous guesses had now completely turned into guesses without any reason.

Lin Yuner breathed a sigh of relief, and held the microphone to talk slowly: "As many of you have guessed, next year I will indeed cooperate in the endorsement, and this person is my good friend, Jing Hao."

"About Innisfree Group's latest quarterly items, we can't disclose anything at the moment. I hope everyone will pay more attention to Innisfree's official website. I believe the company will do its best to launch better products and show them to everyone."

Her tone was very relaxed, and she sounded very free and easy.

But Jing Hao noticed her tightly clenched palms.

The question that both of them avoided before was suddenly revealed when they came to Lin Yuner.

At this time, the reporters also took advantage of the trend and shifted the topic to Jing Hao.

[Mr. Jing Hao, does this cooperation with Ms. Lin Yuner make you feel pressured? 】

Jing Hao smiled at the camera: "It would be a lie to say that there is no pressure, but being able to cooperate with such a beautiful and outstanding star as Lin Yuner should be regarded as the sublimation of the soul."

"And it should teach me a lot, too."

【Then do you think this cooperation, with Ms. Lin Yuner, will spark sparks in the process of work?Or, do you think that a goddess image like Ms. Lin Yuner meets your criteria for choosing a spouse? 】

Jing Hao was stunned for a while, he really wanted to jump down and smash that man's dog's head off.

What the hell question is this.

This is obviously a negotiation for the company's endorsement, but now it's a bit like the scene of If You Are the One. .

Jing Hao felt that there was only one lamp in front of him right now.

The audience was quiet and there was no sound. It seemed that many reporters were very interested in this topic.

How to answer, he had no idea at all.

At this moment, Lin Yuner suddenly turned her head, and Jing Hao met her deep eyes.

There is a curious look in her gaze, which is very hot, with [-] million climbing in her dark pupils.

Like a gust of wind blowing by, a pool of ripples was blown.

Jing Hao was a little embarrassed, and almost immediately pulled back his gaze, sat upright, and looked at the camera not far in front of him.

Jing Hao's heartbeat became a little faster for no reason, and he was silent for a second, not organizing his words.

Instead, remind yourself to be sober.

Jing Hao picked up the microphone, his face suddenly darkened, and said, "Sorry, I really can't answer what hasn't happened."

The reporters behind asked Yueshifengyin's senior management some questions about the product, but at this time, Jing Hao's thoughts were not on this meeting at all.

. .

The press conference, which lasted more than half an hour, ended as scheduled.

After the reporters in the audience turned off the audio equipment and cameras, both Lin Yoona and Lee Min Ho's manager came to the stage.

At this time, Lee Min Ho had already got up, stopped beside Jing Hao, with his eyes facing the light, and asked without hesitation.

"It turns out that you are the Dr. Jing Hao who you thought about day and night and wanted to sign?"

The spotlight above his head was bright, and Jing Hao saw a trace of anxiety flashing in Lee Min Ho's eyes at a glance.

He was probably afraid that he would take away his resources.

Jing Hao replied with a smile, dispelling his worries: "Yes, but I have no plans to enter the entertainment industry."

At this time, Lin Yuner had already followed her manager out of the venue.

And Lee Min Ho seemed to have something to ask, so he asked his manager to go out and wait for him.

In the huge venue, only Jing Hao and Lee Min Ho were left.

Lee Min Ho didn't speak for a long time, he brushed the broken hair on his forehead, and when he looked up and saw Jing Hao again, his face was obviously a little unhappy.

And Jing Hao didn't have much patience to waste time with him.

Although the person in front of them could be regarded as a big star, they didn't have any conflicts of interest at their fingertips.

Jing Hao doesn't need flattery.

When he was about to turn around, Lee Min Ho suddenly said, "Do you like her?"

Jing Hao paused, and Lee Min Ho also showed a familiar look and moved forward: "A girl like Lin Yuner, probably no man will resist the urge to associate with her, right?"

"So what do you mean?" Jing Hao met Li Min Ho's gaze directly, and looked at him with piercing eyes.

In just one sentence, you can roughly see a person's potential character.

Like Lee Min Ho, there are carefully crafted celebrities in the entertainment industry.

what they need to do every day.

Just keep smiling and accept various shots step by step.

But at this moment, Lee Min Ho no longer had the gentle look in front of the camera, his face remained unchanged, and he looked at Jing Hao.

"Do you know why I chose to work with her?"

"I don't know." Jing Hao frowned.

Lee Min Ho ignored Jing Hao's somewhat impatient expression, and said, "A few years ago, when I was backstage at the SBS Gayo Festival, I was immediately struck by her beauty."

"To be honest, I have never seen such a beautiful girl with such a perfect personality. Since then, I have been interested in her and have been following her every move..."

"So you've said so much, what do you want to express?" Jing Hao interrupted him, and looked back at him with calm, even a little cold eyes.

"First come first, first come first, remind you, don't have undue thoughts about her."

Jing Hao didn't intend to talk to him at first, it's normal for someone to like Lin Yun'er.

He didn't intend to talk nonsense to him at first, but what he just said aroused Jing Hao's strong psychological dissatisfaction.

And some potential, inexplicable irritability, causing trouble in the body.

Jing Hao looked at Lee Min Ho, was silent for a few seconds, raised his eyebrows, and smiled indifferently: "She's mine!"

Jing Hao saw Lee Min Ho's dark eyes, and didn't give him another chance to speak.

Just arrived at the waiting area outside, the staff were dismantling the equipment.

There was some confusion at the scene, while Lin Yuner, two managers, and Zhao Yuzeng chatted on the sofa beside them.

Jing Hao's eyes flickered, and his eyes moved to Lin Yuner's fair face.

There was a faint smile on the corner of her mouth, but her expression didn't have much warmth.

It could be seen that she was not very interested.

As he walked over, Lee Min Ho's manager suddenly stood up and waved to Lee Min Ho who was following behind him.

"At the press meeting just now, why didn't you answer that question directly? You don't really have any other thoughts about our Ms. Lin Yuner, do you?" The female manager looked at Jing Hao curiously.

But at this moment, Lee Min Ho's voice was strange, and suddenly came from behind him.

"The interview will be posted online, Jing Haoxi, probably because he is afraid that if he says something wrong, it will make Lin Yunerxi look bad?"

"After all, Jing Haoxi already has a girlfriend, so it's easy to recruit gangsters by talking about what he has and what he doesn't have."

Jing Hao glanced at Lee Min Ho who was approaching Lin Yuner, and then at the other three, who were a little embarrassed and silent.

To be honest, at this moment, Hashtag really wants to catalog Lee Min Ho's real face and post it on the Internet.

Let his fans take a good look at what kind of person their idol is.

Suppressed emotions.

Jing Hao took what he said just now pretending to be natural, with a smile on the corners of his mouth and eyes.

Just as she was about to speak, Lin Yun'er, who was sitting on the far side of the sofa, suddenly stood up, facing Zhao Yu on the other side, her voice was low.

"Mr. Zhao, I suddenly remembered that I still have some things to deal with, and I might have to leave early."

"Well, you go to work first." Zhao Yu nodded.

After giving the female manager the look of taking good care of your artist, Zhao Yu also got up and left with Lin Yuner.

Lin Yun'er pursed her lips, lowered her eyes and walked towards the corridor.

The distance from Jing Hao standing by the passage gradually narrowed, when they met head-on.

Her expression was unwavering, she didn't stop for a moment, and continued to move forward.

In fact, she could see him if she only had to look away a little, but she didn't.

It was as if they were just meeting for the first time.

 Today's recommended song: Bad Boy——Sistar
  Ask for tickets, ask for tickets, ask for tickets~~~

(End of this chapter)

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