nice to meet you, actor lin

Chapter 185 That's it!

Chapter 185 Let's say it like this! (two in one)

"Mr. Zhao, I suddenly remembered that I still have some things to deal with, and I might have to leave early."

"Well, you go to work first." Zhao Yu nodded.

After giving the female manager the look of taking good care of your artist, Zhao Yu also got up and left with Lin Yuner.

Lin Yun'er pursed her lips, lowered her eyes and walked towards the corridor.

The distance from Jing Hao standing by the passage gradually narrowed, when they met head-on.

Her expression was unwavering, she didn't stop for a moment, and continued to move forward.

In fact, she could see him if she only had to look away a little, but she didn't.

It was as if they were just meeting for the first time.

Passing by, Lee Min Ho suddenly stepped in front of Lin Yuner.

"Lin Yunerxi, it's an honor to meet you. Can you add a kakao? Maybe we will have some cooperation in the future."

Lin Yuner turned around and looked at Lee Min Ho with the same expression, without the slightest hesitation in her voice.

"Sorry, I don't have a kakao for work, you can contact my agent."

Lee Min Ho paused, and looked at her with a smile: "I'm talking about private kakao."

"We are just artists signed by the company, and it's not you who I'm working with, so it's not very convenient to leave your personal contact information. If there is any problem, Lee Min Ho can contact Mr. Zhao, and he will help transfer it."

After finishing speaking, Lin Yun'er turned around, quickened her pace, and left straight away.

Lee Min Ho, who received the wrong one, lost the air he had just at that moment, turned around and sat on the sofa, sulking.

At this moment, only Jing Hao and the female manager were left. The female manager understood her artist's temper and said to Jing Hao with a smile.

"I originally wanted to invite you to dinner today, but it seems that I can't do it now. Another day, another day, call Lin Yuner and Zhao Yu, and let's get together."

Although Jing Hao didn't feel very good when facing Lee Min Ho, he had nothing to complain about when facing this agent who had always wanted to sign him, so he just smiled back and said, "Okay, thank you Nuna."

Probably due to professional requirements, female agents always have some unique insights on topics in any industry.

From the entertainment circle to the design circle, even the business circle and Jinghao's medical circle can chat about something casually.

They chatted casually like this until Jing Hao's cell phone rang.

After he answered Song Zhongji's call, he found an excuse and said goodbye to the female manager.

The temperature in Athens at noon was a little scorching hot. When Jing Hao walked out of the lobby of the building rented by Innisfree, the air outside was wrapped in a wave of heat and rushed towards his face.

Song Zhongji was standing on the square and waving at him. Jing Hao, who was so hungry, was also irritated by the big star inside at this moment, so he lost his appetite.

On the way back, Song Zhongji was driving the car, Jing Hao nestled in the back seat, and vomited out what happened to him in the lounge and dressing room today.

Of course, the stubble of Lee Min Ho was omitted.

After hearing what happened to him, Song Zhongji raised his eyes and glanced at the rearview mirror, and said casually.

"It's ok, I've only been here for a few days, and we've met so many times. The fate between you and Yun'er was really tied when Yuelao hooked you up."

Jing Hao rolled his eyes at him.

As a bystander, Song Zhongji naturally couldn't understand Jing Hao's feelings in recent days.

Now that he thought about it, it was not difficult for him to understand why everyone was curious about their relationship.

Based on the frequency of encounters, from anyone's point of view, they would probably feel that he has nothing to do with Lin Yuner, and it is abnormal.

Jing Hao took a long breath, thinking that he would cooperate with Lin Yuner to shoot commercials in the future, his chest heaved suddenly, before he could speak, Song Zhongji turned his head and said.

"But if it's really possible, you still have to take good care of it yourself. I just watched Yuner's interview and interview just today."

"In addition to how we usually feel when we get along with her, how should I put it, I think there are really too few girls who are good-looking and upright, and you really have to cherish them."

Jing Hao sat up straight, turned his head and looked out the window, the dazzling sunlight was blocked by the coating on the window.

There are few pedestrians on the pedestrian street in the distance, and occasionally there are couples clasping their fingers, shaking from sight.

Jing Hao's star-like eyes were filled with a layer of indistinguishable emotions, and his mind fell into unprecedented chaos.

It wasn't until the green light turned on and Song Zhongji restarted the car that he slowly came back to his senses.

The corner of Jing Hao's mouth raised a slight smile, and he said with warmth in his eyes: "I don't know when it started, maybe it was from the first time I saw her, I couldn't help but see her." heartbeat..."

Jing Hao took a light breath, and the light reflected by the glass window flickered in his eyes.

Song Joong Ki gave him an incredulous look, and tapped the steering wheel with his hands rhythmically to express his jealousy from a single dog.

This is, is he listening to other people showing affection?
Then Song Zhongji raised his eyebrows, and said solemnly: "You two should be chatting online now, so there's no need to talk about it when you meet?"

"I think if you two go on like this, you will become an online dating. Online dating is the most unreliable thing. Be careful that one day, you will be poached."

Jing Hao bent his lips, not worried about this question at all: "She won't."

Song Zhongji was small, and after a brief silence, his tone became meaningful.

"You two are in love in an illusion that you have constructed out of thin air. In a real sense, you are living in your own imagination. There is only her in your life, and she is still on the Internet now. How can you know that other people Is that good? So does she."

Jing Hao didn't speak, but lightly touched the screen with his fingertips, and the displayed page was still their chat box.

. . .

After Lin Yun'er left the venue, her manager took her to have a light meal under Innisfree's building, and then returned to the lounge on the fourth floor.

She took the casual clothes she had prepared in the morning and went to the bathroom to change out of the tight-fitting skirt.

When she returned to the lounge again, the manager had already placed the book she was reading on the table.

"By the way, what's going on between you and Jing Hao recently? Why do you feel weird?"

The manager was very puzzled. She always felt that something was wrong with Lin Yuner, but she couldn't see what was wrong.

Lin Yun'er glanced at the manager indifferently, walked over, and said calmly, "It's nothing."

"Oh..." The manager heard that she was not in a good mood.

Lin Yuner walked around the room, and finally stood in front of the bright floor-to-ceiling windows, looking at the prosperous scene in the center of Athens.

At this moment, the boredom in my heart is gradually disappearing.

She was going to go back, but when she was about to leave the venue, Zhao Yu said that she had something to look for her in the afternoon, so she could only stay in Innisfree's building.

After standing quietly for a while, when Lin Yuner turned her head, her gaze casually swept across the desk not far from her again.

She turned around and walked to the desk, supporting the desk with one hand, while flipping through Jing Hao's resume on the desk with the other hand.

Although she was already very familiar with it, Lin Yuner's Yingrun finger slowly touched Jing Hao's resume when she was looking at it.

He is really good.

His eyes flicked, and the paper slipped between his fingers.

Lin Yuner bent over, pressed her arms on the table, and slowly flipped through her fingertips.

Suddenly, when I was flipping through it, I saw a special, handwritten document.

Lin Yuner looked up curiously, she was rather scribbled, and her position in her resume was relatively deep.

If Lin Yun'er didn't notice, she might not be able to find out.

What was written on it was something about Jing Hao that even she didn't know.

"Jing Hao and the second lady of LG Group..."

Lin Yun'er looked at the things said on the paper in surprise, and a wave of waves arose in her heart.

LG Group?

No wonder the "gossip" heroine I found was an executive of LG. It turns out that the person related to Jing Hao is the LG Group?
There are not many things written on the paper, it just mentions that Jing Hao has some connection with the LG Group, and it mentions the title of LG's Second Miss and the energy of the Second Miss in the group.

And Jing Hao commissioned the second miss, Cheng Cailing, who was found, to act as the explanation of the "gossip heroine".

Lin Yun'er frowned, her extremely pale eyes gradually dimmed.

"How did he get involved with that "Second Miss"...?"

"If you want to get help from others, you must pay a price that matches it. So, what else did he pay?"

Lin Yun'er's deep, watery eyes suddenly became clear and bright.

The comfort of the air conditioner in the room was just right, but she could still feel a wave of heat rolling and burning in her body at this moment.

The manager turned and left while Lin Yuner was reading, because she didn't like to be disturbed until she was studying.

At this time, the door of the lounge had already been closed, and the room was completely silent.

Lin Yun'er was reading the book quietly at this time, but she couldn't see those things, all she could think about was Jing Hao.

Her eyes swept blankly over the books, but what flashed through her mind was the past scenes with Jing Hao.

The back of his hand gently wiped the fine sweat from his forehead, and his pink lips curved into a slight smile.

. . .

After about ten minutes, the door of the lounge was pushed open, and Zhao Yu walked in slowly. At this time, Lin Yuner was resting on the computer chair with her eyes closed.

Hearing the sound, she rubbed her forehead, got up and walked to the desk, and asked in a low voice, "Mr. Zhao!"

Zhao Yu nodded faintly, walked to the side sofa and sat down, his eyes stayed on her slightly tired cheeks for a moment, and then moved to the books on the table.

Asked: "If I didn't guess, this is the original novel of the Huaguo drama you are going to shoot next year?"

Lin Yuner glanced sideways at the book, stayed there for two seconds, then turned to Zhao Yu and said, "Yes, I have nothing to do now, so I'll take it out and have a look, and do my homework in advance."

Zhao Yu was silent for a while, and asked, "Can I have a look?"

"Yes." Lin Yun'er smiled slowly. She stepped forward and stood aside, staring down at Zhao Yu's posture holding the secretary. After thinking about it, she still couldn't hold back.

"Mr. Zhao, I remember, are you from Huaguo?"

Zhao Yu nodded, but did not give an answer. His eyes stayed on the preface and table of contents of the book for a while.

He looked up and suddenly laughed.

"Just looking at this point, the crew you found, Yun'er, is quite good."

Lin Yuner: "Are you so sure?"

Zhao Yu said casually: "Well, I have actually paid attention to the entertainment in our country at present, because our company may find artists from other countries to endorse at any time, and Hua Guo must be in the scope of consideration. inside."

"I have always paid a little attention to domestic entertainment."

"I haven't read the specific content of the book carefully, but judging from the idea here and some ideas of the author, it should be a good script."

"Then, let me borrow Mr. Zhao's auspicious words." Lin Yuner suddenly said this sentence in Chinese. Although the accent is not very standard, it can be clearly distinguished by the listener.

Zhao Yu's eyes lit up: "Did Jing Hao teach you? You even know things like Ji Yan?"

Lin Yuner smiled a few times: "I also learn Chinese, okay? And... we two broke up a long time ago..."

Zhao Yu joked with a smile: "But I think at the meeting today, you don't look like you broke up with someone."

As he said that, Zhao Yu gave Lin Yuner a meaningful look.

His expression is very intuitive, and it reminds Lin Yuner at a glance that at the press conference, Lin Yuner took the initiative to reveal that it was Jing Hao who cooperated with him.

Lin Yun'er couldn't help but squeezed the fingers hanging on one side, pretending to be calm and said: "Then... If he can come today, it means that you must be looking for him."

Zhao Yu was suddenly amused by her avoidance in front of him.

"You, you, you are still hiding in front of me."

Seeing that Lin Yuner didn't speak, he chuckled again and asked her: "However, you two, what's the situation now? The running-in period?"

Lin Yuner was stunned for a moment, then quickly waved her hands: "No..."

Zhao Yu smiled helplessly: "Actually, what I said in front of the two of you at the beginning was not a scene. I really hope that the two of you can come together."

"You two are young people I am very optimistic about. You have many regrets that I have left more or less in your body."

Speaking of this, Zhao Yu looked at Lin Yun'er whose eyes were already a little dazed, deliberately adjusted the atmosphere, changed the subject, and said in a serious tone.

"If the two of you can really get together, I will definitely give you a big red envelope!"

Lin Yuner's back was facing the floor-to-ceiling windows, under the shadow of the backlight, her deep dark pupils were as calm as a calm lake.

Under Zhao Yu's heavy gaze, Lin Yuner froze for several seconds before recovering.

"With the red envelope?"

She finally realized that if Huaguo got married, relatives and friends she knew, etc., would all be accompanied by a red envelope to express congratulations.


When she realized this, Lin Yuner Fangfei's thoughts instantly seemed to be awakened by a needle, and a blush flashed across her plain cheeks.

"...Then let's talk about it!"

 Today's recommended song: Child——Mark
  Ask for tickets, ask for tickets, ask for tickets~~~

(End of this chapter)

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