nice to meet you, actor lin

Chapter 186 Bad Woman and Dangerous Woman

Chapter 186 Bad Woman and Dangerous Woman (Two in One)

Under Zhao Yu's heavy gaze, Lin Yuner froze for several seconds before recovering.

"With the red envelope?"

She finally realized that if Huaguo got married, relatives and friends she knew, etc., would all be accompanied by a red envelope to express congratulations.


When she realized this, Lin Yuner Fangfei's thoughts instantly seemed to be awakened by a needle, and a blush flashed across her plain cheeks.

"...Then let's talk about it!"

"By the way, how long has it been since we got together?" Looking at Lin Yuner's face, Zhao Yu couldn't help but think of this incident.

Lin Yun'er was startled, she pursed her lips randomly and said, "Didn't we just renew our contract? Did Mr. Zhao forget it so soon?"

Zhao Yu slapped his head: "Yeah, time flies too fast, look at my memory. But seriously, Yoona xi, you have really cooperated with our brand for a long time, thank you very much for letting me Innisfree has grown so fast in the past period of time."

"Thank you very much. I left you alone today. Firstly, I had a little gossip. I wanted to know about you and Jing Hao. I came here because of the order of the president. I must treat you to dinner today. meal."

"I don't know, do I have the honor?"

Lin Yun'er smiled: "At first, I wasn't going to agree, but since Mr. Zhao has said that you will bring a big red envelope when Jing Hao and I get married, how can I have the nerve to refuse you?"

Zhao Yu laughed loudly, and then called his assistant, who booked a table in the best restaurant in Athens, and then dragged Lin Yuner to go there together.

In fact, Zhao Yu can be regarded as Lin Yuner's guide.

As early as [-], before Girls' Generation's "gee" was released, I fell in love with Lin Yuner's image, and recognized her brand image as the spokesperson of Innisfree.

This is due to Zhao Yu's girlfriend at that time. In [-], Yoona Lin starred in the Japanese drama "You Are My Destiny" filmed by KBS TV station. In the drama, she played Zhang Shibi who has a cheerful personality, The image of insisting on loving life in pain immediately hit Zhao Yu's girlfriend.

After Song Hye Kyo's endorsement, Yue Shi Fengyin was looking for the latest spokesperson. The first one she chose was Wen Geunying, and during that time, Zhao Yu was still looking for new candidates.

It happened to be during the broadcast of "You Are My Destiny", Zhao Yu's girlfriend was successfully attracted by Lin Yuner, and she gave Zhao Yu Amway.

And Zhao Yu, who never watched dramas before, also watched "You Are My Destiny" completely because of his girlfriend, and was immediately attracted by Zhang Shibi in the drama.

It was from that time that Lin Yun'er came into his sight.

Afterwards, in [-], I successfully got in touch with Lin Yuner and successfully cooperated in the endorsement, which has been endorsed until now.

It can be said that Innisfree is really an important driving force for Lin Yuner, because the commercials shot by Innisfree can be said to have a unique style in the cosmetics industry. The heroines in the commercials they shoot are all beautiful It's as exquisite as shooting a pictorial.

In addition, Lin Yuner's already outstanding appearance, as well as her unique temperament, can be said to complement Yue Shifengyin's style, and the image in the commercial has also attracted many, many new fans.

And such benefits are mutually accomplished. While Lin Yuner harvested a large number of fans, Innisfree also gained a lot of love from young ladies and various housewives after watching Lin Yuner's advertisement.

Then when the contract was renewed this year, it was also Zhao Yu who fought against all opinions, and finally made the decision to continue to renew Lin Yuner's contract after a long discussion with the management of the company.

At seven o'clock in the evening, after having dinner with Zhao Yu, Lin Yuner chose to take a taxi back to the hotel by herself.

The smell of the air conditioner in the carriage was not very pleasant, Lin Yuner leaned on the back of the chair, stretched out her hand and rolled down the window.

The lights and shadows of the street flickered intricately, half-covered and reflected on her straight facial features, adding a layer of fine mottled shadows.

After Jing Hao came to Greece, what happened flashed in her mind like a movie.

Her eyes are tender, and she looks out of the window with soft eyes.

At this moment, she is more awake than ever.

Maybe it was the sentence that Zhao Yu said casually, to give Jing Hao and Lin Yuner a big red envelope when they got married, which hit Lin Yuner's heart.

At that moment, she suddenly seemed to have an answer in her heart.

Reason was being devoured bit by bit, and she didn't know how to speak.

The hot wind in the air invaded Lin Yun'er's cheeks, her eyelashes trembled, and her fingers unconsciously opened to the top.

Lin Yuner: 【Busy? 】

Jing Hao stood by the desk in the room, staring down at the chat box on the phone.

After leaving the building rented by Innisfree with Song Joong Ki, the two of them went out for dinner again.

After returning to the hotel and washing up, he turned on his phone again.

The whole day, Lin Yun'er didn't chat with him on kakao.

And Jing Hao didn't take the initiative to leave a message for her on kakao.

Jing Hao squeezed the space between his eyebrows, just as his fingertips were groping on the keyboard of the phone.

The next second, unexpectedly, her news came in.

Jing Hao's finger resting on the screen subconsciously curled up.

The low temperature of the air conditioner in the room and the stuffy heat outside have moved into two worlds.

Jing Hao was wearing a fog-gray pajamas bought in Athens. The bottom three buttons of the skirt were only loosely buttoned. His hard and strong chest was hidden under the pure cotton fabric.

Under the warm light, these promises are barely exposed.

He propped one hand on the desk, his eyes were serious, the broken hair on his forehead was covered between his brows half dry.

Lin Yuner's "Are you busy?" seemed to be questioning, and seemed to want to know what he was doing at the moment.

Jing Hao didn't ask her to wait, and immediately typed: [I just had dinner with Song Zhongji, and I just came back to wash up. 】

Jing Hao intentionally talked about his itinerary for today, on the one hand to reassure her, and on the other hand, to tell her that he has plenty of time at the moment.

But Lin Yun'er didn't mention a word, as usual, the beginning of the chat was very casual.

Lin Yuner: [That's it! 】

Lin Yuner: 【What did you have for dinner? 】

Jing Hao secretly breathed a sigh of relief, pulled out the stool under the desk and sat down: [The steak I ate was medium rare. 】

In fact, compared to the western food here, Jing Hao prefers the food he ate at home before, but helplessly, the Chinese restaurant here makes things that Jing Hao can't accept.

Therefore, I can only eat western food with them.

Lin Yun'er: [You guys like to go to night markets or bars to eat at night, don't you?How do you eat so well? 】

Jing Hao held the phone in both hands, and slammed his chin on the table in a comfortable posture.

He wanted to respond that the occasion of feasting and feasting would easily make him dizzy in vision, and drinking was actually not his strong point.

Just as he was about to type, his faint eyes fell on the text she sent again.

After biting the words, he responded to her: [How did you know that boys like places like that? 】

Jing Hao raised his chin, straightened his sitting posture, lowered his eyes slightly, and watched the chat box, the movement on her side.

He seemed to be waiting for her next words.

However, the other party seemed to just ask casually: [Isn't it? 】

Jing Hao replied directly: [Idiot, who told you? 】

The two confronted each other through the network cable. After a while, Jing Hao took the initiative and seduced her.

Almost without thinking about it, he added: [Don't cover everything with partiality, maybe the men around you, or many people you've heard, prefer such a place. 】

After sending this sentence, Jing Hao suddenly felt that his heart was struggling.

There is a feeling of irritability in the heart when standing on a scorching summer afternoon.

He didn't want to predict the infinite possibilities of the sentence just now.

I could only be patient and wait quietly for her reply.

Two seconds later, Lin Yun'er and the others came back calmly: [Wrong guess. 】

In a daze, Jing Hao showed a gentle smile between his brows.

He followed her words and asked: [What's wrong? 】

Lin Yun'er: [I have never dated a boyfriend other than you, so I don't know. 】

Jing Hao was suddenly responded by her, his heart beat fast, and his breathing became heavier unconsciously.

Her reply to this sentence was very flat, it seemed like usual, not very important small talk.

But when it fell into Jing Hao's eyes, it was a little more solemn.

Jing Hao pursed his lips and suppressed his smile: [I'm talking about male friends, don't you have one? 】

Lin Yuner's tone remained unchanged: [No.At least nothing very intimate. 】

Jing Hao's heart sank for a moment, and he thought of Lee Min Ho in the daytime again. I don't know how many people like this are staring at Lin Yun'er.

Jing Hao deliberately set up a trap: [Won't there be many followers around girls, especially you? 】

Lin Yuner answered without any surprise: [Yes. 】

Jing Hao's chest was blocked for a while, and a sense of loss came over him: 【Right, those kind of friends can also be regarded as friends of the opposite sex. 】

As if aware of it, Lin Yuner was silent for a while: 【Yes, yes, but I never gave anyone a chance. 】

After getting her answer, the breath stuck in Jing Hao's throat finally calmed down, and the corner of his mouth smiled.

Gui Chong was struggling mentally, and Jing Hao couldn't help but confirm for the last time: [You, do you want to think about it again? 】

Lin Yuner seriously replied: [No, I'm very sure. 】

Because he was too sure, the hashtag assassin seemed to have taken a tranquilizing pill.

But while swallowing, the other party suddenly returned a message.

Lin Yuner: [That's right. . . . 】

It was like being in an empty street, suddenly the sound of firecrackers rang out, and they exploded on the nerves of his head. Jing Hao took a breath and asked: [Huh? 】

He could clearly feel that he was going to have a nervous breakdown by Lin Yun'er who was facing him.

Just a few seconds apart, the other end seemed to be thinking deeply.

Lin Yuner: [I remembered. 】

Lin Yuner: [Yes. 】

She didn't give him a chance to type at all, but she had the habit of not saying a word clearly at the moment.

Let his breath stagnate, his eyes darken.

Jing Hao rested his chin in one hand, looked at the screen of the mobile phone, and the beating "the other party is typing" on her side, his eyes were a little dazed.

However, the other party maintained his usual indifferent attitude and responded slowly.

Lin Yuner L: [That person is you. 】

Jing Hao was stunned, and it took him a while to react.

He shook his head, throwing away the chaotic thoughts just now.

The smile on the corner of his mouth widened, and when he was about to enter, the other party sent another message.

Lin Yuner: [You seem to be a little different tonight. 】

Lin Yuner: [I can understand your problem at the moment, is there a little problem?What do you want to know? 】

Lin Yun'er's ambiguous y words, as if she had a deep understanding of human nature, exposed Jing Hao's hidden thoughts from the perspective of God.

Jing Hao opened his eyes wide in surprise, he didn't even realize what he was doing at the moment.

Because of Lee Min Ho during the day, there is a little problem.

However, after Lin Yun'er picked it out, he instantly withdrew his fingers from touching the keyboard.

A little bit like playing dead.

All of a sudden, I felt that the troubles I had been bored all afternoon were really a little mediocre.

He has long been caught in the net of heaven and earth created by himself, even if it may bring a devastating Shanghai.

He could only approach her cautiously, little by little.

This is like a poppy at midnight, it may have a deadly temptation to sink people into it and devour it bit by bit.

What does he want to know at this time?
Lin Yuner's past relationship?Or the opposite sex group around her and related to her?
Jing Hao glanced out of the window. In the black night, the halo of the room was dyed from the top of his head.

Jing Hao: [Women are dangerous, including you. 】

Lin Yuner: [Yes. 】

She didn't refute, and she knew it very simply.

But precisely because of this decisiveness, Jing Hao felt helpless.

Jing Hao asked back: [So, are you? 】

Lin Yuner: [What? 】

Jing Hao's tone was serious and serious: [Bad woman. 】

The dialog fell silent.

Jing Hao lowered his eyes, staring at the phone in a daze.

Fingertips tapped on the table in boredom, anxious and restless, unable to decompress.

After a lapse of 1 minute, her news came.

Lin Yuner: [I am not a bad woman, but I may be a dangerous woman. 】

Jing Hao asked in confusion: [Is there any difference between the two? 】

Lin Yun'er: [Bad women will weigh the pros and cons before doing anything, but dangerous women will not, they will only follow their own feelings, regardless of right or wrong. 】

Jing Hao frowned, puzzled: 【For example? 】

She was silent.

Waited a long time.

Lin Yuner: [For example. . . 】

Lin Yun'er: [In the face of some things, I may not be able to maintain my rationality, I may not be able to restrain myself, and make wrong choices. 】

Yes, just like before, without considering those things, she directly chose to break up with Jing Hao.

As for Jing Hao, he had gradually taken root in her psychology, and even became a dependence, stationed in every corner of her body.

 Today's recommended song: Not Shy——ITZY
  Ask for tickets, ask for tickets, ask for tickets~~~

(End of this chapter)

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