nice to meet you, actor lin

Chapter 187 The meaning of being careful

Chapter 187 The meaning of being careful (two in one)

Jing Hao frowned, puzzled: 【For example? 】

She was silent.

Waited a long time.

Lin Yuner: [For example. . . 】

Lin Yun'er: [In the face of some things, I may not be able to maintain my rationality, I may not be able to restrain myself, and make wrong choices. 】

Yes, just like before, without considering those things, she directly chose to break up with Jing Hao.

As for Jing Hao, he had gradually taken root in her psychology, and even became a dependence, stationed in every corner of her body.

Jing Hao lowered his head, his fingers touched the phone screen, and the light was blocked by his body.

Fragmented hair hangs above his dark pupils, his brows are handsome and cold.

At this moment, he was in a deep daze, as if he had broken into a foggy forest that had never been there before.

He didn't know what was going to happen next.

When he felt that in his mind, it seemed that he was about to understand something and was about to truly grasp some emotions.

These words of hers contained a force, pushing him back abruptly.

But Jing Hao was not reconciled.

Not reconciled to his full expectations, in this forest, she was pushed out of bounds.

Jing Hao sat quietly for a few seconds, with a complicated expression: [But you are fine now! 】

After sending it out, she suddenly felt that it might be okay to put it in someone else's place.

But what he said at this moment did not seem to be convincing.

Lin Yuner: 【It's fine now, but it doesn't mean it will always be fine. 】

Lin Yun'er: [Although we have been in love before, during that time, we didn't know each other that deeply. With desire and some relationship growth, we will want more. 】

Lin Yuner: [People change, and I am no exception. 】

The room was silent, and no one spoke on either end of the phone.

Jing Hao's eyes locked on her words, from the literal meaning to the interpretation one by one.

The more he looked, the heavier the darkness shrouded his heart.

Jing Hao took the words seriously: [I don't quite understand. 】

Jing Hao didn't understand why Lin Yuner suddenly lowered her favorability infinitely.

Are you telling him not to have expectations of her?

Lin Yuner's tone was serious: [I haven't thought it through yet, give me some time. 】

Jing Hao was nervous for a second, then pretended to be relaxed and said casually: [Okay, I have confidence in you and myself. 】

Lin Yun'er replied quickly, with a free and easy tone: 【Don't be so sure. 】

Jing Hao raised his eyebrows and smiled: [I have this confidence. 】

Lin Yun'er leaned on the back of the back seat of the car, the hot wind from the window blowing on her side face.

Her expression was very light, her gaze was faint, but the corners of her lips curved upwards slightly.

The person on the opposite side always looks personable and confident.

When Jing Hao faced Lin Yun'er, his gentle character made Lin Yun'er willing to admit defeat.

From the corner of her eye, she looked outside, and the street was brightly lit, and the vehicles were constantly flowing, which was quite an intricate scene.

Just like, the same state of mind at this moment.

Lin Yuner rubbed the center of her brows, and said clearly: 【Okay! 】

Just when she was hesitating whether to end the topic, so that she could thoroughly organize her thoughts.

The news on the other side immediately fell into her eyes.

Jing Hao: [You suddenly said these words to me today, do you want me to lower my expectations of you? 】

Lin Yun'er pursed her lips and remained silent for a moment: 【Expectations don't affect my mood when I see you, but you need to understand that I may make mistakes in my bones. 】

Lin Yuner: [There may be some mistakes that you cannot accept. 】

Jing Hao: [I don't know what happened to you today, but please don't say that about yourself in the future. 】

Jing Hao: [Everyone will always have moments of depression. If you are in a bad mood or sad at the moment, I will not advise you to be stingy with your tears. 】

Jing Hao: 【However, you must always remember that after you wipe away your tears, I will always be there. 】

Jing Hao: 【Also, no matter your place in my phone or your weight in my heart, it's very important. You're really good, so don't doubt yourself. 】

Lin Yun'er's heart suddenly tightened, and the suffocation feeling of being strangled was rising.

But in just a few seconds, that feeling was released.

The relationship between the two of them now has an indescribable but indescribable ambiguity.

But in this relationship, so far, both parties have been very restrained and rational, and they have not let it go further casually.

What kind of existence Jing Hao is in her life, it is difficult for Lin Yuner to tell for a while.

Before getting to know Jing Hao, because of the influence of her broken family since childhood, Lin Yuner always felt that she could be a wise person in her relationship.

But the series of things that happened in the front end, interpreted from her own point of view, from Jin Zhiyuan's point of view as a bystander, Lin Yuner found that she was not as rational as she imagined.

In my own eyes, I am more like a clumsy and vulgar woman, unceremonious, but self-righteously defending the territory that belongs to me.

without considering the feelings of others.

Does she love Jing Hao?
Lin Yuner could say this answer confidently without hesitation at the first time,
But while loving him, Lin Yun'er didn't want to think of herself as before, with Jing Hao being unclear, getting together without sorting out everything.

The occurrence of the scandal is more like a warning to Lin Yuner.

Now the two of them love each other very much, whether it is psychologically or behaviorally, they are very sure of this fact.

But there is no guarantee that if we get back together at this point in time, if we encounter such a thing in the future, we will break up again.

This time, it was within the controllable range. After the two of them adjusted themselves, they could continue to be together.

But what if it happens again next time?
Next time, it may not be limited to the current situation.

It is even very possible that there will be no possibility of compounding.

This is the fact that the two of them are very clear in their hearts.

The car was driving on the street, but Lin Yun'er lowered her head slowly, closed her eyes and straightened her body, I was in the car seat.

Her vision was pitch black, but in her mind, Jing Hao's clean facial features clearly appeared.

That time on the Sunshine Coast, to the later night market, a few contacts.

But only today was the first time they got closer and spent a long time alone in the same space.

Jing Hao's face is white and smooth, his features are sharp and angular, and there is always a faint warmth between his brows.

However, Jing Hao's self-cultivation and conversation are a little different from the Jing Hao Lin Yuner knew before.

He became less cold, and his whole person became a little more friendly.

The long eyelashes with tightly closed eyes trembled in the breeze blowing in through the car window.

The phone in his palm vibrated suddenly, shattering the image in his mind.

Lin Yun'er raised her eyes slowly, sat up straight, and her eyes fell on the chat box on the phone again.

Jing Hao: [Let me show you]

Jing Hao: [Picture. 】

Lin Yuner touched and opened it with her fingers.

It was a portrait of her drawn by Jing Hao.

A very three-dimensional rendering, lifelike, as if there is really another Lin Yuner in the world in the phone.

Jing Hao: [Does it look good?You're the first to see it, lucky you. 】

Jing Hao: [(Be good, be happy. jpg)]

Lin Yun'er was taken aback for a moment, then her lips curled up from the corners of her eyes, and a smile diffused around her.

At this moment, she looked at the portrait calmly, and a bright light suddenly shone in her heart.

Lin Yun'er's smile deepened, and the dimple at the corner of her mouth was also revealed at this moment, beautifully: [It looks good. 】

Jing Hao: [Aren't you going to praise me?As perfect as I am, I can enter the operating room to treat diseases and save lives, and I can enter the kitchen to flex my muscles, and occasionally draw beautiful things.You have to know that there are not many people as perfect as me. 】

Lin Yuner laughed lowly.

Well, since he came to Athens this time, he has become more and more narcissistic.

However, she didn't hate it.

Instead, I feel like I like him a little more.

Lin Yuner: [I can interview you, your upper right corner, why do you want to add a special thing? 】

Jing Hao: 【Are you careful? 】

Lin Yuner: [Yes. 】

He threw an emoji over.

Jing Hao: [(Damn it, I was discovered by you. jpg)]

Randomly he continued to send almost unconvinced: [Would you like to draw a picture for me to see? 】

Lin Yun'er thought for a while: [But I'm not very good at drawing, and my photography skills are also quite bad, even with a bit hot eyes. 】

Jing Hao deliberately teased her: [I figured it out, otherwise why didn't you post the photo on kakao. 】

Lin Yuner was successfully amused by him: [Yes. . .So can you talk now? 】

Jing Hao: [What? 】

Lin Yun'er: [The date is written with deep meaning. 】

There was a few seconds of silence over there, faintly, there was a feeling of having a bad idea.

Jing Hao's deliberately wary tone: [What do you want to do? 】

Jing Hao: [(You are a bad old man!. jpg)]

Lin Yun'er's eyes were clear, and she smiled: [I want to know more about you. 】

Jing Hao: [This is a secret. 】

Lin Yun'er hesitated for a while, and suddenly felt a little embarrassed: [It's okay, if it's inconvenient, you can pretend that I didn't ask. 】

In the next second, Jing Hao compromised himself: [Okay, do you have to listen? 】

Lin Yuner paused on the phone with her fingertips: 【Just, if it's convenient. 】

In fact, for Lin Yuner, no matter how much she knew about Jing Haodi, she felt that it was not enough, and she wanted to know everything about him.

It's like his habit of writing, there's nothing to think about, but she just can't help it, she wants to know.

Jing Hao secretly organized his thoughts: [Only you know this secret, so you will be happier in the future. 】

Lin Yun'er responded to him quietly: [Yes. 】

Jing Hao: [Actually, my favorite profession is not a doctor, but photography. 】

Jing Hao: [But the purpose of becoming a doctor is for my sister. When she was a child, she admired those uncles and aunts in white coats, and she wanted to become a doctor when she grew up. 】

Jing Hao: [However, it is a pity that when she was 16 years old, an accident happened, and her dream went with it. 】

Jing Hao: [So, I used the heart symbol in the painting without clothes, because my sister likes that little symbol the most, I think, so that I can remember her forever. 】

Lin Yun'er's eyes darkened for a moment, and she felt a little regretful because of her curiosity and her questioning of him.

She never knew that a big boy like Jing Hao, who was cold on the outside and hot on the inside, would hide such a heavy thing in his heart.

Moreover, every time he performs an operation, he should think of the person who left.

She couldn't empathize with such a feeling.

However, he knew that it should be very painful, very painful.

Lin Yun'er immediately responded to him: [She must be able to feel your warm love all the time. 】

The world seemed to stand still.

Lin Yun'er understood that the most fragile forbidden area in the human heart, every time it was mentioned, there would be a biting cold wind that would penetrate into it.

It's not about men and women, it's about gender.

The dimness in her eyes disappeared, Lin Yuner asked him cautiously: 【Are you going to sleep? 】

Jing Hao: [What about you?What are you doing? 】

Lin Yuner looked at the hotel not far away, at this moment the taxi was about to pull over.

Without any consideration, he replied directly: [Just arrived at the hotel, I am going to wash up and rest first. 】

After pausing for a few seconds, Jing Hao replied to her: [Don't be too tired, adjust your sleep well. 】

Lin Yun'er didn't care: [Well, good night. 】

Jing Hao: 【Good night! 】

After finishing speaking, he put away his mobile phone, and the car had already parked beside the steps in front of the hotel.

Lin Yuner took the clothes, opened the car door, and walked slowly towards the hotel gate.

The secret exchanged with him suddenly made Lin Yun'er have some feelings.

When she reached the hotel lobby, she didn't go up directly, but bought a cup of cappuccino, turned around, and sat on the sofa in the coffee shop.

She turned on her phone, and at the bottom of the photo album, she found the photo that she had torn up, then reassembled, and glued together with tape.

The four fragmented and vague people inside appeared at the bottom of her eyes.

The faint bitterness of coffee filled the nose, making it sour.

Lin Yun'er's fingertips lightly touched the phone screen, as if feeling the breath of the person in the middle of the photo.

Time passed along with the precise night, after a cup of coffee was finished, what appeared on the screen of her mobile phone was no longer that photo.

but a number.

It was a series of numbers without any notes, but imprinted in her mind all the time.

After a long silence, she sighed, but finally did not dial the number.

The family of four in the photo left alone when Lin Yuner was very young.

And the string of numbers that Lin Yun'er remembered was the phone number of her mother who had left.

At least, it was the phone number at that time.

But for so many years, Lin Yun'er has never dialed that number, not once.

Get up and put away your phone.

Lin Yun'er always knew in her heart that from the day that woman, the person she should have called "mother", left them.

Lin Yun'er, no matter when she dials that number, there will be no blood relationship.

Only interruptions remain.

 Today's recommended song: Deep Blue - Willian Black, Monika Santucci
  Ask for a ticket, ask for a ticket~~~

(End of this chapter)

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