Chapter 188 Bar Night Walk (Two in One)

And the string of numbers that Lin Yun'er remembered was the phone number of her mother who had left.

At least, it was the phone number at that time.

But for so many years, Lin Yun'er has never dialed that number, not once.

Get up and put away your phone.

Lin Yun'er always knew in her heart that from the day that woman, the person she should have called "mother", left them.

Lin Yun'er, no matter when she dials that number, there will be no blood relationship.

Only interruptions remain.

After washing up, thinking about the appointment that she would move to live with Jung Soo-yeon tomorrow, Lin Yuner tidied up her clothes in advance.

It was already ten o'clock in the evening when the packing was finished.

She had just laid down, and the bedside lamp was still on, when she suddenly remembered something.

It was as if an electric current was running through her body, she sat up straight suddenly, leaning her back against the head of the bed, and froze a little bit.

Consciously or unintentionally, the fingertips twirled the hair hanging down his shoulders.

Breathing stagnated in her chest, she swallowed with difficulty.

She frantically clicked on the chat box on her mobile phone, her eyes fixed on Jing Hao's two sentences.

[Adjust your sleep well. 】

【Good night. 】

she. .

It's a little hard to have a good night.

If it was before, I wouldn't think so much.

But this time I heard such words. .

The beating of the heart accelerated with the breathing, and the tense nerves were broken.

Lin Yuner bit her finger and hesitated for a long time.

Finally issued: [You. . . . 】

Lin Yuner: [(The kitten tilts its head in doubt. jpg)]

As soon as her message was sent, the other party's message came in.

Jing Hao pretended not to understand: [What am I? 】

Lin Yuner raised the back of her hand and patted her forehead, her cheeks were burning hot.

She seemed to be blaming him: [Why are you so disgusting. . . 】

Jing Hao had no choice but to: [Hey, look at the chat history by yourself, it was you who said you were too tired and needed to wash up and rest. 】

Lin Yun'er's face was covered with black lines, and she sat quietly.

Lin Yuner: [Oh. . . 】

Lin Yuner: [Really? 】

Lin Yuner: [Then I, take a look. 】

After she finished talking to herself, every cell in her body was screaming, obviously the temperature of the air conditioner in the room was very low at this time.

But at this moment, her whole body was burning hot.

God, it's really going to die.

Holding the phone, she picked up the pillow and buried her face in it.

I'm a little shy. . .

Just finished performing "The Legend of Zhen Huan" in her heart, she slowly raised her head, staring at the chat box on the phone with a little peripheral vision.


Jing Hao didn't answer her.

No step down for her.

this person. . .

Lin Yun'er clasped the edge of the pillow with her fingers, and then rubbed it against the phone screen: [You are too bad. 】

Lin Yuner: [(I decided to ignore you. jpg)]

Jing Hao: [You said that you might be a dangerous woman, so there is nothing wrong with me being a bad man. (laughing. jpg)]

Lin Yuner was speechless: [. . . . 】

The sudden good night was a bit overwhelming. .

Lin Yun'er's mind was as if stuffed with cotton, and then she touched her lips with her fingers, and hurriedly changed the subject: [Eh. . .The stars are quite beautiful tonight. 】

Jing Hao: [Well, it seems to be raining, please close the windows after reading. 】

Lin Yuner was stunned, about to vomit blood due to her short-term dementia.

He fell into the quilt and patted the mattress with his hands without any rhythm.

God, she said something mentally retarded.

The messy long hair covered her cheeks, and she brushed the strands of hair out indiscriminately.

He found the phone from under the quilt, and said very uneasy: 【You next time. . .Don't do it again. 】

Lin Yuner: [You are not allowed to seduce me again! (angry.jpg)]

Jing Hao replied to her quietly: [Now I know, are you going to the Sunshine Coast? 】

Lying on the bed, Lin Yun'er rested her chin with one hand, annoyed him: [I don't want to talk to you anymore. 】

Lin Yuner: [(The kitten turns its head and hums. jpg)]

The other party seemed to be laughing at her: [Do you want me to coax you? 】

Lin Yun'er blushed, her eyes flickered: 【Don't! 】

Lin Yuner: [I'm so sleepy, good night! 】

Jing Hao followed her: [Go to sleep. 】

. . .

In the next few days, I fell into work.

Jing Hao suddenly became busy, and Zhao Yu told him that there were still some things that Lin Yuner hadn't finished, so the progress of the advertisement of the two of them had to be postponed.

So during this period of time, Jing Hao hurriedly went to the crew to finish filming some of his clips.

And the person on his mobile phone seemed to have a tacit understanding, and got busy.

I made an appointment with Song Joong Ki on Friday to meet at a music bar in Athens.

Jing Hao couldn't figure out why Song Zhongji, a man, always had a place of desire every time he went on a date.

As soon as five o'clock, Jing Hao drove a car borrowed from the crew to pick up Song Zhongji, and went to the music bar with him.

While on the road, he told Song Joong Ki that he and Lin Yuner had made an appointment to shoot commercials together.

The two quarreled for a while, and Song Zhongji finally gave Jing Hao a ambiguous look.

With a low laugh, looking at the road ahead, he nodded thoughtfully, and then the smile in the corner of his eyes was obvious: "I don't know, can I meet your sweetheart in the music bar tonight?"

Jing Hao didn't pay attention to Song Zhongji's nonsense, and completely regarded him as farting in front of him.

Just after parking the car in the square of the music bar, Song Zhongji's cell phone rang again.

Jing Hao got out of the car early and stood outside waiting for him.

Two minutes later, the window of the car was lowered by Song Zhongji, and he shook the phone towards Jing Hao.

He said helplessly: "I have to go out for a while. The director of my company has come to visit me. I have to pick him up. You can go shopping here first, or find a place to eat. I invite you."

Jing Hao nodded: "Okay, then you should drive carefully."

There are restaurants all around the square of the music bar, and there is a mobile high-end department store opposite.

But Jing Hao is a big man, and he really doesn't have much interest in shopping.

But at the moment, it is the rush hour for getting off work. There is a constant flow of vehicles on the street and pedestrians are in a hurry.

After Song Zhongji left, Jing Hao thought that there should be no one around, so he found a random place in the square and sat down.

As the time got late, the colorful lights around the square shone brightly, which undoubtedly attracted many romantic couples.

Originally, he thought it was nothing, after all, he was not the only single man.

And this time.

There happened to be a loving couple who happened to be sitting next to him, and after cuddling and hugging, they started feeding each other without any scruples.

In fact, this is not bad, but I didn't expect that the more extreme is yet to come.

They even had a kiss in public.

The lips and teeth were intertwined in the ear, and the woman's selfless low and deep voice made Jing Hao on the side feel a deep sense of helplessness and tingling.

The excitement was a little bit high, and Jing Hao couldn't stay still.

Reluctantly, he got up and went into the music bar, ordered some food, and waited for Song Zhongji.

After sitting down, Jing Hao looked carefully at the environment of the bar.

The style is more literary and artistic, the lighting is very soft and warm, the decoration is more retro, there is no dance floor in the middle, and a circular resident stage is replaced.

In an extended corridor, there is a bartending counter next to the wall. The friendly waiters and handsome bartenders have become the most beautiful embellishments in the dark place.

Perhaps because there are still relatively few customers at present, the resident singer has not yet performed on stage, and the melodious piano music is played in the infield, and the atmosphere is harmonious and romantic.

Glancing at the time, it was almost 10 o'clock, and it had been nearly [-] minutes since Song Zhongji left.

Jing Hao ate a sandwich.

Sitting on the sofa directly opposite the stage, in terms of visual effects, this is the most effective place to watch the performance.

The waiting time was very boring, while he was watching the fiery red flame cocktail prepared by the bartender at the bar.

Habitually picked up the phone, clicked on the top box, and touched the message input bar with his fingertips.

Chatting with her aimlessly: [Flame Red Lips Cocktail, and Ice Blue, which one do you like? 】

The other party didn't reply in time, Jing Hao sat on the sofa and waited quietly.

After 2 minutes, her news came.

Lin Yuner: [I haven't heard of it. 】

He was a little surprised: [Have you never been to a bar? 】

Lin Yuner: [I've been there. 】

Lin Yuner: [But I seldom drink in bars. 】

Jing Hao had some surprises.

When the little girls go to the bar now, they will be attracted by the novelty and colorful cocktails.

Even if it is a bad drinker, at least under the influence of curiosity, there should be some tastes.

Especially in a place like the entertainment industry, this made him feel a little unbelievable.

Jing Hao: [Really?Don't lie to me. 】

Lin Yun'er replied helplessly: [I really didn't lie to you, I drink because I drink, but I usually drink beer and soju, I rarely touch cocktails. 】

Only then did Jing Hao believe her.

But after thinking about it, how did she go to the bar?Who did you go with?
Jing Hao's eyes suddenly darkened a little, just when he was about to ask her.

Lin Yuner's news came into view: 【Which one do you like? 】

Jing Hao bowed his head and turned back to her: [Lie Yan, but it also has another name, Angel's Kiss. 】

Immediately afterwards, Jing Hao told her the insights he got through his own search engine: 【The name is Angel Kiss, which means that drinking this wine is like kissing an angel.This cocktail is decorated with a red cherry on the white whipped cream, which is very cute and called an angel's kiss,]

Jing Hao: [When you enter the mouth, you will feel a burning sensation when it touches your lips. After a little taste, what remains on your taste buds is mellow and clear. 】

Jing Hao: [If you have a chance, you can try it. 】

Although Jing Hao spoke thoroughly, she didn't seem very interested.

Lin Yuner: [I'm not interested. 】

Jing Hao was taken aback, and replied to her: [Don't make trouble, I'm serious. 】

Jing Hao continued to explain: [The liquor that looks like a burning flame, like the drops of water on the red lips, carries hidden dangers and touches the deepest desires and desires in people's hearts. 】

Lin Yuner was silent for a moment: [Well, I probably understand. 】

Jing Hao was stunned for a second: [Understand what? 】

Lin Yun'er seemed casual and unintentional: [Men's preference. 】

Like a torrential rain pouring down on his head, Jing Hao's fiery expectation was immediately extinguished by her words.

He tilted his body and leaned against the sofa, expressing his innocence: [Men, when you see something that shocks your vision, more or less, you will have the urge to taste it. 】

Lin Yun'er: [What if it's a human? 】

Jing Hao: [What? 】

Lin Yuner: 【For example, your "rumored girlfriend". 】

Unsuspectingly, he fell into her trap, and Jing Hao's eyes were only left with a black mist, floating indistinctly.

He squeezed the space between his eyebrows: [Okay, I was defeated by you.If I do it again now, I would rather insist on exposing to you than do it all over again. 】

Lin Yun'er: [Humph (¬︿¬☆). 】

Lin Yun'er: [It's so scary, didn't you say that Cheng Cailing looks pretty good? 】

Jing Hao: [What's the use of looking good?She's not you, and when the two of us are together, it's really awkward. 】

Lin Yuner: [What about my second sister, Jung Soo-yeon?I remember, someone bumped into her on the plane, right?And said. . . emmm. 】

Jing Hao: [Thinking of those unreasonable thoughts, I am afraid that her fans will send razor blades. 】

Jing Hao: [That time at the airport, if I knew that she was Jung Soo-yeon, I would definitely have walked around with my head in my arms. 】

Jing Hao: [It's scary just thinking about it. 】

But as soon as he finished speaking, Jing Hao regretted it.

Jung Soo Yeon and Lim Yoon Ah are teammates, and they both happen to be in Athens right now. .

Finished calf.

Jing Hao patted his open mouth, and typed carefully: [You must not sue, I was joking with you at that time. 】

Lin Yun'er: [Didn't you say that seeing her would create an association? 】

Jing Hao's Adam's apple rolled and itched slightly, hitting his heart directly.

He continued to type with difficulty: [Please, don't say it. 】

Yes, if Jing Hao knew her identity earlier, how could Jing Hao dare to think so much.

He felt that if this happened to someone on the other side of the phone, he might not be able to live through it for the rest of his life.

Thinking of the goddess' cold aura, Jing Hao couldn't help shivering.

Quickly change the subject: [It seems that you have been busy these days, how are you doing now? 】

Lin Yuner: [It's okay. 】

Jing Hao sighed helplessly: [You must have a good rest in the past few days, and pay attention to ensuring sleep. 】

Lin Yuner: [I know. 】

Lin Yun'er: [I'm shopping outside with my Ernie, I'll be back in a while. 】

Jing Hao nodded to himself: [Me too, waiting for a friend. 】

Lin Yuner: [Bar? 】

Jing Hao's body shook violently, and before he could reply, Song Zhongji's slap had already landed on his shoulder.

In order to prevent him from making trouble like last time, Jing Hao directly turned off the screen of his phone and put it in his pocket.

The number of customers gradually increased at this time, and Song Zhongji brought twice the cocktails and put them on the table.

Tell Jing Hao that this store is an open performance tonight, as long as they are customers with membership status, they can apply to sing on stage.

Jing Hao nodded. Although he sang well, he didn't want to show his face on such an occasion.

 Today's recommended song: Tomorrow Tonight——Loote
  Ask for tickets, ask for tickets, ask for tickets~~~

(End of this chapter)

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