nice to meet you, actor lin

Chapter 189 Lin Yuner Was Entangled

Chapter 189 Lin Yuner Was Entangled (Two in One)

Jing Hao nodded to himself: [Me too, waiting for a friend. 】

Lin Yuner: [Bar? 】

Jing Hao's body shook violently, and before he could reply, Song Zhongji's slap had already landed on his shoulder.

In order to prevent him from making trouble like last time, Jing Hao directly turned off the screen of his phone and put it in his pocket.

The number of customers gradually increased at this time, and Song Zhongji brought twice the cocktails and put them on the table.

Tell Jing Hao that this store is an open performance tonight, as long as they are customers with membership status, they can apply to sing on stage.

Jing Hao nodded. Although he sang well, he didn't want to show his face on such an occasion.

Crowds of people in the evening, department stores.

Lin Yuner and Jung Soo-yeon just came out of the mall after eating, and it was almost eight o'clock.

The message on the kakao chat box was still stuck at the question she sent, but the other party didn't reply, Lin Yuner pursed her lips, put the phone away and put it in her bag.

Jung Soo-yeon, who was walking in front, glanced at the music bar across the way, suddenly became interested, turned around and said to Lin Yuner: "Yuner, it's still early, why don't we go to the bar for a while?"

Lin Yun'er looked in the direction she was looking at just now. It was a commercial street with shining lights and a little dazzling.

The bar decorated in the style of ancient buildings is located right in the middle of the square. Compared with a row of modern-style restaurants on the side, it strongly demonstrates its uniqueness.

It suddenly remembered what the person on the phone said, "flaming red lips, angel's kiss".

The neon lights hung in the corner of the bar, colorful lights flashed in her clear pupils, silently sending her a signal to taste.

"it is good."

Lin Yuner didn't think, but answered directly, but Zheng Xiuyan was stunned.

She thought she had heard it wrong.

The girl in front of her, who looks very peaceful, used to just appear in front of fans. In fact, Lin Yuner in private, especially when she is with her teammates, she has a rather playful personality.

But that's all there is to it.

Although she is quite noisy in front of her teammates, she doesn't really like going to places like bars.

Perhaps because of her outstanding looks, every time Lin Yuner went to the bar, she would meet many people asking for her contact information, wanting to get closer to this national goddess.

But it is real, very interested in bothering Lin Yuner and going out to play with teammates.

As time passed, she became less willing to go to the bar to play.

Looking at Jung Soo-yeon who was still standing there in a daze, Lin Yuner turned her head and asked her: "What's wrong? Ernie? Are you not leaving?"

The corner of Jung Soo-yeon's mouth twitched unconsciously.

She was really a little dumbfounded. This person, could it be that he went shopping with her, because he went shopping with something wrong?
She falsely asked Lin Yun'er again: "I'm talking about the bar, not the coffee shop next to it."

"Are you doubting my hearing?"

"I... ok."

Jung Soo-yeon took back her words, and silently looked at the younger sister who was already walking towards the bar.

She always felt that she knew Lin Yuner quite well, but after she left the team, especially after Lin Yuner fell in love, she felt that she seemed to be a different person.

Obviously before, when Jing Hao didn't come to Athens, she was quite dependent on herself, and wanted to check on herself.


I don't understand.

Very abnormal.

When eating, Lin Yuner's mind was always on her phone, and Jung Soo-yeon felt that there was something wrong with her.

But I am embarrassed to ask.

Coming to the music bar plaza, Jung Soo-yeon approached Lin Yoon-er, and was about to say, since you don't drink cocktails anyway, why don't we go back.

But before the words came out, who knew what went wrong, my sister suddenly asked her, "Have you ever drank the Flame Cocktail?"

"No." Jung Soo-yeon shook her head in bewilderment.

"Then I'll buy you a drink."

Jung Soo-yeon was stunned again, and it took a long time to recover, she stretched out her hand and touched Lin Yuner's forehead: "That's strong alcohol, it's very strong, you don't drink high-alcohol all the time, you only drink beer and soju Is it?"

Lin Yuner nodded seriously: "I know."

She also knew that the wine was just like the water droplets on the red lips.

It was the evening when I went out, and the air in Greece was generally sticky and hot at night.

Lin Yuner was wearing an off-white chiffon shirt and a blue plaid pleated skirt. The overall look was clean and neat, just like a school student.

The pleats of the skirt hang down on the white thighs, and what is exposed is the slender calves an inch above the knees and below.

A set of very simple matching suits, but it perfectly brought out her natural and pure aura.

Walking along the corridor to the center of the bar, the waiter next to him was attracted by the clean and gentle girl in front of him from time to time.

And the other person beside her has a somewhat dull look, and the indifference in her expression always gives people an illusion.

These two people seem a bit out of place with the ambiguous atmosphere created by the dimly lit environment.

Cocktails of various colors and beautiful luster are displayed on the bar counter.

Lin Yuner's pupils were dark and clear, ignoring everything around her.

His eyes only stayed where she wanted to go.

Approaching the bar, she put one foot on the ground and sat on a chair in front of the bar.

Jung Soo-yeon told the bartender about their needs, and then sat quietly by the side, feeling Lin Yuner's unusualness tonight in her mind.

There was piano music flowing in the air, a hazy and dreamy feeling, this quiet atmosphere was completely different from the bars that Lin Yuner had seen in the peninsula before.

Perhaps because it is in Greece, even the bars here have a romantic style.

While waiting for the wine, Lin Yun'er leaned against the bar counter, propping her side face with one hand.

Shifting sight, through the dimly lit corridor, along the direction of extension.

His eyes fell on the center stage in the center of the bar.

No one is playing now, and her gaze only stays for a few seconds.

And when she was about to withdraw her gaze, on the opposite side of the stage, blurred by the lights, some vague and clear figures flashed past in her sight.

In the other corner of the bar, there is a smoking area.

A girl was leaning against the wall, wearing a tight black suspender miniskirt, her slender legs were exposed to the air without any concealment, and her immature face was painted with heavy makeup that did not match her age.

She held the freshly lit cigarette between her fingers, took a puff, and slowly exhaled the smoke ring, and the scattered mist blurred her small facial features.

Randomly, she thought of something, with a mischievous smile on the corner of her mouth, and said in an arrogant tone to a few girls of the same age beside her.

"The Jing Hao you saw on the Internet is the prey I'm eyeing now."

"Jing Hao? What are you talking about? We are in Athens. Isn't he in the peninsula?"

"Hmph." She put away her smile, looked down at the soot on her fingertips, and snorted coldly.

"Remember the plane we came to Athens before? I saw him on the plane."

"However, if he comes here, you have to meet him to have a chance?"

The girl gritted her teeth: "Hmph, I don't believe I can't meet him! Besides, how can a man not cheat? I go to the famous bars and nightclubs here, and I don't believe I can't meet him!"

The girl on the side went on to say, "But, he also came to Athens? What's the matter, isn't he a doctor?"

The girl curled her lips: "Isn't that Lin Yun'er? She's filming here now, he probably came here specially to find him! Don't let me find that fox, Meizi! If I meet him, I will definitely teach you She eats!"

The girl fiddled with the lighter in her hand, squinted her eyes, and her eyes turned cold.

"I haven't had enough of what happened in the Black Sea back then!"

After finishing the words, she walked towards the bar while stretching out her hand to deliberately pull down the V-shaped collar, revealing her proud career line.

After Jing Hao and Song Joong-ki gathered for a while, the sharp-eyed Song Joong-ki noticed Lin Yuner and Jung Soo-yeon who came in, and immediately clicked on Jing Hao, then pulled Jing Hao and walked over, wanting to say hello to Lin Yuner, By the way, let Jing Hao chat with others.

Do what a wingman should do.

But on the way past, he saw a young lady with hostile eyes standing in front of Lin Yun'er.

Facing the stranger who stood in front of the two of them, who looked like a little girl, Jing Hao's condensed gaze was not warm, but the warm and sunny aura all over his body made it difficult for the girl in front of him to look away.

This girl just pushed Lin Yun'er hard in front of him.

From Jing Hao's point of view, without hearing what they just said, he couldn't draw any correct conclusions, but he only saw this fashionable little girl with a stern look at first glance.

It should not be a good person.

When he was about to step forward to help Lin Yuner teach the little girl a lesson, he was suppressed by Lin Yuner's eyes and movements shaking his head at him.

Obviously, Lin Yun'er didn't want Jing Hao to be involved in this matter.

Maybe it's Jing Hao's clean and handsome appearance, or because of his polite and easy-going conversation, or his gentle manner.

Compared with the whistling man on the street, this model is undoubtedly the most attractive to girls, who are full of fantasies about him.

The girl who was still confronting Lin Yuner just now, following Lin Yuner's eyes, also noticed Jing Hao approaching.The girl took a few steps closer, raised her eyes with smoky makeup, her eyes were full of coquettishness, and her bright red lips were curved.

"Jing Haoxi, hello, I'm your fan, nice to meet you."

Does the person in front of you seem to know you?

"I'm an anchor, can I leave your contact information? I want to broadcast a live broadcast with you, please make a price."

The voice of the person in front of him was soft, his fingers were twirling the broken hair on his forehead, his chest was puffed up intentionally or unintentionally, and the rounded arc under the deep v was very obvious.

In this dimly lit environment mixed with soft piano music.

Ambiguous, it's hard not to be exciting, and it shocks the man's vision, and the adrenaline soars.

Such naked frivolity made Jing Hao have no interest in this kind of woman, and he couldn't even arouse any psychological desire.

Instead, it annoyed him a bit.

With a light glance, Jing Hao didn't want to pay attention at all. He frowned with a stern expression.

For people who don't like it, "Bingtan" has never been deliberate.

As a good buddy, Song Zhongji naturally understood Jing Hao's point.

Aside from other things, the girl's figure in front of her is indeed very hot, and she has a taste of ecstasy in the middle of the night.

But Song Joong Ki has always been unwilling to have a relationship beyond friendship with such a girl. The most important thing is that his identity is too sensitive, and the other party is an anchor with influence.

But Jing Hao is his best friend in the crew, so Jing Hao's affairs are naturally his own affairs.

Adhering to this level of relationship, coupled with the particularity of Jing Hao's current identity, Song Zhongji naturally thought of helping Jing Hao solve this big trouble.

He put his hands in his pockets, approached the girl in a loose posture, and looked at her playfully with his eyes.

For a moment, he tilted his head to her ear, and said in a hoarse voice, "Our Dr. Jing Hao has no shortage of assistants, but I do lack...women."

People who have been in entertainment venues for a long time are well aware of this meaningful tone.

The girl turned her head, and Song Joong Ki looked sideways at her eyes.

The handsome appearance under the light, coupled with the implied words, the meaning is self-evident.

The girl smiled coquettishly: "But, I like Jing Haoxi, you can't."

Song Zhongji raised his eyebrows, squinted his eyes slightly, hooked the flames that made women fall, and said in a low voice: "Little sister, my model, if you don't try it yourself, how will you know if it will work?"

Inadvertently glanced at Song Zhongji's clothes, ck's latest casual clothes.

After thinking for a few seconds, she winked and smiled: "How to try?"

Song Zhongji smiled, stretched out his hand, and tapped her shoulder with his fingers: "Change the place, you can try whatever you want."

The girl pretended to be angry, squinted at him, straightened her body, and deliberately raised her voice: "Ouba, this is not good, I, Erni, are still here?"

This made Song Zhongji a little embarrassed, and the co-authored play just now was for nothing.

No fun!
He withdrew his body, glanced at Jing Hao self-indulgently, curled his lips to express his helplessness, then paced out, smoking a cigarette to relieve his boredom.

Hearing the little girl's "Oni" just now, Jing Hao was a little puzzled.Because of the look of hatred on her face the moment she pushed Lin Yun'er.

It seems that there is not such a harmonious relationship between sisters.

And when Lin Yuner was in love with him before, he didn't hear any information from her that she had a younger sister.

He pondered for a few seconds, then looked sideways at the person beside him.

Lin Yuner's hair tied behind her head was already half loose on her shoulders due to the collision just now.

Jing Hao turned his gaze, and caught a glimpse of the seat where Song Zhongji was sitting when he found them just now, on the edge of the bar, there was still half a glass of unfinished Chi Yan cocktail.

Jing Hao lowered his eyebrows, since Lin Yuner didn't want to be involved in this matter, but he also didn't want to see her being entangled, so he thought for a few seconds and said a word for no reason.

"I seem to still have a little understanding of the cooperation, Yunerxi, do you want to go together?"

Lin Yun'er was slightly startled, and looked at Jing Hao with pure eyes.

 Today's recommended song: Normal No More——TYSM
  Ask for tickets, ask for tickets, ask for tickets~~~

(End of this chapter)

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