nice to meet you, actor lin

Chapter 190 Heroes save beauty?

Chapter 190 A Hero Saves the Beauty? (two in one)

Lin Yuner's hair tied behind her head was already half loose on her shoulders due to the collision just now.

Jing Hao turned his gaze, and caught a glimpse of the seat where Song Zhongji was sitting when he found them just now, on the edge of the bar, there was still half a glass of unfinished Chi Yan cocktail.

Jing Hao lowered his eyebrows, since Lin Yuner didn't want to be involved in this matter, but he also didn't want to see her being entangled, so he thought for a few seconds and said a word for no reason.

"I seem to still have a little understanding of the cooperation, Yunerxi, do you want to go together?"

Lin Yun'er was slightly startled, and looked at Jing Hao with pure eyes.

Jing Hao's words were very straightforward, using their cooperation as an excuse to avoid excessive interpretation by others.

"Okay." Lin Yun'er responded, picked up the bag on the bar, and walked away.

But was once again blocked by the little Taimei.

She more or less saw it.

The feeling between these two people is hazy and unpredictable, but as a woman, from the way Lin Yuner looked at Jing Hao just now, it is not that simple at all.

Lin Yuner is such a proud person, no matter who she looks at, she is so normal, but when she looks at Jing Hao, her eyes are so soft.

The little girl smiled, with a slight sarcasm on her face.

"It seems that Jing Haoxi doesn't want to cooperate with me. Is it to avoid suspicion with me, so that I can be lingering with her?"

"But today is really unfortunate. She can't leave with you. The matter between us hasn't been resolved yet."

Jing Hao frowned, glanced at the little girl coldly, and then turned to Lin Yuner beside him.

The voice was as gentle as ever: "Lin Yunerxi, do you want to stay and deal with it?"

. . . .

The lights in the center of the stage flickered and dazzled, together with the dark environment off the stage, they were imprinted in Lin Yuner's pupils.

With weakened vision, it is difficult to recognize the real appearance of that figure.

And at this moment, a soft voice came from behind, which fell into Lin Yun'er's ears unconsciously.


In an instant, an infinitely magnified darkness appeared in the memory, permeating with this affectionate title.

Lin Yun'er turned around suddenly, her cherry pink face was as white as paper in an instant.

The gorgeous face in front of her, with a bright smile, was like Tengmai rising from the abyss, wrapping around her limbs.

Inch by inch, strangling the softest part of her heart.

The hand that was pressing on the bar counter curled up and held tightly.

Lin Yun'er tried her best to suppress the disgusting aura rolling in her chest.

But after being dazed for a few seconds, she regained her senses, turned around and straightened her sitting posture stiffly, with her back to the face that disgusted her so much.

Jung Soo-yeon, who was chatting with the bartender, caught Lin Yuner's reaction out of the corner of her eye.

His eyes moved back, and he glanced at the little Taimei who was full of social atmosphere.

She was a little puzzled, but it was only for a moment. She didn't know this girl, and thought that she might have made a mistake, so she didn't care.

The bartender pushed the fiery red cocktail in front of Lin Yuner.

Before he could say the name of the wine, the girl in front of him grabbed the glass and drank the wine in one gulp.

The flame-like residual heat was imprinted on the palm of her hand, but Lin Yun'er felt the cold shivering.

Just as she slowly let go of the glass, someone sat down next to her, approaching her ear.

"Oni, it's only been a few years, and you don't know me anymore?" The light breath, mixed with the strong smell of perfume, sprayed on Lin Yun'er's ears.

The arm on one side was grabbed by someone, and the moment the skin touched it, it was like a hundred insects and scorpions crawling all over the body.

The sickly sticky, disgusting voice catalyzed her nerves a little bit.

She couldn't keep calm, but the people beside her were not reconciled, and continued to approach: "Oni, how have you been these few years? I miss you very much."

The glass tumbled down on the bar with trembling palms, Lin Yuner closed her eyes and restrained the trembling all over her body.

She looked sideways, looking at the infinitely magnified face in front of her eyes, and there was a foreign body rolling up in her throat.

She could only swallow back, suppressing the heavy feeling in her chest, Lin Yuner maintained a distant indifference.

"Really? Then I need to thank you for remembering me?"

The little girl burst out laughing: "O'Neill, why are you so indifferent? When you saw me back then, it wasn't like this."

Having said that, another smug smile slipped from her red lips.

"At that time, you were very obedient, just follow..."

"Just like a puppy, it's very pitiful!" She pressed against Lin Yun'er's side face, and the accentuated syllables were engraved in her cochlea.

The power of the whole body collapsed at this moment, the remaining consciousness was controlled by the invisible palm, Lin Yun'er had no strength to resist.

And at this moment, Jung Soo-yeon's voice approached from behind her ear: "Yun'er, do you know each other?"

She couldn't hear what they were saying, and couldn't see Lin Yuner's expression at the moment.

But Jung Soo-yeon, relying on the tacit understanding of her teammates for many years, could vaguely feel Lin Yuner's resistance.

After a second of silence, Lin Yun'er turned her head, her eyebrows slightly frowned, and her tone was a little flustered.

"It's okay, Ernie, you go out and wait for me first, and I will handle it myself."

"You..." At first, she wanted to say something, but Jessica Jessica was quickly repelled by the pleading look in Lin Yuner's eyes.

"Okay, then call me if you have anything to do." Jessica glanced at the smiling young lady, then got up and left.

. . .

At this moment, Song Zhongji, who was sitting in the distance, with his legs crossed, was leaning on the sofa in a leisurely posture, holding a glass, and his eyes wandered around every corner of the bar.

Suddenly, his scattered eyes fixed on the bar counter, gradually focusing, and a delighted smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Lin Yuner!"

Jing Hao turned his head and followed his gaze into the distance. . .

The light at the bar was dim, and the little girl slowly retracted her body, shaking her slender legs, leaning against the side of the bar.

His gaze was leisurely, as if looking at a long-lost doll, looking up and down at the girl in front of him.

Affordable and simple clothing, with a clean and restrained atmosphere, is undoubtedly the most comfortable side for people to see.

But in her bones, there is a tenacity that I hate.

Xiao Taimei was the earliest, one of the actual organizers of the "Black Sea". Among the people who planned and organized the "Black Sea", she was the one who disliked Lin Yuner the most.

Not because of anything else, maybe just because Yoona Lin is the first girl from Girls’ Generation to collaborate with SJ.

Before Lin Yuner's debut, s and m, who valued her more, came up with several collaborations for her, and they were all scheduled to co-star with the boy groups in the company at that time.

In Girls' Generation, Lin Yuner was also the first candidate to be made public.

The group of people who organized "Black Sea" may have different people who they hate the most, but what they have in common is that the members they hate are all in the group of Girls' Generation.

After the successful implementation of "Black Sea", the entire Girls' Generation temporarily stopped all aspects of the itinerary, only Kim Taeyeon as the captain, and Lim Yoona as the face, shouldered the exposure schedule of the entire Girls' Generation.

Among them, Kim Taeyeon is in charge of the radio show, while Lim Yoona is filming "You Are My Destiny".

And this little sister, when Lin Yuner was filming, often found some people behind her back, deliberately harassing her from various aspects.

The reason why Zhang Shibi in "You Are My Destiny" was able to appear so vividly is because of the evil little sister.

Although in fact, he didn't make any serious threat to Lin Yun'er's personal safety, but it was really, truly disgusting to her.

When Lin Yuner was at her most broken, she took the initiative to find the little sister, even though she was praying, but at that time, in Lin Yuner's eyes, the little girl didn't see the slightest bit of resignation.

It was precisely because of this that she didn't want Lin Yuner to have a hard time.

Lin Yun'er never talked about these things with her teammates or her family, but just persisted silently.

After the filming of "You Are My Destiny", perhaps because of Zhang Shibi's popularity, Lin Yuner's exposure became more prominent. From then on, Xiao Taimei never dared to trouble Lin Yuner again.

I am afraid that if someone else shoots it, it will have an adverse effect on myself.

The little girl raised her hand, raised her fingertips slightly, and looked at the broken diamonds on her manicure comfortably, her red lips were just beginning to open.

"Oni, you are a very popular public figure now."

Randomly, she glanced winkingly at Lin Yun'er with an incomprehensible smile.

"I didn't expect to see you today. It's really an unexpected coincidence! It really surprises me."

Lowering her eyes, Lin Yun'er resisted the burning sensation of alcohol in her chest, unwilling to entangle her too much, took a deep breath, stood up, and paid at the bar.

Pushing away the chair under him with his heels, he looked calmly at the young lady who was still leaning against the bar counter in a leisurely posture.

"After so many years, I don't want to mention the past anymore. No matter what happened before, I don't want to have any entanglement with you anymore."

After finishing speaking, Lin Yuner turned and walked out without stopping, but she was only two or three steps away.

Her shoulders were clasped from behind, and under the blessing of strength, her steps staggered a little, and she took several steps back before she stood still.

The little girl went around and stood in front of Lin Yun'er, with her arms folded around her chest, and a mean smile appeared on the corners of her lips.

"Why are you in a hurry to leave? Do you still remember what happened back then?"

Lin Yun'er put her hands down by her side and raised her dark eyes, revealing her disgust without any concealment.

"I've said what I should say just now, I don't want to repeat it a second time, get out of the way!"

The outstretched hand wanted to push away the person in front of her, just when her fingertips touched the little girl's arm.

But the person in front of him pinched his wrist backhand and pushed back mercilessly.

Her hands instinctively wanted to grab the edge of the bar, but they were too far away, and her fingertips just slid past delicately.

The weightlessness of the body hit, and he leaned back against the air.

At the moment when he was about to collapse in embarrassment.

Caught off guard, his back hit the arm of the person behind him.

"Hiss..." Lin Yun'er pulled her lips slightly, the position of her shoulder blade was painfully hurt by his strong arm.

The clear fragrance diffused little by little in the air, filling Lin Yun'er's nose.

It's like pine wood after being exposed to the sun on a midsummer afternoon.

But it was only two seconds before Jing Hao raised his arms to straighten her weightless body.

The thought of teaching the young lady a lesson for Lin Yuner flashed across his mind, but thinking that it might bring Lin Yuner some unnecessary trouble, Jing Hao suppressed this thought.

Instead, she lowered her arms and took two steps back, deliberately keeping a distance from Lin Yun'er in front of outsiders.

The moment her body was supported by someone, Lin Yun'er could clearly feel that the arms of the person behind her sank.

But the open palm barely stopped in mid-air, without me grabbing her shoulder for help.

The gentleman's polite body collision only exists for a moment.

Lin Yun'er, who stood firm, bumped into Jing Hao's deep eyes as soon as she raised her head.

Following his gentle eyebrows and eyes, his eyes fell on the handsome face that could clearly feel the anger under the shadow of the light.

After recovering, before Lin Yuner could speak, Jing Hao suppressed the anger in his heart, and smiled at Lin Yuner, "Yuner Xi, what a coincidence."

She looked away, nodded slightly, and said, "Thank you."

Lin Yun'er pinched the bag in her hand, her fingers turning white.

Although she is known for her high emotional intelligence, she still doesn't know what to do in such a sudden and unexpected situation.

In particular, those, the previous ones, always appeared in her mind, and she still had some disgusting fragments when she recalled them now.

Lin Yun'er's subconscious retreating action fell into Jing Hao's eyes, it was self-protection and bewilderment.

And the next moment, seeing the domineering posture of the young lady and the ghostly smile on the corner of her mouth.

Lin Yuner turned around and looked down at Jing Hao: "Jing Haoxi, let's go..."

Looking at Lin Yun'er's current appearance, with her embarrassed tenderness, she couldn't help feeling a bit distressed in her heart, as well as a trace of suppressed anger.

Jing Hao walked right in front of Lin Yuner, and blocked the little sister with a polite protective posture.

Chen Sheng said: "Yun'erxi, let's go."

His words were slow and his voice was too soft.

The dull voice caused Lin Yuner to break the defense of the city wall that he was holding on in an instant.

She moved her lips to say yes, but her throat was blocked by the air pressure, so she could only nod heavily.

Jing Hao saw her nodding, turned around and looked sideways at the little sister, his eyes were cold, and even gave birth to a chill.

"Sorry, please let me go."

His tone was very flat, without revealing any pressing pressure.

But the coldness in his expression made the little girl shiver uncontrollably, and she had to move away.

Jing Hao held Lin Yun'er's hand tightly, and led her out of the bar's gate.

 Today's recommended song: Cold Rain——4Minute
  Ask for a ticket Ask for a ticket

(End of this chapter)

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