nice to meet you, actor lin

Chapter 191 Can I buy you a glass of wine?

Chapter 191 May I buy you a glass of wine? (two in one)

Jing Hao stared at Lin Yuner, who looked a little shy beside him.

At this moment, he couldn't see her face and Faust posture, but he could clearly see that when she lowered her head, her thick long eyelashes were slightly wet.

She seemed to be very disgusted with being with this girl, but she was deliberately suppressing something.

Even though he had a relationship with Lin Yuner, it was still difficult for Jing Hao to understand Lin Yuner's emotions at this moment.

But her stubborn forbearance gave birth to an unreasonable urge to give her strength.

The hand hanging on the side was raised, thinking about something, and then fell down again.

. . .

After leaving the bar, Jing Hao looked around the square, but he didn't see Jung Soo-yeon and Song Joong-ki, and even the parking space was empty at this time.

He stood on the steps of the square, looking at Lin Yun'er who was sitting not far from him.

She turned her back to his back which was not leaning on the wooden row chair, the light and shadow shone on her body, enveloping her thin figure.

The long hair on the shoulders, blowing up with the breeze, dyed the warm yellow light of the street lamp, like a jumping elf in the middle of the night.

The night grew dark.

Perhaps it was because of the alcohol, the breeze was hanging over his face, but it was still very hot.

Following him out, when passing by Xiao Taimei, she said something viciously beside Lin Yun'er.

"Lin Yunerxi, it's easier to destroy someone than to reject someone else."

At this time, Lin Yun'er realized that the sense of security she lacked in her bones was precisely when she faced the past and the people in the past.

Those stubbornness and persistence that are maintained all the time.

Lin Yun'er didn't dare to turn around to look at the person behind her, she could feel Jing Hao's gaze.

Let him see such an embarrassing scene of himself tonight, really, it's a bit embarrassing.

Jing Hao walked behind her, and the person in front of her was looking at the street in the distance seemingly in a daze.

Like, got caught in some bad meeting.

Jing Hao just stood quietly behind her, silent for a long time, and did not choose to ask why.

Because he knew that if she wanted to say something, she would definitely tell him. If she didn't want to, then he would make her more embarrassed if he took the initiative to ask.

"Are you okay, Yuner."

Lin Yun'er didn't turn her head back, the voice of the person behind her was faint, accompanied by the sound of speeding cars, but it was still clear and powerful enough.

Her slightly empty eyes gradually focused, froze for a few seconds, got up and looked at Jing Hao, bent her lips and said calmly: "I guess, I'm fine."

At this moment, the two of them were separated by the back of a chair.

Jing Hao stood quietly in front of her, his eyes met.

Perhaps it was the effect of the alcohol after drinking, Lin Yuner's fair face was dyed bright red.

She looked at Jing Hao, and in her moist eyes, there was a blurred and charming charm, inadvertently revealed.

But in the pupil, there is a rare confusion at this moment.

She stared at him without hesitation.

Jing Hao's breathing sank uncontrollably.

Under the faint street light, her long and curled eyelashes were covered with tiny teardrops.

And the charming posture.

Jing Hao is not very good at comforting others, especially her who he cares about very much.But he could see Lin Yuner's tightly pursed lips.The red bridge of the nose seemed to be desperately suppressing her fragility.

I don't want to show it in front of him.

At this moment, her hair was messed up by the wind, and there were still slight tears on her cheeks. She no longer had the confident and proud look she had when she was wearing the halo of the national goddess.

On the contrary, the unbearable embarrassment is fully revealed in every detail.

"I've been told that all grown-ups were once children, but very few remember it."

Lin Yun'er's eyes tightened Muranly, to ease the fierce suffocation in her body, she avoided the glimmer of light in Jing Hao's black eyes, and couldn't look at him again.

Because what Jing Hao just said was what she said when she comforted him earlier.

She was afraid that she would reveal more emotions, and she was also afraid that she would lose control. . .

Jing Hao's eyes were still locked on her tightly, and he continued to speak in a very gentle voice.

"If you want to cry, don't suppress your true nature, children, you can make trouble for no reason."

With a few simple words, Jing Hao didn't ask the cause and effect of the whole thing.

Nor did she intentionally give Lin Yuner a kind of polite care.

It's just that Jiu's calm, elegant, easy-going, but unreasonable, made Lin Yun'er feel much more relaxed, and the haze in her chest gradually dissipated.

a long time.

Lin Yun'er raised her head, rubbed her palm with her fingertips, and the solemnity between her brows softened.

Facing him, she smiled slightly: "I guess, I'm much better now."

For the next time, the two stood facing each other, but they didn't know what to say.

From the brief warmth just now, it turned into annoying embarrassment.

Jing Hao pursed his lips, put his fingers in his pockets, and groped for a while, only to realize that there was a sound belatedly, just when he was looking at the parking space.

Brother Song Zhongji has already driven the car away.

After hesitating for a moment, Jing Hao raised his eyes to look at Lin Yun'er, and said in a slightly embarrassed tone: "Well, Brother Song Zhongji, he seems to have driven the car away..."

Lin Yun'er nodded, and after a moment of silence, said: "Then do you want to wait for him here?"

After a pause, Jing Hao said with helplessness in his tone, "Yes, my car is with him. It seems that there is nothing to do tomorrow. I want to drive around by myself."

Lin Yuner's eyelashes trembled, and a faint smile appeared in her eyes. After thinking about it, she offered: "Then can I buy you a glass of wine?"

"What?" Jing Hao was taken aback, thinking he had heard wrong.

This was the first time she invited herself to take the initiative except for the one time she asked to accompany her to shoot together.

Lin Yun'er remained calm, without any superfluous and deliberate expressions, and as an unfounded "friend", she said: "My friend said that the Flame Red Lips cocktail is very good, you helped me today, I can treat you Do you want to try it?"

Hearing what Lin Yuner said and the wine mentioned, Jing Hao suddenly remembered the conversation between the two in kakao.

He couldn't hold it back, and let out a low laugh, with a slightly teasing tone: "Then your friend, I think he must be the one who is so handsome?"

Lin Yun'er glanced at him, and the smile rushed to the corner of her mouth, and she tried her best to hide it: "Well, I don't know what he looks like in the eyes of others, but in my eyes, he is the most handsome man in the world. One, no one else can replace."

. . .

Holding hands, the two returned to the music bar behind them again.

At the moment, the inside is already full of people, but it doesn't have the chaotic noise of other bars.

On the contrary, everyone seemed to enjoy the sound of the piano music and the dark environment.

Even if someone is chatting, they speak softly, not breaking the cozy atmosphere.

Jing Hao and Lin Yun'er did not go to the lobby, but sat side by side in the middle of the bar where there were not many people.

The long black marble bar counter feels comfortable and cool when you press your elbows on it, and the dim light shines down from the top of your head.

In front of him is the bartender and his elegant and unrestrained style, constantly turning and dancing the assorted wine in his hand, with free halos and twinkling stars.

The swaying liquor tickles the itch deep in the seductive throat.

The ambiguous tone between the toasts and cups erodes everyone's heart.

Jing Hao sat on Lin Yuner's right hand, he dragged his chin with one hand, and put it down after a while.

"Sir, do you need the same wine as this lady?"

Jing Hao came to his senses, glanced at the person next to him, and then turned his head to respond: "What?"

"This young lady just ordered the Flaming Red Lips, would you like to try a cup, sir?"

The bartender had a smile in his eyes, he recognized Lin Yun'er at a glance.

Because this drink has a strong aftertaste, few girls order it.

The most important thing is that when Lin Yun'er ordered it before, she just swallowed it down.

It's not hard to remember.

Jing Hao paused for a moment, and was just about to speak when the person next to him picked it up for him. ,

"Well, whichever one I drank just now."

"Okay, what about you?" The bartender tilted his head and looked at Lin Yun'er while wiping the glass.

Lin Yuner smiled slightly: "I don't need it for now, just bring me a glass of boiling water."

The bartender noticed her, turned around, and went about his work.

Lin Yun'er rested her chin with her hands, ever since she drank that glass of wine, there was always a burning sensation in her stomach.

She turned her gaze a little bored, and turned her head to glance at the person next to her.

Soft and noble, with pure brows, and a half-smile without staining a speck of dust.

He can easily warm himself, but behaves extraordinarily well.

Not making yourself feel offended, but not feeling left out.

The light gently dyed Lin Yun'er's side face, making the inadvertent smile on her lips more obvious.

Immediately, she suppressed her smile, pressed her hands on the bar, and said actively: "Do you usually like to drink?"

Jing Hao is usually very busy with work every day, and hardly has much time to go to entertainment places.

Even after coming to Athens, even though he was pulled out twice by Song Joong Ki, he rarely drank.

He glanced at Lin Yun'er, and said in a straightforward and simple tone: "It should be, I don't like it too much."

At this time, the bartender pushed the prepared cocktail and a glass of boiling water in front of them.

Lin Yuner asked the bartender for a menu by the way, and handed it to Jing Hao.

"The desserts here seem to be very good, which one do you want?"

She didn't ask him if he wanted to eat, but directly gave a multiple choice question.

Jing Hao seldom eats sweets. Looking at the pastries of various flavors on the menu, he felt a little blindness and choice phobia for a while.

He pressed down the menu with his fingers, and handed it to Lin Yuner again.

"Just help me order one of the same style as yours."

A smile overflowed from the corner of Lin Yuner's mouth: "Do you have a favorite flavor?"

After a few seconds of silence, Jing Hao's mind went blank, and he couldn't remember what he just watched, so he could only echo, "I can do anything."

Lin Yuner closed the menu, beckoned to the waiter, and said slowly: "Sakura-flavored red velvet cut into pieces, two servings, thank you!"

Jing Hao was slightly stunned.

Judging from his little knowledge, under normal circumstances, don't they all taste like strawberry chocolate cakes?
When will there be something with sakura flavor.

It can't be some dark cuisine, right?

Holding the wine glass, Jing Hao finally couldn't restrain his curiosity, turned slightly and asked her: "Now there are still products with cherry blossom flavor?"

Lin Yuner took a sip of water, put down the water glass, and nodded: "You can't eat too bitter, this one has moderate sweetness and taste."

Lin Yuner's eyes swept past him.

The light was very dim, and it was difficult to see Jing Hao's expression clearly, but he was slightly stunned, as if he had discovered something novel.

Lin Yuner stretched out her hand to stroke the hair on the side of her ear, her eyes were very light, and the corners of her mouth curled up, she said calmly: "There are many things that taste like cherry blossoms, soda, chocolate, and biscuits..."

Jing Hao held the wine glass and raised it slightly: "Well, this taste is quite special."

After saying that, Jing Hao took a sip of his flaming red lips, and as he put down the cup, the people around him untied the ribbons wrapped around their wrists, and casually tied up their long hair hanging behind their shoulders.

The hollowed-out lace ribbon flexibly wrapped around her hair along her fingers, and finally tied a bow in a neat movement.

While tying her hair, Lin Yun'er said slowly, "That friend of mine also said that this wine has a name, Angel's Kiss."

"But I prefer the name Flaming Lips, which is like a flaming wine, with hidden dangers."

When the time was around nine o'clock in the evening, the bartender in front of him suddenly stopped what he was doing, and asked Lin Yuner and Jing Hao: "Our bar is not stationed tonight, and there are open performances for members and new users. Opportunity, do you two have an idea to try it? It will only take about 10 minutes."

When Jing Hao came, he heard Song Zhongji mention it. He shook his hand and said politely: "I'm not very good at this."

"What about this lady? Are you interested?" The bartender shifted his gaze to Lin Yuner.

Lin Yuner hesitated for a while: "Then let me try."

"Then Jing Hao, are you in a hurry to leave?" Lin Yun'er turned around suddenly, looking at Jing Hao with her familiar eyes, like a woman who was seeking her husband's approval and was happy to see her.

Seeing her a little excited, Jing Hao couldn't help but curled his lips: "Don't worry."

"Then, if you have a favorite song, I can sing it." She stared at him for a moment, with gentle eyes and a very obvious smile, just like the sunshine in summer, gradually getting warmer.

Lin Yuner faced the direction of the stage, tilted her head, and looked at him quietly.

Her hair was loosely tied behind her head, her face looked a little lazy, her eyebrows were curved, and there was a slight smile on her lips.

The bright pupils reflected the bright lights on the other side of the stage, beams of light flickered, and there was a small figure inside.

it's him,
At this moment, under the ambiguity of the semi-dark lights, the usual temperament is gone, and there is a little more human fireworks in a trance.

Jing Hao paused, then smiled slightly: "I can do it, but my music skills are not very good, and I usually listen to music less."

But at this moment, seeing her instantly lowered eyelids and the light in her pupils gradually disappearing, Jing Hao breathed out a breath, thought for a moment, found a song he usually liked on his phone, and handed it to her.

"Otherwise, let's just play this song and sing it on the guitar. It should be easier."

Lin Yun'er put her hands behind her back, leaned over slightly, and looked down at the songs on the phone.

【The Brightest Star in the Night Sky—Escape Plan】

Although it is a Chinese song, Lin Yuner, who has practiced Chinese for a long time, can generally recognize the Chinese in the song, and can sing it naturally.

And most importantly, when the two of them were together before, Jing Hao often played this song to her, and over time, he gradually became able to sing it.

After a few seconds of silence, Lin Yuner's eyes slightly raised again: "Okay, then I'll go get ready."

 Today I recommend an old song, which was also my favorite song in high school: The Brightest Star in the Night Sky-Escape Plan.

  Ask for a ticket Ask for a ticket

(End of this chapter)

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