nice to meet you, actor lin

Chapter 193 This Chaotic Night

Chapter 193 This Chaotic Night ([-] in [-])

At this moment, Jung Soo-yeon rushed in from the outside in a hurry.

He just ran to the bar, saw the two people on the other side who were safe and sound, and then stopped in his tracks.

In an instant, she approached Lin Yuner, and greeted Lin Yuner with a smile: "Long time no see, Jing Haoxi."

Jing Hao nodded with a smile.

Jung Soo-yeon maintained the smile at the corner of her mouth, and just stood on the other side of Lin Yoon-er, clinging to her shoulder, curling her tongue, and said in a low voice, "How is it? How are you two doing now?"

Lin Yuner responded directly to her without Jing Hao's gaze.

And at this time, a few beauties suddenly came in at the entrance of the bar. As soon as they came in, they scanned around the bar, and after seeing Jung Soo-yeon, they hurriedly said hello.

And Jung Soo-yeon greeted them with a smile on her face.

While smiling, he explained to Jing Hao: "These are the assistants and managers who came to Greece with me this time. I came here this time to visit Yuner. Come here to take some photos and photos."

Jing Hao nodded, almost understanding what Jung Soo-yeon meant.

One of them, a little beauty named Zhang Yao, turned her head and looked closely at Jing Hao and Lin Yun'er as soon as she came in, and then turned her head and looked at each other at the same time, her bright eyes were full of surprise.

"Here, call us here tonight, isn't it dog abuse?"

The beauty who was staring at her was Han Yi, who was standing against the wall at this time, wearing black casual clothes, with a small face and very crisp short hair.

She put her hands in her pockets, glanced at her with a cold face: "You are a dog, I am not."

Seeing that the two had come, Jing Hao hurriedly got up out of politeness, and greeted them politely: "Hello."

Han Yi was the first to react, and forced a smile: "Hello, Jing Haoxi, we have met you online, you are really more handsome than in the photo."

The few people that Jung Soo-yeon called over completely surrounded Lin Yun'er as soon as they came here, with a vague posture of escorting her.

Lin Yun'er was stunned for a second, and then realized that her second sister was still a bit of a bean curd, she said she would give herself and Jing Hao a chance to get along alone, but she hurriedly called her staff over in private.

I'm afraid that I will suffer from that little sister.

The feeling of being cared for and protected like this is really warm enough.

It's warm in my heart.

At this time, Zhang Yao, who was standing on the other side, had a smile in the corner of her eyes, and her expression showed that she was knocking on CP.

As Jung Soo-yeon's assistant, she would naturally know some things about the people she cares about.

As for the relationship between Jing Hao and Lin Yun'er, she also knew something about it.

In the next second, her legs moved uncontrollably to Jing Hao's side.

The young man in front of him was dressed in semi-business-casual attire, a fine gray checked shirt, loosely rolled up at the wrists, looking simple and casual.

The lines of the face are very clear, the deep eyes are as elegant as mist, the broken light is like stars, the skin is spotlessly white, and the broken hair on the forehead hangs over the eyebrows.

The whole person looks clean and elegant, and it is inevitable that people can't help but get close.

Zhang Yao pursed her lips, swallowed a sip of water, and waved to Jing Hao to say hello: "Hello, Jing Haoxi, I'm Sika Oni's assistant, and I'm basically running the itinerary with Sika Oni .”

Jing Hao took a few steps back politely, and was scrutinized by several girls with different eyes.

He is more or less overwhelmed at the moment.

Seeing Zhang Yao's appearance, she received the "shameless" look from Xika and Han Yi as expected.

Judging from the interaction of a few people, Jessica seems to be very kind to her employees, otherwise she wouldn't be able to mix with them in such a friend-like atmosphere.

Seeing the eyes from Zheng Xiuyan, Zhang Yao immediately lowered her eyes cowardly, pouted her lips, and walked to Lin Yuner's side holding her hands, muttering in a low voice.

"Isn't it okay to get to know each other in advance? Maybe Yoon Ernie can find me as a bridesmaid in the future..."

Although the voice was very low, Jing Hao could still hear it clearly because he was relatively close to Lin Yun'er.

In an instant, she was choked by her brain circuit.

And at this moment, Zhang Yao, with sharp eyes, saw the flaming red lips on the counter again.

In order to comfort my fragile heart that has just been hit.

Zhang Yao pointed at Zheng Xiuyan, gently pushed her hands, and said in a coquettish tone: "I want that one too, exactly the same."

At this moment, Lin Yuner and Han Yi couldn't help but break out in cold sweat.

Jung Soo-yeon glanced at her indifferently, her tone was cold: "Speak well."

Zhang Yao looked at Zheng Xiuyan weakly and helplessly, and said in a low voice, "Oh, I said I want to drink exactly the same wine as that Jing Haoxi, it looks good."

What Zhang Yao got was a cold look.

At this time, Jing Hao was a little bit in a dilemma.

I don't even know these people. . .

Here I am, it seems a little redundant. .

It’s not going to go, and it’s not going to go.

In order to prevent them from continuing to stare at him and talk nonsense, Jing Hao took the initiative to say: "What flavor do you all like to drink, let me buy it!"

After speaking, he asked the bartender for the menu, and politely handed it to Zhang Yao.

"There are many flavors here, you can choose what you like."

Zhang Yao, who had just received a heavy blow, took the menu and smiled brightly at Jing Hao.

At the same time, he was still muttering: "It's better for Jing Hao to be nice, you and Yun'er are a couple, I stand."

At this moment, Zhang Yao only felt that with such a Bingshan Boss, he had to be prepared for sudden death at any time. It was very unpredictable, and he could call himself to help fight, so he was not as cute as his little brother.

Jing Hao felt that this girl was a little cute, so he didn't take the joke just now seriously.

Sitting on the outside of the bar again, there were four girls in front of him, and Jing Hao felt that he was particularly eye-catching.

When he was thinking of sending a message to Song Zhongji for help, someone from outside walked in slowly.

Seeing this scene, he suddenly wondered if he had gone to the wrong bar.

Through the figures of several girls, he gave Jing Hao a meaningful smile.

The implication is not difficult to guess: the sister you met tonight is a little too much!
Just after ordering drinks, the waiter brought two pieces of cake and walked to Lin Yun'er.

Zhang Yao, who was next to Lin Yun'er, stared blankly at the pink sliced ​​cake sandwiched between red velvet and a few imitation cherry blossom petals on top. . . .

The freshly baked cake has a very strong fragrance, the most important thing is the layer of pink jelly cream on the top, it looks really girlish, and it looks really delicious.

Zhang Yao couldn't hold back, licked the corner of her mouth, and looked at the waiter questioningly: "We didn't order cake? Is this your gift?"

The waiter put the cakes in front of Jing Hao and Lin Yun'er respectively, held the tray with both hands, smiled, hesitated for a long time, and then said.

"No, this is a limited edition, ordered by this couple."

The word "couple" is like a deep-sea torpedo.

Jing Hao, who had just sat upright, was instantly dazed by the explosion.

He looked at the waiter with doubts and question marks all over his face.

Just when she was about to explain the embarrassing scene, Zhang Yao took up the conversation enthusiastically.

"Don't talk nonsense, public figures, it's not very good to be heard by paparazzi, just be a quiet melon eater and wait for the official announcement."

Jing Hao's proposal was so speechless that he had a myocardial infarction.

Sister, you talk so fast, what nonsense are you talking about!
Although he didn't know Jing Hao and Lin Yun'er, the waiter obviously listened to Zhang Yao's words, came back to his senses, and showed an old father's smile to Jing Hao.

"Young man, I am very optimistic about your couple. You are really good-looking, and you look at the way your girlfriend sang for you before, and she loves you very much. You must grasp it! "

Jing Hao sat stiffly, with a faint smile still on the corner of his mouth.

After knowing that these two people are stars, the waiter asked for autographs in front of them, and then left.

Jing Hao turned around silently and stared at the glass of unfinished cocktail. At this moment, he just felt that it no longer had any sense of temptation.

But a little unspeakable bitterness.

What is this called? . .

Under the light, the fuchsia red velvet on the surface in front of the eyes has a mouth-watering visual touch.

Zhang Yao, who couldn't resist the temptation of pink, wanted it very much, but also knew that she should not show her presence anymore, so she forcibly moved her eyes away from the cake.

As soon as the cake melted into Jing Hao's sight, he was stunned, and before he even looked up, a small metal spoon was quietly placed on the edge of the cake.

A slender and white hand only stayed for a second before slowly retracting it.

Throughout the process, there is no preference to double the pressure.

But Jing Hao still had a feeling of being deliberately taken care of at the moment, he immediately raised his head and said to Lin Yuner: "Thank you!"

The bartender was very efficient, and within a few minutes, he pushed cocktails of various flavors in front of several people.

Lin Yun'er didn't order any more, the glass of white water was still on hand.

In the process of chatting with everyone.

Holding a glass of wine, Han Yi sat on the other side of Jing Hao, turned her head and asked him, "Jing Haoxi, have you considered accepting some product endorsements?"

Jing Hao was stunned for a moment, and gave her a puzzled expression.

"Sorry, I forgot to introduce myself, my name is Han Yi, I am Ms. Jung Soo-yeon's manager, and I am also a staff member of Xiaodi."

"I happened to meet Jing Haoxi here today, and as you may know, Ms. Jeong Soo-yeon opened a store called Xiaodihao. I think, if possible, I hope to reach some commercial cooperation with you. Like endorsement."

Jing Hao took a bite of the cake, put down the spoon in his hand, and fell silent for a few seconds after the cream was sliced ​​open in his mouth.

Pursing his lips, he said in a low voice: "...To be honest, I am happy to help with the relationship between Sika Nuna and Yoona. But, have you considered it? Sika and Girls' Generation , The current one is at least a relationship on the surface."

"If it's said that I spoke for Xiaoqihao, but many of you know that Yuner, Taeyeon and I have a very good relationship, won't this cause unnecessary trouble for both of you? "

Han Yi thought for a while, and then smiled: "You don't need to worry about this, after all, in a short period of time, the relationship between you and Yunerxi will not be made public, right?"

"If it's a friend relationship, it won't have much impact."

Jing Hao frowned and said, "This...give me some time, I still need to go back and think about it."

Han Yiqi took a sip of wine and said in a humorous tone: "Even if it's true and you can't do it, don't take it to heart. You can just think that I can get more for the year-end bonus."

Jing Hao nodded and smiled slightly.

At this time, Zhang Yao leaned over the bar, held her chin in her hands, looked at Jing Hao and asked softly, "Jing Haoxi, what is your main focus in the hospital?"

Jing Hao looked at her politely, and said softly, "I work in the Department of Cardiology and treat patients related to the heart."

"It's so powerful! The heart is a very complicated place, the most critical part of the human body, just thinking about it will make you realize how complicated it is!"

Lin Yun'er on the side didn't say much, but asked Jing Hao quietly: "Jing Hao, does this pastry still suit your taste?"

Jing Hao glanced down at the cake that he took a bite of, and hurriedly replied: "Yes, it's quite delicious, thank you!"

The few people on the side looked at the two people with inexplicable eyes, feeling a little uncomfortable.

These two people?
Do you want to be so polite!

To be honest, for Jing Hao, apart from the incident with Lin Yuner tonight, the overall experience was quite good.

The music in the bar can have a soothing and noise-reducing effect, and the first taste of cherry blossom-flavored desserts is undoubtedly the biggest baptism for your taste buds.

There is also such a group of lively and lovely new friends.

To be honest, Jing Hao is a person who is not very good at socializing in real life.

When facing strangers, for reasons I don't understand, I will always consider whether every sentence is appropriate.

I am afraid of hurting other people's dignity, but I feel hypocritical when I say something against my will.

And these few new friends gave him the feeling that people can get along very harmoniously without needing a deep understanding.

. .

After the pleasant talk, it was already 10:30 in the evening.

Walking out of the bar, the music plaza and streets under the night, the city with neon lights flashing against the background, looks gorgeous and colorful.

Standing in the parking lot, Zhang Yao hugged Jung Soo-yeon's arm, wanting Jing Hao's kakao contact information, but was suppressed by the indifferent eyes of the person in front of her.

In fact, she didn't have any bad intentions, she just thought that Jing Hao was very handsome and interesting.

After sending them away, there were only four of them left.

Only Jing Hao and Song Zhongji did not drink.

And Jung Soo-yeon drove out again.

Then add the tacit understanding between Jung Soo Yeon and Song Joong Ki.

In the end, before Jing Hao could fully figure it out, only he and Lin Yuner were left in the square.

 Today's recommended song: Very Very Very - IOI
  Ask for a ticket Ask for a ticket

(End of this chapter)

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