nice to meet you, actor lin

Chapter 194 I'm Saying

Chapter 194 I'm Saying (Two in One)

In fact, she didn't have any bad intentions, she just thought that Jing Hao was very handsome and interesting.

After sending them away, there were only four of them left.

Only Jing Hao and Song Zhongji did not drink.

And Jung Soo-yeon drove out again.

Then add the tacit understanding between Jung Soo Yeon and Song Joong Ki.

In the end, before Jing Hao could fully figure it out, only he and Lin Yuner were left in the square.

Only at this time did Jing Hao realize that, out of human nature, no matter what, Jing Hao had to send her home tonight.

At this time, Lin Yuner had already moved to the house that Jung Soo-yeon rented here, and it happened that the road back to the hotel with Jing Hao was the same route.

And when she walked to the parking lot, Lin Yuner opened the door of the back seat.

What came into view was some notes that Jing Hao had put down earlier, as well as books, pens and other miscellaneous things, which just covered the entire back seat before they had time to clean them up.

Right now there are some difficulties.

Jing Hao had no choice but to let Lin Yuner sit in the co-pilot.

The car was driving slowly on the road, and the interior of the car was extremely precise.

At this time, Lin Yuner turned her head and said softly to Jing Hao: "Jing Hao, let's play a song and listen to it."

Jing Hao nodded: "Deliberately, just use your mobile phone to practice Bluetooth."

A few seconds later, pleasant Korean songs came to mind in the carriage.

Jing Hao is impressed, this is the OST "I'm Saying" of the Korean drama "The Heirs".

The temperature of the air conditioner in the car is moderate, the beautiful melody, and the prelude that can deeply capture the hearts of the people at the beginning, add a little more pleasant enjoyment.

When the song played to the chorus, Lin Yuner suddenly thought of something, and said with a smile on the corner of her mouth.

【if i am not the crown, i can't protect you; if i have the crown, i can't hug you.】

Jing Hao almost didn't react to such a sudden sentence, but there were only the two of them in the car.

"What?" He looked at the road and moved his gaze back to the face of the person next to him, full of doubts.

The halo of warm yellow headlights sprinkled on her body, Lin Yun'er was silent for a few seconds, and answered quietly.

"The classic lines of this show."

"If I don't have a crown, I can't protect you, but if I wear a crown, I can't embrace you."

"Oh, that's it. Then I'll make up this drama when I have time."

After that, the two of them didn't talk any more, and the person next to them sat quietly and moved their eyes out of the car window again.

The music has been repeating single songs, because of Lin Yuner's words just now, but Jing Hao feels that each time is a new feeling.

Don't forget, he also speaks Korean.

Although he has never seen or heard of this song and this Korean drama, but this does not affect Jing Haokong's ears to listen to the lyrics.

【Surprised at the love that fell quietly

Maybe I only have indifferent memories in my heart

I don't understand the tears in your eyes

Regret trying to turn a blind eye to it]

. . . .

[Only you in my eyes I love you
I only see you even when I close my eyes

only call you only love you

Even if I shut my mouth, I only call you]

. . . .

Twenty minutes later, the car stopped at the gate of the house that Jung Soo-yeon rented.

Lin Yuner raised her eyes and glanced out the window, rubbed her sleepy eyes, and when she opened the car door, she turned around and said to Jing Hao.

"Jing Hao...Thank you for your words tonight."

After a pause, she added: "And... thank you for me, your... friend."

The tone of voice was neither urgent nor slow, but there was a smile in his voice.

Looking at the girl next to her with sleepy eyes and a tired face, Jing Hao also smiled: "You and I don't need to be so polite."

When getting out of the car, Lin Yuner turned around and closed the door.

Jing Hao sat sideways in the driver's seat, with one hand resting on the steering wheel, with a slight smile on his lips, and his brows looked more calm and gentle under the lights on the roof.

The warm eyes are like a warm current flowing in the heart, giving people infinite courage and strength.

And it is such a handsome young man who can easily arouse the paranoid possessiveness hidden in a woman's heart.

It can also be unsuspectingly aroused, the softest, most wanton burning feeling of love in a woman's heart.

The irrational obsession and the gentleness that touches the heart are annihilation and redemption.

Lin Yuner slowly controlled her gaze, and smiled at him: "Good night, Jing Hao."

Jing Hao froze immediately, and after a moment of silence, he replied in a low voice: "Good night, I wish you a sweet dream."

After leaving the community, the car drove towards the hotel.

The lights cast shadows, layer upon layer, passing away in a flash. In the quiet carriage, Jing Hao's thoughts slowly began to become clear.

. .

Back to the hotel.

As soon as Jing Hao walked out of the parking lot, he saw Song Zhongji leaning against the wall.

The smile on the corner of his mouth showed a bit of ridicule: "It's so late to send someone away?"

Jing Hao walked up to him, squinted at him, and walked straight to the elevator with a calm expression.

Song Zhongji's behavior tonight, even his own behavior, should be more or less unkind to Jing Hao.

I know, I can understand that Song Joong Ki is going to exchange the rivalry between the two parties with Jessica Jessica.

Those who don't know, must have thought that this guy might have taken a fancy to Jung Soo-yeon's beauty, and directly used Jing Hao as an excuse to hook up with her.

Song Zhongji followed Jing Hao closely and entered the elevator together. Looking at Jing Hao's indifferent expression, he asked curiously.

"After we're all gone, you two will be okay."

After pressing down the stairs, Jing Hao turned his head and glanced at Song Zhongji, and said in a calm tone, "Guess?"

Song Zhongji was taken aback for a moment, and then smiled until his white teeth showed: "No, I have Yanxi to help you deal with that little girl, but it's a pity that people don't like me."

"Didn't I go to spy on the enemy for you?"

With a "ding", the elevator door reached the floor where Jing Hao was.

Jing Hao didn't speak, walked out of the elevator, and went straight into the house, with Song Zhongji still following behind him.

When Jing Hao turned around, he saw the innocent expression on his face, thinking that his image would be ruined just because he dealt with that little sister.

Jing Hao chuckled: "Forget it, I will forgive you this time. After all, your sacrifice is quite big."

After changing the shoes, Jing Hao poured two glasses of water, and the two sat on the sofa and chatted.

He hesitated for a while.

Song Zhongji suddenly turned his head and asked him: "What happened in the end? I think Jessica Jung seems to be more supportive of you two."

"How are you two doing now?"

At this moment, the cell phone in his pocket rang.

Jing Hao picked it up and took a look. It was the official number of Yonsei University.

Song Zhongji glanced at it: "!!! Is your hospital so unreasonable? Calling you in the middle of the night?"

"What is this? I used to be woken up in the middle of the night to see patients in the hospital."

Jing Hao replied to him indifferently, and then became thoughtful again.

With doubts, Jing Hao connected the phone and put it to his ear: "Hello."

"Hello, is this Dr. Jing Hao?"

The other party was a low, male voice with a hint of oppression.

Jing Hao frowned for a moment: "Yes, may I ask who you are?"

The man's tone was official and a little more friendly: "Hi, I'm the director of the Faculty of Medicine at Yonsei University, and my name is Han Ming."

Clearly reading "Director of the Medical Department", Jing Hao was stunned, and then took a big look at Song Zhongji next to him.

Song Zhongji, who was completely out of the situation, looked confused, and asked in a low voice: "No, I want you to go back to work overtime early?"

Jing Hao shook his head.

Before he could respond, the other party's steady voice sounded again.

"It's like this. I received a letter of recommendation from your mentor Li Zhongwan. The other party said that your friend is making medical equipment in a factory, right?"

Jing Hao quickly replied: "Yes, he has been working there for a short time. At present, most of the processing is simple items used in the department."

"So, may I ask you to ask your friend to send a batch of samples to have a look? Because according to your supervisor, Professor Li Zhongwan, the things from your friend are of high quality and low price. Try your friend's supply, if the quality is guaranteed, our hospital will use your friend's supply in the future."

The smile on the corner of Jing Hao's mouth froze for a moment. He quickly picked up the cup and took a sip of water to suppress the sudden shock.

He put down the glass, thought for a few seconds, and then reacted explosively.

However, it was Jing Hao's mentor, Professor Li Zhongwan, who recommended him.

Jing Hao couldn't figure it out. He didn't know how Li Zhongwan knew about Jin Zhiyong's factory.

I didn't seem to have time to tell my mentor.

However, from the director's words, he could feel his rigorous attitude towards work, so it was inconvenient for Jing Hao to ask something.

Quickly replied: "Okay, thank you, I will ask my friend to send some products over later."

"You're welcome, your friend. If the quality of the products produced is guaranteed and the price can be discounted compared with other manufacturers, there is no reason why we should not give priority to your friend's products. Then I will not bother you here. ,have a good weekend."

After finishing the short call, Jing Hao still hadn't reacted from the surprise that fell from the sky.

Leaning on the sofa, Jing Hao rested his fingers on his forehead, calculated the method of elimination over and over again, and finally the only possibility came to mind.

That is, this matter was told by Gu Minyan to her mentor.

Because Jin Zhiyong didn't know Professor Li Zhongwan first, so there was no way to talk about informing the factory.

Besides, it seemed that only Gu Minyan knew about it, and the promotion and development of the factory was also contributed by Gu Minyan, and she just gave her an idea.

So, after ruling out the impossible possibility, the only thing left is the possibility on Gu Minyan's side.

He turned around and told Song Zhongji the content of the phone call just now.

Song Zhongji, who was drinking water, almost spit out, and then he was almost speechless.

"You, are you sure? Are you sure you heard Han Ming? Although I don't know him well, I have heard this name before. He is not only on your side, but also in the political arena. He seems to have some influence. strong."

"He really told you to ask your friend to deliver the goods directly?"

Jing Hao knew Song Joong-ki well, and would not exaggerate the facts for no reason, and he was still studying for a Ph.D. at Yonsei University, and also served as a teaching assistant. He knew a lot more about Yonsei University than Song Joong-ki.

. . .

After seeing off Song Joong-ki and washing up, Jing Hao sat at the desk in the room, still at a loss.

He was just a little doctor in the hospital, and his friend was also a newcomer entrepreneur who had almost achieved nothing before.

Although I told Jin Zhiyong and Gu Minyan before, I can take the lead in using their products in the hospital.

However, the meaning of Han Ming is too different from that of Han Ming.

Han Ming is representing Yonsei University. The cooperation he mentioned not only includes the affiliated hospital that Jing Hao is working on, but also includes the cooperation of many other hospitals.

The Department of Medicine of Yonsei University has many affiliated hospitals, as well as practice sites for interns and regular trainees.

Because there were still important things to do, Jing Hao didn't think too deeply about it.

He picked up the mobile phone on the table, lowered his head and opened Kakao's chat box.

The topic with Lin Yun'er was still suspended in the phrase "the bar?" she asked.

I couldn't get away all night and didn't have a chance to look at my phone, so I only saw this message at this time.

Jing Hao stretched his waist, dragging his palms to the side of his face, and answered her with one hand with downcast eyes.

Typing slowly: [I just finished washing, and I have been in the bar all night, and I didn't notice your message. 】

Lin Yun'er seemed to be idle during this period of time.

Just after his message was sent, Lin Yun'er came back: [I know, you have been with me tonight, so you should rest quickly. 】

Jing Hao asked: [I noticed at night that you don't seem to eat much, did you eat something to cushion yourself? 】

Lin Yun'er: [I'm eating, I, Sikaoni, made the noodles for me. 】

Jing Hao glanced at the time on his phone, it was past eleven o'clock.

Jing Hao: [Don't do this next time, you must take care of yourself. 【

Jing Hao: [I'll wait until you finish eating before going to sleep. 】

After a few seconds of silence, the other party seemed to be smiling.

Lin Yuner: [Okay. 】

Lin Yuner: [Then I'm done eating. 】

Jing Hao just got up and drew the curtains, and was about to go out to get a glass of water, when the other party's news came over again.

He glanced down and sat down again.

Jing Hao: [You don't have to cater to me, I'm not very sleepy yet. 】,

Lin Yuner: [I'm full. 】

Jing Hao pressed the center of his eyebrows, held the phone comfortably with both hands, and nestled himself in the chair.

Jing Hao: [Tonight, there are really too many people. It may be that I have a little social phobia and don't know how to integrate into unfamiliar circles. 】

Random Jing Hao thought of something else: [I tasted the flaming red lips today, but it was just a sip in front of the court. I didn't dare to drink too much because I had to drive. 】

When Jing Hao was used to chatting with her, he looked at the screen seriously, not letting go of any moment when she sent a message.

The neckline of the light gray pajamas was slightly opened, and the wind from the air conditioner got in, making it very comfortable.

Jing Hao sat up straight, leaned against the edge of the desk, and continued: [By the way, the cherry blossom-flavored dessert you ordered tonight is great.Next time, let me invite you back to eat. 】

 Today's recommended song: I'm Saying——Li Hongji
  Ask for a ticket Ask for a ticket

(End of this chapter)

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