nice to meet you, actor lin

Chapter 195 Untitled

Chapter 195 Untitled (Two in One)

Jing Hao: [Tonight, there are really too many people. It may be that I have a little social phobia and don't know how to integrate into unfamiliar circles. 】

Random Jing Hao thought of something else: [I tasted the flaming red lips today, but it was just a sip in front of the court. I didn't dare to drink too much because I had to drive. 】

When Jing Hao was used to chatting with her, he looked at the screen seriously, not letting go of any moment when she sent a message.

The neckline of the light gray pajamas was slightly opened, and the wind from the air conditioner got in, making it very comfortable.

Jing Hao sat up straight, leaned against the edge of the desk, and continued: [By the way, the cherry blossom-flavored dessert you ordered tonight is great.Next time, let me invite you back to eat. 】

Lin Yuner: [Okay, I'll wait for you. . . 】

Jing Hao froze, his heart warmed up a few degrees inexplicably.

I don't know what the other party's expression is now.

But from the lines in her words, I can feel her docile and well-behaved appearance at the moment.

There is a bit of demagogic mystery.

The person who flirts is itchy.

Once people have the desire to share, they will not be able to control themselves, especially if the other party is also listening quietly.

He turned on the music software on his phone and searched for the song "I'm Saying".

After the share was sent to her, Jing Hao also found the earphones and turned on the player.

Listening to this song with headphones is another kind of isolated enjoyment.

Jing Hao: [Listen to this song. 】

Jing Hao: [This song, the one you played during the evacuation, has a part of the lyrics that really impressed me. 】

The other party did not send a message.

After about two or three minutes.

Lin Yuner: [Which paragraph? 】

The music played just to the point that Jing Hao wanted to type.

[Only you in my eyes I love you
I only see you even when I close my eyes

only call you only love you

Even if I shut my mouth, I only call you]

Immediately afterwards he asked: [Have you been touched by this lyrics? 】

Lin Yun'er didn't deny it, but said another sentence: [There are some lines in the play that touch people's hearts more, but now they are turned into jokes by netizens. 】

Jing Hao:【if i am not the crown, i can't protect you; if i have the crown, i can't hug you.】

Jing Hao's eyes froze.

Girls will pay so much attention to it, is it a classic line in a TV series?

At this moment, his thoughts began to wander inexplicably.

After casually chatting a few more words, thinking that girls can't stay up late, Jing Hao took the initiative to end the topic and bid her good night.

When he was about to go to sleep, Jing Hao thought about the phone call, then turned on the computer and sent Han Ming an email.

[Han Mingxi:


I'm Jing Hao, and since I'm in Athens, I'm in a crew, so I don't know if I'll be back in time.

I will inform my friend and go directly to the academy to find you. 】

At this time, it was approaching twelve o'clock.

After thinking for a few minutes, Jing Hao was about to turn off the computer and go to sleep.

An email was sent, and the sender was Han Ming.

【Jing Haoxi, I'm very happy with your introduction and cooperation. After you come back, I will discuss it with you and your friends. Don't worry. 】

. . .

After the weekend, Jing Hao has been busy for the next few days.

Jing Hao still hasn't returned to the matter of cooperation, so he put it on hold for now.

Jing Hao stayed in the crew for a while these days.

During the period, Han Ming added to his kakao through Li Zhongwan, and sent her over to some schools to finalize some rough contract frameworks.

On Wednesday night, it was close to the time when office workers left work.

Jing Hao had just returned from purchasing some items outside. After buying the supplies, he turned on his phone and was about to invite Song Zhongji to have a meal together.

But after opening the chat box, it took me a long time to find that Song Zhongji had changed his avatar.

He clicked on the chat box and simply typed: [Are you free there?Have a meal together. 】

After sending the message, Song Zhongji's chat box was just next to Lin Yuner.

It was only at this time that Jing Hao discovered that the heads of the two people were simple sketches and animations.

Lin Yuner's is a girl with short hair, looking up at the sky sideways.

And Song Zhongji's is a young man with long broken hair who looks a little sad.

Also in the same direction, looking up at the sky.

The avatar styles of the two people are very different.

It's hard to tell who it is without looking carefully, or without notes.

After 2 minutes, Song Joong Ki came back: [Your part is over, but mine is not finished yet. There may be additional scenes tonight, and there may not be time. 】

Jing Hao walked to the entrance of the mall.

The sky was dyed red by the sunset, and the oncoming hot wind hit the face, making people inexplicably irritable.

When Jing Hao walked to the parking lot, he stood beside the car, and suddenly thought, it seemed that he had known each other for so long, and he had never given Lin Yuner a gift, so he suddenly felt a little impulsive.

Leaning against the car door, he took out his mobile phone and searched the web for things that little girls like now.

I took screenshots of several meaningful and unassuming gift pictures, turned around and opened the car door with one hand, and sent them to Song Joong Ki indifferently.

Leaning into the car, Jing Hao thought of something, didn't care about typing, so he pressed the voice button, put it to his lips, and sat in the driver's seat following the voice.

Instead of being slow, the voice was deep and mellow in the closed compartment.

"How about you help me look at the gifts above? I have been looking for a long time, and I think girls like them. I am a little undecided. You can help me choose one. Then you can come to me after get off work. Often I just Bought a sandwich."

. . .

Lin Yun'er was sitting at the desk in the room at this time, studying the script.Because the script is in Chinese, and she is not her mother tongue, it is more difficult for Lin Yuner to read it than any script she has read before.

Lin Yun'er pinched the center of her eyebrows with one hand, picked up the eyes on the table, and put them on.

His face was calm, showing no emotion.

From one o'clock in the afternoon, until Jung Soo-yeon came back, she was nestled in the room, non-stop writing on the script, marking some of her own understanding back and forth.

Jung Soo-yeon opened the door and came in, cut the freshly prepared fruit into pieces, and placed them on the table.

"Isn't it going to be filmed next year? Why are you in such a rush? Let's eat some fruit first."

Lin Yuner turned her head to look at Jung Soo-yeon, and said with a sweet smile on her lips, "Thank you O'Neill, I've been bothering you to take care of me recently."

Jessica Jessica glared at her vigorously: "If you continue to be so polite to me, I will get angry."

"By the way, when are you going to China?"

Lin Yuner ate a piece of fruit, thought for a while and said, "Probably it won't be too long, this week, after the last scenes of the crew are finished, I can go back to China first. Then I will record another song in the company, Almost ready to go."

At this moment, the phone on the bed vibrated when it was placed behind her.

Lin Yuner got up and walked to the bed, turned around and asked Jung Soo-yeon, "I seem to have ordered a takeaway today, did you see that?"

"Oh, I happened to meet it when I came back. I brought it back and gave it to you." After finishing speaking, Jung Soo-yeon left the room.

Lin Yuner sat on the edge of the bed, picked up the mobile phone placed by the pillow, opened it, and stared at the screen with lowered eyes.

It was a voice from Jing Hao.

Her eyes flickered, her breathing seemed to stop suddenly, and her chest panicked for no reason.

Mosuo with white fingertips, and the frame of the mobile phone back and forth.

Finally, the fingertips slowly touched the voice.

The light above the head was bright, pouring down, stretching Lin Yun'er's figure very long, reflected on the mansha curtains in the room.

Then, in the next second, a low and magnetic male voice came over.

"How about you help me look at the gifts above? I have been looking for a long time, and I think girls like them. I am a little undecided. You can help me choose one. Then you can come to me after get off work. Often I just Bought a sandwich."

Jessica Jessica, who came in with the food, froze in place for an instant.

She stared at the traumatized man with wide eyes, her jaw almost dropped in shock.

Oh, the sentence just now sounds like a lot of information.

Thinking about seeing the two people who were still inseparable just a few days ago, now it is already a relationship that can go home?
The speed of development is ten times faster than that of ordinary people.

She has been invited to the house. If she develops a few more times, she can be an aunt.

This is the legendary disciple doing great things.

Jung Soo-yeon shook her shoulders, and couldn't hold back her small grin.

Tsk tsk tsk, such a love, and such a gift, she really wants it.

Jung Soo-yeon walked over, put the takeaway on the table, approached Lin Yuner deliberately keeping calm, and asked in a low voice: "Is it so fast? Have you gotten back together?"

Lin Yuner lowered her head, Jung Soo-yeon didn't see her expression at all.

Lin Yun'er's gloomy pupils were as sinking as if they were about to drip water.

Lin Yun'er rubbed the top of the phone with her fingertips, followed by lowering her eyes and sliding her fingers.

A little dignified.

"Who is he going to choose a gift for? Also, is he asking me to eat at his place?"

"But, I obviously don't know where he lives? Then... who is this for..."

Lin Yuner clicked on the phone, and pictures of exquisite gifts flashed in front of her eyes.

I don’t know whether the real ones are good-looking or not, but each one is very similar to the style that little girls like.

A very cheap gift, but it is also the most touching girl's heart, enough to see his delicate thoughts.

It was carefully chosen by him.

It was supposed to be for another girl.

She should be cute, right?
However, when I was with him, he never gave me a gift. . .

Lin Yuner pursed her lips, but did not answer Jung Soo-yeon's question.

Instead, he got up and walked to the desk, sat down quietly, put the phone on the table heavily, and started to study the script again.

"Oni, I want to be quiet for a while. When you go out, close the door for me."

Even when she was talking, her tone was still as calm as ever.

As for this incident, it was as if it had never happened at this moment.

The smile on Jessica's face was awkward.

I don't know if it's because the temperature of the air conditioner in the room is too low. At this moment, she just feels that two wings are attacking from all directions, drilling into her body.

The current situation is completely different from what she imagined?

When he knew that he was in a bad mood, he would shut himself up and not speak.

Gritting her teeth, Jessica still resolutely approached behind her, and patted Lin Yuner's shoulder with one hand, as if to warm her up again.

"Yun'er, it's nothing. When you're in a relationship, it's normal for two people to lose their temper. Didn't you think he was coaxing you just now?"

Jung Soo-yeon felt that what she said was reasonable and reasonable, and she didn't favor anyone too much.

But in the next second, Lin Yuner stopped holding the pen in her hand, raised her head and looked sideways at the person next to her.

The dimness at the bottom of the eyes reveals the black frame eyes, which become more and more indifferent.

At this moment, the long hair that she easily rolled up, and the fragments of hair scattered on her cheeks, set off that extremely lazy gentleness.

Suddenly, nothing remained.

The air seemed to be quiet for a few seconds.

Jung Soo-yeon straightened several times, and slowly withdrew the hand on her shoulder.

Guigui, this is the first time seeing Yoona like this!

When you get angry, you are scarier than me!

When studying the script, Lin YoonA was more strict with herself than anything else, which Jung Soo Yeon always knew.

But at this moment, she could feel that the person in front of her might be staying up late tonight.

I wanted to tell her to go back to rest early when she was too tired, but she didn't dare to say it just as the words came to her lips.

Jung Soo-yeon understands that for Lin Yuner's character, when she is angry, it is far better to be quiet and say something useless in her tone, it is better to just be by her side and accompany her like this.

. . .

After Jing Hao finished sending the voice, he threw the phone on the co-pilot and drove away.

After returning to the hotel room, after washing up, he walked to the table and put the sandwich he bought on it.

He wasn't sure if Song Zhongji would come over for dinner, because after the news was sent out, there was no movement.

And at this time, the doorbell rang.

He put down the phone that hadn't turned on the screen, and walked over to open the door.

Song Zhongji came in from the outside with a beer in hand.

"Have you eaten so late?"

Jing Hao followed behind him, said with a low smile, "Didn't I invite you to have some sandwiches?"

Song Zhongji frowned, and looked at him blankly: "Huh? Is there?"

Jing Hao only thought that Song Zhongji was too busy to look at his phone, and he didn't care too much.

He took out the sandwich he bought.

"Eat whatever you want. You know the food here. It's better to eat a sandwich than to eat other things."

Song Joong Ki, who had been busy all day, happened to be a little stunned, and the beer he brought didn't move.

During the meal, the two chatted about work again.

Song Zhongji asked him, how is the progress of the cooperation.

Jing Hao told him that he had agreed to Han Ming's invitation, and he was going to find him soon.

Hearing this, Song Zhongji was even happier than his client.

He knew how rare it was for Jing Hao to get such a cooperation.

At least harder than many others have done.

 Today's recommended song: Letting go——Tianya Cai
  Ask for a ticket Ask for a ticket

(End of this chapter)

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