nice to meet you, actor lin

Chapter 196 So, How Many Little Sisters Do You Have?

Chapter 196 So, How Many Little Sisters Do You Have? (two in one)

Song Joong Ki, who had been busy all day, happened to be a little stunned, and the beer he brought didn't move.

During the meal, the two chatted about work again.

Song Zhongji asked him, how is the progress of the cooperation.

Jing Hao told him that he had agreed to Han Ming's invitation, and he was going to find him soon.

Hearing this, Song Zhongji was even happier than his client.

He knew how rare it was for Jing Hao to get such a cooperation.

At least harder than many others have done.

The two chatted briefly for a while.

At this point, the person on the phone should not be busy anymore.

Jing Hao sat at the desk, swiped open the phone screen, clicked on kakao, and looked carefully at Lin Yuner's chat box before touching it.

Girls should be more aware of the details of this aspect.

Jing Hao just wanted to ask her opinion.

The round fingertips were just typing on the phone keyboard.

His gaze suddenly caught on to the record in the chat box.

The fingers stopped slowly.

Jing Hao's eyes froze.

His avatar was next to a voice message, and it had already been sent.

The smile that had just been drawn on his lips suddenly froze, like the lines of a wind-loaded wound, stiff and embarrassing.

In an instant, Jing Hao's breathing became heavy and pressed against his chest.

The mind is like stuffed with cotton, there is no room for thoughts to maneuver.

These two days, all his energy was on the crew, and the rest of the time he was thinking about Jin Zhiyong and Han Ming in the academy.

He didn't even know when he sent her a voice message.

Unbelievable thoughts rushed to his head.

Jing Hao swallowed the tax deduction.

Close your eyes, take a deep breath, and then protrude.

Opening his eyes again, he clicked on the voice with his fingers stiffly, and while listening, his fingertips gradually slid upwards.

A piece of paper carefully selected gifts, panoramic view.

The second half of the voice also followed in the empty room.

"How about you help me look at the gifts above? I have been looking for a long time, and I think girls like them. I am a little undecided. You can help me choose one. Then you can come to me after get off work. Often I just Bought a sandwich."

The tone played on the earpiece of the mobile phone was like sitting and coaxing a little girl, full of gentleness.

But at this moment, it sounds like the dubbing of a thriller and suspense film.


The phone suddenly dropped on the table.

Jing Hao sat blankly, looking out of the window, motionless.

At once.

Very unexpected. . .

He especially hopes that this moment is an illusion, as long as he blinks, he will return to the normal world.

"It must be fake. I'll pinch myself and try."


"It hurts!"

Contrary to expectations, not only the pictures and voices on the screen of the mobile phone have not disappeared over time.

Even his own cheeks became flushed because of the force just now.

At this moment, Jing Hao felt that he couldn't even breathe.

The whole person seems to be at the two extremes of the world.

The gaze of death, and the light of rebirth.

It's cracked!

Glancing at the time, it has been almost four hours since the post was sent.

It was impossible for Lin Yun'er not to see it, but she didn't reply to herself.

Does she think that she is a master of love who is good at playing with women's feelings?

She wouldn't think that she found a new girlfriend in Greece to meet her physical needs, right?
Probably not. . . ?
Restraining the heart that was so nervous that it was about to explode.

Jing Hao nervously picked up the phone again.

After deliberating for a long time, I returned to the chat box again.

. .

The night shrouded the community, and layers of bright light coating seemed to deliberately break the tranquility of the night.

In a room on the twelfth floor.

There was a dead silence at the moment.

The warm light is Samanti, but the temperature is meaningless.

All kinds of books were scattered all over the place, and the papers that were clumped into balls covered half of the table in a mess, and occasionally fell on the carpet under their feet.

Lin Yuner's slender fingers tightly pinched the pen holder, her eyes moved along with the smooth lines on the pen end.

Her pupils were dark, and there was no expression on her delicate cheeks.

The light above her head, the light enveloped her whole body, everything seemed to be in the light, but somehow, it gave her a feeling of being abandoned in a dark world.

Her half-tucked-up hair was hanging down on me at the moment.

She seemed to be numb, sitting there all the time, as if the whole world had no color, no sound, and nothing.

As for Jung Soo-yeon, she was already on the bed behind her, yawning uncontrollably.

Even though it was already like this, she didn't dare to disturb her at this moment, and she didn't dare to comfort her, so she could only keep a certain distance quietly and stay by Lin Yuner's side.

Jung Soo-yeon noticed that the person in front of her had been carrying very unstable personal emotions during the few hours of writing the biography of the characters tonight.

Otherwise, how could she be so paranoid?Paranoid, obviously not particularly anxious.

But she was extremely unwilling to eat or drink, as if she was competing with herself?
When Jung Soo-yeon was in the team before, she had seen her seriousness when writing biographies, but at that time, she just, just didn't speak.

But today, Lin Yuner is like a lifeless sculpture.

Jung Soo-yeon wondered, what did Jing Hao do to make her so crazy?
He turned over on the bed, searched all the major forums and search engines, and found that most of the people are either complaining about their distress, or they are overeating, or they are in love. In a shopping spree,'

However, there was no statement like Lin Yuner's lack of emotion at this moment.

Jung Soo-yeon was still thinking in her heart, why could the misunderstanding be so deep?Didn't she already give in and coax her?
At this time, the mobile phone that she had knocked on the table once, vibrated when there was a news coming in.

The pencil that Lin Yun'er was holding between her fingers suddenly snapped, and the refill broke.

The deep pupils flickered slightly.

Immediately afterwards, she threw the pencil in her hand into the trash can, replaced it with a new one, and continued writing.

After her thoughts were lost, tens of seconds later, she casually threw another piece of scrap paper beside the table.

Lin Yun'er's gaze followed the cell phone lying over there, and the pen in her hand fell on the blank manuscript paper, and she didn't have the mood to write any more.

In the end, he put down the pencil, took the phone, and cut it open.

Jing Hao: 【Are you asleep? 】

Jing Hao: 【Still busy with other things? 】

Lin Yuner was silent for a moment: 【No. 】

Lin Yuner: [Busy. 】

The other side was also quiet for a while, as if he was afraid of disturbing her, and seemed to be thinking about something else.

Jing Hao: [Information, have you read it? 】

Lin Yun'er's breath suddenly became a little unstable, but she deliberately suppressed it, typing with her fingertips a little harder.

Lin Yuner: [Yes. 】

It seemed that she felt her cold and abnormal response that was about to overflow from the screen.

At this moment, Jing Hao was very cautious.

Jing Hao: [Actually. . . 】

Jing Hao: [Actually, this message was sent by mistake. . . 】

The falling light shone on every inch of her outline, making her face look so pale that it was bloodless.

Obviously at this time, the temperature in the room is moderate, but Lin Yun'er can feel layers of fine sweat from the corners of her forehead at this moment.

In my mind, that warm, sunny face kept flashing.

The finger hanging above the screen should have been holding the pen for too long, and it has begun to tremble a little at this moment.

Lin Yun'er curled her knuckles and clenched them tightly.

Let go, type: [Okay. 】

She didn't ask anything.

But it made Jing Hao feel even more empty.

Jing Hao: [So? 】

Lin Yuner: [What else? 】

Quietly, it returned to the original strangeness, spreading between the two of them.

Jing Hao: [You, why don't you ask? 】

Lin Yuner's eyes were fixed on the screen tightly, and she didn't look away at all: 【What do you want me to know? 】

In the words, the meaning of unknown is very obvious.

Jing Hao quickly responded: 【Actually, I can explain it. 】

Jing Hao: [But I don't think you seem interested. . . 】

Breathing is constantly being blocked, and the pictures in my mind are constantly intertwined.

. . .

Lin Yun'er was silent for a long time: 【The gift is very beautiful. 】

Lin Yun'er: [The voice hasn't been heard yet. 】

Lin Yuner asked back: 【Do you want to explain? 】

Jing Hao was sitting in the room at the moment, leaning against the back of the chair, staring at the chat records on the phone with empty eyes.

The stiffness of her body became numb inch by inch because of her cold tone.

It was as if he had fallen into a bottomless pit, unable to fathom her mind.

one second.

two seconds.

The phone is quiet.

Thinking silently.

Very long time.

Jing Hao bowed his head and typed seriously.

. .

The entanglement and the torment of waiting are full of thorns in the bottom of my heart.

Touching left and right will feel pain.

His eyes were tightly locked on the screen of the phone, as if they were about to become eternity.

Lin Yun'er was waiting aimlessly, and every second was filled with estrangement, pushing their relationship to a further distance.

I don't know how long, the phone vibrated in the already wet palm.

Jing Hao: [Actually, this message is actually intended for my friend. I know you are not very interested in gossip, but I always feel that it is necessary to explain it to you. 】

All human beings' excuses to cover up for themselves come from.

I have a friend.

Even if the friends you mentioned are friends I know.

With dark eyes, light gradually penetrated, breathing slowed down, and the solemnity between the brows slightly relaxed.

Lin Yun'er bit her lips tightly: [I know. 】

Jing Hao: [It's really my friend. 】

For a moment, the stiffness in the back of the shoulder suddenly softened.

The corners of Lin Yun'er's lips curled up slightly: [I know. 】

Jing Hao was obviously about to be tortured to death by her.

Jing Hao: [Can you say a few more words to express your interest in this matter. 】

Jing Hao: [You've always been like this, I feel like a scumbag who wants to clean up, I don't know what to say. . . 】

After sending this passage, Jing Hao's heart was in his throat.

He has never cared so much about what other people think of him like this.

But this moment.

Suddenly, I was very afraid of losing her.

I'm also afraid that the Greek side has been established with great difficulty, and the goodwill between the two parties has suddenly returned to the relationship that was even colder than before coming to Greece.

Seeing the urgent tone in the dialogue box, Lin Yun'er paused for a moment, and then a faint smile spread across her eyebrows and eyes.

Lin Yun'er breathed a sigh of relief, and typed smoothly and soothingly: 【Okay, I'm listening. 】

Jing Ahong sent weakly: [Then do you believe it? 】

Lin Yun'er pursed her lips, feeling a little helpless about her relationship with him: [letter. 】

Jing Hao: [(The little cat is wronged. jpg)]

Jing Hao skillfully moved away from the tense topic just now.

Jing Hao hesitated for two seconds, but decided to tell the reason: [It suddenly occurred to me that when we were in love, I never gave you any presents. 】

Jing Hao: [So, I want to give you a gift, but I have never been in love, so I don’t know what kind of gift girls would like, and the voice is actually sent to Song Zhongji, I want him to give it to me Come up with an idea, so I can give it to you. 】

Lin Yun'er was stunned, and suddenly the tip of her tongue touched the corner of her lips, she almost laughed out loud.

Lin Yun'er thought for a moment, her deep eyes slowly moved away from the screen, her expression was calm and revealing a touch of latent joy.

Even if he is really lying to me, I really can't help but be happy. . .

He reached out and took off the hair tie from the back of his head. By the way, he took off his eyes and put them on the table.

Then I nestled my body in the chair, turned to the back, and looked at Jung Soo-yeon who was still secretly making up for "108 Ways to Get Out of a Broken Love" on the bed.

Lin Yuner's gaze was straight, and suddenly it floated over, and Jung Soo-yeon, like a quiet cat suddenly startled, suddenly sat up straight from the quilt. Forget it all.

Just when she was thinking hard about the best way to get out of a broken relationship.

Not far away, Lin Yun'er, who had been in a frozen state tonight, gradually softened her indifferent expression.

It was completely as if, just after turning around in a losing battle and turning to a fight that broke through the siege, it was the same as returning triumphantly.

From the gloom of defeat to regaining the light.

. . .

The door of the room was closed, and the phone in the palm of his hand was vibrating with news.

Lin Yun'er rubbed her sore shoulders, got up and walked to the window, opened the curtain halfway, leaned aside, and looked down at the phone.

Jing Hao: [Are you still there? 】

Jing Hao: [Please answer me for a while, otherwise I don't know what to say. 】

Jing Hao: [(Life is nothing more than this. jpg)]

Jing Hao: [Are you chatting with other little brothers? 】

Jing Hao: [It's so uncomfortable, I'm leaving, and I'm going to find other little sisters too. 】

She was only delayed for a minute or two, and a series of messages and emoticons came along with the trend.

Lin Yuner tilted her head cutely, leaning against the glass of the window, her face was in the shadow, and the corners of her lips fluttered.

Lin Yuner: [How dare you! 】

Lin Yun'er lowered her gaze, her loose hair slid down the side of her face, and she typed without any expression: 【So, how many little sisters do you have? 】

 Today's recommended song: Ten Years of Hits-Mandarin Version——Huang Guanzhu, Randy C
  I found this song on spotify, and then went to Q Yin to find it. The name on Q Yin is "Ten Years Golden Song" - Huang Guanzhu, Randy C
  It's very good, I highly recommend everyone to listen to it!

  Then I still ask for tickets, ask for tickets, ask for tickets~~~
  I am a ruthless little expert at begging for votes~~~

(End of this chapter)

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