nice to meet you, actor lin

Chapter 197 You Can Call Me, Aunt Li

Chapter 197 You Can Call Me, Aunt Li (Two in One)

Jing Hao: [(Life is nothing more than this. jpg)]

Jing Hao: [Are you chatting with other little brothers? 】

Jing Hao: [It's so uncomfortable, I'm leaving, and I'm going to find other little sisters too. 】

She was only delayed for a minute or two, and a series of messages and emoticons came along with the trend.

Lin Yuner tilted her head cutely, leaning against the glass of the window, her face was in the shadow, and the corners of her lips fluttered.

Lin Yuner: [How dare you! 】

Lin Yun'er lowered her gaze, her loose hair slid down the side of her face, and she typed without any expression: 【So, how many little sisters do you have? 】

Jing Hao: 【】

Jing Hao: [What? 】

Lin Yun'er sent him the quote.

Jing Hao: [No. 】

Jing Hao: [I don't have a little sister. 】

Lin Yuner frowned slightly: [Then this is? 】

Jing Hao explained helplessly: [Internet jokes, this is all out of date. 】

Jing Hao was quiet for a few seconds, and sent it as if laughing at her: [Are you chatting with me in another parallel time and space? 】

Lin Yun'er was stunned: [Parallel world? 】

Jing Hao was speechless: 【. . . . 】

He only felt that if he had the chance, he should help Lin Yun'er with tutoring.

From Lin Yuner's point of view, her seemingly meticulous logical thinking is in.

There are not many little sisters, that is, there is still a possibility of existence.

Lin Yuner pursed her lips, and typed slowly: 【Then who is your little sister? 】

Jing Hao suddenly seemed unable to answer the question.

Jing Hao: [I. . . . 】

Lin Yun'er's eyes lighted faintly: 【Ah?Is it a woman I cannot know? 】

. .

Jing Hao half leaned on the chair.

Staring at this sentence closely, a little ambiguous emotion is about to move in the spring, and something hidden deep seems to be unable to hide anymore.

The knuckles holding the mobile phone were clenched extremely tightly, and it was difficult to stabilize his emotions, and his smile gradually deepened.

He got up and opened the window in front of him to blow some air, trying to calm himself down a bit.

After a minute of silence, he sat down again.

Before, when I was chatting with my classmates in Huaguo, I couldn't keep up with the jokes and stalks on the Internet, which made people laugh for a long time, making Jing Hao think that he was already behind enough.

Unexpectedly, now, there is a little fool who is even behind him.

In the quiet room, Jing Hao couldn't help laughing out loud, catering to her question and answering: [I said I don't have a little sister, I'm currently single, you don't know that, and I'm not a central air conditioner . 】

Lin Yuner: [Central air conditioner. . . ? 】

Lin Yuner: [You boys, so many interesting words? 】

Jing Hao: [. . . . 】

Chatting with Lin Yun'er, I can't move at all.

Are you sure she didn't come from an alien?

He couldn't hide the smile that spread across his eyebrows.

Jing Hao typed with downcast eyes, with a gentle smile in his eyes: 【I only like you, it's not like you don't know. 】

The chat box suddenly fell silent, and the night wind blew in along the half-opened window, bringing a hint of coolness.

Lin Yuner's heart was pounding as if a deer had strayed in.

. . .

Finally it was almost time to shoot.

At nine o'clock in the morning, Zhao Yu took Jing Hao into the meeting room of the design department.

His clean and fluffy hair hangs between his eyebrows. He wears a denim light blue shirt and Yishen tan cropped trousers with slightly curved cuffs.

His eyes were clear and bright, and there was a slight smile on the corner of his mouth, gentle and elegant.

The proportion of women in the design department was half that of men. The moment Jing Hao walked in, he couldn't hide his exclamation and burning eyes.

Zhao Yu went to everyone on the conference stage, and before talking about business to the employees in the audience, he first introduced Jing Hao who came with him.

In fact, when Jing Hao came here last time, many people had seen him, and Jing Hao was also in the news. For this company that wants to advertise in the entertainment industry, the employees basically know Jing Hao. people.

"In the next season, we will invite Jing Haoxi to appear in our company's new commercial, and to co-shoot with Lin Yuner. For the time being, we won't have too many negotiations with everyone at work."

"However, I also hope that in the future cooperation, I hope everyone, everyone can get along with Jing Haoxi in harmony."

Zhao Yu's attitude in normal work is completely different from what Jing Hao saw a few times before, with a cold expression and a very intimidating tone.

His words carried an undeniable sense of oppression and a strong sense of command, penetrating the entire conference room.

The employees sitting under the stage applauded and welcomed them one after another.

Jing Hao was not very used to such deliberate introductions and attention, so after a few words of self-introduction, he nodded his thanks and walked to the vacant seat in the audience.

Zhao Yu arranged the memories, the whole time lasted about half an hour, and the rest was mainly for the employees to report the completion progress of the various tasks at hand, as well as the popularity of the products on the market recently.

At the end of the memory, Zhao Yu looked at everyone and said with a serious expression: "The last thing is more important."

He propped his hands on the table on the stage, leaning forward slightly.

"Lin Yuner xi, will come here to shoot this week, so starting today, everyone should adjust their focus of work appropriately, and make sure to make a perfect shot."

After explaining the matter, Zhao Yu ended his memories.

As soon as he walked out of the conference room, the employees in the audience immediately started discussing in groups of three or four.

"This Jing Hao, is he going to shoot with Lin Yunerxi?"

"After all, it is a person with high popularity, which is why the company values ​​it so much."

"Oh my god, look at her. Just because of her looks, she was born to be an entertainer. The starting point for casually spraying water is much higher than most people."

After the meeting, Jing Hao left Innisfree's building and returned to his hotel. At this moment, the vibration of the mobile phone information in his pocket suddenly rang.

It was Lin Yuner that was displayed on the screen.

Jing Hao walked behind the table and sat down, and opened the kakao.

Lin Yuner: [How do you feel? 】

Originally, because it was the first time to shoot a commercial, Jing Hao was still a little worried.

The tense thoughts of the day suddenly relaxed.

There was an inadvertent smile between his brows and eyes.

Jing Hao replied to her like this: [Very good, that is, the staff are a little too enthusiastic. 】

Lin Yun'er expressed her curiosity: 【What kind of enthusiasm?want to hear. 】

At this moment, Lin Yuner seemed very interested in knowing his current situation.

Looking back on this day, when the staff saw him, they all took the initiative to chat with him.

Jing Hao couldn't sum up the short words to reply her at the moment.

The two chatted briefly for a while before ending the chat.

. . .

In the community that Jung Soo-yeon rents.

Lin Yun'er finally finished writing the biographies of the characters at hand during the time when she didn't go to Yue Shi Feng Yin today.

He and Jung Soo-yeon ate some light meals casually, and after the two of them washed up, they went back to their rooms.

After nine o'clock at night.

After drying her hair, Lin Yuner was wearing a long cotton pajamas, sat at the desk and turned on the computer, ready to check her mailbox.

The room was quiet, the tulle curtains vaguely concealing the night outside.

Only the sound of shallow breathing, and the sound of the mouse sliding.

Lin Yun'er rested her chin on one hand, and stared at the densely packed emails on the computer screen seriously.

At this time, the mobile phone on the bed suddenly vibrated continuously.

For no reason, it gives people a sense of oppression after quiet.

Lin Yun'er stopped scrolling the mouse, got up and walked to the bed, leaned over and reached out to pick up the phone.

What was displayed on the screen was an unfamiliar phone number.

The vibrating sound of the mobile phone continued, Lin Yuner did not think too much, pressed the answer button, and returned to the desk.

"Would you like to compete? Which one?"

She asked in a gentle, polite voice.

But there was silence on the other side.

Lin Yuner lowered her eyes, and glanced at the status of the phone screen, it was showing the call status.

Immediately afterwards, she asked again: "Would you like to compete? May I ask who you are?"

This time it was only a few seconds before the other party finally spoke.

"Do you want to know about your mother?..."

At this moment, Lin Yun'er felt a pain as if her heart was being torn apart.

In his head, the sober thoughts were blown to pieces with a "boom".

The air instantly became thinner, and the depths of his throat seemed to be blocked by stale air, making it hard to breathe.

The knuckles of her fingers were slightly bent on the fuselage, and she squeezed it tighter and tighter. She took a deep breath and wanted to hang up the phone in a hurry.

And the other side seemed to have expected her thoughts, and said slowly: "Don't hang up the phone, you really don't want to know, who is your mother? Where is it now?"

Hanging on the table, the slender fingers clenched silently, Lin Yuner held back, steady breathing, she opened her mouth.

The tone was extremely cold: "Who are you?"

"It doesn't matter who I am, the important thing is, do you want to know about your mother?"

Lin Yuner laughed lowly at herself: "It doesn't matter if you know or not. She left me, my father, and me, O'Neill, alone. When she left, I had already forgotten about this person."

"Little sister, have you seen it?"

Lin Yuner's eyes were fixed: "How do you know this person?"

"What does she have to do with you?"

On the other side of the phone, he said slowly, "I know far more things than you think."

Lin Yun'er closed her eyes, her mother, little sister, and a series of past events disturbed her whole thoughts.

She opened her eyes and her voice was hoarse: "Just tell me, I believe, if there is nothing to do, this call will not come. Let me tell you first, what exactly do you want to do when you call."

"It's easy to talk to a straightforward person." The woman on the other side of the phone chuckled.

Then he continued: "After you return to China, call me again, and I will tell you something then."

Lin Yuner: "Everything?"

The woman laughed again: "That's definitely not the case. I still have to hold a few cards in my hand, and there are some things, if I let you know now, it will not be a good thing for anyone."

"That's it. We'll see you after you return home."

"Oh, by the way." The woman seemed to have remembered something, and said the last sentence to Lin Yun'er.

"My name is Li Fuzhen, you can call me Aunt Li."

After hanging up the phone, Lin Yuner slammed the phone on the table. Lin Yuner got up and opened the curtains, and the dim lights outside the window reflected into her pupils.

Her heart was in a mess.

My mother, who ran away from home, deliberately disgusted her little sister when she first debuted, what was she hiding?
Somehow, she felt that there were many unexplainable mysteries wrapped around her head.

But I can't see anything.

The top of the head was blown by the crescent white light, covering Lin Yun'er's body with a thin layer of halo.

What disturbed her breathing and mood the most was that strange "mother".

Lin Yun'er propped her hands on the table, bent her knuckles, tried her best to restrain herself, her body was stiff, the sweat on her back slowly soaked through her pajamas.

I just felt that the heaviness in my chest was getting heavier and heavier, and the tears began to fall drop by drop without knowing when, and hit the back of my hand heavily.

"Mother", what a kind word?
But since I can remember, my memory has never had any memory about this woman.

When I was young, every time I went to school, I saw Lin Yuner, who was taken by her mother to go to school with other classmates. In her pure heart, there was a strong sense of gap, which never disappeared.

She once asked her father naively: "Abba, why do other children have their mothers with them, but I don't?"

When she was young, she didn't know it very well, but when she grew up a bit, she had some answers of her own.

Lin Yuner bit her lips tightly, not wanting to make any sound.

In the silent night, every moment became very difficult, quietly turning this foreign city into a world beyond redemption.

Lin Yun'er breathed a sigh of relief, the eunuch wiped away cheap tears, lowered his head and picked up the mobile phone on the table.

She opened kakao and directly entered the top chat box.

. .

Jing Hao and Song Zhongji had dinner, and it was nearly nine o'clock when they came back.

After tidying up and washing up, he went back to the room, turned on the computer, found the father of Jin's data that Li Yanxi had sent to him, and began to sort out some of the materials at hand.

And at this time, the mobile phone that was placed aside, vibrated with a message, and rang.

Jing Hao swiped open the screen.

Lin Yuner: [Can you accompany me for a while? 】

Jing Hao didn't know what happened to her, but Lin Yuner's simple words revealed a rare sense of helplessness.

Jing Hao typed and replied quickly: [Okay. 】

The other party was silent for a few seconds, and then sent: [I want to ask you a question. 】

Jing Hao: [You speak, I'm listening. 】

Lin Yuner: [I saw a short video. 】

Jing Hao lowered his eyes and looked at the screen seriously. Lin Yuner's rare sharing made his brows darken.

The typing above the chat box kept beating, and he waited patiently for her.

 Today's recommended song: Step——Kara
  Ask for a ticket Ask for a ticket

(End of this chapter)

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