nice to meet you, actor lin

Chapter 198 Who is it?

Chapter 198 Who is it? (two in one)

Lin Yuner: [Can you accompany me for a while? 】

Jing Hao didn't know what happened to her, but Lin Yuner's simple words revealed a rare sense of helplessness.

Jing Hao typed and replied quickly: [Okay. 】

The other party was silent for a few seconds, and then sent: [I want to ask you a question. 】

Jing Hao: [You speak, I'm listening. 】

Lin Yuner: [I saw a short video. 】

Jing Hao lowered his eyes and looked at the screen seriously. Lin Yuner's rare sharing made his brows darken.

The typing above the chat box kept beating, and he waited patiently for her.

Lin Yuner: 【There is a girl who used to have a very happy family, but for some reason, her family, her mother, for some reason, one day, suddenly, left their very happy family. 】

Lin Yun'er: [Without any reason, she just left them suddenly. 】

Lin Yuner: [But one day, someone said to that girl, do you want to know about your mother? 】

Lin Yun'er: [Tell me, what should that girl do? 】

The chat box was still, Jing Hao frowned, and his gaze became deeper and deeper.

Holding his mobile phone, he got up and walked to the window. The faint light shone on the glass, immersed in his eyes, and there was a wave of flickering.

Her eyes returned to the chat box, and her new news came in: 【A lot of times, that girl used to complain about her mother in her heart, why did she leave them behind? It was such a happy family, but it was hers after all. Mother, the one who gave her life. 】

Lin Yun'er: [All she can do is to be with the person who no longer wants to leave, just like this, to be with the rest of her family. 】

Lin Yuner: [Is she very willful?What is she going to do? 】

Jing Hao had no expression on his face, carefully scanning every word she said.

She rarely confides to Jing Hao with strong personal emotions, but forgets her original intention, which is to tell a story.

Jing Hao knows that when people are in pain, their thinking patterns are blurred.

Just like she is now, the short stories she narrated are not exciting at all, but they are unreasonable and revealing an open heart.

Touch the fingertips on the screen, stay for a long time, and finally, relax with the tight string in the body.

He typed a sentence.

After giving her enough time to read, he pressed the voice call button.

. . .

Lin Yun'er was still standing in front of the desk, her figure was thin, her long hair was messy hanging on her shoulders, her eyes were glued together with tears, and the tears on her cheeks had dried up.

He entered every character with trembling fingers, but unintentionally, it became hysterical.

After saying these words, her emotions gradually eased, she put down her phone, and Lin Yuner looked at the peaceful night outside.

But in my heart, I was entangled and rampant for no reason, and I still couldn't blend into the lonely and cold atmosphere.

Just like when she first debuted.

No matter what you do, it's all wrong.

A few seconds later, the vibrating sound of the mobile phone came over, stopping her fragile thoughts of running away.

Lin Yun'er picked up the phone, her eyes were moist, and the handwriting on it was extremely clear.

Jing Hao: [Don't refuse. 】

Before she could react, the phone vibrated, and then it rang.

[Jing Hao invites you to make a voice call. 】

Lin Yuner's eyelashes trembled, and her slightly slack pupils focused little by little.

She suddenly understood the meaning of what he said above.

However, for this unexpected voice invitation.

From the time when she was a child, to when she was a trainee, and when she first debuted, there have been many times in her life, like tonight, when she couldn't help but collapse, and she quietly hid alone and cried.

She knew what it was like to silently lick the wound.

It was a tearing pain with a bloody smell, and there was no need to pretend to be comforting.

Just let her release her pressure without fear.

In the past, she could only bear it by herself, but after meeting him, the weak sense of security in her heart and all the enthusiasm for life came from Jing Hao.

But now, Jing Hao's sudden invitation made her feel a little overwhelmed.

The vibrating sound of the mobile phone spread to all limbs through the palm of his hand.

She was hesitating, but she was more afraid.

Although they had been in contact countless times and even had a relationship, she still didn't have the courage to tell him about these things face to face.

The shadow of being abandoned made her a little afraid of being abandoned again.

But the three words [Don't refuse] seemed to confirm her thoughts.

While giving her strength to break through her inner barriers, it also comforts her current fragility.

Lin Yun'er pinched her fingers, and with a deep, soothing voice, she finally pressed the answer button.

She tried her best to suppress the sound of her breathing, and stood quietly without making any sound.

Cheeks agitated, she was waiting for him to speak.

But the other party did not speak for a long time.

Both ends are silent.

for a long time.

His soft laughter and low breathing came from the other end of the phone.

But it made her cold body warm.

"Did you cry?"

Jing Hao's tone was very gentle.

Lin Yun'er stretched out her hand and rubbed the tip of her nose, her fingertips trembled slightly, and she hummed in a low voice.

"Would you like to wash your face?"

After the gentle inquiry, he continued: "Don't hang up the voice, I'll wait for you."

There was a moderate smile on the corner of Jing Hao's mouth, and there was another muffled voice over there.

She hummed and said nothing.

Following the sound of putting the phone on hold, there was a shallow inhalation sound, accompanied by a short twitching sound after crying.

After 2 minutes, there was a movement from the opposite side, getting closer and closer.

Jing Hao waited patiently, there was the rustling sound of paper being pulled out, and after a few seconds, the other side became quiet.

In Jing Hao's tone, there was doting and a hint of a smile: "Sleepy?"

"not sleepy."

With just two simple words, you can hear the other party's strong nasal voice.

Jing Hao lowered his voice, and said in a half commanding tone: "Go and lie down first, I will accompany you."

"Okay." She responded obediently, blurring the distance between the two of them.

Jing Hao held the phone by his ear and looked at the bright lights on the street outside.

From the cochlea came the soft sound of walking, and the crackling sound of lifting the quilt.

After a while, he followed her quiet movement and asked, "Are you all right?"

"Okay..." Lin Yun'er suppressed her tone, and her emotions were still fluctuating.

The light was crushed in Jing Hao's eyes. He took a deep breath and asked her softly, "Little child, how long have you been crying? Huh?"

Sniffing over there, he replied after a while: "Not long."

There was a slight weeping tone in her voice.

The voice is soft and waxy.

Irresistible, hooking the most sensitive nerves of a man, people can't help but want to approach her cautiously, wanting to give her warmth.

Jing Hao didn't continue to question her.

Suddenly, he fell into a slight daze.

He could feel the despair and helplessness she had felt in the text she sent him.

I can even feel that the bonfire that was originally burning in her youth was extinguished by a heavy rain and failed miserably.

And these, like a handful of ashes scattered in his sight, didn't let in any light.

Jing Hao sighed: "Are you really, don't want to talk to me?"

. . .

Lin Yun'er lay on the bed, pulled the quilt up to her chin, and listened to him sideways.

The floor lamp by the bed tilted out a dim yellow halo, and the hazy and warm light covered her fair face.

His coaxing tone, like the ending of a piano's falling tone, was calm and gentle, as if he was quietly comforting her.

Lin Yun'er pursed her lips, all the troubles were slowly drifting away at this moment.

Lin Yun'er reached out and touched the wet corner of her eyes, bit her lip, and responded warmly: "I want to hear from you."

"Okay." Jing Hao's tone was gentle, as if he was smiling.

The phone fell silent, and he pondered for a moment: "If you forgive someone who has hurt you, you are punishing yourself, then when you make a choice, go against it."

He didn't give her a specific answer, but he firmly gave her a direction.

Lin Yun'er didn't speak, and quietly listened to him continue talking.

"I don't know why that little girl's mother left her. But if it were me, I would definitely not have the heart to leave my lovely daughter, and I have never visited her since then."

"Maybe she has her own reasons and has to temporarily leave her beloved daughter."

"I believe that when God created human beings, there will always be a few that got lost halfway."

"But now that her footsteps may be followed, I'm sure other people will be happier."

Lin Yun'er tightly held the phone and stuck it to her cheek: "Then...then what should I do?"

Jing Hao remained silent for a few seconds on purpose, and said with a half-smile, "You're just a child, don't be too sensible, okay?"

"You still have me here!"

Jing Hao's voice slowly softened: "Everything should be done according to your heart and the most authentic thoughts. No matter what, I will always be with you."

On the side of the face that loved the pillow, a warm and moist feeling came over.

Ever since she got to know Jing Hao, Lin Yun'er found that he always had a magical power, using ever-changing colors to lead her close to his manor.

It felt like he didn't give her a clear path, but he led her through the fog and pushed open the window of her deep darkness.

There is warm light outside, slowly shining in, trance and ethereal.

And Jing Hao has been standing behind her, blocking the endless abyss for her, and climbing Tengmai on her back.

Give her the strength to keep going, but never leave her.

An indescribable sadness welled up in my heart.

How nice to meet you sooner.

But it's not too late to meet you now.

Nice to meet you, my Mr. Jing.

Lin Yuner stabilized another mood swing, and said softly, "Got it..."

Jing Hao clearly heard the subtle cry, and paused for a moment, with a sense of helplessness in his voice.

"What should I do with you? Don't cry, okay?"

The nasal snort of the low laugh intensified, and the voice was hoarse, like a feather, sweeping against Lin Yuner's cochlea and heartstrings.

Her cheeks were red, and her heartbeat gradually lost control in this ambiguous atmosphere.

"Okay." She said softly, pressing the corners of her lips in embarrassment.

. . .

Jing Hao stood quietly in front of the window, listening to Lin Yuner's overly obedient tone.

From the beginning to the end, she was like a frightened child, without any accusations of dissatisfaction, nor any extreme yells.

She was just hiding her pain, her voice was visibly trembling, but she deliberately spoke soft words.

But the more she was like this, the more Jing Hao felt that his chest was uncomfortable.

He knew that she was like a wanderer aimlessly at this moment, not knowing where to go.

But he can only use his own method to tell her the beauty of this world.

The dimness in his eyes faded away calmly, and a gentle smile flowed out of Jing Hao's tone again.

"Do you want to sleep for a while?"

Lin Yun'er took a little slow breath, and Nuo Nuo responded: "Yeah."

"Turn off the lights and put the phone next to the pillow. I'll wait for you to fall asleep before I hang up."

"it is good."

The low and shallow sound of the deer, followed by the sound of twirling the bedding and switching the light.

The high degree of emotional exhaustion made her fall asleep quickly.

The sound of shallow breathing came slowly, with the sound of convulsions after crying from time to time.

After holding on for half an hour, Jing Hao didn't hang up the voice, and gently placed the phone on the bedside.

Turn around and walk to the desk.

He needs to rethink some problems, and reorganize those weird clues from his thoughts.

. . .

Lin Yuner said that someone found her and asked her if she wanted to know about her mother.

Obviously, the person who finds her must not be Gu Minyan's person. Gu Minyan loves her so much, why would he deliberately stimulate her at this juncture?

So, in the end, who will find her?

The person who can tell her about her mother must not be a random person. First of all, this person must know about Gu Minyan. Then the scope of exclusion is limited to a certain range.

Could it be someone from within LG?
Probably not, LG is Gu Minyan's stronghold, according to her energy and her style of doing things, there shouldn't be such a person in LG.

Then, the number of candidates that can be guessed has been reduced by more than half.

Could it be from three stars?

If it is someone from Sanxing, what is the purpose of doing this?
. . . .

The next day, the phone's alarm clock didn't go off on time, and Jing Hao was woken up by the tiny light coming from the gap in the curtains.

He squinted his eyes, touched the phone next to the pillow, and wanted to check the time, only to find that it was already turned off.

The chaotic brain woke up a little bit, and after a moment of amnesia, he remembered that he hadn't hung up on the voice yesterday because he was worried about her.

After sitting quietly for a few minutes, Jing Hao rubbed his hair.

I just remembered that I fell asleep listening to her light breathing last night.

 Today's recommended song: Best Friend——Nishino Kana

  Ask for tickets, ask for tickets, ask for tickets~~~

(End of this chapter)

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