nice to meet you, actor lin

Chapter 199 Elevator Kiss

Chapter 199 Elevator Kiss (Two in One)

The next day, the phone's alarm clock didn't go off on time, and Jing Hao was woken up by the tiny light coming from the gap in the curtains.

He squinted his eyes, touched the phone next to the pillow, and wanted to check the time, only to find that it was already turned off.

The chaotic brain woke up a little bit, and after a moment of amnesia, he remembered that he hadn't hung up on the voice yesterday because he was worried about her.

After sitting quietly for a few minutes, Jing Hao rubbed his hair.

I just remembered that I fell asleep listening to her light breathing last night.

It was the first time to sleep with the little girl's voice, Jing Hao's nerves were tense, and his breathing was slightly stagnant.

He hurriedly got out of bed, charged his phone, turned it back on, and entered kakao's chat box.

See above for end times shown as .

It was three past nine in the morning.

He: [Chat Market 06:50:10]

She didn't hang up the voice in the middle, she should have slept more peacefully.

Jing Hao's hanging heart slowly eased down.

Immediately, typing: [Good morning. 】

After thinking about it, he reminded again: 【Eat breakfast well, good boy. 】

After waiting for 1 minute, there was no news from the other party.

Thinking that she might not have the sense of time to stay in bed, Jing Hao put down his phone and walked out of the bedroom to wash up.

After breakfast, I drove to Innisfree Building.

Eight forty-six.

At this time, it was the rush hour for work, and the lobby on the first floor was crowded with people.

By the time they reached the fourteenth floor, many people had already arrived, and the huge office exuded a strong aroma of coffee.

Everyone chatted and had breakfast in the lounge area.

There is definitely a lot of gossip in places with a lot of people. Even when Jing Hao passed through the corridor for a short moment, some information can be transmitted to his ears.

"Hey, hey, have you heard that our national goddess Lin Yuner is coming today!"

"Ahhhhhhhhhh...I'm a little excited, I like her so much, oh, I'm very excited just thinking about it!"

"...Me too, it's really an idol!!! I want to prepare a small gift for her!"

"Come here, try this coffee, my own matcha latte."

The atmosphere in the office was exaggerated to the extreme by all kinds of gossip, accompanied by bursts of laughter, it was very changed.

. . .

"Jing Hao Xi!"

Suddenly there was a low cry from behind.

Jing Hao turned his head, it was yesterday afternoon, a male designer who invited him to have afternoon tea, and he was walking over with a cup of coffee at this moment.

Jing Hao remembered that this person seemed to be a highly experienced designer in the company, but he didn't know the exact name, only his surname was Chen.

He looked about ten years older than Jing Hao.

Jing Hao turned around, stepped forward, and greeted politely: "Designer Chen."

"You don't need to be so polite, you have signed a contract with our company now, which means you are my colleague." Designer Chen said with a smile.

He handed the coffee in his hand to Jing Hao: "Here, iced American style, I don't know if it suits your taste."

Jing Hao quickly took it with both hands, his lips curved slightly: "Thank you!"

"You're welcome. By the way, the drinking water, coffee and snacks in the leisure area are self-service. We have a lot of employees here, and they are all kind-hearted. If you have anything, feel free to ask us."

After saying that, Designer Chen saw that he looked haggard, and asked with concern: "Did you not rest last night?"

It was because Jing Hao slept late last night because he had been watching the movements of a certain child through his mobile phone.

But Jing Hao couldn't tell him the reason.

He rubbed his temples and smiled a little embarrassedly.

Designer Chen thought for a while, thinking that this was Jing Hao's first commercial shoot, so he inevitably felt a little nervous and stressed.

After all, he was a doctor before and had no experience in this profession.

"It's because it's the first commercial, right? It's okay, you can play normally. We also have a director here, so it's ok if you follow the director. It's really not good. I remember that Jing Haoxi and Miss Lin Yuner were also very happy. Are you familiar with her? It will be no problem to ask her for more advice later on."

In fact, Jing Hao really didn't stay up all night because of shooting commercials.

He smiled, and before he could speak, another enthusiastic sentence came from beside him.

"This is a lot of things we used when we were shooting before. I don't know if it will be of any help to Jing Haoxi..."

Before Jing Hao could stop him, Designer Chen ran to the desk and started searching.

Then he took out a folder, walked over, handed it to him, and told him that he could refer to it.

Without even giving him the slightest chance to react, he just had an extra cup of coffee and a book out of thin air.

This overly sincere enthusiasm made Jing Hao not know what to say for a while.

Jing Hao's personality has always been relatively introverted. He is used to being a loner, so he can't be as polite as those experienced and smooth people, and it is difficult to say nice things that go against his will.

He just bowed his head slightly and said thank you, but those clear eyes couldn't hide his gratitude.

It was still early, so Designer Chen stood at the side of the corridor, chatting with him.

"Jing Haoxi, I remember you are still working while studying, right? Have you found a girlfriend yet?"

This sentence has a strong gossip meaning.

Before Jing Hao could say anything, a warm-hearted Nu Na said first, "Ouba, don't you read the news? Not only does Jing Haoxi have a girlfriend, but his girlfriend is also very beautiful." ! And he is still a serious executive of the LG Group!"

Designer Chen's eyes widened when he heard the words: "Oh mo? Gold price? That's really... a big deal!"

The surrounding atmosphere suddenly became lively.

Jing Hao didn't say much, but there was a smile on his brows and eyes. He didn't know how to deal with this kind of situation, and he seemed a little out of tune with the crowd.

However, Jing Hao did not resist this enthusiasm, at least everyone did not make him feel false.

Soon, everyone else started working. Jing Hao randomly found an empty room and sat down to read the materials given to him by Designer Chen.

While looking at it, I sighed, is this a professional advertisement shooting?There are many things written in the materials that I have never thought of before.

And at this moment, the phone placed on the table vibrated, and Lin Yun'er replied to his message.

He said that his phone was out of battery when he got up in the morning, and he had been busy with other things.

Jing Hao replied to her: [Did you eat on time? 】

Lin Yun'er didn't answer, but asked him instead: 【What are you doing now? 】

Naturally, she was taken away by her topic.

Jing Hao typed quietly: [I'm looking at the information, how about you? 】

Lin Yun'er: [I'm chatting with you. 】

The corners of her lips curled up, and finally turned into a low smile.

Jing Hao: [Okay, I'll accompany you. 】

It seems to be just a logical voice.

But invisibly, slowly, it promoted the rapid development of the already ambiguous relationship between the two people.

The blur that exists in essence is suddenly mixed with light, and the unspeakable throbbing jumps on the apex of the heart.

Simple greetings are sparkling with crackling sparks.

Jing Hao just wanted to ask her if she wanted to go to bed.

Lin Yun'er was one step ahead of him: [Sleepy. . . 】

Jing Hao immediately deleted the unsent words on the chat box, and replaced them with: [Then go to sleep for a while. 】

Lin Yuner was quiet for a few seconds, and then sent: 【I'm talking about you. 】

Rather than being ignorant, she said: [Why are you sleeping so late? 】

Jing Hao was puzzled: [How did you know? 】

Obviously he has been listening to the movement over there, making sure that she is in a deep sleep state.

Lin Yun'er was probably hesitating, and waited for a long time before replying: [Because, I woke up in the middle. 】

She had some naughty words, as if she was deliberately teasing her, which came into view.

Jing Hao wondered if he thought too much last night, as if he had hallucinations.

There was a hint of condemnation in his tone: [Not good. 】

Lin Yun'er said weakly: [I always feel that you are still by my side, and I want to wait for you all the time, but in the end I couldn't hold back and fell asleep again. 】

Then she sent another message: [You are busy at night, why don't you turn off the voice? 】

The seemingly ambiguous tone overflowed both ends through the screen.

Jing Hao withdrew his smile heavily.

He knows that promises are hard to make a child who has been separated from his mother since childhood feel at ease.

He understood the depths of her heart, the lack of security.

He also understands that after experiencing disappointment again and again, it is difficult to have the courage to trust others again.

Even though he is working hard, he wants to protect her well, so that she will not encounter the things that broke her heart like before.

However, the gap that has been torn open in the heart will still leave scars after it is stitched up.

Jing Hao's eyes were deep, looking at her with sly words.

He typed slowly: [I'm afraid that if you wake up in the middle of the night, you will feel lonely. 】

Thinking that when Lin Yun'er fell asleep, there would still be sobbing intermittently, it should be in a dream.

Jing Hao took a deep breath.

He said seriously: [I said I would accompany you, so I won't leave, don't be afraid. 】

In the end, the two chatted for a few words, and finally ended the chat.

. . .

Jing Hao seldom has the habit of taking a lunch break, but today's state is really bad.

Thinking that there might be some filming handovers in the afternoon, he leaned on the sofa and took a light sleep for 10 minutes.

After waking up again, the spirit of the whole person is much better.

Walking out of Wuzi, the office area outside was quiet and silent, and everyone was in the downstairs lounge.

Jing Hao came to the leisure area, and while waiting for coffee, he accidentally bumped into Zhao Yu who had just come back from outside.

Jing Hao nodded and greeted him. He seemed to be fine, so he came over and had a chat with Jing Hao.

After simply asking some pleasantries such as whether you are used to it.

Zhao Yu said it was serious: "I compiled a copy of the new season's products and other materials. I know that you don't have an agent here, and I don't know if you need it or not. I will directly hand over the things to Yoona xi It’s just that you guys are familiar with it, so if you have time later, you can go to get it from them.”

Jing Hao was stunned for a second, and then thanked Zhao Yu for his care.

Zhao Yu said with a smile: "It's not necessarily my dislike, it will be combined with your and Yoona Xi's style, you two can just refer to it."

After finishing speaking, Zhao Yu looked at the time on his watch, and then said: "Yunerxi, the time should be coming soon, you can talk to her."

After parting with Zhao Yu.

Jing Hao looked at the self-service coffee machine quietly, and the dense milk foam covered the bottom of the cup.

With the drowning sound, the strong and mellow coffee aroma penetrated into the depths of the nasal cavity.

On a summer afternoon, the scorching sun shines on the floor-to-ceiling windows on the fourteenth floor.

Even though he was in an air-conditioned room, for no reason, it made people feel warm all over his body.

There was still half an hour before the handover in the afternoon, and Jing Hao was thinking of going downstairs for a walk.

The corridor was very quiet, and he was the only one.

Reached the elevator area and just pressed the down button.

Doctor "ding", the elevator door not far to the left slowly opened.

He stared at the rising key, and moved to the side following the movement.

What fell into sight was the people inside, walking out slowly.

On the girl's delicate cheeks was a pair of black thin-rimmed glasses. She was thin and thin, and she was wearing a beige long skirt with a waist, showing her dignity and generosity.

She lowered her eyes, stretched out her hand to wrap the hair scattered on her cheeks behind her ears, pursed her lips, and walked forward without saying a word.

Before the waiting elevator came over, and before Jing Hao looked away, he suddenly met her gaze.

Jing Hao looked at her, paused for a second, and greeted her with a smile: "Yun'er."

Lin Yuner probably didn't expect such a coincidence, so she and Jing Hao pretended to be like this.

Misty eyes flashed past her moist eyes, she walked slowly to his side and stopped.

It's not yet time for the handover, and the floor at this moment seems a little empty.

Only the two of them stood opposite each other.

Lin Yun'er and him looked at each other, their eyes were indifferent, and they passed over Jing Hao's slightly tired pupils, there was no concealment in their eyes, and a gleam of distress flashed across them.

With a calm face, he said in a steady tone, "Did you take a nap?"

Jing Hao stared at Lin Yuner's hidden eyes for a second, then retracted them, and replied, "I just woke up."

After hesitating for a moment, Jing Hao smiled slightly: "Is it better now?"

Lin Yun'er raised her eyes to look at him, but didn't speak.

The non-prescription lenses are very transparent, reflecting the cleanness of the dark pupils inside.

Jing Hao could easily look into her deep eyes.

After thinking for a while, Jing Hao remembered that this is a public place, and he couldn't be too obvious, so he politely invited: "Yunerxi, are you free tonight? You recommended me to accept an endorsement. As a thank you, I would like to treat you to dinner." a meal."

After his words fell, Lin Yuner nodded quietly: "Okay."

"There is time in the evening."

What she said seemed to be careless, and the lingering sound echoed slowly.

The undetectable shallow arc at the corner of the mouth only existed for a second.

Jing Hao twitched the corner of his mouth, turned around and prepared to go downstairs quickly.

And at this moment, Lin Yuner secretly and quickly looked around with her small head, and after confirming that there were no bystanders in sight, she bit her lip lightly, took three steps at a time, and poked halfway into the forward elevator. a body.

Then he pulled Jing Hao's sleeve, and at the same time he turned half of his body with surprised eyes.

Lin Yun'er hurriedly took two steps forward, then put her toes up vigorously, and hugged Jing Hao's body with both hands.

Then he raised his head and pushed his lips forward vigorously.

It was deeply imprinted on the slightly parted lips.

 Today's recommended song: Breathe——kenzie
  Ask for tickets, ask for tickets, ask for tickets~~~

(End of this chapter)

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