nice to meet you, actor lin

Chapter 200 "Sorry, he already has an appointment."

Chapter 200 "Sorry, he already has an appointment." (two in one)

What she said seemed to be careless, and the lingering sound echoed slowly.

The undetectable shallow arc at the corner of the mouth only existed for a second.

Jing Hao twitched the corner of his mouth, turned around and prepared to go downstairs quickly.

And at this moment, Lin Yuner secretly and quickly looked around with her small head, and after confirming that there were no bystanders in sight, she bit her lip lightly, took three steps at a time, and poked halfway into the forward elevator. a body.

Then he pulled Jing Hao's sleeve, and at the same time he turned half of his body with surprised eyes.

Lin Yun'er hurriedly took two steps forward, then put her toes up vigorously, and hugged Jing Hao's body with both hands.

Then he raised his head and pushed his lips forward vigorously.

It was deeply imprinted on the slightly parted lips.

. . .

Because of Lin Yuner's arrival, Zhao Yu specially called an assistant of his own to accompany Lin Yuner.

The assistant put Lin Yuner and Jing Hao's preliminary itinerary for the commercial shooting this time, and the company's expectations for the next quarter's products on the table together.

Lin Yun'er just glanced over lightly, nodded and said for a while before looking again.

When I got up, I suddenly remembered Jing Hao who I ran into in the elevator when I first came to the meeting.

Lin Yuner frowned slightly and stood quietly. After thinking for a while, she raised her eyes and looked at Zhao Yu's assistant, who asked: "If the opposite sex has met before, if they meet again, they will still maintain the same What is the reason for the polite state?"

The assistant was helping Lin Yuner organize the things she needed, she was stunned when she heard this, she thought she had heard wrong.

Unable to hold back, he delivered it to Lin Yun'er with a puzzled expression, after confirming that there was no problem with his ears.

After hesitating for a long time, he slowly opened his mouth.

"This is not necessarily true. It may be because of admiration, or it may be because the other party's aura is too strong and daunting."

As soon as the words fell, the little assistant patted his forehead, as if he had suddenly realized something.

She smiled and continued to say: "However, if the other party is you, it's not difficult to understand. It may be because your halo is too shining. That is, it's better if you try to be soft and cute."

The obvious meaning of this sentence is to let Lin Yuner learn to become a soft girl.

Lin Yun'er poked her eyes slowly, and vaguely understood what she meant.

She stared at balls, pursed her lips without saying a word, and walked towards Wuzi inside the office.

The person in front hadn't spoken yet, the little assistant suddenly seemed to understand something, after thinking that it was Lin Yuner who offered to cooperate with Jing Hao in the filming, she couldn't help showing her aunt's smile like she was knocking on CP.

"It should be Jing Haoxi, right? Jing Haoxi is so good, there must be many women who like him, Yunerxi can boldly hold him down, pounce on him, and kiss him!"

Come on!

. . .

Jing Hao sat on the sofa, in front of him was the information that Designer Chen gave him in the morning.

But he didn't read a word all afternoon, his mind was full of what Lin Yuner said "I have time in the evening".

And that kiss from her.

He couldn't help closing his eyes, and in his mind, the image printed on Lin Yun'er's lips kept rolling.

Damn it, how can I calm down!

Although he was complaining so carefully, Jing Hao's expression was clearly not like this.

He kept staring at the document with a smile on his face, and smacked the corners of his lips from time to time, as if he had sunk into it.

At this moment, the landline beside the desk suddenly rang.

Jing Hao was shocked, and quickly withdrew his wandering thoughts.

Jing Hao didn't think much, he quickly picked up the microphone and put it to his ear.

The next second, what came over the phone was not Zhao Yu's business-like official emphasis.

It was Lin Yuner's soft voice.

"Jing Hao."

The deep pupils suddenly shrank.

Jing Hao was still thinking about her just now, when he suddenly heard Lin Yun'er's voice, he got into his cochlea unexpectedly, and clenched his nerves tightly one by one.

There was a trace of restlessness in his chest for no reason.

Lin Yuner's tone was unhurried: "Are you driving by yourself at night?"

There was a pause of two seconds.

Lin Yuner said slowly again: "If not, you can take my Xicaoni car."

Are you going to meet one of your aunts so soon?
Jing Hao suddenly felt a little flustered, and hurriedly said, "I... drove over."

His voice at this time was obviously stuck, as if he was facing a strict boss, as if he was facing an enemy.

Lin Yuner laughed softly: "Okay, see you later."

See you, see you, see you. . . .

After the call ended, these words looped indefinitely, rushing straight to the forehead.

. . .

Approaching Yueshifengyin, there are still a few minutes before the collective off-duty time, and the staff in the entire building began to become active, swarming back and forth on their respective floors.

At this time, in the open office that Jing Hao was in, suddenly came a handsome female employee.

Standing not far away, he said to him with a smile on his face, "Jing Haoxi, do you have time tonight? We have dinner tonight, do you want to come over together?"

As soon as the voice fell, there was something going on, and other colleagues started booing.

"I'm so envious. I thought Xiaoya was sending invitations in a group. I didn't expect to treat Jing Hao specially when he Xie Jinghao!"

The girl called "Xiaoya" suddenly turned red on the cheeks.

She looked at them seriously and said, "Jing Hao is new here, and he can be regarded as our new colleague! He must be different from you old fritters. Waiting for you, if one day you resign and come in again, I will treat it that way."

Jing Hao was a little confused by this kind invitation, mainly at the door, and there were spectators from time to time.

He took a deep breath, stood up and said politely to the girl named "Xiaoya" in front of him, "I've already..."

"Sorry, he already has an appointment."

A cold voice sounded from the door.

Everyone turned around following the sound.

The girl behind had bypassed those people and entered the office delicately.

Her long light-colored dress was tailored to fit her body perfectly, and a blue plaid square scarf was draped diagonally outside the buttons of the collar, giving her a very gentle temperament.

The deep eyes were as quiet as lake water, and the aura condensed all over his body quietly dispersed.

The other people who were still eating melons, felt the subtle atmosphere, and they all ran away in the blink of an eye.

The other two in the nursery remained motionless as if frozen in time.

Jing Hao suddenly felt a little dazed, feeling like he was hooking up with others and being discovered by his wife.

Lin Yun'er walked over slowly, and stood quietly in front of Jing Hao.

"Can we go now?"

An uncommon sentence.

But at the moment when she said it, it was like a spring breeze touching the skin, causing a slight itchiness.

Like the ending tune of a sympathy song, with unfinished sound effects, my uncle never left.

Jing Hao stood opposite her, only a table away.

He just lowered his gaze slightly, looking down at the dignified girl whose head only reached his shoulder.

When she rarely wears glasses, she will lose the feeling of being a big star on weekdays, and she will look a little more tired and lazy.

Seeing that Jing Hao didn't leave immediately, the corners of Lin Yun'er's lips curled up slightly.

"If you are not finished, I will wait for you."

An undercurrent of unknown meaning strikes, and the ambiguity of a sentence surrounds several people.

Jing Hao's breathing faltered immediately.

"Busy, I'm done."

He hurriedly started packing up his things, holding the documents on the table.

When he bowed his head to do these things, he had already condemned himself more than 8000 times in his heart.

Why every time.

As long as you face her, you can't help but have a state where your body and soul are not in the same state.

Lin Yuner stood quietly in front, waiting patiently for him.

In the aisle of the office, there are non-stop employees onlookers, forcibly pressing down on themselves, eager to move, wanting to gossip.

But incomparably silent, looking at the room, this is a scene that can only be seen in classic idol dramas.

Only Xiaoya who was standing not far away.

The situation is difficult, like a fish that has just been scooped out of the water and exposed to the sun.

Anxious, but helpless.

At this moment, it seems that it is embarrassing to say or not to speak.

Xiaoya controlled her trembling voice, squeezed the fingers hanging on one side, and finally said hello nervously: "Lin Yunerxi."

Lin Yuner nodded with a smile.

"Thank you for the invitation, but he may not have time today."

The expression is very decent, but the words spoken are very simple statements, which seem to have no objection to the answer, and the tone is mixed with force and there is no room for negotiation.

And secretly poked, affixed a warning label.

Xiaoya had an indescribable embarrassment on her face: "Okay, okay."

Seeing this, Jing Hao almost fainted.

Can you calm down?
If you continue like this, everyone will really guess that our relationship is not normal!
Jing Hao tidied up his things as fast as he could, then picked up his backpack and car keys as fast as he could, walked in front of Lin Yun'er, and stood still.

The chest rises and falls.

"...I'm ready."

Jing Hao didn't look at it, but he could feel how hot the eyes of the group at the door, with their own gossip-making machines, would be.

Lin Yuner nodded slightly, and responded softly: "Okay."

Then he turned around and walked towards the outside with light steps.

Jing Hao quickly turned around, smiled apologetically at Xiaoya, and then walked out of the office on this floor with Lin Yuner under the gaze of countless eyes.

Throughout the whole process, his eyes were lowered, looking at the floor tiles under his feet.

The moment he entered the elevator, Jing Hao could vaguely feel that in a minute, this floor would suddenly explode.

The elevator is moving towards the first floor, slowly descending.

Jing Hao stood upright, with his back leaning against the smooth wall, staring at the flashing buttons without saying a word.

Lin Yuner glanced back at the person behind her through the mirror glass in front of her, a smile appeared in the corner of her eyes.

Let you hook up with other girls if you have nothing to do.

Look at this time, do you still have a long memory?
Lin Yun'er turned around and looked at Jing Hao, barely bumping into his gaze staring forward.

Jing Hao was looking back at her quietly, and unexpectedly, he saw a more docile person than usual.

Such a long four-eyed gaze stayed for a while, and he first looked away and stood up straight.

She bent her lips and whispered, "Yun'er, do you have anything you want for dinner?"

"Ding" sound.

The elevator stopped on the first floor, the mirrored glass door slowly opened, and Lin Yuner stepped out in small steps.

"I'll just follow your taste, and I'll get used to your taste."

When she was talking, Lin Yun'er didn't stop walking, she just turned her head to look at him slightly, a smile was evident on her eyelids.

. . .

The two walked out of the hall side by side and came to the parking lot outside the building.

When passing by, Lin Yun'er stood at the back door with her hands intertwined and hanging in front of her body, a little hesitant.

She tilted her head cutely, staring closely at Jing Hao who was following,

The smile in his eyes was very obvious, "This time, where should I sit?"

The dignified standing posture, with a bit of playfulness, gives people the illusion that they can't stay out of it.

No one can pretend to be a gentleman serving a lady deliberately at this time.

He remembered that after sending her off last time, he had been in a busy state, and he didn't have time to pack the things in the back seat.

Jing Hao walked to the co-pilot and opened the car door for her.

Lin Yun'er followed the trend and walked over, holding one hand by the door.

There is no arrogance, peace of mind, and the appearance of enjoying other people's services.

Instead, he humbly thanked: "Thank you, I'll just do it myself."

Jing Hao just raised his chin slightly, and smiled to signal her: "It's okay, you sit first, it's not very convenient for you to wear a skirt."

"it is good."

Lin Yun'er approached, with her head lowered, her hands pulled up the sides of the long skirt, and the hem of the skirt lifted up with the movement of bending over, revealing a pair of white ankles like jade.

The afterglow of the setting sun sprinkled every corner of the parking lot.

In the warm yellow light, the breath of the two people, when they approached for a moment, were entangled.

They didn't look at each other for a moment, but they had a strange warmth. In this narrow space, they hugged each other tightly.

An indescribable ambiguity is quietly growing.

When she was completely seated and fastened her seat belt, Jing Hao quietly closed the car door, turned around, returned to the driver's seat, and drove away.

If it was Song Zhongji, or someone else, Jing Hao would be able to find a restaurant or a night market to eat without any scruples.

But the person next to her was Lin Yuner.

You can't be too casual, find a noisy place.

Finally, Jing Hao put forward his opinion on whether to go to a Chinese restaurant.

At this time, it was time to get off work, but the road was unimpeded.

The sun's rays refracted in through the glass in front of the car, piercing straight into Lin Yuner's clean black pupils through the lens.

She stretched out her hand to block it for a moment, tilted her body, and turned towards the direction of the driver's seat to avoid the oncoming light.

 Today's recommended song: Closed Ending——Shaun
  Ask for tickets, ask for tickets, ask for tickets~~~

(End of this chapter)

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