nice to meet you, actor lin

Chapter 201 Dinner for Three

Chapter 201 Dinner for Two (Two in One)

When she was completely seated and fastened her seat belt, Jing Hao quietly closed the car door, turned around, returned to the driver's seat, and drove away.

If it was Song Zhongji, or someone else, Jing Hao would be able to find a restaurant or a night market to eat without any scruples.

But the person next to her was Lin Yuner.

You can't be too casual, find a noisy place.

Finally, Jing Hao put forward his opinion on whether to go to a Chinese restaurant.

At this time, it was time to get off work, but the road was unimpeded.

The sun's rays refracted in through the glass in front of the car, piercing straight into Lin Yuner's clean black pupils through the lens.

She stretched out her hand to block it for a moment, tilted her body, and turned towards the direction of the driver's seat to avoid the oncoming light.

But at this time, Jing Hao noticed Lin Yuner's movements and turned his head to look at her.

Lin Yun'er was raising her eyes, rectifying her sitting posture, her unprotected eyes still had the swollen remains after crying last night.

Jing Hao watched, and the fingers on the steering wheel unconsciously tightened at this moment, and a dark color was added to the fundus of his eyes.

Noticing the gaze of the person next to her, Lin Yun'er's long eyelashes fell down with the movement of her eyes down.

Unknowingly flustered with his hands, he quickly brought his eyes up.

Jing Hao's eyes followed Lin Yun'er's posture, and retracted together.

The faint scent of chamomile still warmed up beside him.

Jing Hao looked sideways at her, so close at hand.

Lin Yun'er seemed to have also noticed Jing Hao's abnormality, her whole body, the restrained breath, fell slowly without rhythm, her hands tightly clutching the seat belt in front of her.

And his eyes were as dark as inkstones, full of probing, like a net, leaving her no room to hide.

The light in front was still scorching hot, and the light and shadow cut by the setting sun fell on the pure white cheeks of the person next to him.

Lin Yuner's quiet author just squinted her eyes in the face of the light flickering from time to time, and didn't move any more.

After a while, Jing Hao stretched out his hand and opened the sun visor directly above Lin Yuner's seat, then retracted his arm calmly, and focused his eyes on the road ahead.

Deliberate action, naturally, as if it never happened.

The light in front of him dimmed, and his eyes were instantly relieved.

Lin Yuner leaned back on the seat subconsciously, remained silent for a few seconds, then turned her head to look at him.

Right in front of the fingertips, there is an extra delicate packaging bag.

Jing Hao didn't give her a chance to speak, and stared at her with deep pupils, as if he wanted to look into her heart.

The fingers pinching the packaging bag stretched out towards her, with a very calm voice.

"There are still more than ten minutes to the restaurant, take this and rest for a while."

Gentle tone, without him being a polite subject.

Naturally, there is no transition, giving people a vague illusion.

Lin Yun'er's eyes flickered for a moment, and she slowly let go of the hand on the seat belt, pinched a corner, and said politely: "Thank you!"

After opening the packaging bag, Lin Yun'er found that inside was a steam eye mask with a faint scent of lavender on it.

Just as he went to take out the blindfold, the slender hand next to him stretched out again.

Lifting his fingertips slightly, Jing Hao said in a low voice, "Give me the packing bag."

Just like between lovers, just like everyday life, an unspeakable warmth quietly filled Lin Yuner's heart, entangled layer by layer, airtight.

"... Oh, good!" Lin Yuner responded to him a little nervously.

A few seconds after putting on the eye mask, the constant temperature gradually spread from around the eye sockets.

His vision was immersed in the darkness, and his thoughts became more and more light.

Although not clearly felt.

However, it seems that some relationship between two people was originally guided by her.

I don't know, since when, it started to reverse.

. . .

The Chinese restaurant they were going to was located in the city of Athens, on a quiet road amidst the hustle and bustle.

It is a new store with two floors, but with its rich menu and good service environment, it is a very popular restaurant among the new Chinese restaurants.

It is also Song Zhongji, a shop recommended to Jing Hao.

And this Chinese restaurant is slightly different from many other Chinese restaurants in that it has a Chinese name, and the name of the restaurant is - Guiqi.

Both sides of the road are decorated with exotic, French-style sycamores, making the atmosphere of the restaurant more elegant, and surrounded by transparent glass, the main color of the decoration is pure white, which looks elegant and full of warmth.

Just looking outside is like visiting an art gallery.

Jing Hao is quite satisfied with this place. It has a strong sense of modernity and fresh pastoral colors, without that sense of luxury.

The two were led into the store by the waiter, and there were relatively few customers around at this time, only a few scattered tables were eating.

The waiter took a look at their age and style of clothing, and took the two of them up to the second floor without asking too much.

Lin Yun'er leaned against the wall and followed by one side, carefully looking at the shop with its unique color.

When passing the turning, his shoulders were suddenly grasped by the person next to him.

A warmth that belonged to the man's palm passed through Lin Yuner's thin clothes to the skin.

In an instant, it invaded her whole body.

Lin Yun'er couldn't help trembling, and took two steps back on her heels.

His eyes flickered in the air, and he didn't realize what happened at all.

There was only a sound of "Peng", and the glass fell to the ground and shattered, accompanied by the oncoming, panicked voice of the waiter.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, you're not hurt, are you?"

A little scalding hot water was sprinkled on the skin, and the words fell against the sleeves, and the burning sensation on the wrist turned into labor pain.

Jing Hao looked at the reckless waiter in front of him, frowned, and after confirming the person beside him, there was nothing wrong.

Withdrawing his arm, hanging it by his side, he whispered, "Be careful next time."

The waiter, who was walking absent-mindedly, nodded his thanks again and again, bent down to clean the glass shards on the floor, and left.

Lin Yuner regained consciousness in his cold voice, and realized that she was almost hit by the waiter just now.

She raised her head slightly, and looked sideways at the person beside her, whose brows calmed down instantly.

The arm that was originally placed on her back in a protective posture also fell down.

On the cheeks, the color quietly accumulated, as dazzling as a burning cloud, Lin Yuner pursed her lips for a moment.

"Thank you."

Slowly, these two words were squeezed out from the depths of his throat.

The first floor is a semi-indoor and outdoor pattern, and the waiters will lead them to the outside terrace.

The white tables and chairs with uniform tone are covered with light green plaid cloth, surrounded by green plants, embellished with the afterglow of the setting sun, very lively.

The breeze blows, and the large sycamore leaves tilt over.

Crashing, with the sound of healing the soul, the fragmented light passed through the gaps in the leaves. It felt like being in a coffee shop on the street of a French town at this time.

Jing Hao walked for a few seconds, turned his head, and looked at the girl who was still in place, attracted by the scenery.

Seeing Lin Yuner's thoughts, Jing Hao retreated slowly, and asked her warmly, "Would you like to sit there?"

Lin Yun'er turned her head and bumped into his pupils that were shining with sunlight, her heartbeat that had finally calmed down was another burst of bumps at this time.

As her cheeks gradually became warmer, Lin Yun'er weakly looked away, and just moved her lips, before she could speak.

The person beside him said with a low smile: "You have been watching for a long time, let's go."

"...Huh?" Lin Yuner was stunned, not knowing how to respond.

Raising his hand to touch his hot face, he obediently followed behind him.

Jing Hao had already turned behind her, pulled the chair to a comfortable distance, and waited for her to sit down before leaving.

For a moment, Lin Yun'er felt that all the pores in her body were opened, and the sound of the leaves beside her ears disappeared.Only the breath of when he approached was left, bit by bit, wrapping her bristling hairs.

Around the tip of the nose, there was a faint and clear scent, and Lin Yun'er couldn't tell if there was something wrong with her sense of smell.

The character who has always been calm in the world is inexplicably flustered.

Lin Yun'er could only take a deep breath, hiding her inexplicable palpitations, and suppressed her abnormality little by little.

Jing Hao sat down opposite her, looked at the blush on Lin Yuner's cheeks, which was gradually dissipating on the delicate skin, and stayed there for a second.

Actively pushed the menu over: "See what you like to eat?"

Lin Yun'er nodded, took the menu he handed over, glanced inadvertently, caught a glimpse of the burn on Jing Hao's wrist, his skin was red, and there were faintly transparent blisters protruding from it.

Lin Yuner's eyes were fixed immediately, her fingers were tightly gripping the menu page, she raised her eyes to look at Jing Hao, her tone was half cold and communicative: "You are hurt!"

Jing Hao glanced at it. In fact, this kind of minor injury was nothing to him.

Jing Hao chuckled and said, "It's okay, let's order first."

Lin Yuner's gaze stayed in his warm smile for a short while.

Intentionally or unintentionally blurted out: "Boys' common sense in life is really poor."

Before Jing Hao could speak, the next second, the girl in front of her, still persistent, got up and walked to the bar on the second floor.

A few minutes later, he walked over with a bottle of burn medicine.

She stood by the seat, her expression returned to her usual calm, she was silent for a moment, and handed over the ointment in her hand.

Don't give him a chance to refute: "There is no gauze, you can apply some first."

Jing Hao paused, did not refuse, and reached out to take it.

Lin Yun'er sat opposite, and ordered a few dishes casually, enough for two people to eat.

In the end, he reported the name of the dish to Jing Hao and asked him if it was okay.

Jing Hao followed her and said hello without hesitation. His brows were gentle and his expression was very calm. He couldn't see any deep desire for food.

Lin Yun'er lowered her eyes slightly, frowned slightly, and asked tentatively: "Is there something wrong with my order?"

Jing Hao paused, forgetting that the other party was very sensitive.

When Jing Hao was a child, he preferred Sichuan cuisine with a stronger taste.

What Lin Yun'er ordered just now were all relatively peaceful Lu dishes, and the taste was relatively mild, but this meal was for her, and for her, no matter what he was, it was actually okay.

Jing Hao smiled and said, "Just cater to your taste, I can do it."

Lin Yuner stared at him for a moment, then withdrew her gaze, and slightly pursed her lips: "I don't like to choose."

With a word without reason, Jing Hao's thoughts suddenly couldn't keep up with the rhythm.

In the next second, Lin Yun'er whispered a few words to the waiter, and then canceled all the dishes she just ordered.

Subsequently, some spicy dishes were substituted.

Jing Hao was a little dazed, he didn't quite understand, he thought it was because she didn't like it, but it seemed that, in his impression, Lin Yuner wasn't very good at spicy food, right?

"Is it not to your liking? Otherwise, you can change to another one."

Lin Yuner just raised her chin slightly, staring at the wound on his wrist: "First apply the medicine."

The relationship is like practicing Tai Chi, Jing Hao was completely out of the situation.

He could only laugh without saying a word, and lowered his head to deal with the wound on his wrist.

The sycamore leaves, which were closer to the seats of the two, extended to Lin Yuner's shoulders, intentionally or unintentionally, stirring up her hair with the wind.

Lin Yun'er looked at Jing Hao quietly, and when he finished applying the medicine, her slender fingers touched the square scarf under the collar, and pulled it out from the decorative knot.

He untied it easily and handed it to the opposite side.

The square scarf is sky blue.

Satin material, satin smooth, without a trace of wrinkles.

Jing Hao followed her white fingers and raised his eyes, his gaze blended with hers.

Lin Yuner's voice was gentle and soft: "You can use this."

The cold touch of the ointment spread infinitely.

The moment she spoke, the burning pain disappeared without a trace.

Jing Hao felt it, and his thoughts dropped to zero.

Lin Yun'er's voice was gentle, and she reminded lightly: "The wound on the wrist, bandage it."

Seeing him was still unbelievable, staring at her for a moment.

Lin Yun'er looked at him quietly for two seconds, the corners of her eyes raised a little: "Do you want me to help you?"

A sentence that was thought to be enough for a joke, but with a very serious tone.

Jing Hao followed her indifferent gaze.

He didn't know how to think with the correct concept.

Rubbing the soft and slippery bottle of the ointment with your fingertips.

What she unwrapped was her personal belongings, and the price was not low.

Just, to bandage his wounds. . .

Does this mean that she has accepted herself again? . . .

At this moment, Jing Hao's heart throbbed unspeakably.

He slowly put down the ointment in his hand, thought for a long time, and lowered his voice: "It will get dirty."

"It's okay, I don't mind." Lin Yun'er could not hear anything other than being elegant.

The corners of the square scarf were swaying with the wind, swaying in Jing Hao's sight when he looked back.

Lin Yun'er pursed her lips and said with a smile: "If it's dirty, just wash it for me and give it to me, that's all."

Jing Hao's breathing tightened, and after a small struggle, he could only nod happily: "...Thank you."

 Today's recommended song: Wonderful U——AGA
  Ask for tickets, ask for tickets, ask for tickets~~~

(End of this chapter)

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