nice to meet you, actor lin

Chapter 202 The square scarf left for him

Chapter 202 The square scarf left for him (two in one)

Does this mean that she has accepted herself again? . . .

At this moment, Jing Hao's heart throbbed unspeakably.

He slowly put down the ointment in his hand, thought for a long time, and lowered his voice: "It will get dirty."

"It's okay, I don't mind." Lin Yun'er could not hear anything other than being elegant.

The corners of the square scarf were swaying with the wind, swaying in Jing Hao's sight when he looked back.

Lin Yun'er pursed her lips and said with a smile: "If it's dirty, just wash it for me and give it to me, that's all."

Jing Hao's breathing tightened, and after a small struggle, he could only nod happily: "...Thank you."

Lin Yun'er raised her hand slightly, and the scarf was blown up in the wind, and Jing Hao reached out to pick it up slowly.

The length of the square scarf is moderate, it is very light sky blue, the lines of the light and thin grid show elegance, and the touch on the fingertips is very silky and soft.

Jing Hao rubbed it with his fingertips, paused for a while, and said truthfully: "What brand is this, I have never washed this kind of thing, in case it gets damaged..."

"There are cleaning tutorials online, or, ask a female friend."

When she said this, she was extremely gentle both in her tone of voice and in her eyes.

Without warning, Jing Hao fell into her trap.

His underlying meaning is very simple, thinking of a normal person, he certainly won't really make him lose one.

Will choose to answer "it doesn't matter", "doesn't matter", "you use it first" and the like.

And he can return the square scarf to her logically.

The excuse for the final refusal is "I don't want it anymore, it will be very troublesome if it is washed."

But she. . .

If it wasn't decisive, it directly cut off all Jing Hao's escape routes.

Directly use the sentence "There are tutorials on the Internet", and throw this sentence to him to think about it himself.

There were even multiple-choice questions for him to ask his female friends.

Jing Hao suddenly felt that this was a question for which he had cheated answers when faced with choices for more than 20 years, but he couldn't copy them.

He was stunned for a moment, and raised his lips in front of him: "Okay."

At this time, the square scarf lay quietly on his hand, and it was meaningless to say anything else.

. . .

The dishes came to the table quickly, and Lin Yuner, for most of the whole process, just ate the vegetable salad that she specially ordered.

Maybe it was because of the filming later, so I didn't eat the food that Jing Hao ordered.

It was clearly agreed earlier that she was invited to dinner, but now all the dishes on the table have been changed to Jing Hao's own taste.

This made Jing Hao want to crash to death a little bit.

Too many things happened today, Jing Hao only felt that his brain was overloaded. . .

Things kept turning around, and even in the end, it became a matter of spending money by oneself and eating by oneself.

. .

After the meal, the sky had already darkened, and the autumn wind in Athens was slightly cool at night.

They didn't chat too much, and after paying their bills on the first floor, they left the Chinese restaurant together.

The car stopped at the entrance of the mall not far away, one street away.

On the way to walk, the street lights were dim, and a large shadow was cast by the leaves of the sycamore tree, which fell on the two of them.

Perhaps shoulder to shoulder.

Or maybe it's the two people's too eye-catching looks.

Along the way, passers-by passed by with envious looks from time to time.

Although they kept a distance, but for no reason, there was a hazy feeling of being in love.

. .

The servants of the night, even if they lose, divide the sky and the street with neon lights into a critical line.

In front of an ordinary restaurant on the opposite side, the little girl was leaning against a thick sycamore tree, holding her mobile phone by her ear, and holding a half-lit cigarette between her knuckles.

"How is it? Did you see that Jing Hao when you went over there this time?"

On the other side of the phone, came a calm, male voice.

The little girl took a puff of the cigarette, her red lips protruding from the smoke, and it spread out.

"I see, I saw it, and, by the way, I also saw Lin Yun'er."


"Tell me about the situation."

The little girl flicked the cigarette ash with her fingertips, and sneered: "Lin Yuner sees me now, she still looks like that, and what Jing Hao said doesn't make any sense to me."

The man on the other side of the phone gave a "hmm", and then told the phone: "If you can, try to lean towards that Jing Hao, he is with Gu Minyan now, he is half LG, If you can pry him away, it will be a big blow to Gu Minyan."

The little girl raised her lips and smiled: "Understood, boss. But to be honest, it's a bit difficult."

"However, I like it."

"I'm most annoyed by Lin Yun'er's lofty look. If Jing Hao can really be pried away by me, it will be fun to think about it."

The little girl crossed her arms and leaned against the tree trunk with her back. The gully under the low hill had obvious ups and downs.

Her Mickey's eyes moved randomly, and suddenly stopped on the pair of striking figures across the road.

The girl's beige slim dress looks very tall and slender, and the skirt gently rises with her steps, revealing her graceful temperament at a glance.

The boy who was walking side by side with her on the outside of the road, with eyes half downcast, was wearing a light-colored shirt, dark black trousers, with one hand in his pocket, and a handsome figure.

The streets far from the city center are not wide, and there are not many cars on the road.

Through the street lights on both sides, their faces can be seen clearly.

The little girl paused, her facial features painted with heavy makeup gradually distorted with the smile on the corner of her mouth.

The shadowy look in her eyes was very frightening, she squinted her eyes, and suddenly laughed out loud.

She moved her lips and opened her tone: "If you want to blame, blame your mother."

As soon as the words fell, the little girl raised her phone again and turned on the camera function.

When the friend who followed her instrument came out of the store after paying.

The little girl just finished editing the content and turned off the phone.

"Where are you going?"

The girl next to her seemed dissatisfied with the dinner.

The little girl stuffed her phone into her bag, and took out her foundation and lipstick to touch up her makeup.

She raised her eyes and sneered: "Yo, so impatient?"

The girl approached and bumped her arm: "Aren't I afraid that you will feel uncomfortable? Are you not lonely when you come to such a cold place?"

Intentionally or unintentionally hinting, Xiao Taimei put her arms around her shoulders, in a good mood.

"What's the point of being a man? I'm tired of playing, I'll take you to see some new tricks today."

. . .

The evening wind was very comfortable on my face, and I was speechless all the way, but I didn't feel embarrassed.

The two came to the parking space in the square.

Jing Hao drove Lin Yun'er home. This was the second time for him to see her off since he came to Athens.

The car slowly stopped downstairs.

After dinner, Jing Hao silently let out a sigh of relief.

In the closed compartment, the overhead light is very soft.

Lin Yuner opened the seat belt on her side, then pushed the door and got out of the car.

Jing Hao hesitated for a while, and got out of the car when she closed the door.

"Yun'er, square towel, after I wash it, I'll give it to you later."

Lin Yun'er stood at the car door, her eyes were soft, she looked down at him slightly.

The strong wrist exposed by the rolled up sleeves was loosely wrapped around by her square scarf, and then tied with a cross knot.

The drooping corners were close to his slender fingers and palm, and the color matched Jing Hao's outfit today unexpectedly.

The shade of the trees covered the moonlight, and Hashtag stood in the faint light and shadow. The sporadic light spots fell on his fluffy hair and body.

A gentle young man who seems to come from a galaxy.

Lin Yun'er's dark pupils were shining brightly, and there was a dark surge in the bottom of her pupils.

The gaze fixed on him was like a spot of light, covering the eyes little by little, and the distance between the two of them was only a hug with outstretched arms.

Breathing seemed to be robbed, Lin Yuner took a step forward.

I really want to just hug him like this.

As the script fell, I swallowed this impulse alive.

"Okay." Lin Yun'er stopped fighting, her voice soft.

. . .

The two stood silently in each other's line of sight, and a scattered gleam of light streamed down from Jing Hao's head.

And Lin Yun'er was standing against the light, her whole body fell into a shadow.

The surroundings are quiet, and people will inevitably be cranky.

Jing Hao was caught off guard, and bumped into her familiar pupils.

Nerves everywhere were provoked for no reason, and spread together through the breeze.

She has a peaceful face, and her skin is as white as the moon at night.

And the figure is thin, standing in an area without light, the whole body is cold, with a chill.

This kind of beauty and temperament doesn't need to be disguised, it can make a man unbearable and want to be crooked.

Jing Hao couldn't help pinching the fingertips on his side, and the corner of the silky square scarf rubbed against his palm, itching.

Suppressing his heartbeat, Jing Hao smiled slightly: "Everything is fine."

"Okay, then you should pay attention to safety on the road."

Lin Yun'er's eyebrows overflowed with a smile, she politely finished speaking, stepped back a few steps, and stood where she was.

Jing Hao returned to the driver's seat and drove away with his knuckles without stopping. In the mirror, the figure of the girl gradually drifted away with the speed of the car.

Lin Yuner waited for his car to disappear from sight, Cai slowly walked towards the community behind him.

. . .

Jing Hao didn't go back to the hotel directly, but went to Song Zhongji's place full of worries.

When he arrived at his place, Song Zhongji was reading the script, and when he opened the door and saw Jing Hao standing outside, he was so surprised.

"Didn't you go on a date with Lin Yun'er? Why did you come to my place?"

Jing Hao was silent and didn't speak. He entered the room and put on slippers, went inside and picked up the water glass Song Joong Ki put on the table, took a sip before speaking.


Song Joong Ki followed behind and patted him on the shoulder with an ambiguous tone.

"So early? It's not even eight o'clock, and the nightlife of urbanites hasn't started yet, so you're done? No other activities?"

Holding the water glass, Jing Hao asked him suspiciously: "It's just a meal, what else should I have?"

Song Zhongji was a little skeptical immediately, whether he was too rough before, or the other party was not enlightened.

Can this be held?

Song Joong Ki raised his hands in disgust, clapping and implying: "That's it!"

The applause was very rhythmic, Jing Hao gave him a stupid look, turned around, walked to the sofa and sat down.

"You are busy, I will leave after a rest."

Song Joong Ki lowered his arms and shook his head helplessly.

I don't know whether Jing Hao understands it, but it does make him feel a little bit embarrassed.

Song Joong-ki was caught by Jing Hao's straight man's mind that couldn't turn, and he grabbed his hair with both hands angrily, and took a deep breath.

"To be honest, if I were your father, you wouldn't be able to live so long."

After closing his eyes in silence for a few seconds, Jing Hao opened his eyes and squinted at him: "Why are you swearing?"

Song Zhongji looked up to the sky and sighed, and waved his hands weakly: "What I said is not really your father."

After finishing speaking, he reacted: "What I mean is, I...forget it, I don't know how to say it."

If he wanted to explain, he suddenly lost his flexibility and got stuck in his throat and couldn't get it out.

Song Zhongji simply gave up and sat opposite him: "Speechless, okay."

Seeing that the script on the table was still open, what Jing Hao wanted to tell him when he put it down.

After drinking the water in the cup, he got up and said with a smile, "Okay, you are busy first, I will go back first."

After walking a few steps, Song Zhongji, who was sitting opposite, suddenly saw something in his sight.

His eyes lit up, and he froze on his wrist: "Wait a minute!"

Jing Hao paused and turned his head: "You are sick, you scared me."

Song Zhongji quickly got up and ran over.

She bent down and took a closer look, then looked up at him strangely: "What kind of outfit is this?"

Jing Hao was stunned, and subconsciously rolled his arms back.

The square scarf is soft, and after wrapping it around the wrist to warm up, I almost forget its existence.

Jing Hao was stared at by Song Zhongji, and his heart was trembling when he saw it, and he felt like a thief.

He hurried to the door quickly, trying to avoid his questioning.

When changing shoes at the entrance, Song Zhongji followed closely: "Yooner's?"

"Did you tear someone's silk scarf?"

"I rely on me, rely on me, beast! Brother! Me, you..., you are better at playing tricks!"

Jing Hao was dazzled by his exaggerated imagination.

After going through all kinds of things throughout the day, Jing Hao is a little confused now.

Jing Hao put on his shoes, untied the scarf, hung it on the other side, and held it in his palm.

He suppressed the inexplicable guilty conscience, and explained: "I was accidentally scalded by boiling water at night, and there was no gauze to wrap it up, and then...that's it."

"That's it?"

Song Zhongji had an urge to beat himself to death, and he was even more excited than Jing Hao at the moment.

"Do you know how many men are like hungry wolves rushing for food, dreaming of taking her down, you..."

He looked like an old father who couldn't live up to his son, and he couldn't calm down his mood at all.

"Aren't you taking the initiative to attack?"

Under his crazy reasoning, Jing Hao's heart was beating wildly without warning, and he was so guilty that he went back to the sofa and sat down.

The square scarf in the palm of his hand was pinched into a ball unconsciously.

Thinking about it carefully, the sparks of their two strange souls looking at each other, colliding for love, are the stimulation of burning their hearts with a sip of strong wine.

Afterwards, the companionship precipitated the bits and pieces of each other's lives, that kind of warmth and mutual dependence.

It is not the impulse to meet love at the corner, nor is it the one-night pleasure of a lonely soul in the city.

Instead, when they get close to each other, with a careful exploration, they share the feathers of life with each other.

Jing Hao likes to run in both directions, the feeling of being able to look forward to something without deliberately making promises.

 Today's recommended song: Heart in Tokyo——Good Gasoline
  Ask for tickets, ask for tickets, ask for tickets~~~

(End of this chapter)

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