nice to meet you, actor lin

Chapter 203 The Correct Way to Wash Silk Scarves

Chapter 203 The Correct Way to Wash Silk Scarves (Two in One)

Under his crazy reasoning, Jing Hao's heart was beating wildly without warning, and he was so guilty that he went back to the sofa and sat down.

The square scarf in the palm of his hand was pinched into a ball unconsciously.

Thinking about it carefully, the sparks of their two strange souls looking at each other, colliding for love, are the stimulation of burning their hearts with a sip of strong wine.

Afterwards, the companionship precipitated the bits and pieces of each other's lives, that kind of warmth and mutual dependence.

It is not the impulse to meet love at the corner, nor is it the one-night pleasure of a lonely soul in the city.

Instead, when they get close to each other, with a careful exploration, they share the feathers of life with each other.

Jing Hao likes to run in both directions, the feeling of being able to look forward to something without deliberately making promises.

In Jing Hao's cognition world, the throbbing of love at first sight is sometimes more like a fantasy. Although there is a fact of love at first sight between him and Lin Yuner, it is more of a two-way rush for each other.

At this time, Song Zhongji was already stunned. He really had a strong urge to open Jing Hao's brain to see if the brain tissue inside was normal.

Song Zhongji looked at him numbly, shook his head and sighed: "Forget it, I'm tired, I don't want to say more, I really can't communicate with you."

Jing Hao kicked him, and told him to drive away from him by the way: "You are busy, I will go back first."

Knowing that when Jing Hao walked to the door, Song Zhongji was still moaning without illness.

. . .

Jing Hao came out from where Song Zhongji was, and drove directly back to his residence.

After washing up, he walked into the room, it was still early, and he thought about looking at the data sent by Li Yanxi.

As soon as he sat down, he saw the sky blue square scarf that he had put next to the computer when he came back.

Immediately, the warmth in Lin Yun'er's eyes when she handed out the scarf appeared in her mind, really like a magnolia hanging on a branch at night.

It may not be very bright, but it is eye-catching and cannot be removed at all.

Jing Hao's expression sank, his eyes looked at the cold moonlight outside the window, and his whole body was in the cold air produced by the room's air conditioner.

The most comfortable temperature.

But for no reason, there was an untimely heat wave in my heart.

Jing Hao stretched out his hand and touched the square scarf with his fingertips. The burn on his wrist also caused a slight pain.

Taking a deep breath, Jing Hao could only reflect on himself.

This afternoon, at many moments, he felt a lot of inexplicable, uncontrollable emotions.

The computer, which was just about to be turned on, was closed again at this time. Jing Hao took out his mobile phone and began to search for how to clean silk scarves.

The final result is that the silk scarf needs to be soaked in cold water, and then use a special detergent and place it in a cool place to dry. When it is 150% to [-]% dry, it needs to be ironed repeatedly at a temperature below [-] degrees. .

After reading many tutorials, Jing Hao summed it up.

But the more you look at it, the less likely you will be.

Xixi pondered for a while, Jing Hao turned off the website search, and opened the top box of kakao on his phone.

Jing Hao: 【Save my life! 】

The other party may be busy and reply after a few minutes.

Lin Yuner: [What? 】

Jing Hao: [Well, do you know the correct way to wash silk scarves? 】

Jing Hao: [I don't even know how to wash, the tutorial gets more and more complicated. 】

Lin Yun'er replied slowly: [You don't need to wash it. 】

Jing Hao dragged his chin with one hand, and sighed: [The fabric of real silk and satin, I'm really afraid that it will be damaged after washing, and I don't know what brand it is. 】

Jing Hao: [(Help duck. jpg)]

Lin Yun'er was silent for a long time, and then she came back after a minute: [The washing is broken, then you can treat me to another meal. 】

Jing Hao: [. . .are you kidding me! 】

Jing Hao: [You little liar. 】

Lin Yun'er was not in a hurry: 【You said I was a liar. 】

Jing Hao pretended to be calm: [No, just sigh. 】

Lin Yun'er was faintly smiling: 【You've turned bad. 】

After listening to Lin Yuner's unreliable advice, Jing Hao also knew that she probably couldn't expect too much from her, so he could only continue to study the cleaning tutorials on the Internet.

I glanced at the time on my phone, it was almost ten o'clock.

Jing Hao thought about letting her go to bed early: 【You go to sleep first, I'll think about it later. 】

Immediately afterwards, he asked for approval: 【How about I try washing with water? 】

Lin Yun'er had a tone of pampering him.

She simply replied: [Yes. 】

The next morning, when Jing Hao went to Yue Shi Feng Yin, he just got out of the elevator.

In the office on the fourteenth floor, people who were having breakfast swarmed up, blocking the corridor tightly.

They looked annoyed at eating melons, and began to chirp with various interrogations.

Obviously, they didn't have much courage to go directly to Lin Yun'er's side, but they still dared to ask questions when facing Jing Hao.

That posture, it seems obvious, is more excited than Song Zhongji last night.

Most of the main questions are whether the relationship between Jing Hao and Lin Yun'er is like what someone said on the Internet before.

There are even more exaggerated CP audiences who don't think it's a big deal.

Ask them directly when they are going to get married and when they are going to have kids. . .

Jing Hao stood at the door of the elevator, only feeling that he was short of oxygen, and didn't know how to explain it.

"Actually, it's nothing. It's just that we made an appointment to have a meal together. We are friends after all. It's not as complicated as everyone thinks."

In a very simple sentence, the relationship between the two people was left very clean.

The people around him also slowly and dubiously dispersed.

Even if it wasn't what they imagined, the tax deduction they envied still left their eye sockets without disappointment.

After all, not everyone can have such a close relationship with the national goddess like Jing Hao.

But this person in front of him can casually make dinner appointments with others, it's simply the wrath of God and man!

Without being questioned any more, Jing Hao sighed silently and walked into the room prepared for himself.

In the morning, Zhao Yu returned to the peninsula and could only communicate with them remotely.

At the end of the meeting, everyone closed their computers and let out a sigh of relief.

Probably because the way of working in different countries has added a lot of workload to them.

All morning, Jing Hao locked himself in the room alone, carefully reading the information Zhao Yu gave him.

Although Jing Hao is also a person who has filmed TV series, this is the first time to shoot a commercial. After all, he is a doctor, not an actor with a professional background. chain.

Until lunch time, when Jing Hao passed the hall, he overheard the whispered discussions of other employees.

The general content is that when I met Lin Yuner in the elevator, I was overwhelmed by her appearance and temperament.

Jing Hao couldn't help sighing, Lin Yuner's popularity is so high.

It was only when he returned to his room that Jing Hao remembered that her square scarf was still in his drawer.

The things must be returned, but he was frightened by the scene in the morning, and he didn't dare to go to Lin Yun'er blatantly.

For Lin Yuner, during this period of time, she also stayed at Innisfree. S, M company didn't rent any house for her alone, leaving her agent to handle the affairs, but Innisfree just happened to rent out the whole building, so she simply gave the top floor to Lin Yun'er for the convenience of the agent To handle things.

On the other hand, it is also convenient to find Lin Yuner to shoot in the windbreaker building directly in this way.

The top floor is in Lin Yuner's office.

The manager sorted out the materials that Lin Yuner had read, put them aside, and then took out the worksheet that was photographed today.

"Yun'er, at five o'clock this afternoon, Lee Min Ho had an opportunity to come here, just now his manager called and said that he wanted to invite you to dinner alone, it's up to you to see if you want to go or not. "

Lin Yun'er rubbed her forehead, she was slightly stunned, and asked lightly: "Is it just me?"

The manager nodded with a "hmm".

Lin Yuner went to the sofa and sat down, lowered her eyes and thought for a while, then said, "Let's see the situation."

"Well, if you don't want to go, just tell me, and I'll just refuse."

Seeing that she was a little tired, the agent left the office without bothering her any more.

Lin Yun'er got up and took off her coat, and put it on the back of the sofa.

It was a pure white lace shirt, the black bow tied at the neckline was untied by her, and the decorative belt hung down the sides. Under the shallow v-collar, the sexy collarbone was looming.

Lin Yun'er walked slowly towards the inner desk.

. .

In the corridor, the manager had just closed the door, walked a few steps outside, and bumped into Jing Hao who was coming.

He was about to say that Lin Yun'er was resting now, but when he caught sight of Jing Hao hanging by his side, the square scarf in his hand.

In the bright pupils, an unknown meaning is clearly revealed.

It looks like a woman's thing.

Although Lin Yuner's manager was appointed by S, M Company, he has been with Lin Yuner for a long time, and the relationship with Lin Yuner is also quite good, and he has long regarded Lin Yuner as his little sister , The relationship between the two is more like a brother and sister or even a little father and daughter.

As the manager of the company, he definitely does not want Jing Hao and Lin Yuner to have close contact. After all, love is too uncontrollable, and it is easy to cause the fan economy to collapse.

But as a brother and sister relationship with Lin Yuner, the manager still hopes to see the performance of Jing Hao and Lin Yuner.Because after all, although the time we spent together wasn't very long, it wasn't too short either. Jing Hao's character and other aspects were roughly clear to the agent.

People like Jing Hao, from his point of view, are actually more suitable for Lin Yuner.

Since this is the case, the manager has relatively less resistance to Jing Hao.

But more or less, there will still be a little bit of the mentality that other people's pigs have pushed their own cabbage.

When the manager saw the silk scarf, his mind suddenly widened.

It was hard to see what the manager was thinking in the middle of the game, Jing Hao asked suspiciously: "Brother, is it because Yun'er is not here?"

The manager, who was still thinking about it just now, heard Jing Hao's voice, and reflected it. When he heard the nickname "Yuner", although he was not very happy, but for Lin Yuner, he still darkened a little bit, biting Gritted his teeth and said.

"No, she's inside, you just go in directly."

After speaking, the manager kindly opened the door for him.

Jing Hao always felt that the manager's face was not very good when he saw him, but he didn't say much. After simply thanking him, he passed by and walked in.

In the fully glass-decorated office, the light-blocking curtain facing the corridor was lowered, making it impossible to see inside.

Only on the side door, the cold gray signboard with the eye-catching three words "Lin Yun'er" hanging on it is very conspicuous.

Although the door had already been opened by the manager, Jing Hao knocked politely, and then waited quietly for a minute.

No one answered, so he leaned forward and walked in.

The layout of the office is small, and the decoration is simple black and white.

The carpet is light gray, and the sofa and desk are all Japanese-style warm yellow solid wood.

Behind is a whole wall of transparent floor-to-ceiling windows, bright and dust-free light comes in, and the whole room instantly becomes alive.

Jing Hao walked to the desk and scanned around, but he didn't even see anyone.

He stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows and waited for a while, but there was still no movement.

Jing Hao was a little suspicious immediately, was Lin Yuner's manager playing tricks on him?

At this time, there was a faint commotion in the office.

Jing Hao was stunned for a moment, followed the source of the sound, only to find that there was an invisible door in the inner wall.

It turned out that there was a separate small house inside.

This exquisite design clearly contrasted with the room I gave myself, which was simply a rough room.

Without hesitation, he walked over, bent his knuckles, and knocked on the door lightly: "Yun'er?"

As soon as the low voice fell, a warm voice came from inside.


Jing Hao took a breath and pushed open the invisible door.

The moment he walked in, Lin Yuner, who happened to be bent over the table and read the script, had his eyes collide with each other.

His breathing suddenly sank a little, Jing Hao stood still, and immediately didn't know what to say.

During this period of time, Jing Hao's appearance made Lin Yun'er a little surprised, her gaze stayed for a moment, and she continued to look at it again.

Seeing that she was busy, Jing Hao hurried to the front of the table and handed over the square scarf.

The voice was low and hoarse: "Yun'er, I have already washed the square towel, yesterday, thank you."

Before Lin Yun'er could speak, the cell phone placed on the table suddenly rang.

She stared sideways, then lifted the hand that was pressing the script, and picked up the phone.

He said to Jing Hao who was standing in front of him, "Wait for me."

The voice is always quiet.

Let's talk, while she lowered her head and continued to read the script, she swiped the answer button with the other hand.

"Teacher nim, hello..."

While Jing Hao was standing idly, Lin Yuner suddenly covered the phone's calling place.

Looking up at him, he whispered, "Help me get a pen."

Being arranged by her suddenly, Jing Hao was a little dazed, but he stood for a few seconds, seeing that she was still talking on the phone, and nodded his head "Yeah".

Jing Hao hurriedly dug out the pen that he usually carried with him from his coat pocket, and just when he was thinking about how to give it to her, Lin Yuner raised the phone, glanced at him, and pointed to his right hand.

Jing Hao understood, thinking that with the length of his arm, he didn't need to walk behind her, but just bent over and handed it to the other side of her hand.

He was standing beside her, and she bent over to answer the phone on his right.

A shoulder's distance away, very close.

 Today's recommended song: Broken Glass - Sabai, Merseh
  Ask for tickets, ask for tickets, ask for tickets~~~

(End of this chapter)

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