nice to meet you, actor lin

Chapter 204 The embarrassment of 2 in a row and 3 in a row

Chapter 204 One after another embarrassment (two in one)

While Jing Hao was standing idly, Lin Yuner suddenly covered the phone's calling place.

Looking up at him, he whispered, "Help me get a pen."

Being arranged by her suddenly, Jing Hao was a little dazed, but he stood for a few seconds, seeing that she was still talking on the phone, and nodded his head "Yeah".

Jing Hao hurriedly dug out the pen that he usually carried with him from his coat pocket, and just when he was thinking about how to give it to her, Lin Yuner raised the phone, glanced at him, and pointed to his right hand.

Jing Hao understood, thinking that with the length of his arm, he didn't need to walk behind her, but just bent over and handed it to the other side of her hand.

He was standing beside her, and she bent over to answer the phone on his right.

A shoulder's distance away, very close.

Jing Hao stood on tiptoe, propped the corner of the table with one hand, leaned over and stretched out his arms around the position of her head, and put the things away.

And Lin Yun'er, who was reading the script while answering the phone, suddenly lost sight of the figure in front of her.

She stood up abruptly and raised her chin, but Jing Hao's body hadn't retracted before his face suddenly slammed into his chest.


The tip of his nose hit his collarbone, and a slight pain came from the tip of his nose.

However, the heels followed Jing Hao and tilted towards the recovering body, completely unable to stand still.

When he was about to fall down, Jing Hao's eyes flashed, and he quickly grabbed her soft waist with quick eyes and hands.

At the same time, Lin Yun'er felt the emptiness in her footsteps.

Also in a panic, he hastily dropped the pen in his hand, and pressed his back tightly with his palm.

The ribbon in front of the neckline was caught on the metal buttons on Jing Hao's clothes, and the neckline of the chiffon shirt was pulled open, half revealing her delicate collarbone.

Jing Hao gave her a hand, but he didn't expect that he would hold her in his arms.

Lin Yuner's breath stagnates.

It was obvious that the warmth in the young man's arms penetrated through her clothes and quietly spread to her own skin.

Her breathing was disturbed, and she managed to stand firm.

Her heart was beating uncontrollably, she hurriedly raised her chin, trying to distance herself, but her lips were caught off guard, and she kissed his neck.

Suddenly, her deep pupils contracted and focused on his jawline.

The soft lips were tightly attached to his rolling Adam's apple.

But the arm resting on the back of his strong back bent at this moment, tightly gripping his shirt.

His other hand, which was originally hanging behind, was also a second ago, at the moment when both of them were about to fall down, he gently bluffed the back of her head with his palm.

He has a good figure, reminding Xin that he is long and well-proportioned.

The body exudes a faint pine fragrance, which is clear and pleasant, and can make people indulge in it for no reason.

During the period after the two broke up, he should have been exercising regularly. His chest muscles were not very obvious, but he could clearly feel them.

However, such a warm embrace buried her whole body deeply in his arms.

However, it was just a weightless movement, but it was like a temptation, sticking the bodies of the two people tightly together.

In just one second, Lin Yun'er leaned back a little, and moved her chin away.

However, it didn't work.

The boy in front of him breathed heavily, and the warm breath sprayed on his cheeks, rippling with his unique fragrance.

slightly itchy.

The surrounding temperature rose uncontrollably, and the palm clasped around her waist was extremely hot, invasive against her skin through the chiffon fabric.

Lin Yun'er's chest couldn't help heaving, she tried her best to exchange breath, but she still felt that she was gradually suffocating.

And the phone with the other hand on the side of the ear was still connected.

Li Xiuman was keenly aware of the movement here: "Yun'er, are you okay?"

In a second or two, Jing Hao, who was completely blindfolded, suddenly came back to his senses. He subconsciously let go of his hand and took a step back.

The clothes of the two people were closely connected, and the temperature spread slowly with the distance.

Lin Yuner's breath was suppressed in her throat, and she inadvertently exhaled heavily.

Withdrew the hand that was clutching the shirt on his back.

After both of them pushed half a step, the thin air was oxygenated again, and the feeling of suffocation in her heart was slowly subsided.

Jing Hao kept his heels steady, suppressing the dullness in his chest, and dodged to the side of the table.

And the black similar belt on the side of Lin Yun'er's collar got stuck in the seam of his buttons at some point.

Fortunately, Jing Hao didn't turn around, otherwise he would have left the club to die again.

The deep and heavy breathing penetrated from the depths of his throat little by little, and it was difficult for Jing Hao to calm down his heartbeat.

But it had to get closer again.

Shen Shen began to untie the ribbon, and Jing Hao kept his eyes on the button the whole time, serious and focused.

"Feel sorry...."

His tone was a little trembling, there were only two words, and he couldn't hold back his breath.

Just now, Lin Yuner's extremely soft lips pressed against his Adam's apple, although it was just like a superficial touch.

But it was as delicate as silk, every second was a torment if he was strangled.

The fingers that were still untying the ribbon were disobedient at this moment, a little clumsy.

Jing Hao's breathing was heavy and he couldn't control it at all.

He felt that the blood in his whole body was flowing backwards, and his muscles couldn't be tighter, and they were about to tear at any moment.

Just when he was holding the back of her head, Jing Hao's nose was touching the top of her hair, which was soft and itchy.

Seeing his gloomy expression, Lin Yuner was about to say something when Li Xiuman's voice came over again.

"Did you make a boyfriend over there? Yun'er?"

"Who did you fall in love with? Why didn't you report it to the company?"

Lin Yun'er stepped over and blushed, "No, you misunderstood."

But Manzi heard the movement on the other end of the phone, how could he believe it at this time?

"Who is it with? Could it be that they met in the crew? Song Zhongji?"

"Give him the phone and I'll talk to him."

Lin Yuner pursed her lips, her tone helpless: "President nim..."

"Give him the phone, I'll just chat with him briefly, I won't curse!"

Lin Yuner still couldn't stand Manzi who came up seriously.

Lin Yun'er stretched out her hand to touch it, and there were still some hot cheeks.

Li Xiuman urged her there again, Lin Yun'er could only lower her hands, staring at the boy who was only a ribbon away from her.

Jing Hao lowered his head and carefully unbuttoned the patterned button hooked by the intricate lace.

Probably because of convenience and comfort, Jing Hao's dressing style seems to be a semi-casual business style.

The Japanese-style shirt is paired with a pair of cropped trousers, casual and simple, the broken hair on the forehead hangs over the eyebrows, and the atmosphere of a literary boy is very strong.

Lin Yun'er looked at him quietly for a second, then bent her lips and called him softly.

"Jing Hao, okay, can you answer the phone?"

Jing Hao raised his head and was stunned for a moment, when he saw her shaking her phone with a slightly begging expression on her face.

Jing Hao raised his footsteps, approached her with difficulty, and stood at a distance of two steps.

Lin Yun'er turned on the speaker of the phone, smiled and handed it to him.

His thoughts were still fuzzy in the unexpected situation just now. At this moment, there were no extra brain cells to think about other things.

In a blurred state, Jing Hao stretched out his hand, took the phone carefully, and glanced at her suspiciously.

When she looked down and saw the interface on the phone screen, the note was President Li Xiuman.

Jing Hao's heart couldn't help shaking, and a sense of oppression suddenly came to his heart,
This is Li Xiuman!

Even for a doctor like Jing Hao who doesn't usually care much about the entertainment industry, he is definitely no stranger to the name Li Xiuman in the past few years on the peninsula.

Before Li Xiuman founded s, m company, he was already a very important superstar in the peninsula.

And the SM Entertainment he founded later, that is, s, m company, also perfectly fits its concept, and truly realized the concept of Star Museum.

A real one, a super entertainment company that can be called a star museum.

Jing Hao didn't know why, and wanted to return the phone to Lin Yuner.

But Li Xiuman over there has already made a sound at this time.

"Hello, I'm Li Xiuman."

Manzi greeted the phone with a calm tone, his tone seemed very easy-going.

Jing Hao had no choice but to bite the bullet and respond under Lin Yuner's shallow smile and eyes: "Hello!"

Li Xiuman's voice was very calm, although the tone was very easy-going, but it made people unable to feel any thoughts in his heart.

"็ Hello Who are you?"

Jing Hao had no choice but to bite the bullet and replied: "My name is Jing Hao, and I am a friend of Yun Erxi."

Li Xiuman: "...Jing Haoxi, you and Yun'er have reached this point, so there's no need to hide and choke."

"What I want to ask is, are you two boyfriend and girlfriend now?"

Jing Hao's head was buzzing, did he finally ask this question?
It was a bit like hundreds of flies flying around, he lowered his eyes, his eyes froze, moved his mouth, and looked at Lin Yun'er.

Lin Yuner stood aside, leaned slightly and answered for him: "Yes, President Nim, we are in love."

Li Xiuman laughed a few times, and then said: "We won't interfere too much with young people's emotional problems, but since you two are already in love, then I think, Jing Haoxi, I don't know if you know, Yun'er is going to your country of Hua to shoot a TV series soon?"

Jing Hao said in a deep voice, "Yes, I heard her say it."

Li Xiuman continued: "Haha, that's just right. Since you happen to be together during this period of time, I would like to trouble Jing Haoxi to help Yuner practice Chinese. After all, she is going to film a TV series with you. If you can It will be much more convenient if you learn more Chinese, don't you think?"

Jing Hao nodded: "It should, it should."

Li Xiuman saw that his idea had been agreed by Jing Hao, and then he casually told the two of them: "If this is the case, I will not bother you any more, otherwise, I am afraid that Yun'er will hate me, and the contract expires." I won’t renew the contract with our company, haha, but in the end, I still want to remind you a few words, you must pay attention to the confidentiality of the relationship between the two of you, otherwise it will be very troublesome if it is exposed.”

Afterwards, during Jing Hao and Lin Yuner's polite meal, the phone was finally hung up.

Lin Yuner's clear pupils contracted imperceptibly, and a faint light flickered deep in her eyes.

"President nim just likes to joke around, don't worry about it, I will tell him later."

Lin Yun'er put the phone on the table and gave Jing Hao a tranquilizer.

At this moment, the atmosphere between the two of them was a bit ambiguous, and Jing Hao could only bite the bullet and nod.

I just wanted to leave, but the ribbon of the button was still stuck in the middle.

Jing Hao just solved it for a minute, and was very worried that it would tear Lin Yuner's clothes.

I just finished washing the silk scarf for her, wouldn't I have to return another piece of clothes, right?

Jing Hao, a little bit about to explode on the spot.

Seeing him, Lin Yuner had some questions: "I'll do it."

After finishing speaking, Lin Yun'er walked in, lowered her head and approached the button of his clothes under his chest.

Jing Hao's figure shook slightly, and he stood still.

Lin Yun'er's head rubbed against his chin as if there was nothing there, and her soft fingertips gently tugged at his side, and the breath she exhaled penetrated into the skin inside from the hem of his skirt.

Jing Hao's hands hanging on both sides slightly bent, and silently took a breath of cool air.

Under the line of sight, Lin Yuner's long hair was scattered on both sides of her shoulders with the movement, and the white skin on the back of her neck was exposed.

Lin Yun'er pursed her lips lightly, the buttons with complicated patterns in front of her were pinned with lace, as if she was against her, the more she explained, the more complicated it became.

Jing Hao raised his chin slightly, trying not to touch the top of her hair as much as possible.

It's just such an overly intimate posture, even the intimate contact at that moment just now, everyone pretended that it never happened.

However, now the atmosphere is repeating itself, and the temperature around him has been ignited to the extreme.

Lin Yun'er could only pull it away forcefully, a gap was torn from the edge of the ribbon, and then she was completely free from the button.

She took a step back, and Jing Hao clearly saw the fine sweat on her white forehead.

Jing Hao's eyebrows overflowed with embarrassment, and he lowered his voice: "Yun'er, your clothes..."

The apology in his tone was very obvious.

Lin Yun'er looked down, stretched out her hand and wrapped it around her fingertips, and tied a bow in front of her collar.

She smiled softly: "It's okay, you don't need to pay for it."

Jing Hao squeezed his fingers, and after a few seconds, he finally said awkwardly: "Then you are busy, I will go back first."

Lin Yun'er nodded, and said softly, "Yes."

. . .

After leaving Lin Yuner's office, her manager hadn't come back yet, so Jing Hao returned to his own place at the fastest speed.

Sitting in front of the table, his mind began to slack.

In the short ten minutes just now, it was like going through an adventure.

After changing for a long time, he slowly let out a sigh of relief.

He really had never had such intimate contact with a girl.

In his world, it seems a little crazy, especially if the other party is her.

It was difficult to seriously continue to read the materials at hand. Jing Hao spent the whole afternoon in distraction.

It wasn't until Yueshi Fengyin got off work that Jing Hao woke him up, wanting to hurry up and forget about it. . .

 Today's recommended song: You&I (theme song of the web drama "Skyscraper") - Aila Gato, Philip Halloun
  Ask for tickets, ask for tickets, ask for tickets~~~

(End of this chapter)

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