nice to meet you, actor lin

Chapter 205 But You Have Asked Me Out

Chapter 205 But You've Already Asked Me Out (Two in One)

After leaving Lin Yuner's office, her manager hadn't come back yet, so Jing Hao returned to his own place at the fastest speed.

Sitting in front of the table, his mind began to slack.

In the short ten minutes just now, it was like going through an adventure.

After changing for a long time, he slowly let out a sigh of relief.

He really had never had such intimate contact with a girl.

In his world, it seems a little crazy, especially if the other party is her.

It was difficult to seriously continue to read the materials at hand. Jing Hao spent the whole afternoon in distraction.

It wasn't until Yueshi Fengyin got off work that Jing Hao woke him up, wanting to hurry up and forget about it. . .

. . .

Arriving at the company the next day, the designers in the design department flew back to the peninsula overnight last night, and the design department was more than half empty, which seemed extraordinarily lonely.

In the morning, I went to the rest area during work. One of the designers stretched his waist and complained: "The people who usually like to gossip are gone, and now I don't know what new melons are in the company now."

One of them echoed: "Yoonerxi didn't seem to be here today, but I heard that Lee Min Ho's manager asked her out for dinner yesterday?"

"Ah? So explosive? Did she go?"

Jing Hao's hand holding the cup sank subconsciously when he heard Lin Yun'er's name.

Then he lowered his head calmly and continued to pick up the coffee.

Although half of the people in the design department left, Jing Hao didn't have much contact with them. After all, he had been reading about the script all the time, and he didn't feel any difference.

He himself doesn't like interpersonal relationships very much, very complicated and noisy places.

. . . .

At the same time, a coffee shop on the first floor of a business hotel in the south of the city of Athens.

Lin Yuner was sitting on the sofa, silently looking at the trendy person in front of her.

Lee Min Ho took a short sip of the coffee on the table and asked with a smile.

"I want to know that there is no one in Yoonerxi who came to the appointment yesterday, after all we are considered acquaintances."

Lin Yun'er straightened her posture, folded her hands in front of her, and spoke calmly.

"Although Lee Min Hoxi just signed an advertising contract with Innisfree, Innisfree and I only signed a contract together. There doesn't seem to be a contract for private entertainment between us."

Lee Min Ho let out an "oh", put down his cup slowly, and stared straight at her.

After a while, he said faintly: "As expected of artists from S, M company, even the reasons for rejecting people are so high-sounding."

Lin Yun'er didn't have much patience with people who had nothing to do with her, and she had to spare time to read the script of "Ode to Joy", so she naturally didn't want to argue with him.

She glanced at the time on her phone and said in a low voice: "If Lee Min Hoxi just wanted to ask about this matter, I have told you just now that I am very sorry for not being able to make an appointment last night. I think you should come here Maybe there are other things, so I won't bother you for now."

After speaking, he got up and was about to leave, but Lee Min Ho walked up to her first.

"Lee Min Ho Xi, is there anything else?"

Blocked by his posture, Lin Yuner stopped in her tracks, looked up at him, the polite smile still remained on the corner of her mouth.

"I don't have much time. If you have other questions, you can meet again next time."

Lee Min Ho laughed lowly: "Actually, based on my traffic, signing with Innisfree will not help me too much."

"En." Lin Yun'er cooperated with him, nodding and answering simply.

Lee Min Ho stared at her with burning eyes, and spoke out his thoughts without any concealment.

"Actually, I took over this endorsement mainly because you are here, Yoona. I followed you a long time ago."

"Thank you very much for your attention, but these have nothing to do with our cooperation." Lin Yun'er took the initiative to interrupt him, with a cold look in her eyes.

"No matter how you are with Yue Shi Feng Yin, it has nothing to do with me, so please feel free."

Lin Yun'er chuckled, and added casually: "The entertainment circle is a weird circle. For example, if the way we talk is captured on camera, it may become an explosive hotspot again."

With an extremely flat tone, Lin Yun'er didn't give him another chance to speak, and bypassed him.

Under Lee Min Ho's complicated gaze, he walked in the direction of the lobby.

As soon as she walked out of the coffee shop, Lin Yuner's cell phone vibrated.

She recovered from what happened just now, and glanced at the caller ID, it was a call from her agent.

The other side of the phone said that a woman had come and was waiting for her and asked her to meet.

Lin Yuner hung up the phone, and walked out with some doubts, she really couldn't think of anyone who would come to her.

. . .

Ten minutes later, the car slowly stopped at the square in front of the Innisfree building.

It was noon, and the mirrored glass building was shining under the sun, and the light refracted around the marble on the ground, showing a bit of scorching agitation.

Lin Yun'er walked into the lobby, and under the guidance of the front desk staff, she went straight to the reception desk.

Pushing open the door, she saw the back of a woman sitting dignifiedly on the sofa.

She has shoulder-length curly hair, a black hollowed-out sweater, and a dark blue pleated skirt, and she looks calm and calm overall.

"Hello? I'm Lin Yuner, may I ask if you are..."

Hearing the sound, the woman turned around, raised her hand holding the limited-edition bag, and slowly took off her sunglasses, revealing a well-maintained, ageless face.

Seeing Lin Yun'er, she smiled and waved to her, the corners of her eyes curled up nicely, but she couldn't hide the deliberate affectation in her eyes.

"I finally see you, Lin Yunerxi."

Their eyes met, Lin Yuner and her looked at each other, the gentleness between the brows suddenly sank at this moment.

The person in front of me is Li Fuzhen? !

The light and shadow outside, through the glass window, shone in Lin Yuner's pupils.

Brightness flashed by, and the fundus of the eyes was dark and gloomy.

The person in front of him was Li Fuzhen who had just contacted him by phone not long ago.

Lin Yuner paused for a moment, took a deep breath, and asked in a hoarse voice: "How did you come here so quickly?"

The woman hooked the curly hair on the side of her face behind her ears with her fingers, stood up gracefully, and approached herself with the sound of high heels on the ground.

She stopped in front of Lin Yun'er, put the baby on her wrist, showing her grace and demeanor.

"I always feel that just a phone call doesn't seem to show my sincerity."

"So, here I come."

Lin Yun'er pulled her lips awkwardly: "My mother, ever since I left my house, from that moment on, I have been a daughter of a single-parent family."

"I don't care about my mother. What I care about is only my father and me, O'Neill."

"So, I think, probably you came here for nothing today."

At this moment, many emotions in Lin Yuner's mind surged up, she faced the warm sun, but it was cold.

After Lin Yun'er finished speaking in a cold voice, she turned around and wanted to leave.

Just after taking a few steps, the woman behind her suddenly called to stop her.

"Don't you want to know why your mother left you in the first place?"

Lin Yun'er clenched her fingers tightly, feeling a heaviness in her chest. After standing still for a few seconds, she turned around and looked at the woman in front of her with her arms crossed and a calm smile on her face.

Lin Yun'er tried her best to control her emotions, gritted her teeth, and her tone was ruthless like never before.

"She is no longer my mother. From the day she left our family and never looked for us again, I only have my father in my life!"

Li Fuzhen didn't respond to Lin Yuner's words, but shook his head with a smile.

Then he handed Lin Yuner a business card, and said with a smile: "Don't worry, I told you, I'm here today, I just want to visit you and get to know you by the way."

"I believe that you will change. When you go back to the peninsula, when you want to find me, just call me."

. . .

Lin Yun'er didn't know how she walked out of the reception room.

It's just that she clearly remembered when she opened the door and looked at the elevator leading to the fourteenth floor across the corridor.

For the first time, she had a strong, urge to rush up to meet him.

. . .

When sitting on the cruise ship to Shipwreck Bay, Lin Yuner was like a marionette, sitting numb and absent-minded.

For a long time, she leaned against the back of the chair with her shoulders stiff.

The dark gas around her surrounded her, and she couldn't jump off, leaving only endless despair.

She covered her cheeks with her hands, unwilling to think about it.

But there was a sharp pain in his chest, and his body trembled uncontrollably.

The tip of the nose was sore, and deep in the eye sockets, there was a tingling sensation, rushing out, forcing her to cry.

But she didn't want others to see her embarrassed posture, desperately holding back the panic and depressed pain.

She didn't tell her agent where she was going.

Now she just wants to stay alone for a while, or to say, stay with Jing Hao for a while.

A minute later, she opened her eyes and touched the mobile phone beside her.

With trembling fingers, he clicked on kakao's chat box: [I want to go to Shipwreck Bay at night, can you accompany me? 】

Jing Hao didn't know her state at the moment.

A few seconds after her message was sent, he said with a puzzled and teasing tone: 【Meet me?Don't you want to go to the Sunshine Coast? 】

Lin Yuner shrank uncomfortable in the back seat of the box she bought, near the cabin door, leaning against the window.

She lowered her eyes and typed: [I want to go to Shipwreck Bay. 】

The other party was silent for a moment, wondering if he was thinking about it.

Jing Hao: [Okay, what time? 】

Looking out the window has reached the boundary of Shipwreck Bay.

Lin Yuner sent a location.

Rubbing her nose with her fingers, she replied: [I can arrive at eight o'clock. 】

After sending this message, Lin Yuner curled up and looked outside through the window parallel to her eyes.

In the line of sight, the scorching sun gradually focused on the pupil.

People who are extremely insecure in their hearts are good at figuring out other people's every move and over-interpreting.

No matter how uncomfortable Lin Yuner was, she endured it silently, and never vented it in front of the sisters in the group, her O'Neill and her father.

Such a character, in the eyes of outsiders, should be strong and assertive.

When it comes to Lin Yuner, everyone will show admiration.

Naturally, no one has ever been able to really walk into her heart.

And this is also the reason why she hasn't had a relationship for so long since her debut.

Because of her attitude of indifference to everything, she seems to see everything in the world very clearly.

If she was the one who would leave her true self alone in the darkness because of the cruelty of reality.

Then Jing Hao was the one who ran with the light, crashed into her world, and opened a crack for her.

They are in different environments, but they have the same magnetic field and get along very comfortably.

Lin Yun'er opened the window, wrapped her hands around the edge of the window, the hot wind blew, and the depression in her chest was slowly suppressed.

Over the years, even with the greatest negative emotions.

She also had to endure and deal with the matter at hand first.

. . .

In the design department on the [-]th floor of Innisfree, Jing Hao sat in the leisure area outside.

Holding the phone, he lowered his head and stared deeply at the screen.

Jing Hao was very surprised by Lin Yuner's sudden proposal to meet at Shipwreck Bay.

He didn't ask her, but he could probably guess.

Lin Yun'er must have encountered something that she couldn't digest.

She didn't inform her agent, she just told herself.

Jing Hao sighed silently, opened the phone's web page, and checked the boat tickets to Shipwreck Bay, as well as the timetable for the playground at Shipwreck Bay.

Over there on the island, a playground has just been opened, and you can take her to relax at night.

At nine o'clock, there is a fireworks show.

He sent her a screenshot and asked her if there was anything she wanted to play.

Jing Hao typed and asked: [You will arrive there at eight o'clock, think about what you want to play at night? 】

Lin Yuner: [You like it. 】

She didn't hesitate for a moment.

Jing Hao paused with his fingers.

Maybe it was too sudden, and he suddenly didn't understand.

Did she want to ask him what he likes, or did she want to say that she came with his hobbies.

He stretched out his hand and squeezed the space between his eyebrows.

After thinking for a moment, Jing Hao's pupils showed a smile.

I want to guide her not to cater to others, but to make her own choice.

Jing Hao: [Look at you. 】

Jing Hao: [I made an appointment, and let me worry about the follow-up arrangements. 】

Quiet for a few seconds.

Lin Yun'er came back at a loss: 【Actually, I didn't think about what to do there either. 】

Jing Hao was not surprised, he asked with a low smile: 【If I also choose difficult, what will you do? 】

Lin Yun'er said slowly: [Then, then I won't go. 】

. . .

Lin Yun'er held the phone in both hands, leaning against the window with her head tilted.

In fact, she really didn't prepare too much.

The moment she asked him out, it was just because of an inexplicable impulse in her heart that she couldn't control it.

The phone screen flickered.

Jing Hao: [But you already have an appointment with me. 】

Jing Hao: [Then, do you think you should treat me. 】

He intentionally started a new line and broke up the sentence: 【Responsible for your time? 】

 Today’s recommended song: Fix Me——Amber, Travis Atreo (yes, this is the song that Hall A collaborated with others, it’s very nice~~~)

  Ask for a ticket Ask for a ticket

(End of this chapter)

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