Chapter 206 There Are Children Who Need to Coax (Two in One)

Lin Yun'er held the phone in both hands, tilted her head against the car window.

In fact, she really didn't prepare too much.

The moment she asked him out, it was just because of an inexplicable impulse in her heart that she couldn't control it.

The phone screen flickered.

Jing Hao: [But you already have an appointment with me. 】

Jing Hao: [Then, do you think you should treat me. 】

He intentionally started a new line and broke up the sentence: 【Responsible for your time? 】

Lin Yuner's frowning eyebrows slowly eased away, and the dullness accumulated in her chest was also inexplicably repulsed at this moment.

The soreness in the nasal cavity dissipated unconsciously, and the corners of the eyes slightly raised.

She seemed to have fallen into an indescribable and unexplainable feeling: [But I. . .What should be done? 】

Jing Hao followed her words.

Jing Hao: [For example, you can say. 】

Jing Hao: [The Ferris wheel at night is very romantic, I want you to accompany me, okay? 】

Jing Hao imitated the tone that Lin Yuner might show, very soft.

Lin Yuner pursed her lips slightly, unable to hide her smile.

In his coaxing warmth, even the atrium couldn't help but tremble.

That's the way he is, unmoved.

Using another way to soothe the hands on her wound, the strength is gentle and cautious.

Transparent joy ran out of her eyes, Lin Yun'er bit her lips: [Then, do you want to accompany me? 】

Then open the webpage and choose one silently, without delaying the time to watch the fireworks show.

The time is eight twenty and eight forty.

For night shows, reservations are required in advance.

Lin Yun'er took a screenshot to Jing Hao: [These two time periods, is it okay? 】

Jing Hao: [Okay. 】

Jing Hao: [What time do you choose? 】

Lin Yuner took a look, maybe it was because the time was relatively early, so far, only a few people made appointments.

Lin Yuner was afraid that he would be under pressure, so she told him: [Then I will choose the [-]:[-] show, and you can choose the [-] show. 】

In fact, she said to accompany her, but she didn't want to meet.

Because she was afraid that she would not be able to bear it in front of him, and her emotions would break down.

I just want to do the same thing as him at about the same time, and place.

Accompanied by distance.

However, when she just finished talking about her choice.

Lin Yuner frowned, realizing that something was wrong.

She half-jokingly asked: [Why are you asking about my choice?Do you want to sit at the same time as me? 】

Jing Hao replied firmly: [Is it not possible? 】

Jing Hao: [I'm here early. 】

Lin Yuner suddenly felt a little nervous, and she breathed a sigh of relief.

She said slyly: [But, I have already set off. 】

Just rely on yourself to go first.

Jing Hao gave the answer: [At [-]:[-], I will locate with you in real time? 】

He is as always.

With Jing Hao, he would only give advice, and never force her to make difficult choices.

Lin Yun'er touched her chin with her fingertips, and typed with one hand: [Didn't you say that you want to ask me out when we meet formally? 】

Be quiet for a moment.

Jing Hao sent it over calmly: [I want to make an exception for you and experience what a dangerous woman is. 】

Even though the airtight cabin was not ventilated, Lin Yuner's fair cheeks suddenly turned abnormally red.

She changed the subject in time: [Can you make it in time today? 】

Jing Hao: [That's my business, after all, I have children to coax. 】

His words are very straightforward.

Lin Yun'er stared at the phone, but felt hot, her whole body was inexplicably hot.

. . .

After chatting with Jing Hao, Lin Yuner's thoughts were finally relieved to the point where she could calmly act out the script.

The temperature in the cabin is a bit low, the windows are not closed tightly, and through the gaps, there are traces of heat waves blowing into the back of the neck, relieving the coldness in the body for a while for no reason.

Lin Yuner flicked the webpage on her mobile phone, leaning her back against the junction of the car door and the seat.

She clicked on a forum she had followed before.

There are various cases of native families in it. Everyone has their own side that cannot be reconciled with this world where good and evil intersect.

And there are also many people who live under the glamor and beauty, who will infect them with their own warmth.

In the cabin, soothing music swayed softly in my ears.

Lin Yun'er slid her fingertips on the screen and saw a person.A sentence posted by a netizen named "the madman".

[When you recall my expectations for life with your own hands, you should know that the degeneration after waking up is the normal state of my life in the future, and you are more qualified than anyone else to criticize me.

No matter what kind of life I live, I have a clear conscience, and you have done nothing wrong. 】

Caught off guard, Lin Yuner's heart surged forward.

My previous self almost fell into this state.

She didn't continue to scroll down, but just stared at the person whose online name was Madman, her eyes were inexplicably sour.

Lin Yun'er's gaze fell on that sentence again, and she clicked on his profile picture to enter the private chat interface.

She didn't know what the other party had gone through, but she just typed a line from her own point of view.

[If there is no sun in your world at this moment, please wait patiently. Even if you are in the dark at the moment, it is not terrible, because as long as you look up, you will see the stars.

If there are no stars, then wait a little longer, the wind around is also very gentle! 】

After sending these words, the ship slowly docked at the wharf at Shipwreck Bay.

Lin Yun'er walked out of the bow, and walked off the boat slowly, her phone vibrated, and that part came back.

【thanks!I will love myself well. 】

Because of today's ticket, only the class after Lin Yuner is left, but if you take this trip, you may not be able to catch up with the fireworks show that Lin Yuner booked.

So when Jing Hao arrived at the pier, he rented a boat on purpose, so that the captain, who wanted to go fishing, changed his direction and sent himself to Shipwreck Bay at full speed.

It was already [-]:[-] when we arrived at the destination.

Jing Hao was ahead of schedule, so he entered the park mentioned by Lin Yuner, sitting in the coffee hut under the ferris wheel and so on.

In the evening, most of the people who come here are couples or couples on a date.

Only the siren is, sitting alone on the sofa.

No matter whether the line of sight is placed inside or outside the house.

No one can understand the taste of dog abuse better than him.

I ordered a cup of coffee and took a quiet break, it was almost eight o'clock.

Jing Hao turned on the phone, and sent the location and the name of the coffee shop to Lin Yuner.

A few seconds later, Lin Yun'er replied, saying that she was still on her way and would be there soon.

Just about to open the real-time positioning, the kakao news of Jung Soo-yeon, which was added earlier, came in first.

Jung Soo-yeon: [I couldn't find YoonA when I went to find her today, so when I went to find her manager, I asked about it. 】

Jung Soo-yeon: [Finally, I found out from the front desk that when she came out of the reception room, her complexion looked very bad. 】

Jing Hao frowned.

Jessica Jessica: [The front desk also said that he was going to say hello to her, but seeing that she was leaving in a hurry, he didn't have the nerve to bother her. 】

Jessica Jessica: [But later, I saw a woman in her 40s who came out of the reception. 】

Jing Hao thought for a moment.

Jessica Jung: [Where are you?I'll go find you, let's go see Yoona together. 】

Jing Hao replied truthfully: [Hold it in the playground. 】

The other party obviously didn't react, and sent an emoticon package scratching his head in doubt.

Jung Soo-yeon: [Only you? 】

Jing Hao thought for a while, and decided not to talk about Yuner's news, because he didn't know, Lin Yuner didn't want her teammates to know about her news, so she directly answered yes.

Jung Soo-yeon: [Then I went to find Yoona by myself, if you hear from her, please let me know. 】

There were more and more people in the coffee shop at this time. Originally, he was alone on the sofa, and several couples came one after another next to him.

It was 15 minutes before [-]:[-].

There are more and more people waiting outside in the rest area under the Ferris wheel.

Jing Hao picked up the coffee and took a sip, then took a look at the coffee shop, wherever he looked.

All in pairs.

At the next table closest to him, a young couple was laughing and playing.

In an instant, he felt that he shouldn't come here and wait.

It was also the first time for him to come to the playground, and he never thought that this kind of place would attract single people.

How embarrassing.

Jing Hao lowered his head, sighed in his heart, and had already sent Lin Yuner's location. At this moment, he could only endure the coquettish voice of the girl next to him who was a lover.

"Well, the iced Americano is too bitter!"

"Come on, baby, you drink my cup of cappuccino."

"Hmm~ the milk froth is about to stick to other people's lips."

"Then I'll wipe it for you."

A trembling voice came in bursts.

Next to him, it was obvious that there was a young couple from Huaguo.

It was obviously his mother tongue, but it made Jing Hao feel particularly abused.

Jing Hao had no choice but to support his forehead with one hand, and could only pretend to think about the meaning of life.

"Handsome guy, are you also waiting for the Ferris wheel at [-]:[-]?"

I don't know before, when there was an extra girl who stood on the edge of the table and asked him, who happened to be from China.

Jing Hao was taken aback for a moment, looked around, and nodded after confirming that she was asking him.

Most of the girls will choose to take the initiative to this kind of guy who looks gentle: "What a coincidence, me too~~"

As soon as the words fell, she sat opposite him.

Jing Hao just smiled and did not continue to respond.

He couldn't decide where others would sit, so he could only keep silent to express his resistance.

The ambiguous voice of the couple next to him continued, which may also be the continuation of the atmosphere.

The girl leaned over, put her arms on the table, and moved closer to Jing Hao: "Anyway, you are alone, so it should be boring, otherwise we will have a companion later, okay?"

Jing Hao subconsciously moved his body towards the back of the seat.

Just about to get up and leave, a faint, not very standard Chinese came from the side of the girl opposite.


The place where it was done was at the corner, and Jing Hao couldn't see the door of the coffee shop.

But that voice was out of his sight, like a cold wind blowing through the clouds, without any waves.

Jing Hao, who just heard the voice, squeezed his fingertips on the phone slightly.

He got up and walked to the table, raised his eyes and looked over, his originally slow breathing was shocked to the point of disorder by the person not far away.

Lin Yun'er did not know when she had already found this place.

Her long and curly hair hangs down her shoulders, her cheeks are reddish, as if she has run, and the hair on her forehead is a little messy.

The lights in the room were very bright, and the aisle in the corridor was not wide, so she stood there upright.

The light shrouds the sense of the picture, for no reason, giving people an unreal feeling.

Jing Hao stood firmly on his feet and couldn't move for a long time. All the thoughts in his mind were emptied at this moment.

The girl who originally made the invitation turned around and looked straight at Lin Yun'er.

Forced by her aura all over her body at this moment, she didn't know whether she should leave or not.

Lin Yun'er didn't speak, but walked in front of Jing Hao.

She tidied up her hair, which was blown by the wind, then looked sideways, took a look, and continued to stare at the girl she was looking at.

The indifferent eyes, without any warmth, directly hit her timid eyes.

Lin Yuner looked at the girl with clear emotions, and said in a cold voice, not very proficient in Chinese: "He is not alone, and he cannot be with you."

The girl froze for a moment, not understanding the identity of the person in front of her.

But this person, wearing a small fragrant fashion, has a dignified and aloof aura, and those cold eyes.

Enough to stress this girl out.

The girl's breathing was inexplicably stagnant.

Inexplicably kind~~~~
I thought what I was going to catch was a single little giegie who was warm and cultivated.

In the end, yes, the dog.

It's actually a goddess, the pillow brother who hasn't found her home yet!
There is a sense of guilt that, after trying to seduce or seduce, being caught by the original partner on the spot.

The girl lowered her head, moved her body, got up from the other side, and ran away.

However, Jing Hao, who was standing by the table and hadn't come out yet, was completely confused.

The beating frequency of the heart faintly accelerated, and it was difficult to even breathe steadily.

He stared at the person in front of him without blinking, and a sense of fate rushed to his chest.

It was hard for him to imagine that she would suddenly appear here.

Before she had time to tell her where she was, she came looking for her.

Still in such a scene where I am a bit embarrassed.

If it weren't for her at this time, her slightly pursed lips would rise slightly, and a smile would be like a magnolia blooming for the first time in the middle of the night, filling her clear eyes.

He must think that at this moment, he is in an unreal dream.

Jing Hao had no time to think at all.

The person in front of him stepped up, walked towards him, and stood slowly, two steps away from him.

The air flowed slowly, and what rushed into the nasal cavity was the slightly bitter top note of chamomile. The faint fragrance spread out, and the coolness and coolness brought back his thoughts.

This is not a dream.

You can feel her smile and warm breath so close at hand.

Is real.

From the time he entered the coffee shop to now, it was only the time for a cup of coffee.

Then her soft and soft voice appeared in his ears.

Until the girl ran away.

Then she was standing in front of him at this moment.

A total of no more than 2 minutes.

But it is like this, what seems to be a short time in the blink of an eye, but the time and space belonging to each other is long, as if frozen.


The second their eyes met.

The color changes, focusing into a purple streamer.

The pupils are charming, reflecting his clean face, which flickers for a second and fades away.

Jing Hao didn't notice the fleeting smile on her peaceful face.

He only felt the warmth coming from the wrist hanging by his side through the clothes.

It was her warm palm that stretched out and held it.

 You are the strong and brave Princess Anna in The K2
  She is also the most beautiful employee in EXit who gives the chance of escape to the guests

  He is the most upright media employee in Hush
  Time flies, and what time has brought you is only more mature acting skills, but it has not left the slightest trace on your face.

  Every step you take in a down-to-earth way will bring us new surprises.

  I wish you fireworks to the stars, and all wishes come true.

  Future Best Actress, hello!
  Nice to meet you, Actor Lin.

  Lin Yuner, happy birthday.

(End of this chapter)

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