Chapter 207 Hurrying to Come Back to See You (Two in One)


The second their eyes met.

The color changes, focusing into a purple streamer.

The pupils are charming, reflecting his clean face, which flickers for a second and fades away.

Jing Hao didn't notice the fleeting smile on her peaceful face.

He only felt the warmth coming from the wrist hanging by his side through the clothes.

It was her warm palm that stretched out and held it.

In just a second, the warmth turned into scorching heat, burning his skin like a flame.

Jing Hao rolled his Adam's apple, looked sideways, his eyes gradually narrowed, and fell on the slender and white knuckles where she was pinching his cuff.

His eyes froze, his whole body was still, and he couldn't speak for a long time.

Lin Yuner grabbed his wrist and gently pulled him forward.

Wen Sheng said, "I'm going to be late."

Her eyes followed the steps she led, and she slowly lowered her hand, but the temperature that stayed there did not decrease.

Jing Hao breathed uncontrollably and sank to the bottom, his brain stopped thinking.

He didn't know what to say, and followed her, but his eyes didn't fall.

Confused, his eyes wandered around, and he walked to the ticket office of the Ferris wheel.

Standing at the entrance and waiting for the ride, almost all of them are couples. However, this is also very good, which confirms that many couples regard the Ferris wheel as the happiness they look up to.

Also called eternity.

Jing Hao was not touched by such warmth.

He and she sat in the airtight grid box, with the slowly rising height, except for the weightlessness of the body.

On the opposite side, she was as quiet as ever, leaving his heart hanging in the air, with nowhere to hide.

The more symbolic the building, the more you can't jump off it. After being demonized, it is a romantic expression of love.

The same is true for the Ferris wheel, when each of its grids reaches the highest point.

Couples usually kiss at this time to keep their love.

When the slowly rotating grid barely hovered in the sky, the imagery in Jing Hao's mind was unconsciously generated.

The fingers he placed in front of him were slightly tense, and the corners of his clothes were slightly wrinkled with the pads of his fingers.

And the person sitting across from An Ran seemed to have sensed something, and his eyes moved over from one side.

She looked at him through the faint light, her dark pupils were blurred inadvertently.

The atmosphere is ambiguous.

. . .

They were like this, without any communication, like two strangers.

But the distance between each other gives people an invisible intimacy.

The fireworks show at nine o'clock is at the lakeside square in the amusement park.

When the bright fireworks burst into brilliant colors in the sky.

Jing Hao's secret thoughts were broken at this moment.

He thought of his sister, the wish she had made on her birthday the year she left.

Said that in the future, I want to see all the fireworks in every place in the world.

The sound of explosions sounded above his head, and Jing Hao stood on the steps, looking at the sky above the dazzling patches of youth.

It's just a moment, it seems that life is as short as it is.

There were noisy voices around, but Jing Hao couldn't be happy. He restrained himself from opening his mouth and took a deep breath.

When the person next to him calmly took out a tissue, squeezed it between his fingers and handed it to his shoulder.

Jing Hao turned his head belatedly, looking at her through the mist and the light dotted in his pupils.

He wanted to say that he was fine, but the heaviness in his chest suppressed his voice, making him almost lose his voice.

The girl's exquisite face was close in front of his eyes, and his stunned eyes blinked, engulfing his mind.

"Thank you!"

Jing Hao took it over, hiding his innermost emotions, and his words were low and hoarse.

. . .

After 10 minutes, the fireworks show ended.

The people gathered in the square gradually dispersed, and the surrounding area slowly returned to desertion.

Jing Hao stood still and didn't understand. The hour he spent with her tonight seemed like a lifetime away.

"Do you want to go?"

A soft voice came from beside her.

Jing Hao suddenly became nervous, as if he was going to face something after all.

He likes to be quiet, no matter where he is, he is used to being the last to leave.

Jing Hao didn't explain, but looked sideways slightly, looking at her through the neon lights in the distance if there was nothing in his eyes.

"Do you want to go?"

His tone became low because of the momentary loss of control of his emotions, but it seemed to have the magnetism of the end of the piano.

Lin Yun'er smiled, her voice was soft, but it implied deep meaning.

"I've been, been waiting for you."

. . .

Jing Hao finally walked out of the playground by her side,
With one hand in his pocket, he was silent all the way. In crowded places, his arm could always hit her shoulder inadvertently.

The air outside was a bit sultry, and when she walked to the square, Lin Yuner suddenly turned her head and asked him.

"Don't you want to ask me something?"

Jing Hao's dark eyes merged with her gaze, and suddenly he was a little at a loss, he pursed his lips subconsciously.

Just now in the park, the light was dim, and Jing Hao realized that she was wearing a light pink French-style suit today, which didn't look so cold, but more soft, docile, and well-behaved.

Lin Yuner glanced at the public sink in the distance, handed the bag in her hand to Jing Hao, and said to him, "Can you wait for me? My palms are sweaty."

Jing Hao nodded in a daze.

It was nearly ten o'clock at this time, the entertainment facilities in the park were gradually suspended, and the people were almost dispersed.

There were only a few couples still sitting crookedly on the chairs in the square, and Jing Hao stood quietly on the steps alone.

The metal chain was held in his hand, and the cold texture flowed in the palm of his hand.

He stared down at the white square bag hanging in his hand.

When he was distracted, the girl's gentle voice came from the bottom of the steps.

"Let's go for a walk."

Jing Hao raised his head abruptly, and saw the girl standing under his line of sight at some point.

A trace of panic flickered across his well-versed eyes.

Jing Hao quickly retracted the mobile phone in his hand, put it in his pocket, and stepped out of a step.

She stood at the bottom, looking up at him with her little face up.

Jing Hao looked down and met her gaze.

The girl Yingguang's exquisite features and porcelain-white face were in sight, and her bag was still in his hand.

Outside of her slim suit, without any cover, the soft curves of her figure loomed.

The steps under my feet became heavier.

Jing Hao's mind was a little messed up right now, and he didn't even know how to answer her question.

He walked to her side, froze his steps, and responded in a low voice: "OK."

. . .

The young man stood beside him, looking up, his soft outline and jawline could be seen, maybe he was still in a blinded state.

There was a trace of solemnity between his gentle brows, which was rare and deep.

Lin Yun'er turned around, stood in front of him, and raised her hands that were still dripping.

Looking at him, he said with a smile in his voice, "Can you help me get a tissue?"

Immediately afterwards, she added: "In the bag."

Jing Hao stared down, she shook her hands lightly.

Looking at his clear eyes, there is a faint smile on the corner of his mouth.

With a bit of a child's coquettishness and playfulness.

After a long while, Jing Hao finally choked out a sentence: "Yes."

Taking out a tissue from the bag and handing it to her, Lin Yuner wiped away the water stains.

Suddenly he asked in a soft tone: "You don't have anything to say, do you want to ask me?"

The two stood very close, and Jing Hao couldn't help tightening his fingers holding the bag chain.

Looking over, it was her drooping thick long eyelashes, softly covering the eyelids.

Holding his breath, Jing Hao suppressed his trembling breath: "Well, yes."

Lin Yun'er raised her eyes, her clean pupils melted with a smile: "Okay, you can ask."

Rubbing his fingertips on his palm, Jing Hao looked into her pupils without moving away. After thinking for a long time, he slowly made a sound.

"Are you hungry...?"

After saying this, Jing Hao felt the urge to pull himself out.

What the hell question is this asking yourself!

But Lin Yun'er looked at him, her expression was only slightly startled at first, and then she slowly rolled her eyes.

"Would you like to take me to eat?"

Jing Hao's mind went blank for an instant.

Although he and Lin Yuner have already been in love once, Jing Hao still doesn't have much experience in chasing girls!

Chest rose and fell slightly, Jing Hao secretly suppressed the urge to take a deep breath, pretending to be relaxed: "Well, what do you want to eat?"

Lin Yuner thought about it seriously, and then replied to him after a while: "Then, you like it, okay?"

At this time, someone suddenly came over from the side, probably observing them from a distance, and they couldn't see any close relationship between them, so they thought they were brother and sister.

So after deliberating for a long time, I wanted to ask Lin Yuner for contact information.

As a result, very unsurprisingly, without any reason, it was rejected.

But Lin Yuner always maintained a generous attitude, and did not make the other party feel ugly.

In the middle of the night, there was some wind in the square, and the coolness hit. The hair of the person in front of him was raised around the shoulders.

Lin Yuner tightly clenched the hand by her side, and slowly raised it to take the bag, the moment her fingertips brushed her guard, she felt cold to the touch.

Her suit was short, and her slender legs were exposed to the cold air.

Jing Hao looked at Huaguo, and then slowly took off his shirt jacket, thinking about whether she would refuse.

Slowly handed it to her: "It's cooling down, put it on."

Seeing the sight he wanted to give her but also wanted to avoid.

Lin Yuner ended up wearing it on her body, and her smile became stronger.

Some people won't say no.

Just like this moment.

"Tomorrow, I may have to go out."

Jing Hao was stunned for a moment.

I don't really understand the deep meaning of her sudden self-explosion of her itinerary in front of her.

She went on to say: "Clothes, I will return them to you when I come back, okay?"

"No problem." Jing Hao nodded.

Lin Yuner was silent for a moment: "At eight o'clock on Friday night, I should be able to come back."

She was caught off guard and told the time of her return.

Jing Hao was stunned for a long time.

It can be said that he has no experience in love. Facing such a scene, the more he thinks carefully, the less he knows how to answer.

Jing Hao was just about to say: Actually, I’m not in such a hurry. When I see myself, I’ll just give it back to myself.

But for no reason in my heart, I wanted to know what she meant by what she said.

He and her looked at each other, and asked in a calm voice: "Are you going back to the peninsula? Do you have any work?"

Lin Yuner: "Well, there is a job over there that needs to be advanced."

Jing Hao was silent for a while: "Then I'm not in a hurry, just come back after you finish the work over there."

Lin Yun'er's eyes were quiet, and she said with a faint smile: "No, I'm in a hurry, I can't be, am I in a hurry to come back to see you?"

Jing Hao's heartbeat suddenly missed half a beat, which was an unprecedented frequency.

He really can't escape.

What's different from last time is that the person standing in front of him now has strong hints in every word he says.

Jing Hao couldn't bear it anymore and wanted to admit defeat.

She was really, showing soft and cute claws vaguely all the time, scratching at his heart intentionally or unintentionally.

What he said was both straightforward and cryptic.

Serious answers, but always with rhetorical questions, leaving him enough opportunities to think wildly.

Jing Hao couldn't calm down, so he could only respond in a low voice: "Do you want me to pick you up?"

Lin Yuner raised Chunjiao, her pupils flickered with broken light.

Being looked at by her like this, Jing Hao's heart beat even faster, and when he wanted to look away, he heard her say, "I miss you... Come on, will you come?"

A different sentence doesn't sound like it has any special meaning.

But after being dismantled by her word by word, Jing Hao's heart went back and forth like a roller coaster.

His lips moved several times, and finally, Jing Hao gave a low "hmm".

. . .

The two walked together on the street outside the playground. The restaurants on both sides of the surrounding area have now closed their business, and only a few are still flickering with faint lights.

Jing Hao found a 24-hour self-service sushi restaurant on the map, and after asking Lin Yuner's opinion, he decided to go there to eat together.

The shop is in a deep alley, not very far from the two of them, about six to seven minutes' walk away.

The two walked slowly side by side in the dimly lit alley.

"When watching fireworks, why do you suddenly feel bad?"

Lin Yun'er was walking by the office next to the wall, and asked suddenly as if chatting casually.

Under the dim light, the stone road under the feet is blurred, and the surrounding is silent, accompanied by the sound of high-heeled shoes, hitting the soul of the lonely man and widow.

Jing Hao was still lost in his thoughts, and it took a long time after the voices of the people next to him fell silent before he slowly concentrated.

Jing Hao didn't feel that he would be affected when he thought about going to the fireworks show, including the opening at the lakeside square.

But in the vast sky like ink, the sound of explosions is sandwiched with the brightest fireworks, the splendor that has stayed and the silence when it has been extinguished.

He suddenly felt an unprecedented regret in his life.

Jing Hao looked at the deep alley with no end in front of him. The breeze was blowing on his face, and his vision was in a blind spot. People always have a little sensibility.

Especially when the person next to him is the one he loves deeply, he has no reservations.

After a moment of silence, he said in a low voice without any emotion, "Suddenly, I thought of my sister."

Lin Yuner turned her head and glanced at him.

I thought of the last time he said in kakao that every time he drew a picture, the sign he wrote on it was her sister's hobby.

Lin Yun'er didn't ask any more questions, but walked quietly along the bluestone road, walking forward with him.

Finally, the two reached the sushi restaurant.

Japanese-style decoration, beige paper lanterns, with the name of the shop written on it, warm lighting, and a half-covered curtain at the door, it has a picture of being on the street in a Japanese drama.

It was a bit of a rush when we set off, so far, Jing Hao has only drank that cup of coffee at the playground.

He was indeed a little hungry for a long time, but the tense atmosphere and thoughts made him not take this meal very seriously.

Lin Yuner still has to maintain her figure because of filming, but just symbolically eat some vegetables with him.

During this period of time, there were very few people in the shop, and the two of them sat and ate together. It looked like an ordinary hot spot, but it was hazy, creating a discordant and ambiguous atmosphere around the two of them.

After the simple dinner, the two of them happened to walk back to the area that the crew had rented before.

On the crew's side, Jing Hao and Lin Yuner's rooms were not in the same hotel, so Jing Hao could only send Lin Yuner to stay first.

He didn't say goodbye to her until he got to the elevator in the hotel where Lin Yuner was staying.

Lin Yun'er pinched the skirt of his coat with both hands, did not press the floor button in time, but leaned against the wall, looking at him calmly.

Pursing her lips, she asked calmly in a gentle voice, "Will you come on Friday?"

This sentence carries uncertain doubts, but it is also a reminder of the agreement with him.

Something flicked across Jing Hao's mind, looked at her, took a deep breath secretly, and said softly, "It will come."

"OK, good night."

The smile on the corner of Lin Yun'er's mouth unfolded, she turned around and pressed the floor she was on.

 Today's recommended song: Fool For You——Kastra
  Ask for tickets, ask for tickets, ask for tickets~~~

(End of this chapter)

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