nice to meet you, actor lin

Chapter 208 Manzi's Arrangement

Chapter 208 Manzi's Arrangement

Early the next morning, Lin Yuner boarded the plane back to the peninsula without communicating with Jing Hao.

The moment she was about to step into the inside of the plane, Lin Yuner paused at the door, half-turned her body, faced the oncoming ray of light, and smiled softly. She felt a little sad when she was about to say goodbye to Jing Hao My mood has inexplicably improved.

"Wait for me to come back soon, little man."

. . . . . .

After the plane landed at Seoul Airport, Lin Yuner got into the car sent by the company and went straight to the company.

"Dong dong dong."

"Please come in."

As Lin Yuner pushed open the door, a very majestic middle-aged man with eyes, the moment he saw Lin Yuner, showed a very kind, even "kind" smile.

Anyone else in the company, or anyone who is familiar with the identity of the man in front of him, would feel that this scene of extreme disobedience happened at this moment, in this office.

"I'm back, Teacher Li Xiuman."

"It's hard work, I'm afraid I'm a little tired from flying."

"It's not hard," Lin Yuner smiled and chatted with the middle-aged man, and then finally asked her doubts.

"Teacher Li Xiuman, you called me back, what's the matter?"

Li Xiuman nodded, then pushed a document on the table forward, motioning for Lin Yuner to take a look.

When Lin Yuner opened the file, Li Xiuman opened his mouth and said: "It is true that there is something to ask you to come back. It has been eight years since you debuted, and it is time for you to release a single."

Before Li Xiuman could say it, Lin Yuner had already noticed the contents of the document: "Summer on the Stonewall Road of Deoksugung Palace"

Although Lin Yuner had speculated about herself before, including her manager, she also mentioned to Lin Yuner that the company might let Lin Yuner solo.

But whether it was in her guess or the news from the agent, she thought it would be next year, but she didn't expect it to be so soon.

"I've thought about it for a long time. Originally, your single will not be recorded until after the year, and the MV will be filmed. But in the end, I think it's better for you to finish your single now."

Lin Yuner also had some doubts about this, so she listened to Li Xiuman's explanation very seriously.

When Li Xiuman said this, there was a very bright smile on his face that was extremely inconsistent with his age, and it could even be called a childish smile: "But it happens that Huaguo has sent you an invitation to shoot."

"You also know that I have always been very interested in the Huaguo market. Such an opportunity is a good thing for you personally or for the company."

"I also talked with the person in charge of Huaguo. If you plan to get your single next year, you will be very passive in terms of time. That's why I said hello to your crew and asked you to directly Come here and get this done."

Speaking of this, Lin Yuner also understood what Li Xiuman meant.

"Okay, you probably understand the work, filming and recording on your return trip. Your agent will communicate with you. You must be tired all the way back. Go back and get a good sleep today. , rest and rest."

"Okay, Teacher Li Xiuman."

After finishing speaking, Lin Yuner picked up the documents on the table, saluted Li Xiuman, and walked out of the office.

"Are you in love?..."

"I hope the song I selected for you, you must take a good look at it."

Sitting there, Li Xiuman pushed the mirror frame on the bridge of his nose with his hand, and a gleam of light flashed in his eyes.

. . . . . .

Lin Yuner, who returned home that night, was still studying the song in her hand.The stone wall road of Deoksugung Palace is a very romantic thing for any girl.

According to legend, if lovers walk through this stone wall road together, they will definitely break up.

The origin of this legend can be traced back to the time of Sejong, the seventh king of Joseon: many concubines who fell out of favor lived here at that time.

Day after day, the resentment of the concubines became more and more, and they began to envy the lovers walking on the stone wall of Deoksugung Palace. Jealousy will tear up the lovers who love each other. Even after hundreds of years, these resentments Nor can it disappear.

In addition to this, there is another theory. In the past, there was a family court near Deoksugung Palace, and couples who went to divorce procedures would pass through the stone wall of Deoksugung Palace.The divorced couples who came out of the court walked through the stone wall road and became the most familiar strangers ever since.Over time, the stone wall road will be covered with a layer of sad color.

And although the Stonewall Road of Deoksugung Palace has such an "unlucky" flag, there are still many couples who choose to come here to check in for love.

Many people believe that if they can pass the test of the stone wall of Deoksugung Palace with their other half, then there will be no difficulties in the world that can stop the love between two people.

As for Lin Yuner, who is in this relationship at this moment, when she sees this song, she will naturally feel more emotion in her heart.

Thinking about it, even Lin Yuner couldn't help feeling that the two of them had realized the current scene. The love between the two of them was even more bizarre than the love in idol dramas.

"The story between me and Jing Hao, even if the screenwriter Jin Shunyu came, it would be difficult to write." Thinking of this, Lin Yuner's heart suddenly surged with joy, and the corners of her mouth unconsciously , showing a sweet smile.

Suddenly I remembered my little man, what are you doing now?

Thinking of this, Lin Yun'er couldn't help but took out her cell phone, and found Jing Hao's cell phone number without doing anything else, and dialed it directly.

The phone was connected quickly, and when Lin Yuner heard the notification that she was connected, she playfully called out: "What are you doing? My little man?"

When Jing Hao answered the phone, when he heard Lin Yuner's word "little man", his heart was inexplicably dizzy.

Has this person never called himself that before?
It's only been a day since I went back, has the change been that big?

But Jing Hao answered the questions on the phone honestly: "I am grading the homework sent by my students."


After hearing the expected answer, Lin Yuner responded briefly, and then continued to ask: "What kind of food do you like to eat?"

"Hmm~~ Actually, I don't have anything I particularly like, I'm fine with it."

As soon as the words came to this point, she was interrupted by the anxious Lin Yun'er: "Okay, don't get entangled, just tell me what you like best."

Lin Yuner, who was well aware of Jing Hao's little entanglements, didn't give Jing Hao a chance.

"If I had to choose one, it would be scrambled eggs with tomatoes."

"Scrambled eggs with tomatoes? Well, I get it, I'll hang up first."

"Hey! You wait first..."

Before Jing Hao finished speaking, Lin Yuner had already hung up the phone in her hand.

Looking at the hung up interface on the screen, the corner of Jing Hao's mouth twitched involuntarily.

This stupid!

 Is it a surprise, is it a surprise? ~~~
  I am finally back. If there is no unexpected situation in the future, I will keep updating every day. If there is any accident, please let me know in the group~~~
  And today’s recommended song: What do you know—NS Yoon-G

(End of this chapter)

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