nice to meet you, actor lin

Chapter 215 The day of the concert

Chapter 215 The day of the concert


Jing Hao hid between two pillows, wrapped in warm and light down, and pressed his chest against the silky mattress, forming a lazy shape. When the bell rang, he raised his head while he was sleepy. In the end, he gave up resisting the dizziness. In the room where the curtains were not drawn, he raised his hand to touch the mobile phone on the bedside table. He connected the phone without seeing the call reminder.

"Why don't you compete..."

"Tonight, our concert will start." On the other side of the phone was Lin Yuner's very excited voice, which immediately dispelled Jing Hao's drowsiness that was still lingering in his mind.

He turned the phone by his ear over, brought up the main interface from the background, glanced at the date on the screen, and said, "I know, and you mentioned it to me last night, don't worry, today I will Definitely come."

Lin Yuner chuckled: "That's good, I just remind you, after all, you haven't seen my live concert yet, I put the tickets I prepared for you in the living room, remember when you get up go get it."

"Ah, ah, I'm getting up now. For today's concert, I even asked for a day off at the hospital, don't worry."

Lin Yuner heard it, and then smiled shyly. Although the video was not turned on, Jing Hao could already imagine her appearance at this time when he heard her voice on the phone.

I couldn't help feeling hot in my heart.

In the few days before the concert, Lin Yuner and her teammates moved back to the dormitory arranged by the company for them.Although the few sisters in the group who were in love didn't live in the dormitory very often before, their own rooms were always cleaned by someone.

Although she was tired of not being able to be with Jing Hao for the past few days, she felt a little guilty and lost, but when she returned to the dormitory, it was rare for everyone to come back to live together, so she went back with a few sisters up.

But the most critical point among them was a sentence from the sisters that moved her.

When she was chatting with a few sisters, she also calmly shared the state of herself and Jing Hao with everyone. On the one hand, she wanted to get everyone's blessings, and on the other hand, she naturally wanted to hear more from everyone. .

After all, in the process of falling in love, I am not omniscient and omnipotent. There are always things that I can't think of, and I will ignore them.Ask everyone, just in time to give her some advice.

But the problem, just like this followed.

After she and her sisters revealed that although she and Jing Hao had moved together and even slept in the same bed, the two of them hadn't developed any further until now.

The sisters were immediately dumbfounded.

They all thought that the two of them already felt like an old married couple, but they didn't expect that they both slept in the same bed, and they just slept together?

There may be part of the reason why Lin Yun'er didn't want to hand herself over so early, but the bigger reason might be that Jing Hao didn't want to do that.

There are such men in this world?
Facing such a woman, not to mention shockingly beautiful, but recognized by everyone as a beauty, and they are already together every day, they really didn't expect that Jing Hao could endure this.

It’s already the 21st century, especially on the peninsula, although ordinary couples only go to small hotels to have sex after an average of [-] days, but in the circle of entertainers, falling in love this morning is already under fire at night Everyone has long been familiar with such things.

It was for this reason that they were so unbelievable.

Even Li Shungui, who has the most thorough understanding of the relationship between men and women in the group, asked her this question.

"Hey, I said Yun'er, Jing Hao, it's not because of some occupational disease."

Although Li Shungui usually does not show up in the group, but she has seen much more things than others, especially because of her family, she knows a lot of stories.

"I heard that many doctors, especially those who often perform operations, because of frequent operations and frequent bleeding, many people have cleanliness."

"Many people's obsession with cleanliness is so severe that they even feel a little irritated by such things. Jing Hao won't be like that?"

Lin Yuner had a brainstorm at that time, needless to say, she herself felt a little strange.

According to the current relationship between the two of them, especially since I have already moved to his house, my actions have already given him the hint that "it can be rough".

As long as he wants, he will definitely not refuse.

But the two of them have made no substantial progress so far.

A suspicious expression immediately appeared on her face: "O'Neill meant that Jing Hao might... yes... sex, indifference?..."

When she said those three words, a bitter smile appeared on Lin Yuner's face.

After feeling that Jing Hao might be "sexual, cold", Lin Yuner quickly moved to the dormitory, and has been worrying with everyone about whether Jing Hao is, and if he is, what should he do? In the middle.

Finally, after everyone's unanimous discussion, Lin Yuner decided to give him a lore on the day of the concert.

This time at the concert in Seoul, even Pani, who is usually the most carefree, has already felt the importance the company attaches to them.

Not much to say, but in terms of the costumes for the concert, they really put a lot of effort into it.

Playing song clothes really, even they themselves have to say how good-looking they are.

They were the most shining ones at the concert, Lin Yuner is very confident about this.

The plan she and everyone came up with was to let Jing Hao personally experience their beautiful appearance during the concert, and then go home to show him in their singing clothes at night.

Show him your beauty in all aspects to the greatest extent, and see if he can bear it or not.

If Jing Hao could bear it at that time, then it can be basically determined that he is "sexual, cold". Then, you can try to take him to see a psychiatrist to study the solution.

And if she didn't hold back, then Lin Yuner would not refuse him, but would try her best to cooperate with him.

When you are the most beautiful, give yourself the most complete to the person you love the most. This is what every girl in Huaichun wants to do in her dream.

Although she was still worried about whether Jing Hao was "sexual and indifferent", Lin Yuner's eyes suddenly turned into crescent moons when she thought of what would happen if things went well.

"What are you doing?" Although Jing Hao had just woken up and his mind was blank, he was a little puzzled by Lin Yun'er's laughter, and then he also laughed, asking again and again, "What are you laughing at?"

"Then why are you laughing?" Lin Yuner asked with a smile.

"You laughed first."

"Is there a song you haven't heard? And it's your country's song, Jing Hao?" Lin Yuner asked with a smile.

"What song is it?"

"You look so funny!"

Jing Hao:? ? ?
Hearing the obvious silence on the other side of the phone, Lin Yuner frowned: "No way, Jing Hao? You really haven't heard this song? I've heard it..."

"What the hell? It's 'You look so good when you smile'!" Jing Hao was a little speechless.

"This has two meanings at all, okay? The original song title says that other people are good-looking. Are you saying that you dislike me for not being good-looking?"

Lin Yun'er was stunned for a moment, and finally realized, but then she couldn't help laughing out loud, until she squatted down covering her stomach.

In the end, I could only say the last sentence out of breath: "You remember to dress more handsomely, you want the kind of handsome that makes me doubt my life!"

Then hung up the phone.

(End of this chapter)

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