nice to meet you, actor lin

Chapter 216 Everything is ready, just waiting. . . ?

Chapter 216 Everything is ready, just waiting. . . ?
In the dressing room backstage at the concert.

Lin Yuner raised her hands and gathered the long hair that was over her shoulders to the back of her head. She grabbed the long hair with one hand, and combed the hair on her forehead with the other hand. After grabbing all of them, she He looked at himself in the mirror carefully.

After looking at the smooth forehead for a while, he still shook his head and let go of his hand. His long chestnut hair cascaded down like a waterfall, and the long hair on his forehead bounced back again, forming a simple bang.

Then she drew her hands back along the smooth and gentle curve of her cheeks, stroked the white and red earlobes, and then pulled the long hair on both sides back to the back of her head, grabbing it with one hand.Shaking his head again, he shook off the bangs that were tangled in the instrument in front of his forehead, letting them droop naturally.

Looking at herself in the mirror again, Lin Yuner pursed her lips and raised the corners of her mouth, raising her eyebrows with satisfaction—well, the clean-up was okay.

Then he casually picked up a rubber band from the dressing table in front of him, and tied up the hair in his hand.

Soon, a very simple ball head hung down on the back of her head.
Lin Yun'er, who had her hair tied up with a ball, shook her head in front of the mirror, a cute ball dangling from side to side behind her head, as if she kept poking her head out to spy on the world.

The light from the roof of the house shone into her big eyes through the reflection of the mirror, making those dark eyes extraordinarily lively.

Finally, Lin Yuner took another look at herself in the glasses, then turned around and opened the door to leave.

Then he smiled apologetically at the cameramen and reporters waiting outside: "Sorry, I kept you waiting for so long."

Although everyone has seen this goddess who is recognized as a beautiful star many times on TV or in various Dage stations, it is obvious that several reporters are still unavoidable. Lin Yuner I was moved by the smile shown after opening the door.

As expected of a beautiful face, even without stage makeup, just simple casual clothes are so beautiful.

In the camera, she has bright sunshine on her face, brisk steps under her feet, and a slightly mischievous ball on her head, swinging back and forth behind her head.

"Excuse me, is there anything you want to say about this concert?" When she smiled just now, it was obvious that there were several exclamations from the reporters, followed by a collective silence.One of the reporters, in this slightly embarrassing scene, gritted his teeth and interrupted the atmosphere, asking the first question.

"Emmm, how should I put it?" Lin Yuner nodded to the reporter who asked the question first, then pouted cutely, her big eyes hesitated for a moment, and then said: "Actually, our concert seems to be almost over. It hasn’t been held for more than a year.”

"We know that everyone misses us very much, and we are also looking forward to meeting you. I just hope that the performance prepared today will not disappoint everyone."

Very decent speech as always.

Afterwards, Lin Yuner chatted with these reporters about several questions with a smile. When the bodyguard at the side glanced at the time on her wrist and reminded her to change her stage clothes, she smiled apologetically at the reporters. .

Then when she was about to step into the door of the locker room, she seemed to think of something again.

She nodded suddenly, turned around quickly, trotted and jumped in front of a camera that was filming her, and said something to the camera with sparkling eyes.

"Today's concert is not only for fans, but I also hope to dedicate it to the person I love and let him see it!"

Then she blushed and fled into the locker room at an even faster speed.

Only a group of blinded reporters and photographers remained.

. . . .

Everyone stayed in place and thought for a long time, and then asked each other.

"Did the last sentence just now be addressed to her father?"

The photographer on the opposite side also replied hesitantly: "It should be, it can't be for her boyfriend, it's Lin Yuner, how could she do such a wicked thing."

"I think so too."


. . . .

Nine o'clock in the morning.

The sound of water in the bathroom stopped, and Jing Hao came out with a bath towel around his lower body. The water droplets condensed in his hair, and fell on the carpet without paying attention, leaving little traces of water.

I wiped my hair with a towel a few times, and put it on the hanger again. On the table, the water in the siphon coffee pot was boiling, squeezed upward by the air pressure, and extracted to the upper layer through the coffee powder.

When the cold handkerchief touches the hot ground, the air pressure returns to normal, and the extracted coffee returns to the bottom layer. When the bottle is opened, the rich spring aroma of coffee overflows, poured into the coffee cup, and it is just cool.

Turn on the TV, turn to a TV station at random, and while thinking about the concert in his mind, he casually listens to the news broadcast by the female anchor of the TV.

After a while, the female anchor's words brought Jing Hao's thinking back to reality, cleaned the coffee cup, and covered his sharp muscles with a white shirt.

Lin Yuner chose a suit for him, and the Italian suit's self-cultivation is shown to the extreme on Jing Hao's body. The shoulders are wide and the waist is narrow, which fits the body far better than ordinary British suits. Turning around in the mirror, Jing Hao also agrees. Lin Yuner was very satisfied with this suit.

The simple and classic black and white collocation, the wider collar of the coat is more spiritual, and it falls naturally without ironing, so it looks more natural and less rigid. The lining is simply opened to the second button, revealing a little skin. When walking, the figure on the chest follows the footsteps, making it more faintly visible.

Patek Philippe's Paris hobnail cuffs are hidden in the sleeves, and only when you slightly raise your hand can you see this flashing, yet breathtaking black.Vacheron Constantin Heritage 30110 is worn on the left wrist. The minimalist formal watch and buttons complement each other, and people with a discerning eye can tell that it is quite tasteful.

Lelabo33 is also the men's woody perfume chosen by Lin Yuner. It does not have the Buddhist temple feeling like other woody perfumes. It only has a slightly cold sandalwood fragrance and a touch of earthy smell. Spray some in the air and wait for the water mist to fall on the clothes naturally superior.

"Everything is ready, the handsome man you want, so handsome that you doubt your life, has officially appeared on the stage."

Jing Hao walked out of the building. On the way to the parking lot, he passed by two blond foreign women. It seemed that it was because of the Europeans who were particularly sensitive to spices. When they were in front of the trolley, a profile with extremely three-dimensional features came into the eyes of the two of them.

As if aware that he was being annotated, Jing Hao turned his head and took a look. The three of them looked at each other, and the two women suddenly felt like they were being shot in the heart. Obvious physical reaction.

But just being in a trance for a while is enough for the two of them.

"OMG, he's so hot..."

This was the true psychological reaction of the two women, which even made them lose their courage to look at Jing Hao again. They didn't dare to look back, but just covered their mouths with manicured hands, whispered non-stop, and walked away quickly.

It wasn't until they turned the corner and disappeared from Jing Hao's sight that the two of them ran all the way with uncontrollable shrill nympho laughter and escaped from his sight.

Jing Hao turned his head,
open the car door,

stepped in and sat in,

The car drove away.

(End of this chapter)

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