Chapter 32
Lin Yuner sat there looking at Xu Xian in shock for a long time before she recovered.

With trembling hands, he picked up the cup beside him, handed it to his mouth tremblingly, and took a sip.After taking a sip carefully.

After sitting silently for a while, Lin Yuner finally spoke:

"Xiao Xian,"

"Come on, Ernie."

Lin Yuner smiled bitterly and sighed:
"You really are, either keep silent, or play a big game with me when you open your mouth."

After finishing speaking, Lin Yun'er took another sip of water, closed her eyes and shook her head slowly a few times.Then, like taking a sip of white wine, he let out a depressed sigh.

Staring at the table, Lin Yuner stayed there for a long time before finally speaking to several people.

However, his eyes kept staring at the bottom of his cup.

"Let's just tell everyone the truth."

Lin Yun'er picked up the cup, took another big gulp to her mouth, and then slapped the cup heavily on the table.

"I do,"

"It seems that I like someone"

At this moment, the dining table, which had been extremely lively just now, was quiet, and a needle could be heard.

Seeing that no one spoke, Lin Yuner forced a smile, and continued to tell:
"It should be the first time we met, I was a little interested in him."

Lin Yuner sighed, and continued to talk:

"The two of us may feel a little bit like friends."

"He doesn't care that much about me, but everything he does is like a heavy hammer, knocking on the door of my heart again and again, and the defense of my heart is smashed to pieces."

Lin Yuner's expression returned to calm at this time.

"Everyone, and Xiaoxian, you should also know that I grew up in a single-parent family."

Several people nodded one after another, without speaking, they looked at Lin Yun'er silently.Lin Yun'er didn't give too much time, she watched a few people nod their heads, and then continued talking.

"Because I grew up in a single parent household, I really empathize with kids who are like me."

"Especially, for those children who were abandoned by their parents at the same time, it was really difficult for me to keep calm in front of them."

At this time, Lin Yun'er put her left hand over the mouth of the cup, and her right hand stuck to her thigh, tightly pinching her sleeve, two tears flowed out of her face at some unknown time.

Sucking her nose, she took the tissue that Kim Taeyeon silently handed over at this time, Lin Yuner barely raised her head, grinned at Kim Taeyeon with a smile that was more uncomfortable than crying, sniffed her nose again, and wiped the corners of her eyes, smiled and said:

"So, the kind of people who can really do something for this kind of kid, I really appreciate that."

"He is the real kind of person who treats children better than himself."

Speaking of this, Lin Yuner suddenly laughed at herself,
"Hehe, although I said so, but since I debuted, my heart has always been on the matter of debut. I really didn't think about how to help those children like me. So, seeing Jing Hao is so good to the children, I really, for the first time, feel that I am really bad."

At this time, Xu Xian had silently moved to Lin Yuner's side, looked at Lin Yuner distressedly, and gently patted her back with his hand.

"When I see him with the kids, that smile from the bottom of his heart,"

"When I see him auscultating the children, that concentration, the whole spiritual world,"

"When I saw that he used paper and notes to record the children's condition, and meticulously filled them with the necessary medicines,"

"The thing that moved me the most was when Xin Yan and the other children, with innocent faces and pure smiles, ran over happily to surround him,"

"It's really, really hard for me to think of him as just a medical advisor, just as my teacher."

At this moment, Lin Yuner stared at the cup in front of her eyes in a daze, and whispered slowly:

"I really, kind of like him..."

Although it was very quiet, everyone heard this sentence, and no one teased her anymore, but,

They came to Lin Yuner's side one after another, and everyone surrounded Lin Yuner, comforting her silently.

They could all see that Lin Yuner felt the sadness she experienced when she was a child, as well as the resentment towards her "unbelievable" feeling for the children.

The most important thing is that Lin Yuner opened her heart to a person for the first time.

After several people sat quietly with Lin Yuner for a while, Lin Yuner's emotions had calmed down at this moment, and she showed a big smile to them, signaling to everyone that she was fine.

Then at this moment, Mengpani looked at Lin Yuner and asked hesitantly:
"Yun'er, are you going to chase him?"

Lin Yuner hesitated for a moment, then nodded:

"I really want to approach him slowly while filming this movie, and then confess to him."

"Then what about your relationship with that person?"

Speaking of this, Huang Meiying covered her mouth again, as if annoyed by the question she asked.

Lin Yuner smiled generously, not taking this matter to heart.

"Oni and you all know about me and Sekiopa."

Speaking of this, Lin Yuner smiled softly:
"We are not really in a relationship. I have already communicated with Seungki Ouba. After a while, we will slowly let the public know that we are no longer a 'relationship'."

At this time, the tall beauty looked at Lin Yun'er again, frowned slightly, and said quietly to her:
"It's time for you to 'break up' a long time ago. It's not a real relationship, and, at the beginning, you shouldn't have such a fake relationship."

Li Shungui also frowned at this time and echoed:
"Indeed, although I don't have much contact with him, I feel that this person is really not a very good person."

"I have seen too many dirty people. You all know the environment of my home when I was a child. I have been in contact with all kinds of people. Although I really can't find anything wrong with this person, the feeling he gave me is really He is not a good person."

Lin Yuner also smiled slightly at Li Shungui, and shook her head:

"It doesn't matter what kind of person he is, the person I like is not him."

"Besides, Seungki Ouba has a good impression in front of me. Although, I really don't have any feelings for him."

Kim Hyo-yeon shook his hand at this time,
"Oh, what are you talking about him for? Anyway, our Yun'er doesn't want to fall in love with him, our Yun'er's heart has long been in someone else's body!"

When they heard this, they all laughed.That's right, Lin Yuner doesn't like him, why worry so much?

At this time, Huang Meiying also showed her iconic "smiling eyes" to Lin Yuner, and two dimples were faintly recessed on both sides of her cheeks.

"That's right, if that's the case, it won't be a problem for Yun'er to chase him."

The girl nicknamed "Quan Dadai" also raised an eyebrow at Lin Yuner with a smile:

"It depends on the charm of our facade!"

Lin Yuner also raised her eyebrows proudly at her, smiled and imitated the little boy's voice and replied:
"I'm Lin Yuner! I'm from Girls' Generation!"

At this time, when everyone burst into laughter at Lin Yuner's funny words, only Kim Taeyeon frowned slightly.

She always felt, as if,

Something is wrong.

 Do you think I can't do anything more today?

  I really couldn’t post it at first, but suddenly the matter was cancelled, so I quickly sat down and finished these two chapters. Seeing me working so hard, I’m sure you guys, don’t you want to send me more tickets~~~
(End of this chapter)

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