nice to meet you, actor lin

Chapter 33 The moment of death

Chapter 33 The moment of death
Let me introduce a book to everyone first, the author is an angel with black hair, a veteran hy author, that is, the senior who claims to write a book for each of the nine empresses.

You should have read many of his works, such as "Zhang Xian and Xu Xian", and "Hy's Star Lover", "The Great Producer" and other familiar works. His new book "The Most Almighty Artist" has already The review has passed, if you like it, you can bookmark it.

Really, really, those who can still insist on writing hy now are really loyal fans of power generation for love. If they want to earn w, they have already switched to writing other things.It can only be said that hy is not easy, everyone, just watch and cherish it.

PS: I have never pyed with this author, and I recommend this book to you from the bottom of my heart. Everyone, whether you like it or not, please go and bookmark it.

The following is the text~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~
Since that day last year, Taeyeon felt that it had been a long time since the few of them had been together as seriously as they are now, open their hearts to each other, and discussed something from the bottom of their hearts.

For a moment, looking at the harmonious atmosphere together, Taeyeon only felt her nose suddenly sore, as if something was about to flow out of her eyes.

"It would be great if you were here..."

It was late at night, but the lights in the restaurant seemed to be getting brighter and brighter. The few people who were chatting together did not notice the gradually darkening sky outside the dormitory window at this time, and the unknowingly continuous flow of time. . . . .

"Morning, Jing Haoxi."

Jing Hao was wearing a black windbreaker and a pair of gray leather boots. He just got out of the car. When he was about to step into the crew, he heard a soft call behind him.

Jing Hao turned around slightly, and saw an incomparably bright smiling face. Wherever he looked, he felt that his two thin lips were smiling, his long eyes were smiling, and his two cheeks were deeply sunken. The dimples in her movements are laughing, and even the two balls of "coquettish meat" under her beautiful eyes are also laughing.

Jing Hao looked at this glamorous smile, and unconsciously froze for a moment, and his mood became faintly cheerful.

At this time, standing behind him was Lin Yun'er who spent the whole night with a group of older sisters and one younger sister last night.

At this time, Lin Yuner looked at Jing Hao and saw her stunned expression, as if she had been wiped with honey, and the smile on her face became even brighter.

Jing Hao tried his best to look away, looked at Lin Yuner's other side of the road with difficulty, and said with a guilty conscience:
"Ah oh oh, yes, it's Actor Lin Xi, good morning."

While talking, he raised a hand and waved at Lin Yun'er awkwardly.

Seeing his slightly embarrassed look at this time, Lin Yuner didn't try to embarrass him deliberately, but casually raised her mouth:
"Jing Haoxi, it's really early to come. Jing Haoxi' is really very responsible. Hehe"

Jing Hao spread his hands noncommittally, and then the two of them walked side by side naturally into the crew.

Song Zhongji also came earlier today. After seeing the two people who just came in, he took a sneak peek at Lin Yuner, and said to Lin Yuner:
"Yun'er, Director Li came here just now, and asked me if you came, as if he was looking for you."

When Lin Yuner heard this, she immediately agreed, turned her head and nodded to Jing Hao, exchanged glances, went to Song Zhongji and asked where the director was, and walked out unhurriedly.

Less than two seconds after Lin Yuner walked away, Song Zhongji looked around, seeing no one around, so he took a package from his side, and quickly ran to Jing Hao's side like a thief, Handed him the package.

Jing Hao took the package strangely, but after thinking about it, he didn't seem to have bought anything, so he looked at Song Zhongji with a questioning look.

Song Zhongji seemed to know Jing Hao's question, so he lay beside Jing Hao's ear, covered his hands with his hands and told Jing Hao the truth in a low voice:

"This is what Jin Zhiyuan asked me to give you just now."

Seeing that Jing Hao didn't seem to know what was going on, Song Zhongji followed up with an explanation.

"This is the breakfast made by Jin Zhiyuanxi."

"She wanted to give it to you when she came over in the morning, but before you came, she gave it to me first, and told me that I must give it to you when you came."

Jing Hao opened the package and carefully looked inside. It was a lunch box.And it looks like it's made by itself.

Jing Hao opened the bento box and found that it contained a sushi made with tuna and two cups of yogurt, which whetted the appetite just looking at it.

Song Zhongji's eyes were so hot watching from the side, he just felt as if he had eaten a stomach full of dog food.

So, he patted Jing Hao on the shoulder unhappily:


"When did you date Jin Zhiyuan?"


Before Jing Hao finished speaking, Song Zhongji took Jing Hao's shoulders and said incessantly:

"Ah, I didn't even know you were dating right under my nose!"

"Did you not consider your Brother Ji as your elder brother?"

"Let me tell you, Xiaohao! You do this, it's a shame, do you know that?"

"If you keep like this, you will lose me as a friend."

Jing Hao only felt that Song Joong-ki, who usually looked at him with a special personality, seemed to have turned into a human-shaped electronic transmitter at this time, and his lips were "boom boo boo" as if a fly had become a spirit. The magic sound lingers.

After finally breaking free from Song Zhongji's embrace, Jing Hao quickly ran aside and kept a safe distance from him before he began to explain:

"Brother, I don't know why Jin Zhiyuan Xi brought me breakfast."

"Just let me go, I really haven't dated her."

"If you want to say why you did this for me, I don't know..."

After Song Zhongji heard Jing Hao's explanation, he believed his words in front of him.But then, he turned around with a look of excitement.

"Ah, in that case, Jin Zhiyuan is interested in you!"

"What do you mean?"

"That's right, that's what it means."

"What does that mean?"

"You know what I mean."

"How do I know what you mean?"

Like two idiots, the two of them started mating dolls on the spot.At this moment, Lin Yun'er had already returned from Li Yingfu's place, and happened to run into Jin Zhiyuan who was looking for them, and the two of them were watching the two idiots doing the mating dolls at the door, and they couldn't hold back their laughter.

"O'Neill, look at Jing Haoxi, he is not as cold as before."

Lin Yuner looked at Jin Zhiyuan who was secretly smiling with her lips pursed, and she couldn't help but also laughed along with it.

"These two people are really good, and it's still fun to play here."

When Jing Hao and Song Zhongji were arguing there, Jing Hao was lying facing the door, and when he raised his eyes, he suddenly saw the two people who were laughing.

Song Zhongji seemed to have finally noticed that Jing Hao's gaze was on his back, so he turned around and took a look along Jing Hao's gaze.

Both of them saw Lin Yuner and Jin Zhiyuan who were secretly smiling.

At this time, they both sighed in tacit understanding:
"It's over! This society is dead..."

(End of this chapter)

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