nice to meet you, actor lin

Chapter 34 The Woman

Chapter 34 The Woman
In Seoul, where every inch of land is expensive, it seems that it is difficult to see a place that will be empty.At this time, somewhere in Seoul, there is an extremely wide private territory.

At the outermost edge of the territory, there are tall fences. At the main gate of the territory, there are more than a dozen bodyguards with guns in their waists, guarding meticulously.A black Rolls-Royce Cullinan slowly drove up to the gate.

After the driver of the car took out a pass hanging in front of him and scanned it on the machine in front of the bodyguards, with a "beep" on the machine, a green "Agree to enter" sign appeared on the screen.

After the bodyguards confirmed the logo on the screen, the fence at the door slowly opened, allowing the Cullinan to drive in slowly.

The black Cullinan drove slowly on the main road of the territory for a while, passed three checkpoints one by one, and continued driving for about half a minute before finally arriving at its destination.

A man in a black suit slowly walked out of the car, greeted several old women who were sweeping leaves in front of him respectfully, and finally walked slowly to the gate of the villa.

This is a European-style three-story villa. In front of the villa, there are several tall trees that look very old. It seems that each of them is at least 100 years old.

The man walked into the villa, and as he entered, it was obvious that the master of the villa had unfathomable strength.

The walls are full of various oil paintings and many ancient paintings of Huaguo. If any one is placed outside, it will make people in various well-known auctions crazy about it.

Facing such precious masterpieces, this man didn't want to appreciate them. He hurried to the door of a room in the villa, knocked on the door respectfully, and after getting the permission to "come in", he buried his head , walked in properly.

"Ma'am, here is the information you want."

On the sofa in the house, an extremely beautiful woman who looked like she was just about to turn 30 said "En", and lay lazily on the ridiculously expensive sofa, with her eyes on the TV and her head on her head. He said without answering:
"Let it go."


The man held the things in his hands and respectfully placed them on the tea table in front of the woman, but he still leaned forward and asked cautiously:

"Anything else to order, madam?"

The woman held a glass of red wine in her hand, shaking the glass casually with one hand, watching the wine in the glass shake gently back and forth in the glass, Qiong nose wrinkled slightly while smelling the aroma of red wine from time to time. thinking about something.

Suddenly, as if thinking of something, the woman's eyebrows twitched slightly, and she saw that her delicate eyebrows were covered with misty distant mountains. With the woman's pause, the movement of shaking the wine glass slightly stopped for a second .

"How is the lady doing now?"

The man lowered his head even lower, and replied respectfully:

"Returning to Madam, miss, according to our observation, it is still quite good."

The woman nodded slightly, brought the wine glass to her lips, and took a sip.

"Good job, keep looking over there."

Hearing this praise, the man was overjoyed immediately, bent over a little more, and nodded emphatically:
"Thank you ma'am! I'll keep watching over there."

The woman casually waved at him, signaling him to get out quickly.

The man immediately continued to maintain the bowing posture, and quickly stepped back in small steps to the door.After opening the door, he bowed vigorously to the woman on the sofa, turned around and walked out of the room, closing the door respectfully.

The woman watched TV alone in the room for a while, when suddenly something interesting appeared on the TV, and the woman smiled charmingly.

After watching the picture on TV for a long time, the corners of the woman's mouth have been raised mischievously. Only at this time, a few slight wrinkles appeared on the woman's forehead, but it did not affect the woman's embarrassing appearance at all. Her perfect appearance added a touch of charm to her.

It seemed that the scene that the woman was interested in on TV had passed, so her expression returned to the original, her eyes no longer stared at the TV screen, but turned her head out of the window, looking at the scenery outside the window with deep eyes.

From the frown that the woman still frowns slightly from time to time, it can be felt that the woman seems to be worrying about something.

As if feeling the troubles in the woman's heart at this time, the clear sky outside the window became overcast, a dark cloud slowly drifted over the villa, and a little rain began to fall with the wind.

On the shelf next to several flowerpots by the window, there is a parrot with extremely bright colors parked. The parrot seems to feel the owner's slightly lost mood at this time, and gently flies from the shelf to the woman's left shoulder comfortingly. Putting his head on the woman's forehead affectionately, he comforted his master:

"What are you?"

The woman was a little depressed at first, but when she heard the parrot say "what are you looking at", her attention was immediately attracted by the parrot on her shoulder, and she looked at the parrot amusedly:

"Look at you!"

"What are you?"

The parrot seemed to know only this sentence, and repeated it several times on the woman's shoulder.

After the woman finished answering for the first time, she ignored the parrot's "what are you looking at" and continued to look at Xiaoyu outside the window.For a while, I was a little crazy.

After staring blankly at the rain outside the window for a while, the woman opened the window and slowly stretched out a pair of jade hands.

After closing her eyes and feeling the raindrops falling on her fingers for a while, the woman withdrew one hand, put it under her nose, put it in her mouth, and licked her fingers with her tongue.

"I remember that I also left in this weather..."

The woman took her fingers out of her mouth, her eyes fixed on the hand.

"It's still as bitter as the rain at that time."

It was still raining outside the window, and the house was still so warm, but at this moment, the woman's hand that was still in the house was covered with water droplets.

I don't know, it was the rain outside the window that was blown in by the wind and fell into the woman's hands.

Still, the woman's tears wet Su Su's hands.

Following the window, the old women who were cleaning the fallen leaves in front of the door let out a suppressed sigh, and a burst of suppressed cries slowly mixed with the sound of rain at this time. . .

At this time, the man had already returned to Cullinan's car outside the villa. The man gave instructions to the driver, and then slowly drove back along the way he came.

The man in the car was slowly rubbing his hand on a watch.

The man is seriously thinking about what the "madame" told him.

"Keep watching Miss."

"Go on, look at Miss."

The man lit a cigarette, took a deep puff, and then slowly spat it out.

The smoke that spits out floats out of the window, under the baptism of wind and rain, soon,
It dissipated.

 Ask for a ticket Ask for a ticket

  Say important things three times a day
(End of this chapter)

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