Chapter 35
Lin Yuner and Kim Jiwon watched Jing Hao and Song Joong Ki's "community death" for a while, and the two found the two girls who were peeping. After a long awkward hug together, they stammered To explain to the two women.

"That's not what you think."

"Where are you two in that doll?"


Under the watchful eyes of the two women, the two of them blushed as if they had just come out of a steam room, and their foreheads were covered with fine sweat.

Seeing Jing Hao's embarrassment at this time, Lin Yun'er couldn't bear it, she took the initiative to step forward, and said for him:
"Okay, I know you're in a good relationship, so you don't need to show us your basic love now."

The two quickly distanced themselves, and the space between them was spacious enough for several people to sit.

Lin Yuner "casually" walked to Jing Hao's side, pulled away the stool, and sat down gracefully beside him.

Seeing where Lin Yuner was sitting, Jin Zhiyuan quickly pretended nothing happened, walked to the other side of Jing Hao, and sat down as well.

At this moment, Lin Yuner casually glanced at Jing Hao, and suddenly found the bento in his arms, so she said in surprise:

"Huh? You brought a bento?"

At this time, Jin Zhiyuan also saw the bento she gave away in Jing Hao's arms, and her heart tensed up, fearing that Lin Yun'er would find out.

Song Zhongji, who just ran to the side at this time, posted it, pointed to the bento, and said:
"This is gold..."

Before he could finish speaking, Jin Zhiyuan hurriedly interrupted what he hadn't finished speaking.

"Well, that bento was brought here by the way when I woke up in the morning and ordered too much in the restaurant downstairs and couldn't finish it."

Lin Yuner suddenly realized "Oh", but at this time Song Zhongji did not intend to let go of this matter at all, and then raised an eyebrow at Jin Zhiyuan with a smirk.

"Then, why did you give it to Jing Hao alone~~~"

Jin Zhiyuan straightened her chest, her expression was as confident as the two small bumps on her chest:

"That's because I have to please our Jing Haoxi."

Then he turned to Jing Hao and bumped Jing Hao with his shoulder:
"Jing Haoxi is a consultant who can be respected by our directors, and a character who can directly affect my role in the scene, and no matter what, he can be regarded as my teacher after all. Don't you think so, Mr. Jing Hao nim?"

At this time, several people were staring at Jing Hao closely. Jing Hao only felt uncomfortable all over, so he adjusted his sitting posture unnaturally, and replied woodenly:

"I'm not a big shot, and I'm not qualified for filming, and there's no need to interfere with you, and there's no need to curry favor with me."

It can be seen that Jing Hao has already been numb by Jin Zhiyuan's words at this time.

At this time, Lin Yun'er had already taken the box of bento from Jing Hao's hand, and seeing the tuna sandwich and the two cups of yogurt inside, she couldn't help being greedy, and the desire in her eyes was about to overflow.

Seeing Lin Yuner's expression, Jing Hao looked like a greedy cat that was sidling up to you to beg for food, so the corners of his mouth curled up slightly, and he took the bento from Lin Yuner's hand.

Then he looked at Jin Zhiyuan and asked with a smile:
"I can't finish these things by myself, don't you mind if I share them with you, Jin Zhiyuanxi?"

Jin Zhiyuan looked at Jing Hao's warm smile towards her at this time, and couldn't help but blushed slightly, resisting her shyness, looked elsewhere, and replied:

"I don't mind, I don't mind, it's something I ordered too much, and I'm very happy that everyone likes me."

After getting Jin Zhiyuan's consent, Jing Hao divided the sandwich into three parts with the unused fork in the bag, handed one part to Song Joong Ki who was watching, and stuffed the other part into Lin Yuner's. hand.

Then two cups of yogurt were also distributed to the two of them, and said with a smile:

"I can't finish eating so many things, everyone should try a little, so as not to waste our Zhiyuanxi's heart."

So several people started to move their mouths one after another, attacking the food in front of them.

After Lin Yuner ate the fresh and tender taste of the tuna in her mouth, she couldn't help but widen her eyes, and asked Jin Zhiyuan in admiration:
"It's also very well done, it's delicious."

The other two are also enjoying the elaborate food very comfortably, and their expressions are also in a very relaxed state.

It was the first time for Jin Zhiyuan to see Jing Hao with such a relaxed expression. Seeing Jing Hao eating gracefully and still maintaining his usual handsome image, he couldn't help being fascinated for a while.

The three of them finished eating quickly, and after thanking Jin Zhiyuan one after another, they also sat down and chatted relaxedly, and the atmosphere became very harmonious.

At this time, Lin Yuner was also thinking of the suggestions from the sisters in the dormitory to her, so she tapped Jing Hao's shoulder;

"Great Doctor,"

Jing Hao turned his head around, with a puzzled look on his face.

"Anyway, we live together, or I will come with you in the future, so as to save my agent Ouba from being so tired every day. His daughter is also sick during this time, and I don't really want to disturb him."

Jing Hao thought for a while, and agreed to Yun'er's request smoothly.

But at this time, Song Zhongji and Jin Zhiyuan were attracted by their conversation.

"You live together?"

Song Zhongji is going to be stupid at this time, he just feels that his worldview is going to be shattered.These two people are in the crew, so they obviously don't have much contact with each other?how?Already live together?
At this time, Jin Zhiyuan's heart was also turned upside down, but she also felt that with Jing Hao's personality, it was impossible for Lin Yuner to take him down so quickly.

So she didn't say anything, just looked at Jing Hao with questioning eyes, waiting for his explanation.

Jing Hao noticed Jin Zhiyuan's gaze and Song Zhongji's misunderstanding, so he patiently explained.

"I also just found out a few days ago that Yoonerxi and I are neighbors who live in the same building."

The two suddenly realized at this moment, especially Song Zhongji, who slapped his head suddenly:,

"I'll just say it! I don't see much interaction between you two at ordinary times. But Jing Hao, you and Jin Zhiyuan have more exchanges."

"Let me just say, why did you live together so quickly!"

Jin Zhiyuan also took a deep breath secretly, and then, her heart suddenly trembled tightly again.

Lin Yuner followed Jing Hao's words and added:
"I'm also surprised why it's such a coincidence. Not only are he and I in the same building, we're even neighbors on the same floor!"

At this time, Lin Yuner's beautiful eyes were shining with a moving light, and her eyes were fixed on Jing Hao:

"It's been more than a year since Jing Hao and I moved to our current residence, and it's the first time we've discovered who the opposite door is."

She looked into his eyes, eyes full of wonder and affirmation:

"It's really a wonderful fate!"

Then Lin Yuner secretly added in her heart:
"This should be the fate that God bestowed on me!"

(End of this chapter)

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