nice to meet you, actor lin

Chapter 36 When you are confused, think about it. . .

Chapter 36 When you are lost, think about it. . .

Jin Zhiyuan, who was watching from the side, was full of uneasiness and worry in her heart at this moment, and she just felt, as if, she might not be able to win Jing Hao now.

So she quickly changed the subject, and asked Lin Yun'er:
"However, in this case,"

"Yona O'Neil, can your boyfriend accept it?"

Lin Yuner was choked for a second.That's right, at this time, except for my teammates, in the perception of everyone else, I still have a boyfriend.

Thinking of this, Lin Yuner's heart was full of gloom.

"He won't, because of this matter, what does he think of me..."

Meimou glanced at Jing Hao, seeing that his expression didn't make any sound at this time, she immediately breathed a sigh of relief.So, pretending to be brisk, he smiled at Jin Zhiyuan.

"It's okay, he will understand this kind of thing."

Although Jing Hao still had nothing unusual on the surface, his heart was also filled with gloom at this moment.

Jing Hao thought of Lin Yuner's "boyfriend", and felt that the whole world was joking.

We are neighbors on the same floor, on the same floor, across the door.What a wonderful fate, unfortunately, it came a bit late.

Jing Hao thought of the national brother, and his heart was filled with bitterness.

Even if this fate is so coincidental, what's the use?
Seeing Lin Yuner's answer at this time, Jin Zhiyuan remembered what happened in the restaurant that night in her mind.Seeing that she didn't directly tell the fact that her "relationship" with that Guo Guomin's brother had ended, she let out a little breath in her heart.But I still feel that there is a thread in my heart that is being stretched tightly.

She didn't know why Lin Yun'er didn't talk about that matter at this time, she only knew that her time was running out.She knew that Jing Hao and Lin Yuner had a crush on each other, and she also knew that Lin Yuner was going to pursue Jing Hao.

She knew that she had to hurry up, otherwise, Jing Hao would probably be with Lin Yun'er.

Taking advantage of it, the official announcement of Lin Yuner's breakup with that "National Brother" has not been officially announced.

Except for Song Zhongji, these people are all thinking about different things in their minds, but they are all connected with the people around them.

Soon, the crew began to officially shoot, and after the three actors said goodbye to Jing Hao, they went to start filming today's scene.

At this time, apart from Song Zhongji, the other two actors became more irritable than ever. Looking at the script in their hands, they couldn't get into the emotions that the characters should have.

Everything seems to imply that today's shooting will not go so smoothly.

I don't know why, but today's two heroines are both better than usual, and they don't seem to perform as well as they did before.

Li Yingfu's "cut" sound rang from time to time in the crew throughout the morning.Everyone's mood went from excitement at the beginning, to calm, and now to loss.

Director Li Yingfu watched from the side very anxiously, but he didn't know what happened to these two people.In this way, the shooting in the morning has been switching back and forth between ng and start shooting.

When it was almost time to eat, Li Yingfu finally stopped everyone and asked everyone to eat first. He was alone, frowning, holding a cigarette, and ran outside the door of the crew to think.

Jing Hao didn't have much drama in the morning. After watching the drama all morning, he watched his two "apprentices" chatting non-stop. He didn't know what was going on, and he became irritated for no reason.

Jing Hao had already rushed to the door of the crew in agitation, and happened to notice Li Yingfu who was running over and smoking a cigarette at the door.

Li Yingfu smiled reluctantly at Jing Hao, and continued to smoke with difficulty.

After both of them stood silently for a while, Li Yingfu suddenly extinguished the cigarette in his hand, forced a smile on Jing Hao and asked:

"Jing Haoxi, what happened to the two of them today, do you know what's going on here?"

Jing Hao gritted his teeth, looked at Li Yingfu silently, looked at this amiable director who usually smiled at everyone, and said to him:

"I don't know what's going on, but I can try to see if I can help."

Li Yingfu smiled gratefully at him, and then stuffed the cigarette butt into the trash can beside him.

"Okay, let's see if the appearance of Doctor Wuli will have any effect!"

The two looked at each other and smiled, and walked back one after the other.

After Jing Hao went back, he found that the mood was also very bad at this time. The two people who were blaming themselves didn't say much, but took out the phone from their pockets, unlocked the screen, opened the phone album, and found A group photo of several people and Xin Yan, and handed the phone to the two of them.

The two took the phone silently and looked at the photos on the phone silently.

Jing Hao took a breath, and said to the two of them in a calm tone:

"I don't know what happened to you two today."

"Although there have been many times before, your emotions have never felt the same as today."

Jing Hao pointed to the innocent smiling face surrounded by several people on the screen, smiling innocently like a flower, and said to the two:

"Not only are there any difficulties, I hope you can live and work seriously like this little girl."

"Xinyan's illness, you know about it even if you're busy."

At this time, both of them also thought of that cute little sister, and their eye sockets were moist.Especially Lin Yun'er, the moment she saw Xin Yan, she was on the verge of crying.

Jing Hao continued:

"Xinyan has encountered such a difficult and uncomfortable disease, but she is still very serious and faces every day with an upward attitude."

"I hope you can be like Xinyan. I believe that you two can overcome any difficulties."

"Not to mention it's just a matter of status."

At this time, both of them wiped their eye sockets slightly with their hands, and sniffed their noses from time to time.

Jing Hao's eyes met the two of them respectively.

"Both of you, adjust your status and take another shot later."

"I am your teacher, and I trust you."

After finishing speaking, Jing Hao turned back, walked up to Li Yingfu, and said to Li Yingfu:
"Director, let the two of them go through this scene again later, I believe, this time, they should be ready."

Li Yingfu nodded to him, and then gave instructions to the crew of the crew, asking him to notify the staff of the crew to start filming again later.

Soon, Li Yingfu started this shooting.

Lin Yuner and Jin Zhiyuan took one last deep look at Xinyan's smiling face before going on stage.Then they all took a few deep breaths and entered the middle of the crowd.

This time, when shooting, it went very smoothly.

After Li Yingfu's familiar "cut" sounded, this time, the entire crew, cheers and applause resounded through the sky, and everyone congratulated the two heroines.

At this time, the two heroines clapped their hands one by one to the colleagues who came over, and looked at Jing Hao silently with tenderness in their eyes.

Jing Hao stood there in a daze, staring at the sky, completely oblivious to the way the two of them looked at him.

The two people were thinking completely differently at this moment.

What Jin Zhiyuan thought was: I can't embarrass him.

What Lin Yun'er was thinking in her heart was: when he was at a loss, did he feel motivated like now when he thought of those children?

This man is really gentle and completely different from his appearance.

I really like this man more and more.

 Daily tickets

  Then I will share with you the books of my friends, you can collect and pay attention to them:
  Author Fanfan - Zero Dog's Dad
  Author A-Tian - China Entertainment was born in 1979
  Author An Shao - The Light of the Peninsula

  Author Taika - Restart the era of victory

  Author Dahai - I really came to exchange
  The author's orange garden - start from teaching idols to keep healthy

  The author's life - I went to the peninsula to be the actor
  Author Three Brothers-in-Law - Star Road and You

  Author Xiao Zhu - You Shine Like a Crystal
  Uncle Author - The Love of Peninsula Steel

  Author Brother Heizi - I will beat you to death if you mix in the entertainment circle
  Author Xiao Zhu——Legendary Champion Defender

  Author Tsunade-chan - that is our light

  Then there is the senior's book that I just pushed yesterday: "The Strongest Almighty Artist" (ps: I am really not familiar with this big guy, and the book push is completely spontaneous, and I also thank the big guy for tweeting me back, Kang Sang dense~~)

  If you like it, you can bookmark it, the data looks good, isn't the author's motivation to update it coming?

(End of this chapter)

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