nice to meet you, actor lin

Chapter 39 Yoona's Strike

Chapter 39 Yoona's Strike

In the first 20 years of Lin Yuner's life, she experienced two blows. So far, it is also possible that she has experienced the two biggest blows in her life.

The first time, from her childhood.When she was very young, her mother left her, leaving her, her sister and father alone.

And the second time came from the early days of debut, that time was a blow that all members, including all fans, will never forget.

She still remembers that piece of quiet darkness, the piece of black sea that still makes her heart tremble even when she thinks about it.

The story comes from the period when they first debuted. In order to attract their popularity, the company deliberately created some pink scandals for them.Although many people may also know that it is not true, but while it has successfully brought attention to them, it has also successfully dragged them into darkness.

Two fan groups, one called "Fairy" and the other "Fairy Queen", are the creators of the Black Sea.

I still remember that it was June 2008, 6. In the second year of her debut, she and her teammates set foot on the dream concert of the annual charity concert in Korea. on stage.

When the background music sounded on the stage, below the stage, there was a dead silence like a dark ocean.

In the crowd, there were only scattered lights. During their performance, there was no warm applause and eager shouts like other artists when they came to the stage. Some, there was only endless silence, and there were occasional curses from the crowd .

"Get off me!"

"Get off this stage!"

"The whores who seduce the brothers"

"Show off stinky b*tch"

. . . . . . .

At that time, each of them was on the verge of collapse in their hearts, but they still held back their tears and finished the performance on the stage, singing with a trembling voice and crying.

When they went offstage and hugged each other, comforting and crying, their abuse could still be heard in the background.

Since then, Girls' Generation has suspended any activities and started a long rest period.

During that period of time, even the company had expressed the idea of ​​giving up on them, and there was an overwhelming amount of abuse and accusations on the Internet.

At the most difficult time, no one believed them, and no one was willing to listen to their explanations.Even many of their fans quit their fansclub one after another.

Yes, only they, the nine people who reported to the group for warmth, could only lick their wounds silently, and they could only practice hard in silence.

During that time, the only ones who could come out for activities were her and her captain Kim Taeyeon.

No one knows how many stares the two of them experienced when they came out to film and radio, and how many human relationships they experienced.

The most terrible thing is that they have experienced such a black sea three times in a row! ! !

Under such a blow, they worked hard to clean up the fallen wings, practiced hard, and tried hard to let everyone see that they were the most shining!
There is a kind of life, every time it dies, it is to return.

And this kind of death, they have experienced three times!After each time, their hearts will grow stronger and their relationship with each other will become more unbreakable.

Although the pain that the Black Sea brought to them almost crushed them when they went through it, it was a blessing in disguise.

After the Black Sea, in South Korea, in China, in Thailand, in the whole of Asia and even in many countries around the world, their attention has become extremely high.

Although not all of them are good attention, their efforts and their changes are also noticed by everyone under the magnifying glass.

Slowly, everyone noticed their hard work, and everyone noticed their tenacity after experiencing such a big blow.Finally, they were reborn from the phoenix.

They have truly become "Girls' Generation". Just like the earliest project of their group, they have truly become "the darlings of the times", and they have finally become empresses.Their hard work, all the setbacks they experienced, made everyone who looked at them coldly and ridiculed them before were slapped severely.

Above the pinnacle, is the young time.

At that time, what saddened them the most was not the cold violence they suffered.

What hurts them the most is people's distrust of them, and what they cry the most is the loss when no one is willing to listen to their explanation.

Except when Lin Yuner had an ignorant and vague relationship with a classmate when she was in elementary school, this time, it was the first time that she fell in love with someone in the true sense.

It can also be said that this is her first love.

Including Lee Seung Gi, they are all "love" deliberately released to the public due to some reasons.And Jing Hao was really the first and only person she fell in love with so far.

And tonight, he didn't even want to listen to even a single word of her explanation.This blow to her was no less than another heavy blow.

"Why don't you want to listen to my explanation?"

Under the condition of being sad and carrying countless questions that she wanted to ask, Lin Yuner finally fell into a dreamland in a daze.And her eyes still had crystal clear teardrops. . .

Jing Hao felt very uncomfortable in his heart at this time.

Lin Yun'er was also the first time he was really attracted to a woman since he was born.Before he met Lin Yun'er, he had never had this kind of heartfelt, involuntary desire for attention and concern for anyone.

He has never felt sad or heartbroken for anyone like when he met her, saw her sad, and lost her.

He has never wanted to hold someone's hand so wholeheartedly like now, to walk with her through the afterglow of dusk, to welcome the first rays of sunshine in the morning, to listen to the sound of the sea, to feel the wind together. Breathe, watch a movie together, bend on the road together, eat a meal together, and wake up with each other hugging. . .

It's just that there is already another person beside that person, and the person who can accompany her to do these things is no longer me.

Possibly, she will also admire me, fall in love with me, and even want to be with me.But is that kind of self really still oneself?
I will become the "third party" that affects a beautiful relationship; I will become the scissors that cut off a beautiful marriage; I will become the self that I even look down on.

And not only herself, but she may also be abused by others, poked on the back by others and talked about, and looked down on by others from the bottom of their hearts.

He doesn't care what he becomes or what other people think of him.But what she will be, what other people will think of her.

He cares.

 Ask for a ticket Ask for a ticket

  Then, by the way, I would like to tell you that I have never had the function of the easter egg chapter before, but now I have it.

  I have posted several Easter egg chapters today, and in the future, I will share some of my favorite content with you from time to time.

  I also hope that everyone will post more fan creations, I will often flop.

(End of this chapter)

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