nice to meet you, actor lin

Chapter 40 Lin Yuner is about to film a kiss scene!

Chapter 40 Lin Yuner is about to film a kiss scene!

Early the next morning, Jing Hao got up early, washed up and packed his things, then went downstairs to warm up the car ahead of time and waited for Lin Yuner to come out.

After waiting for a while, I found a nanny car slowly driving to the door.As soon as the door of the nanny's car was opened, a person got out, it was Lin Yuner's driver A Tian.

Jing Hao was slightly taken aback when he saw A Tian, ​​and saw that A Tian walked to the window of his car with steady steps, as if he had something to say to himself, so Jing Hao slowly lowered the car window, with a questioning look. He looked at Ah Tian.

"Are you alone?"

Ah Tian nodded to Jing Hao, and a deep voice came in from the car window.

"Lin Yunerxi these few days, please pick me up."

Jing Hao smiled politely at Ah Tian:
"It's nothing, after all, we are neighbors, so it's right to help deliver it."

It was the beginning of August at this time, and the sun came out very early. A few beams of warm sunlight shone through the gaps in the leaves of the trees, and were lazily sprinkled on the ground beside the two of them.

When the two of them were really chatting, there was movement from the door downstairs, and both of them turned their heads to look at the door of the building. Following the rustling sound of the door opening, a beautiful figure appeared in front of them. in front of.

Lin Yun'er was wearing a pair of silver high-heeled shoes, and the upper was also generously decorated with sparkling small diamonds, which looked unusually shiny under the refraction of the sun.

If you look up, you will see a pair of long legs wrapped in a one-piece beige hip-covering skirt. The skin looks white and pink, and if you look up, you can see a perfect cheek hidden behind the sunglasses.Although he was wearing sunglasses, he could still vaguely see the delicate facial features.

Looking again, at this time, this beautiful woman is exuding an aura that strangers should not enter.As the sound of high heels landing on the ground got closer, the aura became stronger and stronger.

Normally, she looks full of affinity, no matter who she is, the impression of her is that she is so approachable.But today, she looks like she really has a strange feeling that people dare not approach.

Lin Yuner walked up to Ah Tian, ​​and saw Jing Hao who was talking with Ah Tian through the car window.

When her gaze swept over, Jing Hao only felt that the blood in his whole body was about to freeze, his whole body was tense, and he didn't dare to move.

And when her eyes swept over Jing Hao, she just glanced over without any emotion, as if there was nothing in front of her eyes.

Leaning her back against the car window, she nodded at Ah Tian, ​​motioning for him to drive, and Ah Tian said hello to Jing Hao and hurriedly climbed into the car, leaving only the two who were facing each other at this time. Two people.

Lin Yuner looked into Jing Hao's eyes through the sunglasses, and said in a voice without any emotion:

"Last night, you left without any explanation from me."


"It's the thing I hate the most, you know?"

"...Now I know."

"Don't contact me recently, I, a 'married woman', also need face."

When she said the last sentence, Lin Yuner's tone was particularly heavy on the words "a married woman". Before Jing Hao could react, she gracefully stepped onto the door of the nanny's car with her bag in her hand. , ordered Ah Tian to drive.Immediately, the nanny car left Jing Hao's sight as quickly as a gust of wind.

Jing Hao's eyes followed the nanny's car until it disappeared at the end of the corner before he sighed, started the car, and drove to the crew.

After arriving on the set, Lin Yuner's state at this time was quickly noticed by everyone.Unlike her who was kind and kind in the past, although she still has no faults in terms of etiquette to everyone today, her unusually calm mood also made everyone pack up and want to come over to greet.

Lin Yun'er, who was sitting in the dressing room, looked at herself in the mirror in front of her, with her extremely calm pupils, expression, and status, she was also slightly surprised from the bottom of her heart.

How long has it been since I've been in this state?

It seems that in everyone's impression and feeling, Lin Yuner should be on TV, on the Internet, and in front of fans, with that friendly and polite look with a hint of eccentricity.And at this time, the self in front of the mirror made her suddenly think of her "Xiuyan" Ernie who had left the team.

Now they seem to be in front of the mirror, and their states overlap.

When filming started, Lin Yuner's filming was as smooth as ever, it seems that this state did not affect her performance.

After filming a scene with Song Joong-ki, director Lee Eung-bok called Lin Yoon-ah and Song Joong-ki in front of him.Looking at the two handsome men and beautiful women in front of him, Li Yingfu said to them:
"Tomorrow will be the first climax of our drama so far."

Both of them have read the script, and at this moment, of course, they both know which scene Li Yingfu said will be filmed tomorrow.

Song Zhongji opened his mouth wide, covered his mouth with his hand, a surprised voice passed through his palm, and a word came out in a low voice:

"So fast?"

Lin Yuner also looked at Li Yingfu at this time, although she didn't say anything, but there was a questioning expression in her eyes.

"That's right, that red wine kiss."

Li Yingfu saw that both of them got to his point, so he looked at each other again,

"You two, prepare for it. Tomorrow's scene needs to be better prepared. There is nothing else, just communicate with the two of you. If there is nothing else, I will go to prepare for the next scene."

Song Zhongji's brain twitched at this time, and he asked a question that he wanted to slap himself twice;

"YoonAxi, if I do a kiss scene with you, will Lee Seungki accept it?"

As soon as he finished saying this, Song Zhongji secretly said "not good" in his heart, and felt that he was really the one who didn't open the pot.Obviously some time ago, I just saw Lin Yuner talking on the phone with her "boyfriend" at a table.

Unexpectedly, Lin Yuner calmly replied to him:

"The two of us should have separated a long time ago. It's just a kiss scene, and it's not like I haven't filmed it before."

Song Zhongji looked at Lin Yuner who looked like the "Queen of the Iceberg" in front of him, and stood resentfully where she was, watching her leave step by step with his eyes.

Lin Yun'er walked up to Jing Hao at this moment, the two of them looked at each other, did not speak, and parted ways and left again.

After Lin Yuner left, Song Zhongji ran up to Jing Hao and complained to him:
"Tomorrow is over!"

"I'm going to do a kiss scene with Yoonerxi! Looking at her state today, I always feel like I'm going to die a miserable death tomorrow!"

Along with the words of complaining poured out, it was the voice of Song Zhongji who threw Jing Hao down and screamed.

At this moment, Jing Hao only had the words that Song Zhongji had just said in his mind:
"I'm going to do a kiss scene with YoonAxi!"

"I'm going to do a kiss scene with YoonAxi!"

"It's time for a kiss scene!"

. . . .

She's going to do a kiss scene!

(End of this chapter)

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