Chapter 52
Li Shengji successfully got together with Li Shengli, and soon the two became very close friends.

Gradually, Li Shengli also began to reveal some of his own affairs to Li Shengji, and let Li Shengji also start to follow him.

Li Shengli is in the entertainment industry, there are many handsome men and women in the circle, and because he likes to play, he knows a lot of trainees and artists in the circle.

Until later, some people started to find Li Shengli, hoping that he could help contact an idol or trainee to provide services to his guests.

Li Shengli seemed to open the door to a new world in an instant.

Since then, many dignitaries have come into contact with Li Shengli, and more and more people seek him as an intermediary to provide help to themselves or those they need.

When Li Shengji first heard the news from Li Shengli, the only remaining conscience in his heart fought with the little devil in his heart for a long time without a decisive victory.Until, Li Shengli found him a few beautiful trainees for him to vent.

The little devil in his heart became stronger and stronger, and finally killed what was left of his conscience.

He spent a night with those beautiful trainees that he will never forget until now. After leading several brothers-in-law in the room for a whole night, Li Shengli finally began to regard him as his own , and began to assign tasks to him, from the very simple first of providing him with the contact information of some not-so-famous artists he knew, to following him to receive dignitaries one by one.

After Li Shengji followed him and met many "big men" in his eyes, his desire for revenge quietly revived in his heart.

He will never forget the man he met after returning home that night, and he will never forget his dignity trampled on in front of him.I will never forget Lin Yuner's cold face when she rejected him.

He longs for revenge, longs for power, he hopes to trample everyone under his feet, he likes how the recruited trainees and unknown idols are afraid of him in front of him, this feeling makes him deeply obsessed with it, It's getting out of hand.

Although in the eyes of many people, he is already very powerful, but he has always known the gap between himself and that man.He learned a lot from a pit, and he didn't dare to make a move without absolute certainty.

Although he also hated Lin Yuner by the way, but he still wanted to give Lin Yuner face when he was not fully sure.At the very least, on the surface, he is still the brother next door who pursues unsuccessfully and maintains the image of a handsome gentleman.

Not long ago, when Lin Yuner approached him and asked him to send a notice stating that the two "broke up", he also acted like a calm gentleman in front of Lin Yuner.

Lin Yun'er didn't have any doubts, and thought that the man in front of her was still the "Sheng Ki Ouba" who was pretty good in her impression.When she heard that Li Shengji agreed to make the announcement, Lin Yuner was even moved a little bit in her heart.

In fact, when Li Shengji saw Lin Yuner for the first time, he was already convinced in his heart that the heart of this obsessed girl had already been occupied by other men.

He roared weakly in his heart, but on the surface he didn't dare to let his inner thoughts show any signs.

In the restaurant that night, he asked Lin Yun'er a lot of things on the sidelines.

This girl, who regarded him as a good brother in front of him, acted completely defenseless under his questioning.Let him say a few words and probably get a lot of information.

After eating with Lin Yuner that night, as soon as Lin Yuner left his sight, Lee Seung Gi's smiling expression instantly became full of gloom, as if he was a criminal about to kill someone.

In Lin Yuner's reply, he noticed a person's name very keenly: Jing Hao.

Originally, he thought that this was probably just a character similar to Passerby A, but he never thought that in the conversation between Lin Yuner and him, this name appeared more often than Lin Yuner's director, her teammates, and even her Your own frequency should be high.

In addition, when Lin Yuner mentioned this person's name, those two red clouds flew up on her cheeks at every turn.

This made him even more convinced that this Jing Hao must be the man Lin Yuner fell in love with.

After returning, he started to investigate this man named "Jing Hao" according to the existing clues.

"He's tall, handsome, a doctor, and most importantly, a foreigner."

Not long after Li Shengji started investigating based on these few clues, he locked his sights on a man.

Li Shengji didn't dare to go directly to Lin Yuner to inquire about the situation, so he could only contact some of his younger brothers and some supporting actors with good acting skills, and began to inquire whether this Jing Hao from the Yonsei University School of Medicine had any connection with Lin Yuner.

Soon, his informants sent back positive news.

So Li Shengji began to slowly develop his thoughts of revenge on this "Jing Hao" doctor from Huaguo.

First of all, when announcing the end of the "relationship" between myself and Lin Yuner, it should not be too early or too late, I must find an appropriate time before announcing it to the public.

In the news reported by his informant, he learned that when Lin Yuner and Jing Hao interacted very frequently in the crew, he suddenly thought of a vicious trick in his mind.

"Since the news that the 'love affair' with this woman will end is a foregone conclusion, can I write some articles on it?"

Among the friends I have met with Li Shengli, I remember that there are some reporters. Can this thing be used?
Li Shengji pondered in his mind for a long time, but he didn't think of a thought that satisfied him.

Until, he turned on the TV out of boredom.

An ethics drama was playing on TV, and he was fascinated by it unconsciously.

The heroine in the play found a man who was very ambiguous with her before she broke up with her boyfriend.And soon after breaking up, he got together with the man he was ambiguous about.

Lee Seung Gi suddenly thought of an idea that made him applaud!
In this case, I will announce the breakup when you first got together!
Right, that is it!

I also want to inform the paparazzi to leave a photo when the two of you go out on a date before posting the announcement, and post it anonymously online!

Li Shengji thought about this plan in his mind for a long time, and finally felt the feasibility of this plan.

So he sent out the paparazzi.

 Today's good song sharing: All Mine——f(x)

  Among all the songs of Young Masters, this is my favorite song. This is a good song that you will never tire of listening to even now.

  Then let me inform you again here:
  January [-]rd is my birthday. Under my thinking, I decided that on the [-]rd day, in my book friend group, you will draw a copy of Kim Taeyeon's signed album "I" in the form of a red envelope, and the album will give you luck king.

  Then, on the day the book was put on the shelves, I sent a copy of the album "you think" autographed by the eight members of Girls' Generation, and gave it to me as the fan with the number one fan value as of that night.

  Those who want the album can join the group, and the "I" lottery draw will only be drawn once, if you miss it, it will be gone.

(End of this chapter)

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