nice to meet you, actor lin

Chapter 53 Mom's Call

Chapter 53 Mom's Call

It was a rare day off today, Jing Hao and Lin Yuner returned home after spending a day at Dongguk University.

Today is the first day the two are together, and the two decided to have a meal together.Of course, due to the sensitivity of Lin Yuner's identity, the two of them decided not to go out to eat in restaurants, so they decided to have dinner at home.

When the two of them were walking back from Dongguk University, they went to the supermarket to buy something to eat in the evening, and planned to cook a hot pot for dinner.

The two of them wandered around the supermarket for a long time and bought a cart full of things.

As soon as he returned to Lin Yuner's house, Jing Hao just put down the ingredients he bought. He remembered that he still had sauerkraut given by his mother and an induction cooker for cooking hot pot. He just brought it from home and rinsed the sauerkraut under the tap. When the induction cooker was plugged in, the mobile phone rang "dong dong dong".He picked it up and saw that it was his mother's video call.

He hesitated for a moment, subconsciously looked at Lin Yuner beside him, Lin Yuner just happened to look over, looked away from his mobile phone, looked at him, then raised a hand to cover his mouth.

Lin Yuner covered her mouth, obviously meaning "I won't speak".

Jing Hao was going to go out to answer the phone, but seeing her behavior, it was not easy to walk away.

But just when he was about to connect, he suddenly reacted:
Why are you embarrassed?
Not to mention that I was only together with her yesterday, even among acquaintances and friends, it is normal to avoid taboos when answering the phone calls of parents and family members.

I actually feel embarrassed!
very wrong!

He quickly reflected in his mind, and then glanced at Lin Yun'er, who covered his mouth and looked at him with bright eyes, as if saying "I'm sensible, right? Praise me", with a funny and cute appearance.

Jing Hao stared at her cute little face and took another look. Anyway, it's useless to look at it, and it's useless to look at it. Then he picked up his phone, stood up and left.

The expression on Lin Yun'er's face froze, then puffed up her cheeks, and breathed out from her nostrils like a bull devil, and snorted softly.

Hey? "

Jing Hao walked to the balcony and connected the video call.

The mother's face appeared on the screen of the phone, and she seemed to be at home, "Hello, Haohao."

"Well, what's wrong?"

Jing Hao sat down on the deck chair on the balcony, and asked leisurely while holding his mobile phone.

"What's wrong? What's wrong?"

Mom's tone turned sour, "Why can't I find you?"

Jing Hao laughed and said, "Of course not, I don't care about you."

"are you home?"


"Aren't you going home?"

"Didn't I tell you that I'm very busy here, and I'll go back when I'm done with this time."

"What if you can't finish your life?"

"How is that possible, I am your son."

Mom ignored his compliment and sighed: "Your dad is almost bored to death at home, you might as well come back and have a fight with him."

"You gave birth to a son so that someone could quarrel with you when you're bored?"

"If you know something, why are you arguing all day long?"

"It's all my fault. I have realized my mistakes and are working hard to correct them. You don't need to nag me anymore."

"Change your fart!"

"Look, I'm already working hard, how can I turn back when I open my bow?"

Jing Hao has been at odds with his father since he was a child. His mother often persuades both father and son. He has accumulated rich experience in fighting, and he does not face Gang directly. He persuades in a roundabout way, and continues:

"Don't you and my dad just hope that I will have a better life in the future, and are afraid that I will take a detour? I have been busy every day since I studied medicine. Are you still afraid that I will take a detour?"

"Your dad and I already had you at your age!"

"Oh, your son doesn't want to make do with it. Marriage is a matter for two people. If you just find someone to spend your life with, your son won't accept it, will you?"

"Did you say so, mother?"



His mother didn't speak for a while, Jing Hao babbled on for a long time, then paused, and found that his mother still didn't speak, just staring at him, and couldn't help but feel strange.

On the screen of the phone, my mother seemed to have finally come to her senses, with a strange expression on her face, faintly excited, her eyes lit up, and she asked, "Haohao, who is behind you?"


Jing Hao froze for a moment, "No..."

Before the "people" at the back could say, he turned his head and saw Lin Yun'er's delicate and refined face close at hand, caught off guard, and almost fell off the reclining chair with a sound of "Damn it".

He managed to calm his frightened little heart, and then he saw clearly that Lin Yun'er was squatting beside the recliner, with her chin resting on her hands, as if she was holding a flower, her bright eyes blinked and stared at him.

"Why did you come here?" Jing Hao was really taken aback, a little out of breath.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to~"

Lin Yun'er bit her lip lightly, her cheeks puffed up, as if she was aggrieved, then she blinked her eyes like water, and explained pitifully weakly: "I see that the sauerkraut you brought has been washed, Then you were not here, and I didn't know how to deal with it, so I came over to tell you."

Jing Hao was a little helpless about her deliberate performance, but he didn't bother to pay attention to it, and said in a bad mood: "Then you can just ask me directly? Why are you squatting here?"


The girl's voice was soft and sweet, full of grievances, "I saw you were on the phone, so I didn't dare to disturb you."

"If you have something to say, why are you so fierce?"

The old mother, who had been watching coldly, couldn't stand it anymore, and reprimanded her son, "I see that girl talks to you softly, why are you so fierce?"

Only then did Jing Hao realize that the phone hadn't hung up yet, and his mother had obviously misunderstood, so he quickly explained: "No, Mom..."

Hearing this "Mo", although Lin Yuner didn't know much Chinese now, at least she knew what the word "Mo" meant.

At this moment, Lin Yuner seemed to know who the person on the phone was, her eyes widened, and her fair and pretty face blushed, with a faint red tide, she was surprised and shy, and at the same time she showed a little flustered just right, as if her bright eyes were asking for help He looked at Jing Hao.

It's like a girl who suddenly meets the parent of the other party is asking her boyfriend: "What should I do?"

At this time, Jing Hao didn't want to let his mother know about his new love so soon, and was about to explain to his mother, when Lin Yuner seemed to realize that he couldn't "leave" his future mother-in-law like this, bit his lower lip lightly, a little shy , waved his small hand towards the camera of the mobile phone a little cautiously, and greeted: "Ah, hello, auntie~"

Everyone in Jing Hao is going to be stupid.

 Thanks to Taika for the chapter tweet, just after Taika sent me the chapter tweet yesterday, I remembered that I didn’t seem to update it yesterday. . .

  so awkward. . . .

  There was a special situation yesterday, the power and internet were cut off at home, I'm sorry everyone, guess~~~
  I'm so sorry~~~
  Today, let’s sprinkle some Jinghao and Yuner’s sugar for everyone, and then share today’s song recommendation:

  Masayume Chasing - BoA
  It's an old song, but it's really a classic.


(End of this chapter)

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