nice to meet you, actor lin

Chapter 54 "Misunderstanding"

Chapter 54 Mom's "Misunderstanding" (Two in One)

While Lin Yuner was speaking, she quietly straightened her back. Although she was still squatting, with her appearance and temperament added, she had already recovered her graceful posture, but her expression was still soft and sweet, revealing a touch of shyness and joy , It is simply a pleasing template for a young daughter-in-law to meet her in-laws for the first time.

I'm so...

Jing Hao felt as if a herd of wild horses galloped past, trampling the grass badly.

"Hey, hey, hello."

My mother was staring at the beautiful girl over there, and responded politely when she heard this.

Lin Yun'er opened her mouth, as if she wanted to continue chatting with her aunt, but then she seemed to think of something.

She took out her phone, turned on the translator, and quickly typed a sentence on the phone.

Then he turned his head to look at Jing Hao's face, looked at the screen with the corner of his mouth and muttered softly.Afterwards, as if he had gotten some sort of hint, or realized something, he pursed his lower lip lightly, then smiled again, and said sweetly, "Then, auntie, please continue chatting with him, I won't bother you guys anymore."

Although the Chinese he spoke was still a bit stumbling and not of a special standard, Jing Hao's mother on the other side of the phone and Jing Hao next to her also understood what she meant.

After she finished speaking, she stood up, bowed gracefully during the process, then said something silently to Jing Hao, turned and left.

The balcony door closed silently, leaving only Jing Hao still stunned.jpg.

"Who is this girl? She is so beautiful..." His mother's voice brought him back to reality.

"my neighbour."

Jing Hao thought about it for a while, and decided to tell the truth, but after he finished speaking, he saw his mother staring at him following the screen with an obvious expression of disbelief.

"It's really my neighbor."

"Your neighbor is so young?"


He explained helplessly: "It's really my neighbor. I just found out that she lives here recently."

The mother obviously didn't believe it, her expression didn't change much, and she continued to ask: "What else?"

"What else?"

"What does it have to do with you?"

Jing Hao became more and more annoyed, lowered his volume, and said unhappily: "She is my neighbor, and I am her neighbor, what else does it matter?"

You think your mother is stupid, don't you? "

Mom raised her voice a bit, "Who do you see being so arrogant in front of his neighbors? Who is acting like a little daughter-in-law in front of his neighbors?"


Jing Hao felt that something was wrong just now, but he didn't think much about it, and then he realized that he stepped into the pit again, and he was choked for a moment, unable to argue, so he could only say: "I can't explain it to you now, I will talk about it later. "

"Indeed, don't worry."

Mom nodded in agreement, "When you come home, bring her along, and let me and your dad take a look."

"I told you, she is my neighbor, not your daughter-in-law..." Jing Hao's explanation seemed weak.

"Okay, okay, I know, it's not..."

Mom nodded in agreement, her tone and demeanor couldn't be more perfunctory, and she didn't bother to cover up, and immediately asked: "What's her name? How old is she? What does the family do? How long have you known each other?"


Listening to his mother's tone of obviously listening to his daughter-in-law's information, Jing Hao leaned on the recliner, looked at the white clouds floating in the sky, and didn't want to talk at all.

"I'm asking you something."

"Just met recently."

"Do you think your mother is stupid?"


Jing Hao wanted to change the subject, "Where's my dad?"

"Playing mahjong... what's the girl's name?"

"Where did my dad join the game today?"

"I've already answered a question for you, now it's your turn to answer it."


Jing Hao was a little speechless, "I care about my dad."

"Let me take care of my son..."

My mother reacted very quickly, she said halfway, and immediately changed her words, "Concern about my son's neighborhood relationship, and find out about your neighbor's situation..."

You just care about me, don't worry about her. "Jing Hao turned down the volume of the phone again, regretting that he forgot to take the earphones.

"He is your neighbor, of course you have to care about it. As the old saying goes, distant relatives are not as good as close neighbors."

My mother explained it in an old saying, and then asked persistently: "You haven't answered yet, what's the name of your neighbor?"

Such an old mother at the booth was really helpless, Jing Hao replied with a sigh: "Lin Yuner."

"Lin Yuner? Which words?"

"Lin of the woods, Yun of permission, daughter's son."

"Lin Yun'er? It's pretty sweet, and it's worthy of her personality... How old are you?"

"How do I know how old she is?"

"Your... female neighbor, don't you know how old she is?"

Although the mother changed her words again in time, Jing Hao dared to bet that what she wanted to say just now must be "girlfriend". If he lost the bet, he would be willing to kiss Lin Yuner again!
He was completely speechless, and said: "Forget it, I won't tell you anymore, I have nothing to do, I have to hang up, and I still have to cook."

I haven't finished yet, you should be more concerned about others, and have a better attitude. Such a beautiful girl has temperament and politeness. You can't find it with a lantern. Don't think that you are handsome You have a stinky face, your dad is still handsome, let him give me a try..."

My dad is a strict wife, but I am not. "

"You're pretty proud, aren't you?"

My mother snorted and brought the topic back, "There is nothing wrong with being strict with your wife. You, like your father, have a stubborn temper and tend to be extreme in your ideas. It's better to have someone in charge. I think this girl She's quite sensible, but she's too honest to control you..."

"Stop, stop, stop!"

Hearing his mother's tone, Jing Hao seemed to want to find a way to help Lin Yun'er control himself, so he interrupted quickly, "I'm going to cook, you should eat and drink... By the way, I'll give you Is the new mobile phone you just sent us any good?"

It is very easy to use, the pictures are clear, and the battery is durable...I heard that it seems to be quite expensive? "

"It's not expensive. Don't forget that your son can make money now, tens of thousands a month."

"Don't spend your money recklessly, save it first, now it costs money to marry a wife..."

"Don't worry about it. Where will I spend my money? I have a place to eat and live at work. I have been here for so long, and the most expensive thing I spend is to buy you a mobile phone."

That's not good, you are not in a relationship, you still have to spend the money that should be spent, you can't be stingy..."

"I'm talking about..."

Jing Hao still wanted to explain again, but he gave up halfway, "Forget it, don't talk, I'll hang up."

"It's not a matter of hanging or not. You are not young anymore. He is as old as you and is going to be a father soon... Although you are still young, you have to think about the long-term. Now that housing prices are so expensive, you don't care about it now." Knowing when to go home, your dad and I are paid dead wages..."

"Don't worry about it, okay? I beg you..."

Jing Hao was completely helpless when his mother nagged, "I will buy it myself, you and my father don't need to pay for it."

"Can you afford it? Housing prices in downtown DL are so expensive..."

"I didn't say I'd buy it in downtown DL. It's okay to go to other districts, right?"

"House prices in our other districts are also expensive now..."

"Then I'll find a rich woman, the kind who marry a daughter-in-law and give away a house."

"Even if there is such a good thing in the world, why is it your turn?"

My mother nagged for a long time, but in fact, it was just to talk to him more. After hearing his "unambitious" words, she really got angry, "How can a majestic man want to eat soft rice every now and then?"

"Hey, let me just say it casually, you still don't know what kind of temperament your own son is?"

He is not used to being in good shape, he routinely speaks poorly, and his mother also routinely educates him. Originally, the process here has already been completed, and his mother's face softened, and then she seemed to think of something, and asked: "You just said that Lin Yuner it really your neighbor?"

Jing Hao really didn't want his mother to know that he was in love so early on. The two had just held hands for the first day, and the relationship was still uncertain, so that if they didn't get together in the end, his mother would inevitably worry about him.

So he told his mother about Lin Yuner's real situation, but he didn't disclose the news that the two were in love.

"She is a celebrity herself, and she is super rich. The house I live in cost tens of millions of dollars to buy. When she bought it, she bought it in full, and it was only in her name. One of them, how rich do you think?"

The mother was obviously stunned, she didn't speak for a while, and then said: "I think you have a very good personality. Look at you just now, which girl can bear you?"


Mom continued to ask: "Why haven't I heard of it? You didn't just fool me and say that he is a star, right?"

"She is a star in the peninsula, how do you know her... Her name is Lin Yuner, and the group she is in is called Girls' Generation."

Jing Hao's mother used her mobile phone to search the Internet for a while, and it was obvious that she had found information about Lin Yun'er on the Internet, and got to know this girl a little bit.

At this time, Jing Hao was about to refute his mother's words, "Which girl can bear you?" His mother continued: "Let me tell you, you can't be greedy for money, but you can't blindly hate riches either. The girls are beautiful and honest. Actually, you can’t think that someone is bad just because they are rich, right? You can’t think about someone just because he is a star, right? You can’t look at people with colored glasses..."


"Listen to what mom told you first. I think this girl is pretty good-looking, well-behaved, and sensible. Besides, she is a big star, and she looks so good-looking. If you treat you like this, what else can you find fault with?" of?"


"Do you remember your fourth uncle? The fortune teller! When you were a child, he told your fortune, saying that you were destined to attract a noble girl, isn't that true?"


"And you, too, have eaten everything since you were a snack, and you like soft ones, not to mention stewed meat and stews, and you don't even like crispy shredded potatoes, just like an old man..."


"Don't be afraid of other people's gossip. You are afraid of being said to be soft if you don't have the ability. If you have the ability, are you still afraid of others? Is this the reason? Besides, this is not a rich woman. How can I describe it... Oh, Bai Fumei, how many people can't dream of it..."

I hang up! "

My mother obviously misunderstood. On the premise that he was already in a relationship with Lin Yuner, she heard that Lin Yuner herself was very rich, and she was also a very famous star. She was worried that he was under psychological pressure, so she tried to find a way to relieve her son.

This is naturally a thoughtful act of a parent, but Jing Hao became even more depressed after hearing this.

He chatted with his mother for a few more words, finished it, then hung up the phone, put away the phone and opened the balcony door, just in time to see the back of Lin Yuner lightly moving, wanting to return to her seat.

Lin Yuner had been sitting obediently in the dining room just now, separated from the balcony by a balcony door, so he kept his voice down, afraid of being heard by Lin Yuner.

Although Lin Yun'er can't understand the Chinese that the two of them are speaking now, who knows if this ghostly girl can use a translator to translate?

But from the looks of it, Lin Yuner had been eavesdropping behind the door all the time, seeing him hang up the phone, she quietly wanted to escape back, but she didn't expect him to move so fast, and was caught right away.

Although Lin Yun'er was holding the phone with her back to him, she obviously realized that she was being seen, so she froze for a while while keeping her feet lightly, and then slowly turned around as if her neck was also stiff.

The two looked at each other in the air, one was holding the balcony door with one hand, and the body hadn't come out in the gap of the door, and the other kept the posture of fleeing lightly.

Jing Hao was expressionless, while Lin Yuner quickly showed a sweet smile, with curved eyebrows and shallow dimples, obviously flattering, and then took advantage of the moment when he was fascinated by him and his eyes were fixed, she turned around quickly. Turning around, he fled back to the table in the restaurant and sat down.

When she bent over, the black knitted sweater was softly attached to the waist on the other side, showing a slender and slender silhouette that was straightened, and then "stretched" back almost as when she turned sideways, Looks very flexible.

Jing Hao walked back to the dining room table and sat down. Without saying anything, he plugged in the power of the hot pot, put in the hot pot base that had been prepared earlier, and prepared to eat in a while.

Lin Yuner glanced at him secretly, then glanced at him again, seeing that his face was expressionless, she pursed her lips secretly, then stretched out a hand cautiously, poked slightly on his arm, and then poked again for a moment.

Jing Hao turned his head.

She bit her lip lightly, with grievance and apology in Rushui's bright eyes, her voice was very low, and she explained seriously: "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to eavesdrop... I heard my aunt asked my name, I couldn't help eavesdropping on it, and, moreover, that translator is not very accurate... If there is any private content, I will definitely avoid it."

After explaining, she seemed to have regained some confidence, and she was no longer so guilty. She raised her eyes slightly, her bright eyes were clear, her long eyelashes blinked, and her eyes were as clear as water, and she looked at him timidly.

Seeing that there was still no expression on his face, she bit her lip lightly, stretched out her slender and tender fingers to gently grab his sleeve, and tugged gently, like a little boy who was afraid of being abandoned by his master. The beast, weak and dependent, dragged out a slight ending: "Don't be angry with me, okay?"

Jing Hao stared at her with a straight face for two seconds, then sighed helplessly: "Don't be so exaggerated?"

Lin Yun'er stared at him for a while, then she showed off her smile, put away the pitiful and aggrieved expression on her face, and smiled sweetly at him: "I knew you wouldn't be angry with me."

Although Jing Hao didn't see it, he guessed that she was acting just now, and she admitted it frankly, but the effect was still very good. He was a little uncomfortable in his heart, but it dissipated involuntarily after being made a fuss by her.

At the same time, he became vigilant:
This girl is both dignified and harmonious, pure, glamorous, sweet, and charming. She can easily control and change freely, and she is so good-looking. She is simply a fairy who has achieved success in cultivation!
It's still a fox!

Such a goblin was with me for no reason, it was as if God had sent him here to test him!
But this feeling is really good!

 Today I will make up for the updates of these two days. Today is a two-in-one chapter of more than 4000 words. Don't say I am lazy.

  Then, as usual, today’s song sharing: catch me——TVXQ

  Finally, I ask for a wave of recommendation tickets and monthly tickets from everyone~
(End of this chapter)

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