nice to meet you, actor lin

Chapter 64 A bird sings outside the eaves, reporting that the flowers and willows are safe.

Chapter 64 A bird sings outside the eaves, reporting that the flowers and willows are safe.

Jin Zhiyong scanned the inside of the store and looked around seriously, but he couldn't figure it out because he didn't see any signs of damage in the store.He walked slowly to the counter and began to check. The various glasses on the counter did not appear to be stolen.

Then he opened the door of the warehouse and found that the lock of the warehouse was also locked well, and there was nothing missing after entering.

Could it be that the old man heard some news suddenly, he didn't even have time to put the fan away, and ran out without even caring about the shop door?

So with this possible thought in mind, he turned around and came to the restaurant next door.

In the restaurant at this time, the familiar neighbors were busy serving dishes to the customers in the store.

He greeted the neighborhood aunt, smiled and said:

"Azuma, where did my father go this afternoon? What do you know?"

Azuma, who was serving dishes, heard his voice, just put down the hot miso soup in his hand, and before he had time to say hello to the customer, he hurriedly wiped off his sweat, and hurriedly followed Jin Zhiyong and said:
"Hey Yigu, Zhiyong."

"Your father is in the hospital now!"

what!Jin Zhiyong thought of countless possibilities in his mind, but he never expected this result.Before he had time to think too much, he hurriedly asked Azuma:

"Azuma! I...what happened to my father?"

"Your dad suddenly had a heart attack in about half an hour this afternoon."

As soon as Jin Zhiyong heard this, he didn't have time to care about etiquette, and hurriedly grabbed Azuma's arm, and asked anxiously:

"What the hell is going on?"

"When your father was looking at the store this afternoon, he suddenly had a heart attack, and he was lying on the chair in your house."

"But, Zhiyong, don't worry."

"Just at that time, some people who went to your store to buy glasses found out, called the emergency call, and sent your father to the hospital."

Hearing this, Jin Zhiyong's heart almost jumped out of his throat just now, and he breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the reply that he had already been admitted to the hospital.

But he was still very worried about his father's situation, so he asked Azuma which hospital he was in.

"Your dad is fine, don't worry, Zhiyong. The guests at this table have been here for more than half an hour, and now the dishes are all served for them. Don't worry, Azuma will go and have a look with you Your father."

After saying this to Jin Zhiyong, Azuma smiled kindly at the table of guests just now:
"Customer nim, my wife, I'm going to the hospital to see our neighbors. Then you take it easy."

A few customers just heard the conversation between the two, so they all nodded in understanding to let her go at ease.One of the kind-hearted customers also specifically said:

"Azuma, how much is our money, you can go after you calculate it for us first."

"That's right, Azuma, there's no rush, you can go after collecting the money first, it doesn't take much time anyway."

Azuma smiled kindly at Jin Zhiyong, touched his head lightly, and smiled heartily at several customers:
"It's okay, Zhiyong is in a hurry to see his father, and I'm also afraid that something will happen to the boy alone there, so I still have to accompany him to have a look, old lady. Customers nim are warm-hearted people , the old woman still has some eyesight, you can eat slowly, and you can give it to me next time. Haha"

After finishing speaking, Azuma took Jin Zhiyong's arm, pushed him to the street and called out a taxi. After getting in the car, he gave instructions to the driver:
"Master, please go to Quanzhou Hospital."

The master responded to the two of them, then turned on the horsepower and set off towards the destination.

On the driving car, Jin Zhiyong was crying like a child with red eyes, leaning on Azuma's arms, with a worried expression on his face, compared with the calm and composed look when he answered the phone with his sister just now, it is simply Like two people.

Azuma hugged Jin Zhiyong with a smile, wiped his tears while gently patting his back.

"Zhiyong is fine, trust your dad. Your dad is known as a warm-hearted and kind person in the neighborhood, so you can relax. Besides, there is your Azuma here, what are you afraid of? "

Hearing this sentence, Jin Zhiyong was obviously in a better mood. Although he still sobbed occasionally, it was obviously different from the previous collapse.

This Azuma is really an old neighbor with their family.When Jin Zhiyong was very young, the two families lived next door.When he and his sister Taeyeon were young, they were very close to Azuma.

Moreover, since Azuma and her wife have never had children, let alone any grandchildren.So he spoiled them both like his own grandchildren.Every time the two of them made some mistakes when they were young, causing their father to stare at his beard and want to teach them a lesson, it was Azuma who smiled and helped them "escape" from his father's "fist love".

Then, after the youngest sister was born, every time I saw her, those kind faces were full of loving eyes.And their brothers and sisters, including their own parents, although they didn't say anything, they have long regarded Azuma's family as relatives in their hearts.

The relationship between Azuma and his wife has always been very good, but in the first few years of Kim Taeyeon's debut, Azuma's wife suddenly fell ill.

Because the old man's bones suffered injuries when he was young, and his health has not been very good. After this serious illness, he still couldn't bear it in the end, and finally left everyone.

From then on, there was only one lonely Azuma who stayed alone in a small restaurant and boiled day by day.Every time the children went there, they carefully avoided the topic, for fear of talking about Azuma's sad things again.

Azuma is also a strong person. Every time they come, they always smile, but whenever they are alone in private, the brothers and sisters can still secretly see Azuma. In the restaurant, he was wiping away his tears sadly.

Then my father and mother are also afraid that something will happen to Azuma alone, so they often send a few children to the restaurant to chat with Azuma to relieve boredom, and my father and mother often go to see it from time to time Look at her, let the old man go through the saddest years day by day.

Gradually, Azuma's face, which was pretending to be strong, gradually showed a smile from the heart.Since then, they have become more and more close to their family.

At this time, although Azuma was still calm in front of Jin Zhiyong on the surface, she still had no idea in her heart.

God, their family is such a good person!

Father Zhiyong, you must survive!

Azuma's eyes closed at some point, and she prayed devoutly for Jin Zhiyong's father from the bottom of her heart.

When I went out, the clouds that had blocked the sunlight before had disappeared without knowing when. The setting sun shining down was not covered by the clouds, and there was a ray of light from the gaps between the leaves of the tree at the door. , passed through the glass of the optical shop, and sprinkled on the fan lying on the ground at this time.

If you take a closer look at the fan, you will be surprised to find that there is a poem written in Chinese written in Huaguo:

Last night there was a light wind and light rain, but today Bo Ji is slightly cold.

A bird sings outside the eaves, telling the flowers and willows that they are safe.

And the brightest part of that light, after being blocked by the leaves at the door of the store and reflected by the glass, happened to shine on the word "Ping An" on the fan at this time.

Everything seems to be such a coincidence, and it seems that it is not a coincidence.

 As usual, today's heart-warming song sharing: Bad Habits——Ed Sheeran
  Finally, I would like to ask for your recommendation ticket and your monthly pass.
(End of this chapter)

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