nice to meet you, actor lin

Chapter 65 You Raise Me

Chapter 65 You Raise Me
The taxi that Jin Zhiyong and Azuma took finally arrived at the hospital. When getting off the taxi, Jin Zhiyong had no time to count the money, so he took out a few [-] won bills from his pocket and threw them to the driver, leaving only a sentence "No I got some change, master!" Holding Azuma by the arm, the two quickly walked towards the gate of the hospital.

After arriving at the front desk of the triage clinic, he was still a little agitated and spoke incoherently. The staff couldn't understand what he meant. Several staff members looked at each other a few times, all with confused expressions .

It was Azuma who was more calm, and briefly talked about Jin Zhiyong's father's information and the approximate time of admission.Then several staff members checked for them and told them the ward where Jin's father was.

The two of them came to the ward and found that there was no one in the room. After inquiring with the family members of the patients in the same room, they found out that Jin's father was in the emergency room at this time.

Jin Zhiyong's heart suddenly sank.

The two quickly followed the information given by the patient's family to find the ward.At the door of the rescue room, several young men and women were found standing at the door.

Jin Zhiyong glanced casually, and found that this group of people was exactly the few people he met on the street in the afternoon.

When Azuma saw these people, his eyes lit up, so he hurriedly patted Jin Zhiyong and introduced him.

"These children are the ones who saved your father, Zhiyong, why don't you thank them quickly?"

After hearing Azuma's words, Jin Zhiyong was stunned for a moment.These few people saved his father?So he quickly bent down and bowed a very standard ninety-degree deep bow to several people.

"Thank you very much for saving my father."

"If it weren't for would be unimaginable..."

After he straightened up, several people noticed that Jin Zhiyong's eye sockets turned red in just an instant, and his eyes were full of sincerity.

Because of the embarrassing scene of "Fanfan" and Jin Zhiyong in the afternoon, when several people saw Jin Zhiyong again at this time, they were more or less embarrassed.Several people looked at Jin Zhiyong and didn't know how to talk to him, so the atmosphere became a little cold at this moment.

In the end, it was the kitten that broke the scene.

I saw the kitten lying in "Cai Cai"'s arms raised its head comfortably at this time, looking straight at Jin Zhiyong.This little thing heard Jin Zhiyong's voice when he came to talk just now, and his ears have been slightly tilted just now.

Seeing Jin Zhiyong at this time, the little cat yelled "meow meow" several times at him, as if to say hello to him.It seems that the little cat also remembers his "savior".

Because the kitten is still relatively small, the voice is grandma's, and because it has just woken up, its eyes are still blurred.At this time, that appearance combined with that cute cry, it was so cute that it almost brought blood to the face of everyone present.

"Cai Cai" saw the appearance of the little kitten at this time, and his heart was almost melted by the cuteness he had just adopted, so he freed up a hand and gently stroked the kitten's head several times .

The little cat closed its eyes again in an instant, shook its head and enjoyed the caress of its new master, and its little tail wagged unconsciously.

But the little cat still didn't forget the existence of Jin Zhiyong. After a short while, he struggled to break free from the embrace of "Cai Cai", jumped hard, and jumped in Jin Zhiyong's direction.

Jin Zhiyong was also afraid that the kitten would be thrown, so he took the kitten cooperatively and continued to stroke its head.

"Cai Cai" looked at the kitten in Jin Zhiyong's arms, and said to Jin Zhiyong with a little jealousy:
"It seems that Xiao Yunyun is still closer to you."

Little Yunyun?After Jin Zhiyong heard the name, he couldn't help being taken aback, and then realized that this should be the name they gave the kitten.

So he also smiled at "Cai Cai" with a silly smile on his face:
"Maybe because I was more impressed in the afternoon, haha."

Then the two of them chatted in the direction of the little kitten under everyone's gaze.Several companions of "Cai Cai" watched this weird scene.They couldn't help being stunned at the same time.

Only Azuma looked at the two people and Yimao who were in harmony at this moment with an aunt's smile on her face.

"It seems that this time it's a blessing in disguise."

When the two were in the ward, they had already inquired with the family members of the patients in the same ward, and learned that Jin's father had a sudden myocardial infarction. Because he came in a timely manner, basically, there was no major problem.

So although the two of them are still worried, they are not as hopeless as before.

Azuma is also a person who came here. Seeing the love between the two, and the lively conversation between the two, he can tell at a glance that the two have a good impression of each other, and he thinks in his heart that the two may have something to do with each other.

"Girl, you said you are my sister's fan?"

"Yes, yes, those of us are planning to come to Quanzhou for a visit. After all, this is the place where the sheep grew up, and it is still very attractive."


"Oh, I forgot what you didn't know, this is the nickname we Huaguo fans give to Taeyeon, because the pronunciation of her name is very similar to that of a sheep, plus she is very cute, so many of us Call her that."

"Oh oh oh, I see."

"Thank you very much for saving my father, I am really grateful."

"It's okay, we just met by chance. In fact, we just made an emergency call."

Then the two of them talked about their own situation unknowingly.After the first sentence they just started to say, they were both surprised to find that the other was very angry with themselves.

The two of them chatted about their own situation without any deliberate intention, but they talked about their own situation so naturally. At this strange scene, the words "blind date" appeared in the minds of several people who were watching from the sidelines. These two words.

Azuma was not idle at this time. When Jin Zhiyong was chatting with that girl, in order not to embarrass others, the old man followed them and chatted with a smile on his face. By the way, he also learned about it from them. Some "Choi Choi" situations.

The few people didn't find anything wrong, they just felt that the old lady was very kind, and the few people felt very comfortable chatting with her.

While the two sides were chatting and waiting, Father Jin was finally pushed out from the emergency room.

At this time, Jin's father was lying on the cart and was brought out by the nurses.

The nurses inquired about the patient's family members, and after explaining the precautions in front of Jin Zhiyong and Azuma, they said some doctor's orders and left again.

Jin Zhiyong and Azuma also breathed a sigh of relief at this time.

I asked the patient's family members about the same thing, and the nurses also said that Father Jin's condition is not bad, and he will wake up almost tomorrow.

At this time, the two of them were going to take Jin's father back to the ward to recuperate. Jin Zhiyong was a little dumb and didn't know what to say.In the end, it was Azuma who spoke for him.

"Several benefactors, don't rush to leave these few days, play in Quanzhou for a few more days, and when Zhiyong's father wakes up tomorrow, I will ask Zhiyong's family to thank you."

A few people didn't want to take advantage of it, but because they already knew that this was a member of Kim Taeyeon's family, they all wanted to go and see some places that Kim Taeyeon's family often visited.However, due to the lack of familiarity, although I was a little moved, I was a little embarrassed.

Azuma looked at Jin Zhiyong who was still numb, and secretly kicked him who was still staring at "Cai Cai".Jin Zhiyong also came back to his senses after being kicked by this kick. At this time, after Azuma's reminder, he was not at a loss. He stared at "Cai Cai" eagerly, and asked sincerely with his eyes:
"Don't be in such a hurry, okay?"

"Cai Cai" looked at Jin Zhiyong's sincere eyes, and finally said with a smile:

"If I don't leave, will you support me?"

"I raise you!"

"Cai Cai" smiled at the corner of his mouth at this time, and a dimple appeared. The originally slightly cold face instantly became pure and sweet. At the same time, he blinked at him, his expression seemed a little sly and playful, which was already very sweet. As a result, the beautiful face became more and more vivid and bright, and it was so beautiful that it was so close at hand.


 Today's Heartbeat Song: Winter Flower - Run He & RM
  Then continue the old rules and ask for everyone's small votes.

  Use the small tickets in your hands to smash me to death.

(End of this chapter)

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