nice to meet you, actor lin

Chapter 66 The Awakened Golden Father

Chapter 66 The Awakened Golden Father

At around three o'clock in the afternoon the next day, Jin Zhiyong, who had stayed up all night, was sitting on the stool next to Jin's father's bed during the night watch last night, his head drooping, and his head sank unstoppably.

But whenever the head sinks, it will be lifted up unconsciously, and then sink down again, repeating the lifting and sinking movements repeatedly.Jin Zhiyong couldn't stand it any longer. After shaking his head vigorously a few times, he forced himself to straighten up and continue to watch Father Jin beside the bed.

Suddenly, Father Jin's fingers lying on the bed shook slightly, and Jin Zhiyong, who was about to lose his hold, happened to see this scene at this moment.

Jin Zhiyong quickly raised his head and looked at the head of the bed.Father Jin's eyelids twitched a few times, but he finally opened his eyes.

Father Jin finally woke up from the hospital bed.

When Jin Zhiyong saw Father Jin who woke up from a coma at this time, his eyes immediately turned red, and he couldn't hold back his emotions.

At this time, Jin's father looked at Jin Zhiyong beside his bed with gentle eyes, and saw that Jin Zhiyong, who was almost 30 years old at this time, had already broken down and started crying.

Jin Zhiyong is no longer a child when he was a child. When he grows up, because he feels that he is not as useful as his sister, he still has a childish mentality, because he takes face more seriously, and he has done a lot of things that made Jin's father laugh.

But since Jin Zhiyong grew up, I have never seen him shed a tear.At this time, Jin Zhiyong, who was usually very strong outside, cried like a child in front of Jin's father.

Although Jin Zhiyong was already in tears, the patients in the same ward and their family members also felt that Jin Zhiyong was in a relaxed state at this time.

At this time, Jin Zhiyong finally relieved his burden.Throughout the whole night last night, he didn't see any sign of Father Jin waking up.Although the patient's family members and doctors and nurses have communicated with him, they told him that Jin's father will basically wake up the next day.

But there was always a tight string in his heart. He was afraid that Father Jin would still not be able to wake up tomorrow. He was afraid that even if Father Jin woke up, there would be some root cause of the disease. I can't wake up anymore.

Yesterday, after meeting "Cai Cai", although he was very tempted, to be honest, he didn't have any idea of ​​being with "Cai Cai", because he still missed his father in his heart.

Finally at this time, he can ease his emotions a little bit, and he can also pay attention to his own happiness a little bit.But the premise of these things is that he will only consider these things after Jin's father has fully recovered.

After Jin Zhiyong recovered a bit, Father Jin spoke the first words to him:

"Zhiyong, thank you for your hard work."

When he woke up and saw Jin Zhiyong alone beside the bed, the clever Jin father almost thought of everything in his mind.

Jin Zhiyong was afraid that his illness would make his family worry, so he was alone in the hospital with him, not wanting his mother and younger sisters to worry.

Although this approach is a bit reckless, but it really hurts this child!


After hearing the first words that Jin's father opened his mouth, Jin Zhiyong's face that had just returned to normal was once again filled with tears.

Father Jin understood him as usual.When he was young, Jin Zhiyong was the most mischievous child in the family, and he often played mischievous things with his classmates outside. For this reason, he also suffered a lot of "mountain-like fatherly love" from Jin's father.

But Jin's father knew that Jin Zhiyong's nature was not bad, but he was a bit playful, and Jin Zhiyong wanted to make some achievements in his heart.But because his younger sister is too dazzling, it seems that Jin Zhiyong is somewhat "incompetent" in comparison.

Jin's father has always understood him and supported him to do the career he is interested in.In the past few years, Jin Zhiyong has tried many industries. He has delivered newspapers, opened restaurants, worked as a network administrator, and done many jobs.Although the final results were not very successful, Jin's father, who valued Jin Zhiyong's efforts, never put any pressure on him.

On the contrary, Jin's father often talked to Jin Zhiyong to relieve Jin Zhiyong's psychological pressure.

It can be said that the children of the Jin family love their parents very much.Including Kim Taeyeon, every time I go home, I have to act like a baby in Kim's father's arms like when I was a child, but the one who has the deepest affection for Kim's father is always Jin Zhiyong.

Seeing Jin Zhiyong at this time, seeing him alone in the hospital, it is hard to understand how much pressure he will have in his heart.

"Zhiyong, do you know who sent me to the hospital?"

"Aboji, he is a friend from several countries in China."


Seeing the puzzled expression on Father Jin's face, Jin Zhiyong briefly told Father Jin about how Father Jin was sent to the hospital yesterday, as well as the anecdotes of his encounter with those few people.

Father Jin, who was lying on the bed, saw the unnatural longing expression on Jin Zhiyong's face when he was talking about those friends, and he immediately understood.

This kid, probably fell in love with a girl inside!

Moreover, from the looks of it, it is estimated that other girls also feel pretty good about him.

this kid.Father Jin thought of this, shook his head amusedly, looked at Jin Zhiyong seemingly casually, and said as if nothing had happened:

"Then I really want to thank those children. People in our family must repay their kindness, and they are not allowed to do the kind of thing that does not recognize people when the clock crosses the river. Did you hear that? !"

When he said the last few sentences, Father Jin's tone subconsciously increased a little.

Jin Zhiyong hastily nodded vigorously:

"I understand, Abeji. I have discussed with Azuma. Let them stay in Quanzhou for a few more days. When you feel better, invite them to eat at home and take them Have a good time in Jeonju."

Hearing Jin Zhiyong's answer, Father Jin nodded in satisfaction, expressing his approval of his arrangement.

Although Jin's father was curious about the girl who made his son fall in love, and wanted to see what kind of person she was, on the other hand, he was really grateful to these friends from Huaguo.

After all, it was someone who pulled him back from the gate of hell.

He didn't mean that he was afraid of something happening to him, what he was afraid of was that if something happened to him, his little girl who was far away in Seoul would suffer another blow.

Kim's father has a panoramic view of what happened to Kim Taeyeon in recent years.Although he loves his little daughter very much, he also knows his daughter and doesn't want him to worry about her.

So whenever Kim Taeyeon comes home, Kim's father will get along well with his daughter as usual, try his best to hide his worries, and don't want her to feel any more uncomfortable because of him.

Father Jin sighed in his heart, it was really thanks to these young people.

If it wasn't for them, how long her daughter would be sad.Looking at Taeyeon's extra pierced ears and new tattoos every time she went home, Father Kim's heart felt like a knife was twisted.

He knew his daughter very well, of course he knew that his daughter would only find this way to relieve her mood when she was very depressed.

Therefore, whether it is for this gratitude or for the happiness of my own silly boy, I really need to meet these young people properly.

 Heart-moving song today: Beautiful——Sika (yes, that’s the Sika in your mind, our second sister~~~)

  Then I still ask everyone for the recommendation ticket and monthly ticket
  PS: Brother Jing's book is in the first order, so please come and join us.The title of the book is "The Love of Peninsula Iron and Steel".Then Brother Jing's daughter is in high school, it is really a very rare uncle meal, everyone can support it more, let's support it.

(End of this chapter)

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