nice to meet you, actor lin

Chapter 67 That Photo

Chapter 67 That Photo
Wang Taika, that is, the passer-by photographer mentioned in the previous article, he was originally a tourist who came to the peninsula to travel.And because his hobby is photography, when he sees more emotional scenes or scenes, he prefers to record them with the camera in his hand.So he usually likes to carry a SLR with him no matter where he goes.

His original intention of coming to the peninsula this time was to meet his ex-girlfriend.Because his ex-girlfriend came to the peninsula because of work, and because of being in a foreign country, the two finally broke up sadly.

So, this time I came to the peninsula, on the one hand, I want to get in touch with the scenery and cultural environment of foreign countries, so as to relieve the depression in my heart, and on the other hand, I also want to save my relationship.

After coming to the peninsula, he didn't go to see his ex-girlfriend directly, but went to many places first and went shopping.

I have to say that although the peninsula is relatively small, there are still some memorable things.

Just like the couple I met in the garden of Dongguk University last time.

Looking at the photos in the camera, Wang Taika recalled the couple he saw that day in his mind.Everyone in the garden at that time focused on the pair of lovers.

Everyone can feel the deep love between the two, and everyone's heart seems to be wiped by something.Everyone thought of their own him (she), their unforgettable first love, that period of first love that is still unforgettable even now.

The same is true of Wang Taika.The love he was looking for when he came to Peninsula was the first love in his life.Although the relationship between the two is not very vigorous, it is also unforgettable enough.Although the final result was not satisfactory, the two people at the beginning were as beautiful and romantic as that pair of lovers.

Looking at the photo, Wang Taika couldn't help but think of his first love, and finally heaved a long sigh.

That's right, isn't the purpose of my coming here also to try to get back that passion?
On the way before he came, including now, he also knew very well in his heart that this relationship probably could not return to the original.But even if you know it, you still have to try it, don't you?
At least when I arrive, I won't regret, feel frustrated, or even collapse because I didn't have the courage to face my true thoughts.

So, thinking of this, he mustered up his courage and went to find her.

When they met again, the two sat face to face in a corner of the coffee shop.Wang Taika still ordered her a cup of hot milk as usual, but he still chose iced Americano.

Although iced American is very bitter, but at this time I need to remind myself with the bitterness that hits my heart, no!want!Do!lick!dog!

So Wang Taika chatted with her about the interesting stories about the two dogs they raised together, occasionally teasing himself.And she looked at him with a flattering smile when he spoke, and felt both joy and satisfaction in her heart, but also a faint sense of oppression.

No matter how beautiful things are, they must always be grounded in reality, and feelings are no exception. The huge economic gap is a gap that is difficult to smooth out between the two.

Although the two people are in each other's hearts, their feelings for each other are still as hot as before, but the two of them are no longer as beautiful as they were in school, and they should consider the reality.

Just because she can eat noodles with him on the side of the road without caring, doesn't mean she can eat noodles with him all the time.

And these chaotic thoughts flashed through her mind, and she felt that at this moment, when she saw him, the heart that had been floating and joyful finally sank slowly, as if she had landed from the clouds.

He seemed to be able to really sense what was going on in her heart, and he was chattering, but suddenly stopped talking, and put away the slightly excited smile on his face, staring at her with a pair of timid eyes. , as if confirming.

Until the cups of the two slowly bottomed out, in the end, the two still failed to be together.

It seemed that both of them knew each other's thoughts.Both know that the other still loves themselves, and both know that they still love each other.But the difference in identity and social status between two people is like a huge gap, and the two hearts have to be separated.

Although he knew that the other party was on the opposite side, he was silently paying attention to himself.However, at this time, they are already close to each other.

The two people gave each other the last bit of respect until they parted. They didn't make their words very clear. It can be regarded as giving their first love a last bit of decency.

After the two separated, Wang Taika walked down the bustling street silently and lost his soul.

Although there were many people on the street at this time, he felt as if there was no one around him.He staggered forward alone, and the whole world seemed to have lost its color at this moment.

If you turn on the single reverse recording at this time, then the shot will probably be black and white.

The last Wang Taika still left this land.However, before he left, he signed up and uploaded some of the photos he took to a competition.

It was a competition that happened to be held during his visit to the peninsula.The purpose of the competition is to select the most beautiful picture in everyone's heart.

That contest was attended by people from all over the world, and it was considered to be a particularly grand event in the photography industry.No matter whether it is a well-known super master or a little famous little Karami, they all delivered the works that they are most satisfied with in their cameras.

Everyone wants to win the championship in the end, because if you can successfully win the star in such a world-renowned photography competition, it means that you stand out among the photographers all over the world.

No matter which industry you are in, no matter whether the industry is good or bad, whether it is expensive or cheap, the one who is at the top of the industry and stands out the most will have a bright future waiting for him.

As the saying goes, 360 lines, every line leads to the champion.This sentence is exactly the truth.

What's more, in the industry of photography, among the enthusiasts all over the world, there are so many people who love and engage in this industry, and there are too many industries and related jobs that need to use this industry.

Everyone is looking forward to what kind of photo will be finally selected as the best photo of the year, and which great god it will come from.

In the case of Wang Taika, he just voted for a few tickets casually with the mentality of trying. Although there is a high probability that he will not get any results, he still wants to give it a try with the mentality of buying lottery tickets.

A frustrated young man whose love has just failed and whose career is extremely bleak, in a very coincidental scene, and a very coincidental shooting of a work, what kind of results will he achieve?

And how much impact will this incomparably coincidental photo have under the wings of the butterfly effect?

To be continued. . . . .

 Today's favorite song: Shark——Oh My Girl
  Then I still ask for the tickets in everyone's hands~~~
(End of this chapter)

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