nice to meet you, actor lin

Chapter 84 Should I Call You Miss 2?Or should I call you auntie?

Chapter 84 Should I Call You Second Miss?Or should I call you auntie?

"Although it can be seen that it is the first time to cook this dish, to be honest, you really put your heart into it."

While continuing to chew the ribs in his mouth, Jing Hao looked at Lin Yun'er seriously and said.


"Well, you know, I won't lie about this kind of thing."

ヾ(≧▽≦*) o
Immediately, Lin Yun'er seemed to be the nickname "Yun" given to her by Huaguo fans. She put her hands on her waist, raised her neck, and straightened her whole body forward, showing an incomparable look on her face The expression, the expression is full of small emotions of "I'm ready, praise me quickly, praise me hard".

Jing Hao was immediately amused by her cute and childish performance, and couldn't help but burst out laughing when he saw Lin Yuner.

Lin Yun'er didn't know why, seeing him smiling, she also had the urge to laugh, so she also laughed.

The two looked into each other's eyes while laughing, and the smiles in the corners of their eyes became even more unstoppable, and the atmosphere at the table became extremely harmonious at this moment. . . .

The weather is so hot, as if a little spark will cause an explosion.The scorching sun is like a fire, and the earth is like a steamer, which is so hot that people can't breathe.

Jing Hao was walking on the road, and the wind rushed towards him like a heat wave.Finally, his footsteps stopped in front of a very majestic and tall building.

Jing Hao raised his head towards the upper floor and followed his gaze. There was a sign saying "LG Electronics" hanging on the building in front of him. The handwriting looked very simple, but if you looked carefully, you could see There is a bit of sharpness in that handwriting.

Jing Hao closed his eyes, silently exhaled a big breath from his chest, then lowered his head, with resolute eyes, he plunged into the gate of the building in front of him.

The moment he entered the building, he was immediately locked by several unusual looking security guards at the door.I saw one of them who looked particularly majestic, who looked like the captain of these people, took out a photo from his chest, looked at the person in the photo, and compared it with Jing Hao .

After confirming that it was correct, he took out a walkie-talkie and said a few words, and after a while, a very beautiful young woman who looked as good as a star and had an outstanding temperament came out from the corner.

The woman was wearing a standard black workplace skirt on the outside, and inside was a pair of flesh-colored stockings that covered the entire round buttocks, a pair of slender, straight, very charming long legs, and a pair of shiny black high-heeled shoes. He walked towards Jing Hao.

When the young woman walked in front of him, she showed a smile that made people feel like a spring breeze, and gave Jing Hao a deep bow, then raised her head, and said to him with a smile: "Welcome, Doctor Jing Hao nim .”

Jing Hao didn't say anything, just nodded and greeted her.

The woman didn't show any emotion, and then said: "Second Miss has been waiting for you for a while, please follow me."

After finishing speaking, the woman turned slightly halfway, spread her white arms forward, out of the way in front of her, and then slowly bent her waist down along with the outstretched arms. "Please."

Jing Hao looked in the direction her arm was pointing at. There was an elevator in front of him, and then he walked in.

The woman also got on the elevator, entered a fingerprint on the elevator, and then pressed the control button leading to the third floor.

The elevator reached the third floor very quickly, and the woman invited him to the door again: "Doctor Jing Hao, nim, the road outside the elevator goes straight to the end and you will find the second lady's office. I didn't pass by the second lady's office." You can't enter with permission, so I'm really sorry, the next route can only be walked by you alone."

"Okay, thank you for your hard work." Jing Hao didn't make things difficult for her, nodded in understanding, and walked out along the corridor.

"The discipline in this company is so strict." Jing Hao sighed sincerely in his heart while walking.

As expected of the "LG" furniture company, which can be regarded as the chaebol among the chaebols in the land of the peninsula, you can feel that this company is extraordinary just from the strict discipline and quality of the employees.

Soon he reached the end of the corridor, and as far as his eyes could see, an office stood in front of Jing Hao.Jing Hao walked over directly, knocked on the door three times, then pushed the door open and walked in.

The first time he entered the office, Jing Hao couldn't help showing a surprised expression when he saw the face of a woman at a huge desk in front of the office.

! ! ! ! !

How can it be so similar!

Seeing Jing Hao's surprised expression, the woman had an idea in her heart, and then calmly pointed to a chair opposite her, and asked him to sit down.

Just after Jing Hao finished on the seat, the woman preemptively asked a question that made Jing Hao's heart shudder.

"Looking at the expression on your face, you should have some guesses."

Jing Hao was not surprised by the sensitivity of women. On the contrary, he thought that since the other party was a very important person in LG Electronics, it was only natural that the other party could notice and have some feelings about his own thoughts. things.

He knew very well that if he kept concealing it at this time, the other party would definitely notice it, so he simply uttered his guess.

"That's true, Second Miss."

"It seems that I did not guess wrong."

Jing Hao nodded, and then continued: "When I came in just now, as soon as I noticed your face, a thought appeared in my heart. It may sound a little absurd, but it may be a fact. .”

When the woman heard this, her two tall eyebrows couldn't help but raised, she looked at Jing Hao with great interest and said, "Oh? What's your idea, let me hear it?"

"Is it true that you...have some blood relationship with my girlfriend?"

Although she knew that the Hua country man in front of her, who was two years younger than Lin Yun'er and was still a child in her eyesight, might have guessed something, but the woman didn't expect him to guess so accurately.

Although there were some omens and speculations in her heart, at this time, the woman really felt Jing Hao's keen insight, and as a high-achieving student, his quick thinking and ability to dare to guess.

"Yes, although when I saw your expression, I was already a little psychologically prepared, but I really didn't expect you to actually think of this."

Jing Hao smiled politely at the woman in front of him, and then uttered another sentence from the corner of his mouth that made the woman in front of him lose her calm expression for the first time since he entered this office.

"Then, should I continue to call you Second Miss? Or should I call you Auntie?"

 Today's heart-moving song: Roller Coaster——Jin Qingxia (ps: It's the poor one that Guli Nazha said, yes, that's right, it's the one you think~~)

  ask for a ticket~~~
(End of this chapter)

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