nice to meet you, actor lin

Chapter 85 Sharp Insight

Chapter 85 Sharp Insight
"Then, should I continue to call you Second Miss? Or should I call you Auntie?"

Jing Hao looked directly at the beautiful and deep eyes of the woman in front of him. He was obviously much lower than the lady opposite, but his eyes were very firm, and his eyes were full of indomitable faith.

The woman's expression finally changed a lot at this moment. Although she was a little surprised just now, she was still very calm on the whole, but when she heard Jing Hao's words and saw Jing Hao's eyes at this time, For the first time, she showed what could be called "shock."

As if recalled by these words, she frowned slightly and fell into a state of ecstasy.Jing Hao, who was sitting opposite her, seemed to be aware of the woman's state at this time, but he didn't make a sound to break the tranquility at this moment, but just sat opposite her like this, quietly looking at her slightly The absent-minded face seemed to be trying to figure out what she was thinking at this time.

Time passed bit by bit, but the two did not break the idea of ​​​​a bit "weird" atmosphere.

Jing Hao sat opposite the woman, watching her expression.Although he is not a handsome dog, when he looked at the woman's expression, he couldn't avoid noticing the woman's almost perfect facial features, and couldn't help sighing a few times from the bottom of his heart.

This is already the end of summer. Although the peninsula is very close to Huaguo, in the peninsula, the weather at this time can be regarded as the moment when autumn and summer are connecting.Many people on the street were wearing long-sleeved thin clothes at the same time, but the woman sitting opposite was still wearing orange short-sleeved clothes.

In fact, short sleeves are actually more similar to sleeveless. The cuffs are very close to the shoulders, exposing a woman's almost perfect jade arms.

Although she could feel that she should be in her forties, but through her delicate skin, she couldn't feel her real age.Thinking of his girlfriend's equally perfect skin, Jing Hao suddenly had a thought:
If she was walking on the street with her girlfriend, probably everyone would think they were a pair of sisters!
And it will be of the same age!

Although the table blocked the part below the woman's chest, and the whole body of the woman could not be seen, Jing Hao could still imagine the woman's elegant and graceful figure.

Looking up, what is oncoming is the proud and straight pair of women.The reason why it is called pride is probably because if any woman has a pair of sisters of this size on her chest, she should become very proud of it.

Looking at the size of the woman's chest, Jing Hao thought of his own almost instantly, and an inexplicable embarrassment slowly climbed up from the bottom of his heart like a seed.

Really, without comparison, there is no harm!
Although I don't mind this very much, but the one in my family seems to have a really strong obsession with this aspect.

Although Jing Hao never asked Lin Yuner, but when Lin Yuner was with Jin Zhiyuan before, he could faintly feel a strong "jealousy" from his girlfriend.

Even, when Kim Taeyeon, the captain of Lin Yuner's same group, came to visit the team, he could sense a trace of envy from Lin Yuner.

Although this slightly "jealousy" mentality is not very good, but this kind of Lin Yuner seems to be playful and cute.And it was precisely these small flaws that made people laugh and cry, that made Jing Hao feel that his girlfriend really didn't have the same sense of distance in front of him as a big star in front of the public.

From this moment in his mind, his thoughts drifted away unknowingly.

But at the moment when he was brainstorming, the woman on the opposite side recovered from the state of being trapped in memory.I have to say that her insight is still very strong, and she immediately noticed that although Jing Hao was looking at her, he was a little "sneaky".

Feeling Jing Hao's state at this time, and the faintly doting smile on the corner of his mouth.As a result, although he guessed that his mental activities at this time should correspond to Lin Yun'er instead of himself, he still felt a little uncomfortable in his heart.

The woman sat up with a little dissatisfaction, coughed twice at Jing Hao, and immediately drew Jing Hao's attention back.

Realizing that his impolite state was perceived by the woman, Jing Hao smiled apologetically at the woman in front of him, and said in a sincere tone: "Bianne, I suddenly thought of something else, Please don't mind if there is any impoliteness."

After hearing his sincere and decent apology, the little dissatisfaction in the woman's heart disappeared, she looked at Jing Hao calmly again, and asked him seriously: "Let's not talk about this now, I want to know first, you What did the question just mean?"

"Then, should I continue to call you Second Miss? Or should I call you Auntie?"

The woman nodded.

"It's finally here." This idea came to Jing Hao's mind.

"First of all, as soon as I entered the door, when I saw your facial features, this idea has been lingering in my mind for a long time."

"Oh why?"

"Before I accepted your invitation, I was more or less aware of the extraordinaryness of my girlfriend's house."

The woman's interest was immediately aroused, "Oh? Why?"

"She is my girlfriend, and my feelings for her did not arise after I was with her. I was attracted to her before I was really with her. So, just because there is a period because I like her And watching her process, I can realize this."

"Because no matter from her expression, including her perfect etiquette and attitude when in contact with anyone, if it can be understood that her company has trained her well."

"Then, when facing everyone, her ability to control the distance from other people cannot be cultivated by any company."

The woman nodded thoughtfully, and for the first time there was an expression of appreciation on the corner of her mouth, as if she also agreed with Jing Hao's statement.

"And because of the influence of her group, everyone has their own fans, and these fans often have some friction with each other. Especially since the incident last year, the friction between these fans has become more It’s much stronger than ever.”

"And it is in this situation that I have seen many quarrels among their fans in many forums, but I can clearly feel that her popularity has always been the highest among the nine of them. Echelon, but other people's only fans, when there is occasional friction with other only fans, the attacks on her are relatively the least."

"Being recognized by the public and people in the entertainment industry can be said to be her good maintenance, but from the reactions of fans, it is obvious that she has a near-perfect tutor."

The woman nodded a little more.

"With such a nearly perfect tutor, it's hard to believe that her family is a very ordinary family. Although I am just a little person who is dispensable to you in front of you, my career has brought me a lot His vision is relatively broad among ordinary people."

"As a doctor, although it's a bit bad to say that, based on what I've seen and heard, being able to accept such a good family education is enough to show,"

Speaking of this, Jing Hao showed a smile to the woman in front of her, which she could feel from the expression, the man in front of her was really a happy smile from the heart.

"This father of mine should and definitely isn't a small person among all living beings!"

The woman's expression became more serious than ever.

 Today's Heartbeat Song: Show You——Ailee
  Ask for a ticket, ask for a ticket~~~
  Then I would like to thank "Time is the deep sea" for the reward. I haven't had it for a long time. When I received the news from the background today, I was a little surprised~~~
  Thanks to everyone who has been following this book, and every friend who has consumed this book. Xiaojiang can’t guarantee how this book will explode, but what I can guarantee is that this book, definitely not tj
(End of this chapter)

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