nice to meet you, actor lin

Chapter 97 The First Half of Gu Minyan's Life

Chapter 97 The First Half of Gu Minyan's Life

Back to that time, the day when Sika and Goo Min Yeon met for the first time.

Gu Minyan told Sika everything openly and honestly.

It turns out that Gu Minyan is the daughter of Gu Benmoo, the former chairman of LG.Everyone knows that Gu Benmao had a son who died in a car accident, but what is less known is that he actually has a daughter.

And most importantly, there is still a secret about this daughter. The two companies, LG Electronics and Samsung, actually had the idea of ​​cooperation a long time ago.

Koo Bon-moo's wife is Kim Young-sik, the daughter of Kim Tae-dong, the former Minister of Social Security and Social Security of the peninsula.In the period when LG Electronics and Samsung were developing side by side, in fact, in that era, most companies in the society could not compete with Europe, America and other countries.

After all, it is a closed country that has just ended, and the technology of various companies and countries is far behind the top countries in the world.

Therefore, under the leadership of the government and various forces, LG Furniture and Samsung Lee have reached a consensus on initial cooperation and win-win.

As the top families on the peninsula, any written treaty is not more convincing than the real integration of blood relationship.

Therefore, Gu Benmoo’s grandfather, the first chairman, Gu Inhui, and Gu Zikyung’s father sent his third son, Gu Zixue, to Ourhome, a food manufacturing company under the LG Group, as the chairman, and won He married Lee Sook-hee, the second daughter of Samsung founder Lee Byung-cheol.

Since then, the two families have had their first formal relationship by marriage.

Later, after Gu Benmao started to take charge of the family, in order to achieve deeper cooperation in various aspects, Gu Benmao and the Lee family of Samsung at that time made another marriage.

At that time, Gu Benmoo pointed to his wife's increasingly full belly and said, "If this is my daughter, let's stay with your little one."

And later, her wife really gave birth to a mother and baby, which is now Gu Minyan, and the husband who was appointed to her by the fingertips at that time was the later Lee Jae-yong.

However, that's all for later.

Ever since Gu Minyan was born, this girl who inherited the advantages of both families quickly attracted everyone's love.

Unlike her elder brothers of the same generation, Gu Minyan is really a natural beauty, and she has been outstanding since she was a child.But most importantly, her personality is also very pleasing.

Even Gu Benmoo, who has always been very strict, couldn't bear to treat Gu Minyan like he taught her brothers when he made a mistake.

Gu Minyan's temperament is very lively, her outstanding appearance coupled with her unique personality charm, soon became the number one goddess among the children of her generation.

And Lee Jae-yong has already been fascinated by her.It can even be said that when the two met for the first time when they were young, he had already made up his mind that he must be with Gu Minyan when he grew up.

However, the plot like an idol drama was staged again at this time.Although Li Zairong likes Gu Minyan very much, she seems to really only regard Li Zairong as a very close brother.

Although the relationship between the two has always been very good, although the adults of the two families have been matching the two since they were young, Gu Minyan and him just don't call.

When she was a child, Gu Minyan didn't know that she would be with Li Zairong when she grew up. She only felt that when she was with this wooden brother, she felt pretty good.However, it is the same when she is with anyone. She is naturally lively and optimistic, even if she is alone, she can have a good time.

But as she grew up a bit, she was no longer the ignorant child she was when she was a child.Although she was just in her teenage years, she already knew what it meant to be married to someone.

Although Li Zairong is also very good to her, she is really not attracted to him.If she was to be with someone she didn't love for the rest of her life, she really didn't want to.

So, one day, in a way that no one could have imagined, he ran away from home.

Then later, she met the love of her life, who was later Lin Yuner's father.

It's strange to say that in the environment where everyone spoils her and spoils her, Gu Minyan never knew what indifference is, but she was born with a halo of pampering, and for the first time in her life, she met someone who loved her. She loves men who don't answer.

With her victorious personality since she was a child, she couldn't accept this fact.So she started pestering that boy all the time, using various excuses to stay by his side.

Slowly, two people, little by little, don't know when it started, the two people finally, couldn't help each other, couldn't help it, they were together.

The time with the boy was the happiest time for Gu Minyan since she was a child.When she was with him, although the material conditions and other aspects were far different from those when she was a child, but when she was with him, even if she always wanted to work with him to earn money, she never thought about it. lost.

For the first time, she felt what is heartbeat and what is love, and slowly began to learn to live with him as a wife.

Soon, their first daughter was born.

Two people who shouldn't be together, at this moment, have long been inseparable from each other.This newborn daughter is the most precious thing to the two of them, so they named her "Lin Yunzhen", hoping that their child, this very precious and hard-won child, can grow up smoothly adult.

The two after that had their second child, named "Lin Run'e".The reason for this name is that the grandfather who lived downstairs in their house was an overseas Chinese who came from Huaguo across the river.

The old man was very concerned about the two of them on weekdays, because the eldest daughter of the two was very cute, so the old man loved his house and black, and Gu Minyan's temperament was very flattering, so he was very lovable to this young couple. I like it.

I heard from the old man that there is an old saying in China that "a humble name is easy to support". It doesn't matter when the first child is born, but the name of the second child needs to be carefully considered.

In the end, the old man decided on the name "Lin Run'e".The word Run'e can be said to be very rustic if it is in Huaguo.

But the word "Lin Run'e", if you listen carefully, it has a homonym of "Lin Yun'er". Although "Lin Run'e" doesn't sound very good, "Lin Yuner" is different.

So in the end, the child's name was decided on.

And so far, this is the first half of Gu Minyan's life.A person who refused to accept the marriage arranged by the family, ran away from marriage, met the real other half, and formed a happy family,
The runaway princess.

 Today's heartbeat song: LO$ER=LOER——tomorrow x together
  ask for a ticket~~~
(End of this chapter)

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