nice to meet you, actor lin

Chapter 98 The Premise of the Armistice

Chapter 98 The Premise of the Armistice

It can be said that the period when Gu Minyan's two children were born was really the happiest period in her life.

If it is said that when she was a child, she always did what she wanted and lived the life she wanted, it was more like living for herself.But since she met the person she loves the most and has her own child, she has lived for the happiness of her family.

The most important thing is that although Gu Minyan has been loved since she was a child, how could a child who lived in the Gu family of LG Electronics and grew up in such a huge family not have seen the cruel side of this world?

It is precisely because she has witnessed so many tragedies since childhood that Gu Minyan cherishes her current family even more.For her, the abundance of life is really nothing compared to being harmonious and happy with the family.

However, the good times didn't last long, and this kind of life did not last too long.

When Lin Yuner was about six years old, the Ju family finally found out about Gu Minyan.

In fact, as early as when Gu Minyan and her lover registered their marriage, Gu Renhui had already known the news.

Although it is said that Ju Renhui has always been bold and decisive in the development of the family and the reform of the enterprise, he has never hesitated.

But in front of Gu Minyan, he really couldn't be cruel.Because it was his daughter after all.

What's more, it's my daughter who I watched grow up, and who I love the most!And especially after the death of Ju Renhui's son, he loved his daughter even more.

Although, she was married before her daughter was born.Although, if the daughter is not stopped, the relationship between the Ju family and the Li family, which should have reached an in-depth cooperation, may even directly turn into a broken relationship.

But, that was his only child after all!

Therefore, when he first knew that his daughter was going to marry someone else, Ju Renhui didn't stop anything, and didn't send anyone to influence anything, but strictly controlled the news, and wanted his daughter to live in peace like this go down.

However, paper cannot contain fire after all.

A few years after the two children were born one after another, when Lin Yun'er was six years old, finally, the Li family got the news.

As the three-star Li family, in the true sense of the peninsula, the only family that can be called rich and invincible, finally knows all this.

The head of Samsung's Li family was furious, and went directly to Gu Renhui for an explanation.As for Lee Jae-yong, after he learned that Gu Minyan, who he watched and grew up with and whom he had liked for many years, had married, he also suffered a major blow.

During that time, he couldn't stop thinking about everything with Gu Minyan in the middle of the night again and again.The girl he loves the most has chosen someone else after all.

After such a blow, Lee Jae-yong became decadent for a while before slowing down.The head of the Li family couldn't stop the anger in his heart even more when he looked at the appearance of Li Zairong, one of his most valued heirs, during that time.

As a matter of course, the two big families went to war like this.

The first to bear the brunt is to start from the two sectors that are best at - the electronics industry.During that time, the two fights were particularly fierce, and at one time, almost all fields from the electronics industry began to fight frantically.

The Li family wanted Ju Renhui to give an explanation, and Ju Renhui, for the sake of his daughter, would do whatever it took to keep his daughter's happiness.

But fortunately, although the two families have already competed so fiercely, they still haven't attacked Gu Minyan's family.

The high-ranking Li family may also disdain to attack them, and only target the Ju family, with an attitude of destroying you if the two cannot cooperate.

At that time, even though Gu Minyan ran away from home, she never dared to contact her family.But she is quick and smart, after seeing the constant and secret fights between Samsung's Li family and her own family in all walks of life, she still probably knows the news of the war between the two.

Although she was always worried about her father, looking at her two children, she really couldn't bear to go back.

Until, when Lin Yuner was eight years old.

Because of the constant fighting, Ju Renhui's body has been exhausted and become more and more fragile.One evening, he was finally sent to the hospital due to overwork.

As soon as Gu Renhui was sent to the hospital, Gu Minyan also received news that her father was ill.

She returned home in a hurry, looked at her father lying on the hospital bed, and felt guilty for him for a moment.

The death of his eldest brother had already broken his father's heart once.And myself, my father's only child, still broke my father's heart.

Looking at the extra wrinkles on his father's face, looking at his gray temples.Gu Minyan suddenly became mature.At the same time, she also made up her mind and decided not to embarrass her father anymore.

So, she found the Li family openly and honestly, and also found the government who had been worrying by the side because of the war between the two families.

The war between the two families not only hurt the vitality of the two families, but also made life difficult for the government.Because the size of these two families is really too large, if any one of them suffers severe damage or even collapses, the turmoil caused in society will be a devastating disaster.

Just the question of the jobs of a large number of employees who may lose their jobs due to bankruptcy is enough for the government to drink a pot.The impact on the economy that follows this is even more needless to say.

So, accompanied by the government and the other three families, the Ju family and the Li family finally sat at the same table and started negotiating.

Gu Minyan faced the head of the Li family. Although she was much younger and a woman, none of the people present dared to underestimate her.

Not to mention anything else, let's just say that since she returned to the family, she took a few vigorous and decisive measures immediately, which saved many situations of LG, and also dealt a great blow to Samsung.

And it is precisely because of her outstanding ability and the advantages of her natural personality as a woman, Samsung did not dare to push her too hard during her return, for fear that she would directly do something that she didn't know when she was in a hurry. matter.

Finally, under the witness of several forces, the two families finally ceased fighting.

In the end, Gu Minyan could not marry Samsung, and her husband and two children, Samsung can also let the past go.

However, from now on, she can never leave LG, and must stay in LG all the time. From now on, she can find anyone to marry, but she can't go back.

In other words, from now on, she, her husband, and two children will never see each other again!

For LG at that time, this was already the best result.But for her, it was no less than a bolt from the blue, hitting her directly!

 Today's favorite song: TATTOO——AleXa
  Ask for tickets~~~~~
(End of this chapter)

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