nice to meet you, actor lin

Chapter 99 Gu Minyan's Preparation

Chapter 99 Gu Minyan's Preparation
In fact, the original Li family did not intend to stop the war so soon.The reason for finally accepting the truce was because of Gu Minyan's character.

Because her personality has always been strong since she was a child, and she will never give up what she wants.As long as she wants to do, no one can stop her, just like her father Gu Renhui.

From all the decisions she made after she returned to LG, it can be seen that she is really a ruthless decision maker.

After her comeback, she resolutely and targetedly gave up many projects that can be said to be very tasteless for the current LG, and instead increased the proportion of investment in many projects that LG is relatively sure of.Such an abandoned project, although LG will lose some, but compared to the injured Samsung, it is much better.

From the series of actions she has taken back, anyone with a discerning eye can see that she is a woman who can really be ruthless.As women, their identities in such a large enterprise will make the competition even more fearful.

Temperament is the most taboo in the business field, and similarly, as competitors, compared with men who can make calm judgments, women who sometimes tend to have some small emotions are undoubtedly more lethal to competitors Some.

It is precisely because they are afraid that LG will be in a hurry, so that Gu Minyan "jumps over the wall" to make a destructive order for Samsung, and the gain outweighs the loss.

But having said that, the reason why Samsung has been forcing LG to go to war is also because it can't hold back its face.It is undoubtedly not a wise choice for anyone to start a war with such a strong company.

Not to mention whether it is possible to kill LG directly, even if it is really possible to kill LG with such strength, the price to be paid is definitely not something anyone can afford.

Even Samsung, if it can really do that, LG's counterattack is definitely enough to hurt Samsung.

And now, it is possible to receive sincerity from LG and Goo Min Yeon, and on the other hand, it is possible to get out of the situation where it is now fighting and falling into.Samsung's Li family, after thinking decisively and quickly, stopped the ongoing struggle with LG under the supervision of various forces.

After the armistice meeting ended, the participating forces, whose hearts were beating in their throats, could finally breathe a sigh of relief.

You know, if these two companies continue to go on like this, there will be another economic crisis at that time, and everyone will have a hard time. Even if you really don’t want to participate, the series of butterfly effects caused by the economic crisis will definitely affect you. .

In the end, Gu Minyan had only half a year left to say goodbye to her husband and two children.So in the last six months, she has been with Lin Yuner and Lin Yunzhen every day, enjoying the last affection with the children.

Finally, after half a year, although she tried to hide her reluctance, she still had no choice but to leave them and return to LG.

Afterwards, Gu Minyan, although she was in LG, still paid attention to her family, especially her youngest daughter Lin Yuner.

Time passed day by day, time flies, like a white horse passing through the gap.Her youngest daughter has entered elementary school from kindergarten.She has been paying attention to her daughter. Although she can't meet her daughter or ask someone to talk to her, she still silently cares about her daughter in various ways.

After her daughter went to school, she loved her dearly and silently bought the shares of the school that Lin Yuner attended, and personally found the best head teacher in the whole school and the best teachers in each subject in Lin Yuner's first grade. teaching teacher.

And all of this, Lin Yuner, who always thought that her mother had abandoned herself and resolutely left her father and sister, was kept in the dark.

And because she inherited her mother's beauty, Lin Yuner has displayed an unparalleled appearance that surpasses her peers since she was a child.Although the person is still very small, anyone who looks at it will think that this little girl has grown a beautiful embryo, and what needs to be done is to wait for her to grow up slowly.

Later, Lin Yun'er was discovered by the scouts of SM company due to many chances and coincidences.

At that time, Li Xiuman, although it was still dominated by boy groups at that time, and all the practitioners of entertainment companies dreamed of copying the successful cases of SM companies such as hot. , has long been keenly aware that for some time in the future, it will be the future for girl groups to dominate.

Based on his inspiration, Li Xiuman assembled the top management of the company to start a large girl group, prepared for a long time, and finally decided on a preliminary plan called "The Favorite of the Times".

With the start of this preliminary plan, unknowingly, SM Company not only interviewed many male trainees, but also started recruiting female trainees at the same time.And people like Jung Soo Yeon, Kwon Yoo Ri, and Kim Hyo Yeon also entered the SM company during this period, polishing their wings.

And it was during this period that Lin Yuner was noticed by the company's scouts by accident.At that time, Lin Yuner, although she hadn't grown up yet, could already clearly see her exquisite facial features, so when the scouts saw her for the first time, they contacted her in surprise.

And after being contacted by scouts, the young Lin Yuner had the idea of ​​"debuting as a star" in her mind, participated in the interview of SM company, and finally passed the interview successfully.

And when Gu Minyan knew the news, Lin Yuner had already joined the company.Although I don't really hope that my daughter will enter this industry in the future, since her daughter's dream is to become a star, then as a mother, Gu Minyan can only agree with her daughter's idea.

In order to have a clearer understanding of the entertainment industry and prevent her daughter from being unfairly treated, Gu Minyan finally decided that LG's company should be located in Yeouido, the center of the entertainment industry, where various TV stations are located. The place.

When Lin Yuner first joined the company, she was actually planning to debut as an actor.But later, due to the lack of deep experience in this field of sm company, in the end the company decided to put Yoona Lin in the "Beloved of the Times" project, and initially decided to let Yoona Lin debut as the face of the group.

At the same time, with the passage of time, Ju Renhui's body, since he was admitted to the hospital and recovered, his body seems to have exhausted all his vitality, and his body is getting worse day by day.

Finally, at the end, he regretted leaving with all kinds of reluctance for his daughter and self-blame for not being able to protect her.

 Today's favorite song recommendation: You Problem——monsta x
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(End of this chapter)

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