The big man is on the run

Chapter 100 Arrogant Li Shi

Chapter 100 Arrogant Li Shi

"General, general, the enemy has formed a formation by the river."

After yesterday's fierce battle, the Flying Bear Army had just occupied the hill for a night of recuperation, and got up to cook.

At this moment, a messenger hurried in to report to Li Shi.

Hearing the words, everyone got on their horses and climbed to the top of the hill, looking far away at the small river in the south, and saw hundreds of Southern Huns cavalry galloping on the south side of the river in the distance, and some even had excellent eyesight and could see The cavalry of these Southern Huns drew their strings and shot arrows from time to time for distance measurement and positioning.

These hundreds of cavalry were the pro-army of King Zuoxian Qubei of the Southern Huns.

Seeing the enemy formation on the south side of the river, Li Shi's expression became cloudy and uncertain.

"You have all seen, this is the Southern Huns. Even though we were suddenly attacked by us yesterday, they were able to continue to gather together in just one night. The warfare on the grassland is still not quite the same as ours In the same way, it is easy to defeat, but difficult to annihilate."

"Yes, General, it seems that although this cavalry army is defeated by us, its strength should not be underestimated. Looking at this posture, it seems that it wants to gather all the troops south of the small river." The deputy general beside him said .

Li Shi frowned slightly.

"The Zuoxian King of the Southern Huns is also cunning. He actually took advantage of this to lure us to send troops. There must be an ambush." ​​The deputy general continued.

Li Shi didn't speak, but his eyes were very serious.

Li Shi narrowed his eyes and snorted coldly.

"No matter what, we have only one goal, and that is to defeat all the enemies in front of us, and cut off the way for the officers and soldiers to flee east and cross the Yellow River to the east of the river. This is the only task given to us by Da Sima." Li Shi resolutely Said.

Li Shi's meaning couldn't be more obvious, attack!
"Obey!" Everyone agreed in unison.

"Okay! Order, everyone is ready to go!"

"Here!" Everyone agreed in unison.

Immediately, dozens of messengers turned their horses around and rushed towards the hills scattered by the Flying Bear Army on the north bank of the river.

Li Shi didn't wait for the whole army to assemble, he led hundreds of cavalry around him to go south first, and he led a group of personal guards and trusted generals to charge first, followed by the rest of the cavalry.

In a short while, the group of people came to a place about three miles away from the river bank.

At this time, Li Shi suddenly stopped.

"You are waiting here, I will go to investigate myself!"

"General, don't do it. This Southern Huns cavalry may be deceitful. Moreover, the enemy army doesn't know what ambushes are arranged on both sides of the river. It's better to be careful!"

"Even if it is to ensure the safety of the general, don't act recklessly! The general is the courage of the Feixiong army!"

A group of generals stepped forward one after another, persuading him earnestly.

Seeing everyone's reaction, Li Shi couldn't help but secretly sighed.

"You are all worried about this general, how can this general not understand, but since this general dares to fight, he must be sure to break these ambushes, you don't have to worry!"

After Li Shi said that, as soon as he reined in his horse, he was ready to lead the troops to continue to set off.

"Wait a minute, general, the general has an idea!" A lieutenant stepped forward and said respectfully to Li Shi.

"Oh, you said!" Li Shi raised the corner of his mouth slightly.

"The general can lead a part of the troops to cross the river first. This river can be crossed by horses and horses, and it can't stop us at all. The rest of the troops that are still gathering can be led by others to attack from the two wings in a roundabout way, and go straight to the enemy's back. Destroy the enemy before you can cover your ears!"

"Okay, this strategy is very good, let's do it like this!" Li Shi was very satisfied with this strategy.


Li Shi nodded and issued a new order.

Afterwards, the elite cavalry under Li Shi followed his orders and headed south carelessly.

Not far from the river bank, the Southern Huns cavalry had already lined up and waited for Li Shi's arrival. However, they were not in a hurry to attack, but were waiting for something.

"Li's cavalry appeared!" A cavalry reported.

"Hahaha finally came, order all the cavalry to prepare for the battle!"

Qubei laughed excitedly, reinforcements from the Han army were coming, and instead of reducing his rewards because of his weakened strength, he promised him more rewards. He can summon more nomads of the Southern Huns and expand his strength easily, so he doesn't care about the loss of these non-directed troops now.

The rules of the prairie are so real.


After a while, only a few hundred Southern Huns cavalry and Li-style cavalry echoed each other. Both sides drew up their formations, and just confronted each other like this. The war was about to break out.

There was a cold light in Li Shi's eyes, and he kept staring at the enemy formation in the distance, silently counting the time in his heart.

Time passed by second by second, and a smile gradually appeared on Li Shi's face.

At this moment, he finally heard the intensive sound of horseshoes coming from the enemy's side, and soon, Li Shi heard deafening shouts of killing from the front.

The detour of the hills on both sides is already in place.

Li Shi couldn't help being overjoyed, and immediately shouted: "Attack!"


Hundreds of elite cavalry led by Li Shi swept away like a tidal wave driven by a strong wind.

"Shoot the arrows, shoot them to death for me!" The Southern Huns cavalry shouted, and rows of bows and arrows aimed at the charging Li-style troops.

Li's elite cavalry had long been accustomed to fighting through the arrow rain at close range, and they showed no fear on their faces, and even showed excited expressions.

"Whoosh whoosh!"

The dense feather arrows flew towards Li Shi's elite cavalry overwhelmingly. Li Shi had already prepared for it. With an order, everyone pulled out the round shields on their backs and blocked the flying arrows.

A round of arrow rain is over, and the archers of the Southern Huns are also ready for a new round of arrow rain.

Without waiting for Li Shi's order, several lieutenants under Li Shi's command raised the reins of their horses and rushed forward like arrows.

Seeing this, Li Shi quickly urged the horse under his crotch to follow.

This time, the archers of the Southern Huns did not achieve much results. They only shot and injured more than a dozen people. After a round of arrow rain, the Southern Huns also began to retreat, retreating towards the hilly area south of the river bank.

While chasing, Li Shi ordered his cavalry to speed up and catch up.

At this time, the Southern Huns had already retreated to the edge of the hilly area, and the outflanking troops on both sides of the Feixiong Army began to lengthen the distance.

"General, the enemy army really wants to retreat to the hills!" A cavalryman came to Li Shi and reported.

Li Shi smiled slightly, "Let the order go on, all the soldiers are ready to fight, and when we rush to the front in a while, we must inflict heavy damage on the enemy!"


A group of generals agreed one after another, and each of them was gearing up, eager to try.


"Come on!"

The cavalry of the Flying Bear Army rushed towards the formation of the Southern Huns cavalry, one by one roaring, waving their weapons, and frantically attacking the Southern Huns cavalry.

For a moment, screams, curses, and shouts were heard endlessly. The sounds of killing and screams were mixed together, filling the sky, rolling like a stormy sea.

Soon, teams of Flying Bear Army cavalry rushed into the enemy's formation and began to engage in large-scale battles with the Southern Huns cavalry in front of them.

It is difficult for the cavalry of the Southern Huns to completely withdraw to the hilly area.



The cavalry of the Flying Bear Army charged and killed recklessly on the edge of the river bank. Wherever they passed, the corpses of horses and men and horses fell from the enemy's camp continuously, dripping with blood, staining the ground red.

The charge of this wave of cavalry was very fast. In the blink of an eye, they had already rushed straight into the formation of the Southern Huns cavalry, and started a fierce fight with the Southern Huns cavalry.

The fighting will of the Southern Huns was unexpectedly tenacious this time. Although they were caught off guard by being killed, they soon regrouped and organized a counterattack again.

However, the cavalry under Li Shi's command had already taken an absolute advantage. One by one, they used Shiwu as a unit to smash the formation of the Southern Huns, and the losses of the Southern Huns' cavalry became more and more serious.

Seeing his men killing less and less, Qu Bei, who was leading an ambush in the hilly area and was watching, finally couldn't sit still.

Qubei took out a black token from his pocket and handed it to a short, dark-skinned Southern Huns beside him.

The Southern Huns took a look at it and quickly bowed down.

"Call everyone immediately and prepare for the battle! At the same time, go ask the Han army for quick support."

"Yes, this subordinate will do it now!"

The short Southern Huns hurriedly clasped their fists in a promise, then turned and ran into the woods.

Soon, the small Southern Huns gathered thousands of Southern Huns cavalry. Under the command of Qubei, they quickly formed a horizontal line and formed a long line behind the hills that Li Shi could not see. array of .

But Li Shi watched the Southern Huns flee into the hilly area, but there was no sound.

Seeing this scene, Li Shi couldn't help frowning, and felt a little uneasy in his heart, because he saw that the Southern Huns had not forgotten to shoot arrows at the flying bear army in the distance before they fled. There is no feeling of being chased and just wanting to escape.

"Pass down the order and order all the soldiers to pay attention to vigilance. Remember, don't take it lightly, don't get too close, and don't act without authorization, understand?" Li Shi exhorted in a deep voice.

"Yes, General!"

The deputy general heard the words and quickly responded.

"Okay, let's go down! Remember, if the enemy makes any changes, report to me immediately!"


Hearing the words, those lieutenant generals handed over their hands one after another, and then turned and left.

Seeing several lieutenants leave, Li Shi turned his head and looked at the Southern Huns fleeing in the distance, his face full of solemnity.

Li Shi is not an idiot either, of course he can see that the Southern Huns in front of him simply wanted to use this method to disturb his sight in order to attract his attention, and then perhaps ambushed troops in the hills, Take the opportunity to attack him.

It has to be said that Li Shi was indeed a smart general. He saw through the tricks of the Southern Huns, but he did not choose to retreat.

He had to see the entire army of the Southern Huns wiped out with his own eyes, and then he would be able to open the way to the south.

He wants to personally capture the emperor who is still in the Weiqu camp!

While thinking about it, Li Shi cast his gaze into the distance.

 Sorry, Chapter 3 will be released later
(End of this chapter)

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