The big man is on the run

Chapter 99 Assault on the Flying Bear Army

Chapter 99 Assault on the Flying Bear Army

In the camp before dawn, almost all the people around Liu Yi who could participate in military affairs were present.

Needless to say, the three counselors Jia Xu, Fazheng, and Zhong Yao, among the military generals Xu Huang, Huangfu Li, Tai Shici, and Gan Ning, four Zhonglang generals, as well as Wei Jie, the infantry captain, and Ju Jun, the Shesheng captain Also all present.

Tonight, the final decision is about to be made.

To fight, or to withdraw?

Playing according to the original plan, there are too many disadvantages.

In the original plan, the county soldiers in Hedong and the Baibo Army were important reinforcements and surprise soldiers. Now because of Yuan Shao's abnormal behavior, they can no longer come, so they can only defend Yuan Shao in Hedong, and even find Yuan Shao's deadly enemy, the Black Mountain Army. Go south to help.

As for another support soldier, the four thousand cavalry of the Zuoxian King of the Southern Huns, because of equipment, morale, combat power and other reasons, were beaten by the Flying Bear Army in a surprise attack. It is difficult to play the role of a surprise soldier.Moreover, after this battle, it is hard to say how much fighting spirit these Southern Huns still have.

The most important unfavorable factor was Zhu Jun's sudden illness.

No one, at least no one at present, can replace this famous general in the official army. Except for Zhu Jun who has the experience and ability to command large-scale army battles, the rest do not have such conditions.

This is not a question of changing coaches before the battle, it is simply a lack of coaches before the battle.

How do you fight without a commander?Fighting against each other?It's better to withdraw immediately.

But the withdrawal involves another problem. The people accompanying the army have not completely crossed the Luoshui River. If the army is allowed to rush across, not only will it easily cause serious chaos among the troops, but it is hard to say whether these people who are regarded as abandoned children will He was killed indiscriminately by the following Li Jue army.

The common people trusted the Han Dynasty, so they followed him as the emperor. How can there be any reason to abandon it?
At this moment, Liu Yi finally understood roughly what kind of mentality it is to cross the river with people.

"If you have any opinions, please tell me." Liu Yi held his sword and looked at his subordinates.

At such a moment of major historical decision, Liu Yi couldn't make up his mind. He had to listen to the opinions of these outstanding people.

"Your Majesty, Li Jue's Flying Bear Army is now marching towards our army. It is unknown how long the Zuoxian King of the Southern Huns can resist. If they enter the east of Weiqu, they will cut off the crossing of the Yellow River between Hedong County and us. Contact, not only our food and grass supply will be in crisis, but now the food in the army is also very scarce, and the food we carry will run out sooner or later, and by then, our army may collapse without a fight." Zhong Yao said.

Zhong Yao has a stable personality, and he doesn't do things that he is not sure about. When he said these words, he won the approval of many people.

Moreover, Zhong Yao's words were very skillful, and there were two hidden meanings in these words.One is to clarify the objective fact behind the threat of the Flying Bear Army. If the army does not withdraw now, it will be too late to withdraw.The second is that there is not enough food in the army, and they will collapse without fighting if they are surrounded. At this time, don't worry about the people!

Jia Xu nodded: "Your Majesty, I agree with what Yuan Chang said. Since the grain reserves in the army are very thin, once the east bank of the Luoshui River is cut off by the Feixiong Army, the safety of those people who have already crossed the Luoshui River may be endangered." Unexpected encounters. But the people accompanying the army should be very loyal to you, your majesty, and they are unwilling to leave you, so it is better for your majesty to lead the people and the forbidden army across Luoshui first."

Jia Xu's plan is slightly different from Zhong Yao's. Zhong Yao's idea is to simply throw away the people, and the army will directly withdraw across the Luoshui River and then cross the Yellow River to Hedong County. There are so many ships in Pubandu and Longmendu on the Yellow River. As long as the army moves quickly, the Feixiong army can only ride less than three thousand riders, so they can't be dealt with.

Jia Xu's words were even more cryptic. He believed that Liu Yi's safety was the most important thing. At the same time, the imperial army in Liu Yi's hands was also the only one worthy of preservation. Other army leaders such as Dong Cheng, Zhang Ji, and Yang Feng's troops were thrown down. It's just the back of the palace. Anyway, the army is definitely more attractive to Li Jue than the common people.As for the common people, they can cross the river as Liu Yi's cover to confuse the enemy.

It can only be said that he deserves to be a poisoner!
"Mr. Wenhe, I don't know what you're talking about. It's just that in this situation, no matter what you choose, the army and the people will always have to give up one side. I'm wondering if there is a way to get the best of both worlds." Liu Yi said with a sigh.

"But Your Majesty, it's not an option to procrastinate any longer. We must act at dawn. If you discuss it like this, it may affect your majesty's cause." Huangfu Li frowned.

"It's better to sink the boat and fight to the death!" Liu Yi said through gritted teeth.

"Your Majesty, if you don't retreat, I will swear to protect Your Majesty to the death!" Xu Huang and other generals knelt down on one knee and said.

"Okay! Get up, everyone!" Liu Yi waved his hands, "I understand your loyalty, so let's talk about what happened just now."

"Your Majesty, I wonder how you plan to deal with the people?" Tai Shici looked at Liu Yi.

Liu Yi also looked at Tai Shici, as if he understood his eyes.

This issue is related to Liu Yi's safety, and it is also related to the whole situation. It is a very serious issue.

"Li Jue's goal is the imperial court and the people. The people are innocent. Li Jue is not the kind of Guo Si who kills innocent people indiscriminately, but he will also catch the living people as cannon fodder. No matter what, abandon the people regardless of things. I can’t do it.” Liu Yi looked at these subordinates and said.

Although they didn't know what the "cannon fodder" in Tian Zi's mouth meant, everyone roughly understood Liu Yi's attitude.

"Your Majesty is wise, but the number of these people is also very large. Can our army really bring these people back from Hexi to Hedong?" Gan Ning asked worriedly.

This question really troubled Liu Yi.

"Gentlemen, now is not the time to think about these things. I just want to say, if the officers and soldiers are determined to stay and fight in Weiqu, what do you think we should do?" Liu Yi looked at the crowd.

Everyone looked at each other, and finally, Jia Xu stood up and said: "Your Majesty, it is better for our army to divide into two groups, one way goes west along the Weishui River to block Li Jue's North and South Route Army on both sides of the Weishui River, and the other way moves to the northeast to fight against Li Jue. The southern Xiongnu army converged and deployed scouts on the east and west sides of the Luoshui-Yellow River. If the Feixiong army in the north was found to continue to pursue southward, the main force of our army would immediately return to rescue."

Liu Xu nodded, then looked at Zhong Yao, "Does Yuan Chang have any other suggestions?"

Zhong Yao looked at the crowd, then looked at Liu Yi, and raised objections: "Your Majesty, I still think that if our army retreats to the east of the river, Li Jue's main force will definitely not be able to pursue them. After all, their South Route Army Li Ying has already Many soldiers and horses were lost, food and grass were burned, and the main army led by Li Jue was far away from the north road. In addition, if His Majesty crossed the Luo River, they would not be able to take the risk of pursuing them. It is better to gather the cavalry and block it from the north. The Flying Bear Army, and then the army quickly retreated eastward."


Fazheng, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly spoke up.

Fazheng stood up, looked at the crowd and took a deep breath.

"Li Jue formed an army on Weibei, Weinan, and Luodong with the position of Jijiao, and built a bridge on the Weishui River to show that he would cross it. This is our army's plan for a decisive battle in Weiqu."

No one spoke, and everyone looked at Fazheng quietly.

"The people can't give up, and blindly retreating is not a long-term solution after all. A decisive battle is imperative. Our army has various arrangements for the backhand, and of course the decisive battle must be in Weiqu, but before the decisive battle, we cannot sit still and wait for death."

"Yi Xiao looks straight, what should I do?"

Liu Yi took a deep look at Fazheng. He believed that Jia Xu and Zhong Yao also understood these principles, but in the same situation, they gave different strategies. This is the difference between counselors.

"Since Li Jue invaded Chang'an, whether he defeated Ma Teng, Huo Bing Fan Chou, or even attacked Guo Si, the Feixiong Army has always been the vanguard. There are many elites under him who have won many victories and are proud of it. Now it is better to raid the Feixiong Army , The Feixiong army came from far away, and was consumed by the Zuoxian King's tribe of the Southern Huns, and now they will be able to win by taking advantage of their unprepared surprise attack."

"If the Flying Bear Army wins, Li Jue may walk away without a fight!"

After hearing Fazheng's words, Xu Huang pleaded for orders.

"Your Majesty, now Li Jue's whole army is coming, but they are divided into three groups. They must think that our army dare not test their strength and can only defend themselves. The enemy has a heart of underestimating me. If you are willing to lead the army to attack, you will surely win!"

Liu Yi was a little moved, nodded and said: "That's right, although Li Ying's South Route Army built a pontoon bridge, but they crossed the river at the same time as Duan Yan's army, it is absolutely impossible to cross the river only by relying on the pontoon bridge and a Jing bridge. It only takes a day or two. Our army will be able to take down the Flying Bear Army!"

Seeing that Liu Yi was moved, Fazheng continued.

"Li Shi is the parent and son of Li Jue, and he is also the strongest general under his command. This is why now Li Jue's army is marching along the two roads along the Wei River, but the most powerful Feixiong Army with three thousand riders hangs alone in the northeast of Luoshui. If I If the army attacks any of Li Jue's north and south routes head-on, it will inevitably make him stay where he is, and the other routes will come to rescue. This is the so-called mutual horns, external and internal enemies."

"I heard from Mr. Wenhe that Li Shi is impatient. Why don't we send a small group of troops to rescue King Zuoxian? Li Shi will come to chase after him. Li Jue is cautious and suspicious, and the distance is far away, so he won't rush. The army underestimated the enemy and rushed in to rescue Li Shi."

"Our army gathers the main cavalry, waits for Li Shi to fall into battle and then swarms up. He will surely defeat the Feixiong army. If he defeats the Feixiong army, Li Jue's army will be greatly weakened. Our army will rectify the troops and horses before returning to the division. , you can win.”

Fazheng's strategy is to take the initiative to attack the Feixiong army, which has the strongest combat power and the least number of troops in the enemy army. Liu Yi likes this strategy very much. Even so, Liu Yi still looks at the others.

Brainstorm, this time not asking them to raise objections, but how to improve the proactive plan.

"Well, Xiaozhi's method is not bad, but what if the Feixiong army sees that our army has sent a small group of reinforcements, but the Feixiong army does not come to fight, but goes around to the east to block it?" Zhong Yao asked rhetorically.

"This..." Fazheng was taken aback for a moment, and then said: "If the Feixiong army dares to come to the east to intercept our army, our army will defeat them, and then let the people evacuate to Hedong County."

Jia Xu frowned: "Xiaozhi, what if this method works, but the Feixiong army ambushed halfway?"

Fazheng was silent for a while, and then said: "If the Feixiong army ambushes our army halfway, then our army has many soldiers, and we can gather [-] cavalry to dispatch, which is enough to fight with them!"

Zhong Yao shook his head and said: "Although this method is good, it is still too risky. If it is really ambushed by the Feixiong army halfway, or the Feixiong army takes the opportunity to bypass and go straight to the camp, I am afraid that the safety of His Majesty, the ministers will not be responsible." ah!"

Fa Zheng was suffocated, he really couldn't be responsible, Liu Yi's safety was too much at stake.

If a large group of cavalry troops were assembled and dispatched, the camp would be very empty, because there are still many troops in the west to block the advance of Li Jue's main force.

But Fazheng also knew that this was a very difficult choice for Liu Yi.

Liu Yi looked at his courtiers and exhaled.

"Don't worry about my safety, I will lead the cavalry personally, and the infantry will stay behind to guard the camp."

"Your Majesty, absolutely forbid it!" Zhong Yao hastily advised, "Your Majesty, this is a big taboo!"

"Your Majesty, it's not enough!" Jia Xu also said eagerly.

"Soldiers are dangerous, especially cavalry combat. Your Majesty should stay in the camp."

Everyone disapproved of Liu Yi's decision, even Fazheng. Liu Yi glanced at everyone, but said, "Everyone, I've made up my mind!"

"Your Majesty." Fazheng still wanted to persuade him, but Liu Yi waved his hand and said, "Xiaozhi, there is no need to persuade him anymore!"

"Your Majesty, I invite you to fight!"

"The minister is willing to lead the troops to go!"

Xu Huang, Tai Shici, Gan Ning and others all wanted to invite Ying to fight. Liu Yi looked around and said, "I know who is going to fight, so you don't need to say any more. Pass on my will and hit Zhonglang." General Xu Huang led 800 cavalry from his headquarters to rescue the southern Xiongnu Zuo Xianwang and went to Beisuo. Zhonglang left [-] men from Gan Ning's department to defend the camp with the rest of the army. Tai Shici led [-] cavalry and Huangfu Li Lead five hundred forbidden troops to go with me. In addition, call Dong Cheng and Zhang Ji to bring a thousand horses to go with me. "

"No!" Everyone took orders one after another.

"The rest of Yang Feng and other departments stay here for the time being to defend, and must protect the safety of the Weiqu Camp!" Liu Yi ordered, and then said: "Yuan Chang, you have a stable personality, stay and command!"

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

Zhong Yao also understood that his duty was to guard the camp, and this task was also very important.

Zhong Yao and Liu Yi have gone through so many incidents, and they also believe that Liu Yi will never be hated because his suggestion does not conform to his wishes.

The same reasoning applies to Gan Ning. They are kept because they are more suitable for defending the camp under such circumstances.

(End of this chapter)

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