The big man is on the run

Chapter 158 Bloody Battle with the Xianbei Army

Chapter 158 Bloody Battle with the Xianbei Army

But Xu Huang didn't just retreat back to the top of the mountain and defend to the death. Instead, after the Xianbei cavalry was caught off guard by a trap and slowed down, he launched a cavalry countercharge.

It's not that Xu Huang didn't want to hide his cards, but he couldn't hide them at all.

The reason is also very simple. Xianbei people are ten times bigger than themselves. As long as the mountains are surrounded, they will be surrounded by water.

At that time, wouldn't the cavalry hiding in the col be discovered?
If you want to hide far away from being discovered, how can a hundred cavalry break through the formation of four thousand Xianbei and join the friendly army on the top of the mountain?
Therefore, the most reliable way is to use a counter-charge to dampen the spirit of the Xianbei people at the beginning, and then go up the mountain to join the friendly army and hold the mountain together.

Although the number of Han army cavalry is small, the impact is very fierce, and the quality of the horses under their crotch is also quite good. Compared with the pony horses of the Xianbei, although the endurance of the Guzang horse and the Yanhan horse is slightly insufficient, they Acceleration is far beyond.

When cavalry engages in battle, acceleration is power.

Their horses were so fast that they rushed over in an instant, and within this distance, the Xianbei could not dodge at all.

Because the Xianbei people in the front row were turned on their backs by the trap, and the Xianbei people in the back row were stopped by the friendly troops in the front row.

In this kind of close combat, the Xianbei nomads were obviously no match for the Han cavalry, and dozens of Xianbei nomads were injured and fell soon.

However, after all, the Xianbei people have a large number of people, even if they suffer a little setback, they can still use their numerical advantage to crush the Han army in a short period of time.

Moreover, one thing I have to praise is that the Xianbei cavalry's horse control skills are very high. Once their speed slows down, they will immediately change their direction tacitly and continue to kill towards the side, not at all because of their horses. The state weakens too much the overall formation speed.

It's not talent, it's survival instinct.

Because on the grassland, only in this way can we survive.

Seeing that it was impossible to achieve further results, the cavalry of the Han army led by Xu Huang had no choice but to retreat. They did not dare to confront the large-scale cavalry group of the Xianbei people. After all, they only had 100 people, while the Xianbei people had 4000 people. Therefore, They can only choose to retreat.

However, the Xianbei people were not reconciled to their successful retreat.

"Bastard, let's go up, kill those Han dogs, and avenge our brothers!" Seeing this, Fu Luohan quickly shouted.

Hearing this, the cavalry under his command immediately rode their horses and rushed towards the cavalry led by Xu Huang.

Seeing this, the rest of the Xianbei cavalry were not to be outdone. They brandished their spears one after another and charged at the cavalry of the Han army.

The cavalry formation of the Xianbei people is very large. At a glance, it is densely packed, and the number is hard to count. Even the smallest tribe has more than 400 cavalry, which is very large.

Of course, although the number of the Han army is small, they are all the most elite cavalry. On horseback, they can display various martial arts skills, for example, using a long spear to fly the enemy, or using a ring on one side They are all good at beheading the enemy with the first knife, and their combat effectiveness is very strong.

Xu Huang led the cavalry under his command to retreat again and again, and fought with these Xianbei cavalry again and again.

In this kind of battle, the cavalry of the Xianbei people had a numerical advantage.

The tactics of the Xianbei people have nothing to do with "ingenuity" at all. They are purely using the advantage of numbers to submerge like a tide. They can use the collision of horses to kill and injure Han soldiers. This kind of one-for-one behavior does not matter to the Han soldiers at all. When you have the opportunity to resist, people will hit you hard, what can you do?
This is equivalent to the cars on the three lanes behind you at high speed, hitting your car's butt together. As long as the speed in front slows down a little, they will be hit and turned on their backs.

There were even a few Han soldiers who were knocked down by the Xianbei, and their bodies would be trampled by the Xianbei cavalry later, turning them into meat paste.

"Damn Xianbei people, dare to kill our robe Ze."

"Don't be afraid, everyone, kill them and fight them!"

Xu Huang's face became extremely gloomy, and his eyes were full of anger.

The soldiers under Xu Huang also shouted angrily, their faces were full of indignation, and they were ready to fight these Xianbei people to the death.

It has to be said that when faced with the threat of life and death, the fighting spirit of the Han army is very high, and they are all passionate men. They would rather die in battle than give in. It is precisely because of this, so, The Han talents were able to win and defeat the Xianbei people again and again in the wars with the Xianbei people.

Although equipment is very important, iron armor, iron arrows, and ring swords are all important guarantees for victory.

But "one Han is five Hu" is not just because of the advantages of equipment!
The fighting will and technical and tactical level of the Han army are far from what the Xianbei can match.

The Han army can fight for the country and train off-the-job, while the Xianbei people have to live as nomads and fight to plunder property. The starting point of the two sides is different. , is the difference between life and death.

The cavalry of the Han army are very fierce, they are not afraid of death, and their equipment is very sophisticated, while the equipment of the Xianbei people, especially in terms of defensive equipment, is much worse, whether it is the guards of the Xianbei leader or ordinary nomads, The level of equipment is not comparable to that of the Han army.

The fight between the two sides was very tragic. After approaching the top of the mountain, the ratio of the battle losses of the two sides reached an astonishing ratio of one to ten. The losses of the Xianbei people were much heavier than those of the Han army.

But the bases of the two sides are not equal.

Although the Han army killed and injured hundreds of Xianbei nomads, they also lost dozens of cavalry, and only two-thirds of the cavalry withdrew to the hills.

In this case, due to the huge disadvantage in numbers, the Han army was completely at a disadvantage in terms of combat effectiveness.

At the beginning of this battle, the Han army fell into a disadvantage from the very beginning, and if nothing else, the morale and fighting spirit of the Han army will gradually decay as the battle continues.

However, Xu Huang also knew that now was not the time to give up resistance.

If they gave up resisting, they would be killed by the cavalry of the Xianbei people. As long as they let out their breath, they would have no way to resist it.

Therefore, he must persist, as long as they can persist until reinforcements arrive, their situation will be reversed.

And this hill, no matter it is not far from Zhang Yan, Qubei, or Liu Yi who is marching in the Fenshui Valley in the south, is only a hundred miles away at most.

Xu Huang guessed that these Xianbei cavalry came here swaggeringly, maybe Zhang Yan and Qubei had encountered some troubles.

In fact, it was true. The reason why it was Fuluohan who came to him to cut off the Fenshui Valley was because Budugen had already fought Zhang Yanhe Qubei.

But he needs to persist for a day before he can wait for reinforcements, because the emperor will not wait for death.

Xu Huang felt that he could do it. After all, Li Ling of the early Han Dynasty led 5000 people and could persist for more than ten days under the siege of [-] Huns.Now he has fortifications, mountains, and food, and the ratio of troops is "only" ten to one.

Xu Huang's thoughts only lasted for a brief moment.

The first large-scale offensive of the Xianbei began.

"Kill, kill me!"


At this time, the soldiers of the Han army shouted one after another. Facing the Xianbei people approaching in front of the chariot formation, they took up their weapons one after another, brandished them, and rushed towards the Xianbei people.


The Han army's spear pierced the Xianbei nomad's chest, and blood gushed out continuously. The Xianbei nomad screamed, and then fell to the ground on his back.

After he died, the blood stained the entire land red, and after his death, the blood continued to spread, and soon spread far and far.

Seeing this scene, the surrounding Xianbei nomads gasped.

This is a small tribe, and the death of every warrior will cause huge losses to the tribe.

However, on the entire battlefield, this is just a battle that can be seen everywhere.




The soldiers of the Han army waved their weapons again and rushed towards the Xianbei people. Their eyes were full of madness and ferocity.

They are fighting with their blood and their lives.

Seeing this scene, Fu Luo Han was also shocked.

His face also gradually froze.

This desperate battle of the Han army made him shaken in his heart. He wanted to give up this battle. After all, his tribe and the tribes attached to him were his precious property.However, at this critical moment, Fu Luohan did not dare to give up. After all, if he relaxes, the morale and fighting spirit of the Xianbei people will collapse, and at that time, he will fall into a situation where he will never recover.

Fu Luohan observed carefully.

During the battle between the Han army and the Xianbei people, the Xianbei people kept attacking. Although the Han army counterattacked, their casualties began to gradually appear.Although the Xianbei themselves suffered heavy casualties, this does not mean that there were no casualties among the soldiers of the Han army. Moreover, Fu Luohan believes that the morale and fighting spirit of the soldiers of the Han army will continue to decrease as the battle progresses.

The Han army kept retreating, while the Xianbei people kept attacking, but the strange thing was that every time the Han army would take advantage of the gap between the Xianbei people's offensive, to recapture the positions lost by retreating just now.

The Han army is like a machine that will never get tired, constantly killing.

In fact, the Han army is also facing the same dilemma. There are too many Xianbei people, so once they retreat, they will soon be pressed by the Xianbei people. Therefore, they can only continue to fight, Constantly fighting and sacrificing to ensure the stability of the front.

While the two sides were fighting, countless supplies were piled up on the carriages on the hillside not far from Fuluohan.

Moreover, on these carriages, there are corpses of Han people.

The corpses of the Han people were very messy and fragmented. Their heads, bodies, arms, etc. were chopped off and thrown on the ground.

Beside them, there are still many corpses lying.

Judging from these corpses, their identities are very simple, that is, captives, or captured slaves.

These captives and captured slaves were all thrown to the ground.

As for the corpses of the Han soldiers, they were piled up neatly in a row, which was very spectacular at first glance.

Moreover, the placement of these corpses is very messy, and the pile is very thick, as much as two meters. It seems that the Xianbei people must have killed many people during this period of time, and they also killed many geese. The Han people in Menjun County, and even robbed them of a lot of wealth and food, can be described as a heinous crime.

In fact, after Budugen and Fuluohan set off from Danhan Mountain, they started killing non-stop along the way.

The Han people living in Bianjun did not hate the Xianbei people who occupied Bianjun, but the resistance was unsuccessful.

The Xianbei people killed many of their people and soldiers here, and even captured their wives and daughters. Such a move can be said to make the Han people hate it. They have long wanted to kill the Xianbei people.

It's just that the Xianbei people are powerful. In the past, it was too difficult for them to kill the Xianbei people.

These things were all told to Liu Yi by Guo Huai himself, and it was precisely for this reason that Liu Yi led the cavalry in person to recover the border counties in the North after the Battle of Hedong was over.

Because he knew that these Han people in the border counties were all living in dire straits under the rule of the Xianbei people, and only he had the determination and ability to save them.

Other warlords, even Zhang Yan of the Black Mountain Army, who loved the people more, would not take the initiative to attack the Xianbei people.

If it wasn't for Liu Yi's face, it would be difficult to refuse Liu Yi's first order. The Black Mountain Army, which is only good at fighting in the mountains, would not leave the vicinity of Taihang Mountain.

"Fire arrows!"

As the battle progressed to a fierce stage, the chariot formation in the front row gradually became unbearable. Finally, Xu Huang no longer cherished the precious arrows, and gave the order for the crossbowmen to release their arrows.

"Whoosh whoosh!"

A sharp arrow flew through the air and shot at the Xianbei people.

"Bang bang!"

Seeing this, the Xianbei people immediately swung the scimitar in their hands, and slashed at the sharp arrows that were shot.

However, these sharp arrows are very sharp, and the scimitar in the hands of Xianbei people can't stop shooting sharp arrows.

The Xianbei people suddenly became a mess, and they retreated one after another.


Seeing that the Xianbei people retreated, the soldiers of the Han army immediately shouted and continued to kill the Xianbei people, which also caused chaos in the Xianbei people's team.


"Bang bang bang!"

A series of noises immediately caused terrified roars from the Xianbei camp.

Feathered arrows shot from the top of the mountain towards the Xianbei people.

The Xianbei kept resisting.

It's a pity that their resistance didn't have any effect.

Because of the extreme lack of armor, feathered arrows kept piercing the Xianbei people's bodies, and there were even amazingly powerful crossbows that could nail them to the ground.

The Xianbei people suffered heavy casualties, and the feeling of these feathered arrows hitting the Xianbei people wearing leather robes is completely different from the Xianbei people's arrows shooting at the armored Han army. .


The miserable cries of the Xianbei people kept ringing on the battlefield.

Wave after wave of blood was continuously sprayed, and the blood was sprinkled in the grass, splashing bloody flowers.

Seeing the blood, the soldiers of the Han army showed excitement on their faces.

Looking at the Xianbei people who kept falling, they felt very excited, and an idea popped up in their minds.

What a wonderful thing it would be if all these Xianbei people could be exterminated!

At this time, Xu Huang, the chief general of the Han army, also let out a roar. He brandished a big ax and led the soldiers under his command to kill the Xianbei people.

As time went by, the fighting between the Han army and the Xianbei became more and more intense, and the ground was completely stained red with blood.

The death toll of the Xianbei people is constantly increasing, and their dead nomads have doubled compared to the beginning.

Where the blood flowed, there were corpses everywhere, and the smell of blood permeated the air.

The battle between the Han army and the Xianbei continued from afternoon to dusk.

During this process, the Xianbei people suffered huge casualties, but they were still unable to break through the hilltop positions of the Han army.

These casualties are fatal to the Xianbei people who are bound by tribal relations.

Because of the lost warriors, no one will replenish them, and even take the opportunity to annex the weakened tribes.


A Xianbei man was shot and killed by the Han army during the battle.

A Han soldier was wounded and fell down.


A Han soldier was stabbed to death by another Xianbei.

At this moment on the battlefield at dusk, all the numb soldiers didn't seem to know what pain was. They rushed towards each other frantically, and then kept waving their weapons.

They slashed at each other recklessly, as if they would not give up until they killed each other on this mountain.

This hill is like a splashed ink painting of the gods, but the ink used by the gods is human blood.

This time, the Han army killed and wounded thousands of Xianbei people during the battle.

It has to be said that this result looks quite dazzling.

However, for the Han army, they were not very happy. After all, on the battlefield, they also lost a lot of robes that accompanied them day and night.

"Get down!"

At this time, Fu Luohan said to the leaders in frustration.

Hearing Fu Luohan's words, the leaders nodded one after another.

They are very clear that the proportion of battle damage has reached an unacceptable level, and the attack should be stopped now.

The Xianbei army slowly withdrew down the mountain.

Just in time, a round of red sun reflected on the top of the mountain.

The sunset is here, and the mountains and rivers are brilliant.

(End of this chapter)

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