The big man is on the run

Chapter 159 Night Attack

Chapter 159 Night Attack
As night fell, the Xianbei quietly bit the scimitar and touched it.

They quietly lurked and hid in a small wood thirty feet away from the foot of the mountain.

They have to wait for the moon to emerge from the dark clouds.

At that time, with the illumination of the moonlight, it will be the best time for the Xianbei to attack.

Because even if it was a night attack, the number of elites under Fuluohan's command was almost the same as that of the Han army on the entire mountain.

However, before that, they must find a relatively safe and hidden location, otherwise, they would be easily discovered by the Han army.

The Han army set up a trench and an earthen wall on the mountainside. Although the earthen wall is not very strong, it can effectively defend against the sneak attack of the Xianbei people.

The lingering smell of blood lingered in the air, and the strong smell covered up the smell of corpses, making it very terrifying.


The movement of the Xianbei people made the night owls in the woods at the foot of the mountain seem to sense the danger coming, and fled one after another.

The fluttering of Ye Xiao's wings made the atmosphere of the battlefield very strange, and it also made every Xianbei in ambush feel uneasy and depressed.

Finally, the moon got out of the dark clouds, providing enough vision for the Xianbei people.

"Enemy attack!"

The night watchmen of the Han army also discovered the Xianbei people who had come out of the forest and were climbing quickly to the top of the mountain almost at the same time.

"Kill! Kill all these Han people!"

At this time, the Xianbei people roared angrily.

They climbed up the hillside from all angles, constantly climbing over obstacles.

Not only the Xianbei who were in the vanguard, but also the Mobei Huns behind them, and even the Han supplementary soldiers, also climbed up the mountain one after another.

At this time, the crossbowmen of the Han army began to aim at the figure of the Xianbei.

"whoosh whoosh"

The sound of dense bows and crossbows sounded, and the rain of arrows poured down on the Xianbei people. Now, it is not the time to be stingy with the crossbows.


The Xianbei let out a mournful howl.

Blood was scattered everywhere. At this time, whether it was Han or Xianbei, their eyes turned red and their heads turned blank.

Only one thought - to kill the enemy.

The attackers at the bottom of the mountain were frantically climbing towards the top of the mountain.

They want to break through this line of defense.

It's a pity that these Xianbei people still don't know enough about the difficulty of overcoming difficulties.

"Boom boom boom!"


The few remaining stones were thrown by the Han soldiers in twos and threes, and they worked together to throw them through the trench from behind the earth wall, and began to roll down the mountain at an accelerated rate.

The stone rolled down from the top of the mountain and hit a Xianbei man, smashing his body to pieces.

Not long after, there was no sound.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

With the sound of a rush of drums, the soldiers of the Han army who woke up from sleep in the second line of defense picked up the spears in their hands and moved towards the earth wall, while the soldiers of the first line of defense looked like they had already charged. The Xianbei people who came up leaned against the earth wall and stabbed down the mountain suddenly, attacking the Xianbei people.

At this time, the Xianbei people had already fully expanded their formation and rushed towards the top of the mountain.

Blood rose from the soldiers' necks to the sky. From a certain angle, it seemed to dye half of the sky red. On this battlefield, there was a smell of madness, making the tragic atmosphere even more intense.

The Xianbei people and the Han army began to fight together thoroughly, and both sides were red-eyed.

The intensity of the war was no less than during the daytime, and because many Han soldiers and civilian husbands suffered from night blindness, even with the faint moonlight, it was difficult to participate in the battle.

On the Xianbei side, they selected soldiers with night vision capabilities, including many Beihu (the Huns who surrendered to Xianbei after the fall of the Northern Huns), and some Han supplementary soldiers.

The soldiers of the Han army guarding the mountain desperately charged towards the direction where the defense line was breached, trying to stop the Xianbei people.

Whether it is the Xianbei people or the Han army, at this time, they have already ignored them, their faces are full of murderous intent, their eyes turn red, and their eyes are full of resentment and bloodthirsty.

The trench was quickly filled for several sections of road for passage. The soldiers of the Xianbei and the Han army fought fiercely around the earth wall, and blood continued to be sprinkled on the hillside, staining the ground red.

The soldiers of the Han army fought fiercely with the Xianbei people.

The battle between the Han army and the Xianbei people became extremely fierce, and the soldiers on both sides attacked each other desperately.

They trampled on each other, their spears ruthlessly pierced into each other's body, crushing each other's internal organs.

"go to hell!"


The Han army and the Xianbei people screamed angrily, launched attacks continuously, and launched a frenzied attack on each other.

They are dying and fighting.

Although they had expected it in advance, the Han army still felt a little caught off guard that the Xianbei people would launch a night attack at this time.

However, the soldiers of the Han army were very brave. Instead of retreating, they continued to rush down the mountain.

"Kill! Kill all these Xianbei dogs!"

In the camp of the Han army, a senior in two armor shouted.

The fighting power of the Han army is very strong. When it comes to life and death, not only are they not afraid, but they become excited.

In fact, under such circumstances, any reasonable Han soldier knew that he had no room to retreat.

In their eyes, with determination, killing, and bloodthirsty murderous intent, they rushed to the battlefield recklessly.

Neither side retreated in the slightest, they would only use all their strength to launch the most powerful attack on the other side.

However, thanks to the strong armor and the cover of the earthen wall, as well as the condescending downward shooting, under these triple advantages, the Han army suffered few casualties.

Although the casualties of the Han army were not many, the robes and armor of the Han army were stained red with blood, and the soldiers of the Han army in the front row became a real "bloody battle", which made them look very embarrassed .

The blood soaked their armor and ring-shoudao, making the long sword and armor sticky.

Xu Huang held a big ax in his hand, and chopped off the head of a Xianbei man with one axe.

The big ax in his hand was so heavy that it made a dull sound when the ax blade hit the enemy's head.

Xu Huang was guarding the most intense part of the battlefield, and his bloody heads fell to the ground.

After Xu Huang beheaded all the most aggressive people, he continued to run towards the earth wall on the other side, constantly blocking the precarious places that were rushed.

The Xianbei people didn't have the slightest fear, and kept charging forward.

Because, as long as they can behead a Han army and get the head, they will get a generous bounty, cattle and sheep, maidservants, cloth, and they will receive a lot of rewards from Fu Luo Han.

Therefore, they will not give up such a good opportunity at all. As long as they can behead a Han soldier, it means that an ordinary nomad can complete the class leap in Xianbei society.

However, the resistance of the Han army was unexpectedly fierce. Xu Huang took the lead, and he continued to hack and kill tirelessly.

"The devil! It's the devil!"

The Beihutong clan beside that person saw the scene in front of them with a look of panic on their faces, and a panicked yell came out of their mouths.

He did not expect that this Han army was so powerful. In his eyes, the Han army in front of him was like a group of mad cows, constantly charging forward. Under the momentum, he felt a little terrified, his legs were shaking constantly, and a layer of sweat appeared on his forehead.

At this time, an inexplicable sense of panic rose in his heart. He had a feeling that if he could not resist the Han army in front of him, they would be completely eaten and wiped out by the Han army. Lose.

His eyes were fixed on the distant battlefield, and his heartbeat was constantly accelerating.

At this moment, his heart was filled with tension and anxiety.

The line of the earth wall has changed hands several times, but it has never been broken through.

On the other side of the valley, when Fu Luohan saw the scene in front of him, the corner of his mouth couldn't help twitching a few times.

At this moment, infinite regret rose in his heart.

If he had known it would be like this, when he first encountered this Han army, he should have directly ordered a detour to block the Fenshui River Valley. He shouldn't have sent so many soldiers to smash this hill.

He regretted it in his heart, he regretted his stupidity.

It's a pity that there is no regret medicine in the world.

Now, even if he regretted it, it was useless.

Looking at the messy battlefield in front of him, Fu Luohan sighed: "Oh, what a bunch of stupid animals."

"My lord, what should we do now?" A Xianbei man asked.

"Retreat, and later send people to the hills of the Han army to harass them. We cannot let them sleep peacefully."

Hearing Fu Luohan's words, the surrounding soldiers breathed a sigh of relief. Although compared with the Han army, there were many Xianbei people besieged, but the battle loss ratio was so amazing that they were a little scared, and they also needed to rest.

The Xianbei withdrew.

At this time, the Han army began to clean up the mess, began to clean up the battlefield, cleaned up the corpses, and piled up the corpses at the foot of the mountain as a stumbling block.

When the soldiers of the Han army saw this scene, they couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

This battle, they won.

However, this victory did not make them feel proud, because the soldiers of the Han army were not invincible or infinite.

There are only more than a hundred soldiers of the Han army who can still fight.

When they are tired and make mistakes, they also need to rest, and they need to rest and recover their physical strength, so that they can defeat the Xianbei people.

Almost at the moment when the alert was lifted, many Han soldiers who suddenly relaxed their nerves fell asleep with their spears in their arms.

 Just got back, the last two chapters are a bit late. Sorry
(End of this chapter)

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