The big man is on the run

Chapter 174 The Enemy Is a Scarecrow

Chapter 174 The Enemy Is a Scarecrow

Earlier, at the head of Baima City on the South Bank.

"Are you really the envoy sent by the emperor?" Zang Hong was a little suspicious.

"Prefect, I think this person was sent by Yuan Shao to defraud the city and trick us out!"

The school lieutenant next to him is also facing each other with his sword drawn, quite vicious.

Yang Xiu repeatedly waved his hands and said: "Everyone, I am the governor of my sect. Yang Xiu, the son of Hongnong Yang's family, did not lie to you. This time, I came here specially to rescue you from the emperor's imperial decree."


The school lieutenant snorted coldly, he refused to believe what Yang Xiu said.

"Is there evidence? An imperial decree, we have never seen what the imperial decree looks like, so how could it not be forged by Yuan Shao?"

Zang Hong looked at the big seal on the silk book and believed it a little bit. When he was serving as a meritorious officer in Guangling County in his early years, he had seen the imperial seal.

But after all, the lives of the entire city's soldiers and civilians were at stake, and Zang Hong had to be cautious, so he hesitated.

You know, in the border of Yanzhou, which is no better than Guanzhong, Yang Xiu's face is not easy to do, and no one recognizes him.

Seeing Zang Hong's appearance, Yang Xiu secretly sighed in his heart. He also knew that it was impossible for Zang Hong to completely believe him now. He simply pointed to the Yellow River in the distance and said swearingly.

"At three o'clock, there will be a boat to pick you up. There are hundreds of boats. Yuan Shao doesn't have a navy. If so, you should believe it, right?"

Hearing Yang Xiu's words, Zang Hong and the school lieutenant next to him were stunned.

There are quite a few ferries on the Yellow River, but they have never seen hundreds of boats.

Seeing Zang Hong's hesitation, Yang Xiu said again: "It's a big deal, let the people leave the city first, and the soldiers leave the city last. If Yuan Shao really lied to your city, wouldn't the people go out first? It should be tricking your soldiers to go out to surround and kill you. Naturally, the city fell, and letting the people out first reduced the burden of rations in the city."

"So, His Majesty the Son of Heaven really sent you to pick us up?"

Zang Hong looked at Yang Xiu and asked.

"Don't dare to lie to the prefect, His Majesty the Son of Heaven has indeed sent me here to inform you!" Yang Xiu looked respectful.

"How many ships are needed to carry more than [-] people from our city to Guanzhong? I'm afraid hundreds of ships are not enough."

"Not Guanzhong."

Yang Xiu corrected: "I will take you to Luzhou in turn, and then I will send you to the west of Hanoi County in batches by a large ship that can accommodate a large number of people, and then enter Zhongtiao Mountain from Hanoi County."

"But Luzhou is still in the hands of Yuan Shaojun."

"The night is ours. How many elites can there be in Yuan Shao's army who can fight at night? If you are mentally unprepared, let alone Lu Zhou, even the granary on the north bank will be set on fire by him. Therefore, please also ask the prefect Be prepared to transfer the people, ships are in short supply, and chaos is easy at night, don't cause chaos."

"Okay, since that's the case, I'll wait and see!"

Although Zang Hong didn't believe it, he thought about it for a moment and still spoke.

Hearing Zang Hong's words, Yang Xiu nodded slightly, and then, the envoy and his party went down to the city to rest under the leadership or supervision of the captain in the city.


Just as Yan Liangwenchou led Yuan Shaojun's soldiers towards the pontoon bridge, a scout from the south bank rushed towards Yuan Shao's military tent in a hurry.

"What's wrong?"

Yuan Shao, who was dealing with official duties, heard the scout's report and quickly raised his head to take a look.

"My lord, the enemy sent a large ship, which has penetrated through the formation of ships sent by our army, and is heading towards the pontoon bridge. That ship is too scary!"

"You bastard, you won't be able to hold on for a while!"

The irritable Yuan Shao cursed angrily, quickly put on his armor, and rushed out.

The moonlight tonight is quite bright, and the Mid-Autumn Festival is coming soon, and the cold moonlight shines on the world, and Yuan Shao feels that his vision is quite broad.

"Send the order quickly, send Gao Lan to support immediately, and the pontoon bridge must not be destroyed!"

Yuan Shao rushed out of his military tent and ordered loudly.

In Yuan Shao's army, there are actually not many elites who can fight at night, and some of them have been taken away by Yan Liangwenchou. Now only Zhang He and Gao Lan can lead the army.

Yuan Shao was not worried about Baima City, which was already surrounded by him. He only worried about the safety of the Yellow River floating bridge.

After all, if the Yellow River pontoon bridge is broken, the food in his army will be in danger of running out, which will definitely affect the siege of the city.

Although he could also transport grain from Qingzhou on the south bank of the Yellow River, but after all, he couldn't quench his thirst from afar.

Therefore, Yuan Shao, who was really concerned about the chaos, personally followed Gao Lan to support the pontoon bridge, leaving Guo Tu behind to guard the safety of the camp on the south bank.

In the dark night, the specially-made rushing boats with ramming horns were violently hitting the Yellow River pontoon bridge. The rushing boats in front were full of soldiers holding long spears and large shields. Once Yuan Shaojun tried to climb the boat, they would keep pushing and shoving them. soldiers, pushing them off.

"Boom boom boom!"

A muffled sound continued to sound.

The pontoon bridge on the Yellow River was constantly being hit.

In the dark night, the surface of the Yellow River was in chaos. With the light of the moon and torches, Yuan Shao could only see many boats on the Yellow River, and many figures on the boats.

In front were a dozen or so rushing boats with ramming horns lined up, and behind them seemed to be ordinary small boats.

What puzzled Yuan Shao was that the small boats were full of soldiers, dozens of boats, and each boat was roughly estimated to have 30 people, at least thousands of people!
At this time, Yuan Shao didn't have time to think about why he brought the troop carrier behind the rushing boat used to destroy it. He could only order indiscriminate shooting in order to prevent the enemy navy from destroying the Yellow River pontoon bridge.

You must know that these pontoon bridges were actually built with boats on both sides of the strait tied up and paved with wooden planks that he collected. This is why Yuan Shao, who originally lacked navy ships, was unable to rebuild the pontoon bridge in a short time after it was destroyed. Therefore, he must stop the enemy.

"Shoot the arrows and stop them!"

After Yuan Shao gave the order, he had time to start thinking.

He seemed to have guessed the enemy's intentions.

If the pontoon bridge is broken, the enemy army can land on the tributary channel on the north bank, and encircle Chunyuqiong from behind, is that okay?
Following Yuan Shao's order, Yuan Jun's soldiers pulled their crossbows one after another and shot at the shadowy ships ahead.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa"

The arrows whizzed, drawing arcs in the night, whizzing towards the black-painted ships.

"Bang bang bang!"

The sound of a series of collisions of arrows and wooden boards echoed on the river. On a black wooden boat, a "general" wearing red "armor" was hit in the chest by an arrow and immediately leaned against the cabin.

"Whoosh whoosh!"

A dense rain of arrows fell, and the soldiers on the ship were covered with arrows.

But the strange thing is that these soldiers didn't move at all.

"Mother, you scared me to death."

In the cabin, the sailors who manipulated the oars through the small holes immersed themselves in rowing the boat, listening to the sound of arrows crackling like hailstones outside, feeling quite frightened.

"Fortunately, it's a scarecrow. If it's real, I'm afraid it will be shot into a hedgehog."

"you do not say."

In the dark night, the ones Yuan Shao shot recklessly were actually scarecrows. Only the well-protected rushing boat in front had real soldiers, and the boats following behind were all scarecrow soldiers.

The sole purpose of these scarecrow soldiers was to bluff and attract Yuan Shao's night-fighting troops to concentrate near the pontoon bridge, so that the officers and soldiers would have enough time to rescue Baima City.

Of course, although the siege to the west of Baima City is weak, it is not non-existent.

Next, there is another important step, which is to frighten Yuan Shaojun on the south bank and open a life channel for the people of Baima City.

But Yuan Shao didn't know that there were scarecrow soldiers on board. He only knew that these soldiers might land and pose a threat to his deployment, so more arrows were poured on the ship.

"Plop! Plop!"

As more and more scarecrow soldiers were shot off the ship, Yuan Shao felt that his "pressure" suddenly eased a lot.

"Rush over!"

In front of the pontoon bridge, there are two huge warships that have been converted into rush boats, and they are slowly heading forward. There are a lot of officers and soldiers on them. Some of the clothes had already been stained red with blood, obviously, they were also damaged by the dense arrow rain.

Yan Liangwenchou, who took over to guard the pontoon bridge, saw the giant warship of the government army rushing towards him, and hurriedly urged his soldiers to set up a boat to stop the giant ship.

It's a pity that although the soldiers under Yan Liangwenchou are the most elite troops in Yuan Shao's army, their flesh and blood can't resist the warships of the official army. Soon, the two giant warships of the official army are getting closer and closer to the pontoon bridge , and finally hit the pontoon heavily.

The floating bridge shook violently and was almost broken in two.

"Kill them!"

Seeing the fearful expressions of Yuan Shaojun's soldiers under the pontoon bridge, the officers and men on the battleship couldn't help but let out a cry, jumped off the battleship with their knives in hand, and killed Yuan Shaojun's soldiers.

The follow-up troops also followed suit, sending some troops to jump onto the bridge, and got entangled with Yuan Shaojun on the not-so-wide bridge deck.

The two sides fought together on the pontoon bridge, and for a while, the screams continued.

In this way, on the pontoon bridge where it is difficult to deploy large-scale troops, the two sides formed a state of confrontation. However, neither of them was willing to give in. Therefore, during the stalemate, both sides desperately launched an attack on the other side. .

"My lord, what shall we do?"

"How to do?"

Yuan Shao frowned, and said, "Pass on my order, continue to go to the camp on the south bank and dispatch soldiers who can fight at night to come for reinforcements!"


The general beside him clasped his fists in response.

"My lord, look, the canvas of the enemy ship is already deformed and torn!"

At this moment, the lieutenant suddenly pointed to the distant canvas and exclaimed.

"Oh? Really?" Yuan Shao looked up when he heard the words.

Yuan Shao turned his head and looked forward, and found that the small boats on the river were still pushing towards this side, and Yuan Shaojun's arrow rain had an effect on the canvas of these boats.

Sure enough, the originally flat canvas was gradually filled with dense holes and became messy, and some were even directly shot off the ropes. It can be seen that the canvas in front is no longer usable.

The enemy's sails are tattered, and it is difficult to speed up and crash down the current. This is undoubtedly a good thing, which proves that his tactics have succeeded.

"Send the order and keep shooting!"


 Come back late, the last two chapters will be late.
(End of this chapter)

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